Volume 6 Issue 1

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the kiss relies heavily onMOM, oneYOUmusclethe ME ARE EMBARRASSING thebasic encylopedia of kissing: intensely orbicularis oris, which runs around the outside of your make You outorbicularis Upside down kiss:the As shape performed mouth. oris chnages of your mouth while you talk, andBROWN it puckers your lips when by Spiderman, one person hangs upside you kiss. Other muscles that move your mouth around; Zygomaticus major, minor, (right and levator labii “Kissing is a while bittersweet,warm embrace,zygomaticus while the lust down the other person side blood goes to your face.“ superioris pulll you upper lips and corners of your mouth upwards.The labiiMake inferioris depressor up) them. IsDepressor meanple out:andKissing franco anguli oris pull the lower lips and corners downwards. excessively, involves French Lateral pterygoidalso pulls your jawbone down ifScam you To open your mouth. Massiter, temporalis and medial “Kissingkiss: Sticking your intensely make Lizard leadsmouth. to unnecessary action. pterygoid closes your Genioglossus, styloglossus, The faster the kiss, the faster it leads palatoglossus, hyoglossus moves youroftongue. to something tonguE veryand quickly ininteresting.” and out your Your brain responds by ordering your body to produce: partner’s mouth. A fun of kiss Singlechemicals Relased in your brain;type oxytocin (develop feelings of attachment devotion and affection for lip kiss: sucking on your partner’s lips, if another), Dopamine (prrocess pleasure, emotions and pain), serotonin (affects a person’s mood and feelings), done correctly NCMO: Non-committal make Adrenaline (increases hear rate) and endorphins “Can fascinate people “If your relationship is bad “Kissing makes love (produce the euphoria people feel during aAfeelgood outbecause Yankee dime / Yankee nickel: rural US of how gross it is.” the kiss may be chaste.” like lust.” kiss) The basic kiss relies heavily on on muscle- the obicularis slang First Smooch Canmouth. spark oris, which runs Base aroundSnog the outside of your your Text by Evelyn Fitz and Abigail Cetino

Showing affection is one way that families differ.

Photos by Christina Nguyen and Evelyn Fitz

“I don’t like it when my dad kisses me,” freshman Brendon Agostino said. “But when my

mom kisses me on the cheek, and sometimes my grandmother too, I don’t mind that.”

In other families some males are more affectionate than others and not only to

their female relatives.

“I kiss my mom when I see her, and when I say goodbye, and my sisters... pretty

much all my female relatives,” senior Elijah Lopez said, “and my nephews, I try to give them all some love.”

In some American families, this type of male-to-male affection is fine. In other

families, especially the macho ones, there is little to none and most affection

comes in the form of hugging. Maybe because some males think that showing affection is viewed as being sensitive and may lead to having “sissy boys” in their household. “We are not kissers except for my grandma,” senior Marquise Brown

said. “But we are huggers.”

Some families give out affection when it seems necessary.

“My parents kiss me when they are proud of me,” freshman Brianna

Franco said, “but that doesn’t happen all that often.”

In most families, parents tend to set limits for when their children

can date, and especially gp around kissing people.

“When I lived with my biological parents they let me date, but my

foster parents don’t,” said Franco, “or at least they won’t until I’m 16.”

Other children don’t have set limits, but they rather not kiss

someone in front of their parents out of embarrassment, or fear of what their parents may say.


THE FORBIDDEN TOUCH? heavily YOURmuscleLIPS FROM ME the basic kissKissing relies onKEEPone the Make out: excessively, also orbicularis oris, which runs around the outside of your involves French kissing Lip gloss kiss: mouth. You orbicularis oris chnages the shape of your mouth lips when Done while withyou thetalk,useandofit apuckers largeyour harmless NYGUEn you kiss. Other muscles that move your mouth around; DALIT amount of chap stick or lip gloss to Zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, and levator labii superioris pulll youperson upper lipsand andcoat corners of your mouth kiss another their lips upwards.The Depressor labii inferioris and depressor with the product. Sweet flavors or a anguli oris pull the lower lips and corners downwards. partner’s favorite is jawbone recommended when Lateral pterygoid pulls your down if you open your mouth. Massiter, temporalis and medial choosing the flavor of the product used pterygoid closes your mouth. Genioglossus, styloglossus, Air kiss: Used a greeting ANG palatoglossus, andas hyoglossus movesfor yourfriends tongue. Your SAYING HI CHAPS MY LIPS brain responds By Ordering your body to produce and families. Resting your cheeks against chemicals released in your bron: oxytocin (develop another person’s devotion cheek and FLUTTERfroYOUR feelings of attachment, and affection one another), dopamine (process pleasure, emotions and EYE LIDS OVER Spelling out a message while pain), serotonin (affects a person’s mood and feelings), “Kissing can give you Frenching Used a greeting for friends adrenaline heart rate), and endorphins (prodce butterflies.(increase It makes your as WILLECKE the people a cheeks good kiss)against the basic soul feel connected to feel during andeuphoria families. Resting your the one you love.” kiss heavily on one muscle the orbicularis oris, Let’s say we live in a dystopia where we are allowed one kiss a

year, for the rest of the year all other kisses are illegal- but you can buy kisses from reputable kissing dispensaries.

What then, would you risk yourself trying to

achieve that perfect forbidden kiss? Would the consequences be worth those kisses?

Rejection- or being rejected from- a kiss is it’s own thing entirely. “This girl tried to kiss me but I didn’t let her because I wanted

to kiss her in private,” Ang said, “since I’m a bit scared of showing affection.”

Other guys have no problem kissing publicly- with the

right girl.

“If kissing was illegal, I think that it would

“One of my friends, who is a girl, actually tried to kiss me

make a lot more people want to kiss,” junior

once,” Lopez said. “But I had to push her away since I had

Lani Nguyen said, “just as a form of rebellion

a girlfriend at the time.”

since people love to rebell. I’d probably illegally

Many times girls get kisses that they don’t want.

kiss people, too.”

“Me and this guy were in a car and he told me to look

Who would end up getting locked up?

at him and I did, but I felt in my gut that something was

“All the super slutty dirty girls would probably

going to happen,” senior Destiny Dalit said. “And then he

get locked up,” sophomore Kei-Lani Mitchell said. “But I feel bad for

all the innocent people who would get locked up for a silly reason.” As for that once a year magical kiss, some people would save it

for sweeter things than lovers.

“I’d probably save my kiss for my grandmother. Since she only

comes to visit me once a year,” Meraz said. “And I don’t get to see her that often.”

In a world where kissing is something we don’t do, would the

perceptions of kissing change?

“Kissing would be more like sex, since sex is rare and very special

for some people,” Lopez said.

But what about the people that we love like family?

“It would be harder for some people to express how they feel,”

Meraz said. “But people probably would appreciate the little things a bit more.

“I wish kissing would make people love each other because in

tried to kiss me but I dodged it.”

When these unfortunate incidents happen, some people end

the relationship.

“I actually had to stop being friends with her since she clearly

couldn’t handle just being friends,” Lopez said.

Others feel the initial awkwardness of a rejected kiss but get over

it pretty quickly.

“I still talk to him since I’m close to him and I would miss having

his friendship,” Dalit said, “so I just push the incident aside and pretend it did not happen.”

Others talk about it and continue the friendship.

“Things were actually normal after it happened,” Ang said. “We

try to keep the lines of communication open since now we are more like brother and sister.”

For others the attempt clarifies where they stand in their


my family spouses kiss each other because

“Well, the guy who tried to kiss me, we were actually friends and

they can,” Nguyen said. “I want people to

we still are, but now he knows the boundaries that we have in a

kiss each other out of love and to love each

relationship,” Franco said. “ Incidents like that let you know what

other a bit more when they kiss.”

you can and can’t do in any type of relationship.”

Sometimes all people want is a guarantee,

something that assures them that this is worth the time and effort.

“Kissing should guarantee a long and

healthy relationship because you never know what people’s intentions are when

they kiss you,” Franco said. “I want good intentions.” Others want kissing to ignite the flames.

“I hope that when I kiss a person, it makes them feel special,”

junior Brandon Ang said.

In some places in the world kissing is a formality. A way to say

hello and goodbye and often used as a sign of friendship in other cultures.

“I’m Iranian/Persian and in my culture we kiss on the cheek 2-3

times,” teacher Gisalle Willecke said. “ It doesn’t really matter about the gender.”

One of her most prominent family memories is a bitter sweet

smelly story.

“My great grandpa, his fake teeth would always fall out when

he’d try to kiss me,” Willecke said. “And he always had bad breath so I would try to avoid getting kisses from him.”

But in America, showing affection to others who

are not in your immediate family seems wierd.

“I think that is sad that we are self conscious about

showing affection,” Willecke said. “Males, especially.”

“It was so weird for me, that I wouldn’t interact with

people,” Willecke said. “ It seems to be taboo here, even to just physically touch.”

Willecke came from a culture where coming in

and saying hello to everyone at a party was not just saying “Hello, everyone” but actually interacting with everyone.

“It’s like a ten minute process saying hello and goodbye in Iran,”

another person’s cheek and making a Willecke said. “And if you don’t do it you are considered very rude. It is kind of a relief here because I can just say goodbye to everybody when I leave a party.”


Or was that too much?

Was it good for you? INTRO 路 4

Labellum Interaction with Grand Satisfaction There are memories where the only trigger for them to resurface is by kissing THE KISS THAT TOLD IT ALL


In senior Kristy Lee’s memory, the interaction was

The occasional car passing by, seniors Deric Stein

like thunder. Loud and surprising, but lasting in

and Riley Grissom stared intently at one another.

feeling, it sent ripples of shock and awe throughout

Breaking eye contact only for a moment, she found

her body. Sitting on the dusty staircase in front of the

herself locked into Stein’s deep gaze, “As we stood

library, taking pictures to celebrate the day that they

close to each other silently for what seemed like

made their love official, sunlight from the windows

years,” Stein said. “It seemed like the most crucial

lightly rested upon their faces.

moment to make her mine.”

In the process of taking photos, senior Hector

Stein filled the air with unnecessary words, saying,

Valencia made his plan fall into place. In the confusion

“...Thanks for hanging out with me today,” Grissom

of flashes and the shutter sounds of Lee’s phone,

replied not with words but with a small but beautiful

Valencia saw his window of opportunity and he dove

smile as she leaned in for the kiss. “There was one small problem… her intent was to

headfirst into it. ”I just looked at her, and I knew that this was the

kiss me on the cheek,” Stein said. “I didn’t know this so

time,” Valencia said. Lee knew from the moment

I turned my face quickly to kiss her lips, and our faces

Valencia’s lips hit their mark that their relationship was

just smashed together awkwardly.” It was perfect

going to be an amazing one.

timing, but flawed execution, leaving Stein with a sad,

“With this kiss we had, a powerful amount of energy shot up from my heart to my mind,” Lee said, “Telling

unsatisfied smirk. The






me that it would be a very promising relationship.”

contemplating what to do next. “Shall we try that

However, Lee’s pre-kiss intentions were different from

again?”, Grissom said. Frantically nodding his head,

what she wanted originally. “I wanted to take things

Stein planted his lips upon hers. Everything in that

slowly to avoid being too clingy. Too late for that

moment slowed down, as if time itself didn’t want to

now,” Lee said. After the kiss, they continued to take

ruin this perfect moment.

photos of one another as their laughs echoed through the empty hallways of Renton Highschool.

Saying farewell with a few hugs and practical kisses, they parted ways, leaving only a hint of each other’s scent behind. Text and Photos by Dii Miller



Fifty years and counting

It was g them. ood for

Text and Photos by Alicia Quarles

Every day from 11:30 a.m. until 6:30 pm. Barbara K. Pappas can be found at the Renton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center next to her half Greek, quarter Danish, and quarter Swedish husband George W. Pappas’ side.

“So I said, ‘Sure, I’d love to go to the fair with you,’ after he had asked me with that sweet voice of his,” Barbara said. Their first kiss came not too far after that nighttime of adventuring.

The Pappas’ aren’t Wash. Natives. They met in Minnesota, lived

“Before he said goodnight, he leaned over and kissed me,”

in Minnesota, and raised George’s two sons there. Barbara lived

Barbara said. “He said ‘Wow, I think I’ve fallen in love. This is it.’

with her mother when they met. George lived in Hibbing, a

He was totally overwhelmed by that first kiss. And thought it was

fifteen minute drive away.

very sweet too.

The two met because of

In 1963 after three years of dating, the couple decided to get

Barbara’s mother and sister.

married. However, they didn’t have a large wedding; they eloped.

“My sister Jewel was a good

“George had a week off on vacation, and we had planned to go

friend of George’s. He spent

to family bible camp together. We were engaged by then, but

time at her house doing bible

[the camp] got cut short because my mother got sick,” Barbara

study,” Barbara said. “My mother

said, “so George dropped me

and my sister told me they

and my mother off.”

wanted me to meet him, so I


agreed.” Although



After cutting bible camp short, George had time to think. Although he didn’t

relationship but about George dying while her daughter was still

decision, he thought about

young. The two were—and are—eighteen years apart.

what they should do, and came to a conclusion. He suggested “We went to Duluth, and we were married in a preacher’s home there,” Barbara said. “The

They met at Jewel’s house for the first time, and had an instant

preacher’s wife made a cake

connection with one another. There was mutual attraction and

and served us some wedding

real chemistry.


“I think it was his personality. He was a gentleman and he




seemed to be kind. Dark eyes, dark hair, slim; he was handsome,”

feeling of shopping for nice

Barbara said.

things to wear on her wedding

George appreciated Barbara’s ambition.


“I knew I would be well taken care of with Barbara studying to be a nurse,” George said. “She was beautiful.” Then suddenly Barbara took a trip to Alaska for two years. She had no connection with George during the time, but he was waiting for her when she got back.

day. She wore an off-white dress, and George gave her a corsage to match it.

“Unfortunately we didn’t have any pictures taken though,” Barbara said. The couple then had honeymoon time in which they traveled

“He was still close to my home, and relatives,” Barbara said, “so when he heard I was back he came to my mother’s house. He

and That first year of marriage for the couple was hard. With George

played Elvis’ ‘Love Me Tender’

already having two sons, Barbara

on my own guitar for me that

had to learn how to be less of an

day. It was very romantic.” Although



spent time together, they

“He said ‘Wow, I think I’ve fallen in love. This is it.’

hadn’t gone on a formal date. thought Barbara would go on a date. “I asked her what she thought Barbara would [say] to me if I asked her out,” George said. “Jewel replied, ‘Well, you have to try.’ So I did.” Later that day, George asked Barbara if she would accompany him to the St. Louis County Fair. They went to the Red Foley concert; Foley was a popular artist in the ‘60s when they started dating.

independent woman and more of a mother. “I had gotten married to George and had to quit my…training to be

So George asked Jewel if she

hard with us on the Hobby Farm and all,” George said, “so our son moved us


the city. Then eventually we came to Renton to be close to our daughter since our son moved to California.” “We packed up all of our stuff, and came here on a train,” Barbara beautiful in Renton. We’ve never seen mountains before this. Lush beautiful flowers. Minnesota has long, cold, winters Nov. through March.

they get married.

We’ve never had an issue about age though.”

starting to get a little

“Before he said goodnight, he leaned over and kissed me,”

need much time for a

“We met when I was 24. George was 42,” Barbara said. “My father


said. “We moved to Washington. It’s

helped with the matchmaking, she had her fears. Not about the

died at 51, and my mother was scared of that happening to me.

“Things had

a nurse, and I had to start being a wife,” Barbara said, “but boy was it hard raising those two teenage boys.” George and Barbara would raise three children of their own in coming years. “We had a son named Robert, and a daughter named Jennifer,” Barbara said. “We also adopted a son, Jason.” Which is how they eventually ended up here in Renton. All the moving George and Barbara have done was for their children.







in Renton—the citizens in town and the staff at the Home especially—they loved their country life too. “We had a great life on our farm,” George said. “I remember one day Barbara was looking out the window and said ‘What’s that strange looking animal?’ It was a moose.” Now George is the one looking out the window. Barbara is not a resident of the home, and George is. And although the two are separated at night, they are together all day, every day. George waits the window for Barbara to arrive. “I wait for her car to pull into the parking lot ,” George said. “I tell the nurses that I am not going to get up until she’s comes.” “I can leave here with a good feeling in my heart, knowing [George] is getting well taken care of,” Barbara said, “He calls this place his home.” On a Tuesday, the rehabilitation center fills with the sounds of morning stretching, karaoke, and popcorn. George and Barbara are sitting at their favorite window seat with a view of Mt. Rainier. “What can you tell me about your age difference?” “George and I have never had any problems with our age difference,” Barbara said. “Except one time a distant cousin, or something, said George was robbing the cradle.” According to Barbara, George was sweeter than any average man; he went out of his way to do things for her. “George started leaving notes for me,” Barbara said. “He did it for about 15 years.” The little love notes would read things like, ‘Have a good day sweetie.’ George would always leave them for her before he went to work. When he retired, Barbara would wake up early and make him pancake breakfasts. When he retired from retirement and got called back to work, Barbara got a retirement of her own.

d o o g o s t ’ n s It wa for her.

A boy came over and made my vision blurry. Text by Abigail Cetino

Of course I did not have him over so we could “get to

I did not squeal with excitement. I did not say anything. I did not smile like an idiot. I did not get up to go steal away some of his time and I did not run to hug him. I did nothing.

know each other”. I did not

While I try not to look eager and pretend I didn’t see him, I continue to blankly stare at the T.V., paying

have him over to see how far

him no notice and concealing my excitement. Though the memory of how things started in the first

we could go. Nor did I have

place is vague, I remember the parts that made me want to share this.



After some time sharing my first kiss with him we progressed to a French kiss, though I had enjoyed

so I could “get lucky” that

what we were taking part in I couldn’t help but feel the extra amount of pressure around my right eye.


It was not completely uncomfortable but it was enough to notice. Do you know what was going on? I

Some of you may be

kind of mentioned not to do this earlier.

thinking I am quite a boring teenager. Of course, others may

His face was pressed against mine, but more so towards my right side (for some odd reason). This

be thinking I am some kind of pervert for even listing such things (though it was hardly ever vulgar).

was something I decided to let fly by as I thought it was not much to complain about anyways and I

C’mon now though, when a girl has a guy over at night what do you naturally think goes on through

could always tough it out. I mean, it was my first time kissing him and I did not want to cut the time

someone’s mind?

any shorter than I had to.

Perhaps to further your doubts about my intentions i will let you know i liked him.For quite some time. And at the time he kind of liked me too. He said he liked me but he was such a flirt anything he said could not be believed right away. It is for this reason I never admitted my feelings towards him. He was a good friend of my brothers and he would come over whenever and for however long. I met him in middle school and back then he was the most annoying over talkative, name calling, privacy invader whom I had the misfortune to interact. In case you didn’t get it, I hated him quite a bit. Though somewhere in the span of four years I had known him all that hateful energy evolved into a new feeling of like. Not love, but like.

In order to get a second kiss, the first one has to go right, right? After we finished I saw that the vision of my right eye had gone blurry. I credited it to my contact just being outta place so I blinked a few times waiting for it to adjust but it never did. So then I thought it fell out. Not long after he left, I went to bed, throwing out the contact in my left eye, for I was just going to change them in the morning. I was then greeted with a surprise. I had awoken to seeing the day as clear and sharp as how it looks with perfect vision -- in one eye. My left eye burned a bit and I could see as well as a hawk looking through prescription lenses. The

Going back to the main story, you can only imagine how happy I would have been with him coming over. I laid sprawled over the couch in my PJs in the darkness of my living room with “Family Guy” on in

usual. I could not see much out of it as expected of my vision considering I threw out my contact the night before.

the T.V. Surprised by his sudden visit that day but nonetheless excited. Embarrassed by my appearance

However, my right eye was in tune with the world. As it turns out, the previous night had caused my

I let him in through the front door and am greeted with a hug. As soon as he comes he disappears

contact lens to push back and in the course of the night it had reverted back to its original position.

into the hallway and seeps into the cracks of my brother’s bedroom door. In the darkness of my living

Perhaps I wasn’t looking in the right direction the whole time, now reflecting, that kiss didn’t seem

room, I was alone again.

great after all.

It was about 45 minutes, but it felt like hours. After feeling like he’ll never leave the room he comes out and makes his way towards me.

My contact lenses thrown away before their time, and regret accompanied by it, what if my vision had been blurry all along?


Graphic by Miranda Clairmont and Rebecca Samuels

e w e r o f e b Bgeutt too far, let’s get. .

Kissing is a highly species typical inst Emma talked . people Does kissing have impor to a professorkiss? women use kissing to achieve differen technique? Why are males more likel kissing with tongue contact? The origi to start. Prior to the invention of blend chewed up food and then transferred s mouth to their baby’s mouth to introdu Some people theorize that kissing is an feeding gesture between mother and c types of kisses. Kissing can be used a ture, as when people meet and kiss eac ing on the face but rarely the lips also gesture of affection and caring betwee on the other hand, is more likely to inv

Evolution is not about survival, it’s about reproduction. When it comes to competition for passing genes on to subsequent generations, insemination is the nam feeding, and extended periods of child care that can span many years. The costs and consequences of reproduction are dramatically different for females and choices. Since females pick up the tab when it comes to reproduction, females have a vested interest in the other 50 percent of the genes being carried by each long term committed relationship that involved providing for and protecting her and her dependent children would have had an adaptive advantage.As a conse important at all stages of the relationship than do men. Not only do females place more emphasis on kissing, but they are more likely than males to insist on k having sex with someone they never kissed. By comparison, many of the males in this survey said they would be happy to have sex without kissing, and male

tinue to use kissing to assess and periodically update the level of commitment on the part of their partner. There is also evidence that the amount of reported k

behavior is a good place to start. Prior to the invention of blenders and baby food, mothers probably chewed up food and then transferred small portions of th primitive feeding gesture between mother and child.There are at least three different types of kisses. Kissing can be used as a ritualized symbolic greeting ges affection and caring between close relatives. Romantic kissing, on the other hand, is more likely to involve kissing on the lips and often has mating/sexual ov touching, face licking, face rubbing, and nose to nose contact which like kissing brings the participants into close intimate facial contact. Some of our closest recent study of 1041 college students all but 5 had experienced romantic kissing, and over twenty percent estimated kissing more than 20 partners. When tw Text by Emma profound consequences for romantic relationships. A kiss won’t necessarily make a relationship, but the evidence shows that it can break or kill a relationship She learned about memory When it comes to competition for passing genes on to subsequent generations, insemination is the name of the game for males. For females, however, insemi Psychology and theydifferent hired for females and males. Because females bear the burden of the reproduct Neil Bohannon professor of Psychol- of reproduction many years. TheIII, costs and consequences are wing, dramatically Frontal Lob e to control the whole ogy at Butler females University in aIndianapolis, is in theme reproduction, have vested interest other 50 percent of thedepartgenes being carried by each of their children. Clearly, females that not only mated p ment.have That’s where Iconsequences? started an expert on memory what kissing human behavior. Whyand do people kiss? does Does kissing important Do men and women use kissing to achieve different objectives? What ab teaching what I had to thetomemory. Bohannon, besides working place start. Prior to the invention of blenders and baby about food, mothers probably chewed up food and then transferred small portions of the food from their m learned. on memory in general, studies the effects of Reacts to the kiss, processes emotions, decides Whatthe are the ef-compatibility, reproductive viability, and health of a prospective partner.Evolution is n emotion andunconscious arousal on memory, memory for ARW: hard wired, mechanisms that function to assess genetic if the person is right for you. emotion and shocking news like or news like a insemination presi- fectsisofthe game for males. For9/11, females, however, mere beginning of the reproductive process which includes pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, a arousal on females memory? dential election. extensive educaBecause females He bearhas theanburden of the reproductive costs, have been selected to put a lot of emphasis on making careful, judicious mate choices. Sin Bohannon: There is a tional background, including A.B. from children. Clearly, females thatannot sequence of things to from the University of Hartford in West Hart- remember. Each sequence is very complex, and between at Stony Brook in Stony Brook, NY. He has those, there is one been teaching since attending S.U.N.Y. and normal sequence, and has an extensive list of published works on one horrifying sequence. his discoveries on memory. Here is an interTemporal Lo Besides regular memory, view with Bohannon, directed (shortly) by there is extra sensitive stuff right reporter Emma Collier. in the middle of the memory center. ARW: How did you become interested in In a memory test, we showed people three different slides, all of which were Psychology? Perceives and recog Bohannon: Generally, the brain stuff. I was similar in a way. We showed food, a crayon, ciated most with ho interested in how the brain worked, and how the king of hearts. The stuff that doesn’t things you it controlled behavior. My undergraduate belong, near the emotional part of the scene, kiss, school did operations on cats, rabbits, gerbils, you remember with all the rest, regardless. If is that rats...There wasn’t a brain operation on cam- you are in a very emotional condition, folthere are lowing a threat, everything about it is remem- two people bered. Your mind encodes as much as you ran the cat lab, despite being allergic to cats. involved in ARW: You did work with brains. How did can take. The slide preceding the emotions the kiss. If both that lead to Psychology? has an advantage. [Here Bohannon compares people share memothis knowledge to being attacked by a tiger.] Bohannon: I didn’t have the grades or the ries, the kiss is more likely money back in 1970 to do brain research, but Remembering the tiger’s teeth in your face, to have happened that way. But that’s a late memory. What about the sound there is and was a lot of money in Developpeople face opposite ways when kissmental Psychology, so I got my Ph.D. in Psy- or smell before? Your memory retains these ing, otherwise it wouldn’t work. You would things because of the emotional trauma you chology. I studied languages, general brain think that prior to being aroused, they would cognition, and wrote a book on language and experienced. You remember signs. Things would share something. But what we have that precede a strong emotion are retained the discovered is that they actually share nothdevelopment, of which the eighth issue just best. You don’t have just central memory, you came owwewut. ARW: How did that lead to effects of emohave peripheral memory. has to be shared. But kisses are surprisingly tion and arousal on memory? ARW: How does this relate to kissing? internal. People’s narratives about kisses, and Bohannon: The secrets of kissing, and all Bohannon:What you want to do is not just what they think about and remember, what physiology: it’s all part of the cognitive remember the kiss, you want to remember they felt, their worry, if their braces are gothe things that occurred before. What people ing to catch, how their breath smelled, Butler University had a basically fully retired don’t realize sometimes when they describe a was the kiss good or bad. All of these


tance of human behavior. Why Anniedo w e n t n t door. rtant consequences? Do menexand nt objectives? What about kissing ly to attempt to initiate open mouth in of kissing behavior is a good place ders and baby food, mothers probably small portions of the food from their uce solid food into the baby’s diet. n evolved derivative of this primitive child. There are at least three different as a ritualized symbolic greeting gesch other on the cheek or hand. Kissoccurs among family members as a en close relatives. Romantic kissing, volve kissing on the lips and often has

me of the game for males. For females, however, insemination is the mere beginning of the reproductive process which includes pregnancy, childbirth, breast males. Because females bear the burden of the reproductive costs, females have been selected to put a lot of emphasis on making careful, judicious mate h of their children. Clearly, females that not only mated preferentially with high quality males, but also picked mating partners who were likely to enter into a equence men and women often kiss for different reasons. While both sexes rate kissing as a highly romantic act, women consistently rate kissing as more kissing before a sexual encounter, and more likely to emphasize the importance of kissing during and after sex as well. Most females would never dream of es were far more likely than females to agree to have sex with someone who was not a good kisser. Males tend to kiss as a means to and end – to gain sexual Among those in committed relationships, women conkissing between partners is directly related to relationship satisfaction.There are also differences in kissing technique. Males are more likely than females to fect a female’s libido. , and a way of maintaining and monitoring the status of a bonded relationship. The origin of kissing he food from their mouth to their baby’s mouth to introduce solid food into the baby’s diet. Some people theorize that kissing is an evolved derivative of this sture, as when people meet and kiss each other on the cheek or hand. Kissing on the face but rarely the lips also occurs among family members as a gesture of Text by where Annie kissing Kwan is absent, courtship often involves face vertones. Romantic kissing occurs in over 90 percent of human cultures. Even among those cultures t living relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos, appear to engage in kissing behaviors as well.Kissing may be part of an evolved courtship ritual. Based on a to acues. nurse.Kissing can have wo people kiss there is a rich and complicated exchange of information involving chemical (smell and taste), tactile,She andtalked postural ARW: Are there any diseases can get after from they kissing? p. Most students who were surveyed report having found themselves attracted to someone in one or more instances, only you to discover kissed them for , reproductive viability, and health of a prospective partner.Evolution Lee: Sure, there are is not several aboutdiseases survival,you it’scan about get.reproduction. I’d say probably ination is the mere beginning of the reproductive process which includes pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, and extended periods of child care that can span tive costs, females have been selected to put a lot of emphasis on making careful, judicious through mate choices. kissingSince or any females kind ofpick saliva up contact the tab when and it’s it comes a type of to preferentially with high quality males, but also picked mating partners who were likely to enter virusinto thata can longcause Kissing a lotisof a highly kinds of species illness.typical Usually instance some abnorof bout kissing technique? Why are males more likely to attempt to initiate open mouth kissing mal blood work comes The up but thoseofthings take any with tongue contact? origin kissingdon’t behavior is a pargood ticular of medication butderivative it takes a of lotthis of time [to heal]. It’s mouth to their baby’s mouth to introduce solid food into the baby’s diet. Some people theorize that type kissing is an evolved primitive feeding very transmissible; a lot of people end up getting that. Probably one wouldgenerations, be herpes. Oral herpes, which another type not about survival, it’s about reproduction. When it comes to competition for passing genesanother on to subsequent insemination is theisname of the virus; peopleare usually have cold sore orfor some sort of lesion on and extended periods of Parietal child care that can span many years. The costs and consequences ofofreproduction dramatically different females and males. Lobe mouths, and obviously you don’t to go nce females pick up the tab when it comes to reproduction, females have a vested interest intheir the other 50 percent of the genes beingwant carried bykissing each ofanytheir body that has that in their mouths. But also, you can potentially spread it even if you don’t have an open lesion. Obviously, if Tells you where to go, recognizes the you kiss somebody with those lesions and you kiss another part person you kiss. of your body, let’s say a genital part, things like that, things can spread down there as well. There are other types of viruses out there but those [mono and herpes] are probably the most common types, things like HIV, hepatitis those aren’t spread orally. ARW: Are there any precautions people should take when kissob e ing? Lee: I don’t know if there’s anything in the market for it. I don’t think there’s anything [to prevent] transmissible diseases. Obviously, you don’t want to kiss somebody that has any kind of lesion or sores on their mouths. If someone is bleeding in their gnizes sounds, assomouth, you don’t want to kiss them. If somebody is sick, not ow you talk and the feeling well, let’s say, their glands are swollen, their body aches, Occipital Lobe u remember. that’s probably somebody you don’t want to be kissing. The problem with these kinds of things is that you can never know, that’s kind of the risk you take when you kiss somebody, that you could always potentially catch something. So you kind of have to Remembers the be cautious about who you kiss and make sure you understand the things you see:

pimples, the sunset, cars rushing by, the tv, etc.

Brain Stem

In charge of basic vital functions, keeps your heart pumping, regulates your ragged breathing.

· 12 · 13

Illustration by Emma Collier

also if you’re having sex too. ARW: What kinds of germs are being passed through people’s mouths when they are kissing? Lee: It’s limitless. There are thousands of bacteria in your mouth. That’s just kind of what our saliva is there for. Saliva is there to break down the foods you eat and to keep your mouth moist. Everybody carries bacteria all over their bodies; you are passing that to somebody else when you kiss them. Usually most of those bacteria are not harmful, but sometimes if you have an infection or if you are carrying a particular type of bacteria and you’re kissing somebody and they have an open sore in their mouth, or they’re bleeding from their mouth then potentially they can transmit something to that other person. I would think that’s probably more…not as common, but those are things that can happen. Your

Aidan and Stephanie went back in time.

Kissing in black and white The Status of Kissing over the Centuries Text by Aidan Chaloupka and Stephanie Graf

Over the millennium, kissing has been marginalized by all matters of people with its practitioners facing repercussions for varying reasons from morality to health concerns. Circa 2 million years ago: Humanity’s closest relative, the Bonobo splits from the Chimpanzee. Bonobos kiss as one of many forms of displaying affection. They kiss for recreation and dispute resolution among many other things. Circa 1500 B.C.E.: Vedism, the predecessor of modern day Hinduism, contains written scripture mentioning people touching via their mouth. This along with the “Kama Sutra,” a Sanskrit text containing many references to kissing and it’s technical aspects, among other subjects are some of the earliest references to the phenomenon now known as “kissing.” Circa 1000 B.C.E-200 A.D.: In ancient Hellenistic and Roman cultures, kissing was used to symbolize respect, gratitude, salutation, and agreement. The exchange of kisses was common among all social spectrums. 326 B.C.E.: Professor of anthropology, Vaughn Bryant asserts that human kissing has its origins in India and spread westward following the return of soldiers after Alexander the Great’s campaigns in Punjab. Circa 52 A.D.: Early Christians practiced ritual kissing as a way to distinguish themselves from other groups. The New Testament scripture, I Thessalonians contains the oldest Christian reference to these ritual kisses, reading “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” First century A.D.: Kissing was used as a way to seal a marriage. Though more marriages today are initiated out of love and less out of social standing than in Rome, the practice still continues. 400 A.D.-1400 A.D.: In Western Europe during the Middle Ages, a kiss was used both to show loyalty between feudal lords and their vassals, and also as a way to seal contracts in an era when illiteracy was rampant. Reminders of this can be found in the modern phrase “sealed with a kiss”. 1439: Henry VI, King of England banned kissing in hopes of helping to stop diseases such as the Bubonic Plague. 1500s: Professor of anthropology, Vaughn Bryant also asserts that until the 1500’s, kissing was mainly a South East Asian and European phenomenon, with other areas of the world being completely ignorant of the phenomenon. 1562: Kissing was banned in 16th century Naples, in hopes of preventing the spread of plague. The listed punishment was the death penalty, though this didn’t help to quell the epidemic. 1878: Edward Tylor found his cultures style of kissing, so called “European kissing,” to be the most “civilized” because it was on the lips, whereas to him, “savages,” were more apt to use the sniff-kiss, a kiss in which the lips are folded inward and the nose is placed against one’s cheek. To Tylor, this kiss was, “the lowest class of salutations.” 1896: The Edison Company captured the first kiss via reel in 1896. The film was titled, “The May Irwin-John C. Rice Kiss,” and played for 30 seconds, consisting of a close up shot of a man and woman kissing. 1910: Renowned Psychologist Sigmund Freud merely saw kissing as a byproduct of breast deprivation. 1918: The word “French kiss” was introduced to the English lexicon in 1918. Far from merely a way to show affection, sexologist Alfred Kinsey found this kissing style to correlate with a person’s level of education. In fact, seventy percent of men who claimed to be, “well educated,” admitted to “French kissing,” whereas only 40 percent of their high school dropout counterparts did. 1920’s: When sculptor Auguste Rodin’s “The Kiss” made its debut at an exhibit in Tokyo in the ‘20s, kissing was a major public taboo in Japan, and as such a bamboo screen was installed around it. To merely glance at it required special permission. 1929: Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski ventured to the Trobriand Islands in 1929. One thing he hoped to record was local sexual customs. He observed variation of the “French kiss” in which lovers suck and bite each other’s lips progressively, until at the climax they bite off each other’s eyelashes. 2010: During the closing credits of the movie Date Night, Tina Fey and Steve Carrel set the record for the longest kiss in cinema with a running time of 5 minutes. Ongoing: Even today, in areas of the U. S. A kissing can still be an illegality though punishment doesn’t come to close to that of 16th century Naples, i n fact for the most part such laws are archaic reminders of a bygone era that are no longer enforced.

1. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/07/3/l_073_03.html, http://www.ansci.wisc.edu/jjp1/ansci_repro/misc/project_websites_07/thur07/bonobo%20reproduction/behavior.html. 2. First kisses: how we learned to lock lip. 3. Kirshenbaum, S. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us. 4. First kisses: how we learned to lock lips.5. On Kissing: A Q&A with Michael Pen. 6. http://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/weddings.html. 7, 8. Kirshenbaum, S. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us.9. First kisses: how we learned to lock lips 10. Naples Bans Kissing. http://www.historychannel.com.au/classroom/day-in-history/detail.aspx?dayId=478. 11. Kirshenbaum, S. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us. 12. Popova, M. The First Kiss in Cinema, 1896. 13. Freud, S. (1910). Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory. 14.Dalzell, T. Victor, T. (2005) The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. 15. Kirshenbaum, S. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us. 16. The Sexual Life of Savages in North Western Melanesia. 17, 18, 19, 20 Kirshenbaum, S. The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us.

FACTS · 14

W h us to.i.ch brin gs

n e v e u Do yohow to know kiss?

Collection Of Thoughts Lip-ginity: AFrom Lip Virgin

Dayana Muzychuk [A kiss] is not really planned. It is kind of

At school I feel grossed out when I see other people

in the moment.

kissing. I’m not trying to be immature; it just looks gross

I don’t want

when they do it.

to describe a

When my friends are in relationships it feels

scene like,

awkward when they kiss. It doesn’t make me feel jealous or

‘oh, it’s

anything. I find that they do it every single day. Half of the


relationships aren’t even that serious to be kissing every



it’s so pretty’


It is okay to be a kissing virgin because everyone is at some point in their life, but if you’re really trying to change that then I don’t think that’s okay.

because life is not a romance movie. Honestly, [it] depends on the

Lip-ology Crash course on how to enhance your lipbility

When people are ready for a serious relationship, that’s when I think people are ready to have their first kiss...when

person, but I just think that, like, why waste

you are dating someone that you know you can spend the rest

yourself with someone you don’t even know where it

of your life with. Its not just some kind of ‘oh, we have puppy

is going to go, you know? If you don’t have a 100 percent

love so we are just going to hang out’.

commitment with them, why give them a part of your

A kiss is a result of when two people love each other.

heart if they might not cherish it? Wait for the right person. Your life shouldn’t

Being a kissing virgin does not affect my life- at all. I don’t go out searching for someone because everyone else

be measured on [the number] of people you’ve dated,

has had a kiss. It actually makes me feel more special the

or if you have had your first kiss yet or if you have

fact that other people have already wasted that and I am still

a boyfriend. Seek what matters and then at the right

waiting for the right one.

time the right person will come. When the person kisses you not because they want something from you, not because they want you for your body or looks, just because they truly love you, like a moment of passion where it is something deeper than just

In the rain under

making out. I don’t think it should be something

the streetlights with

You can wait for the right one to come along and it will happen eventually. Then you can have your perfect kiss. Life should not be measured by how many boyfriends you have had or if you have had your first kiss yet. It should be a connection of two people. Then you will have no doubts later on.

bad. An ideal kiss should be perfect, pure. You

your first love or the stuffed

don’t think it is bad nor do you have second

bear you named after your crush,

Text by Brandi Campbell Photo Illustration by Rafael Agas

doubts about it later.

everyone in their life, sooner or later, will

and Brandi Campbell

experience a kiss. Some may be confident in their skills and

Do you even ha the tools? ve

some may be too prideful to admit they lack it, but there’s always room to improve. “I wouldn’t say I’d be the right guy for kissing advice.” freshman Steven Diep said. There are always those that sit on


the side, just hoping the day will move fast, not

someone gauges how

worrying about relationships. Others are only shy

their kissing has changed is a

around the subject of kissing.

mystery. Kissing, especially how

Whether shy or not, if one chooses not to

good or bad you do it, is something

be in a relationship it may be hard to become a

that may be impossible to measure

better kisser without actual experience. “I plan to just kiss more people throughout high school,” Diep said. “I’m still just starting


my way to maturity, and I have time to build relationships. Practice makes perfect, especially when that practice is with someone one cares about. Every time one will either find themselves improving or losing themselves, but they’ll see a difference, and that’s one of the best things they can ask for. “If kissing girls counts as practice, then yeah, I practice all the time,” freshman Clarence Kinchen said. “The best practice for kissing to actually experience it and keep on doing it.” At the end of the day, some may not have the same luck with kissing like others. One thing to pay attention to is not the several experiences, but the first experience or the experiences that matter that will come by. Practicing for those moments may not involve direct contact, but instead mental preparation. “There’s always the classic pillow method and Google always helps when all else fails,” Diep said.

realistically and something you don’t really think about measuring because it’s an objective. It’s mainly just a thought, but sometimes you have to focus on the little things. “The way she looks back at me is how I see if the kiss went well,” Kinchen said. When someone gives off a crooked smile when trying to let you down easy, it’s completely different from someone trying to play it cool behind a huge grin. A reaction could be seen as simple but could give off millions of thoughts and assumptions. In terms of kissing, it’s one of the only realistic thing that tells you how the kiss actually went.

“You should always be comfortable when kissing someone. Make sure the stage of kissing was actually built up,” Diep said. “Don’t think of it as an experience, think of it as a start to a whole new relationship, and when you literally feel that spark, you’ll know it was a success.” Text by Joseph Hoang


What if you’ve only kissed your aunt?

WE HAVE THE SAME DNA All good things must come to an end, or do they? Text by Aidan Chaloupka Junior Tre Hilts thinks of it as an either or situation.

“When you’re older you learn who to and who not to kiss on the lips, it can be almost like incest in a way,” Villagomez said. “People think of kissing on the lips in a romantic way, and it

“I don’t kiss my mom or dad

comes off as kind of a sexual thing.”

on the lips anymore, because once you get past the age of ten it starts to get

Hilts explained how kissing can create associations between two things that best be left separate.

kinda weird,” Hilts said. “It gets kinda weird because you’re getting older and by then you feel like you want to start kissing other people.”

“If you’re kissing other people, you don’t want to think ‘Oh I was just kissing my girlfriend and now I’m kissing my mom and dad.’ It just doesn’t feel right,”

“When you were younger, like a little baby, it was normal

Hilts said. “I’d say it’s got to be one or the other. You can’t kiss

to kiss your parents on the lips, because you didn’t know any

your parents and your girlfriend.”

better,” sophomore Daniela Villagomez said.

“I love my parents, so I don’t see what’s so wrong about it,”

To Villagomez it is mainly a cultural prevalence in the U.S.

sophomore Jennifer Lai said.“It’s more of like a peck, like to say I

boiling down to social factors.

love you mommy.” Lai said.

“As long as it’s family, that’s wrong. It’s like practically

Lai mentioned “a different kind of aura” distinct to romantic

inbreeding,” senior Jereami Wilson said.

kisses that isn’t present in family ones.


Wilson even has a word for it.“I’m from Tennessee and we call them ‘cousin lovers,’ Wilson said. “From kissing comes other

stuff. It may be different [from a romantic kiss], but I still wouldn’t let family kiss me. I wouldn’t

“Sometimes my friends think it’s weird that I kiss my mom and dad.” Lai said “But they gave birth to you. I mean, you have


the same DNA. I mean, what the heck?!”

be around for it.”


“those affectionate” animals?

his cat.

“As long as you’re not

You read it right, he kisses his cat. Sophomore Hunter McAvan and his cat share smooches

putting your tongue in my mouth, it’s pretty much okay with me,” Richardson said.

all the time.

Just as there are those

“In a way, I think it shows you love them,” McAvan said. He knows for a fact his cats enjoy being kissed.

who love to smooch their pets, there are also those who find it simply repulsive.

“They seem to react to it in a positive way,” McAvan said.

“It’s nasty,” sophomore Atiyah Conway said.

For all the love and kisses

“I don’t want their saliva all over my face,”

he gives, his cats show him how

To her, people who kiss their pets show they

much they appreciate it.

love them a lot, but she feels that it’s not the only

“They come closer more

way; instead she walks and plays with her dogs.

often. They rub against me,”

However, even if the owner doesn’t kiss their

McAvan said with a smile. “They

pets, those animals still try to get lip action.

tend to lean up on people when

They take chances and try their hardest to

they kiss them.” McAvan also takes into account what others think of his

Or your pets?

corner their owners into showing them some lip


love. One thing the two can agree on is that

display of affection.


whether you kiss your pet or not, it has

“They don’t have much of a reaction at all,” McAvan said.


different meaning than kissing another human. “A pet is more of a family love,” McAvan said. “Like a peck on the cheek from grandma,”

McAvan’s mother Erica Richardson was more than happy to confirm this.

McAvan said. Kissing animals is a topic still up for debate amongst many animal lovers. Whether you think

“On one hand it’s cute; on the other hand it’s disturbing,” Richardson said. “Sometimes it seems they

it’s repulsive or just another something sweet, it wouldn’t hurt to show those animals some love. Love that comes from the lips.

enjoy it; they are affectionate cats.” With that being said, does she too love to kiss


Text by Khamren Gulley

THERE’S THEM, THEN ME Text by Dominique Viray

Three’s not a crowd when two’s a couple. Dating is a ride. Most rides have wheels. Wheel one: a person. wheel two: their significant other, but unknown to many there is an often ignored person, watching silently in the shadows supporting the whole relationship. The third wheel. There are

left out. I didn’t really show it though,” Rhoanne

uncomfortable, so what


does the third wheel do? Most people feel like being a third wheel

Try and make them feel

reminds them that they are lonely and single.

uncomfortable because

“[Katlyn Suttle, Steven Diep, and I] were

of what they’re doing.

many varieties:

walking. I was walking slowly while they were

PDA, public display of

the ones who

talking, and then they walked a few steps ahead,”

affection, varies

force themselves

Ronikka said. The couple either tries to include you

from person to

between the

with them in their line or you’re the one looking

person. Cuddling:

couple, arms

around, being in your own thoughts.

it’s fine, kissing on

around them,

At times there are the people who are able to

the other hand: a

saying, “Why are

tolerate being a third wheel because they’re so close

big no on the third

you two pressed

to the couple; they don’t mind being around them as

wheel’s book of

much. “I love them to death,” freshman Katlyn Suttle


up against each


other?” to the ones

said. “They’re both really good friends to me, I’ll go a

who sit in the corner away from the couple, in their

couple hours of being third wheeled for them.”

own thoughts.

The three of you could be at a restaurant;

Junior Samone Thomas laughed her head

What if you our mostly watch y friends?

A public place seems to be the


most common place

they’re sitting next to each other eating and talking.

to be third wheeled, which would seem unexpected

off, at the idea. She is the person in the group who

Three of you could be watching a movie on Netflix

since the area is, well, public. “We were at the mall.

interferes while the couple is doing what they do.

and they are on the corner of the bed cuddling and

Southcenter,” Ronikka said laughing. “Shopping,

kissing, while you are watching on the other side of

looking at clothes, going from Clares to Zumiez to

appropriate,” Thomas said. “And just mess with

the bed or on the floor making comments to yourself

Hot Topic.” What started as a girl’s shopping trip

whatever is near me.” Sometimes she avoids eye

about what is happening.

ended up an awkward third wheel situation because

“I talk about random things that may not be

contact and looks at her phone. While in the situation her thoughts are mostly

The location of third-wheeling is critical, because depending on the place, you could

Ronikka’s friend’s boyfriend had come along. Restaurants also create third wheels. “My

questions. “Why did I even come? Am I really that

sometimes get out of being a third wheel. “I have

friend Camille and I planned to have a dinner date

lonely? I wonder

been third-wheeled at a friend’s house, the Metro,

at Red Robin. When I went to the restaurant, I

if I have to pay

and at my house,” Thomas said, “While my parents

didn’t expect her to bring her boyfriend,” Rhoanne

for the food if it’s

were home.” Being at a friend’s house could be a

said. “Throughout the entire time we were there

a date. Is it mine

common place to be third-wheeled, because there are

Camille wouldn’t even talk to me, and neither would

or their date?”

your friend’s relatives/parents/siblings in the house,

her boyfriend.” In some cases, third-wheeling is a

Thomas said.

and you may or may not be close to them.

lifestyle. “I have been third-wheeled about ten times.”

Freshman Ethan Morris mostly follows his couple friends

There are also locations which stand out in


the person’s memory because it was recent or was the most awkward/lonely time the person was a

Thomas said, still laughing. “I’m always single.” “A lot,” Morris said. “About 30.” “Five, or a lot more,” Ronikka said, while not

third wheel. This took place “behind Joni[anne] and

being able to count

around. “I just walk and follow,” Morris said. He

David,” Morris said, the couple whom was third-

the immense

is really close to both people in the relationship,

wheeling him. Most of the time, when third wheeled,

amount on her ten

freshmen Jonianne Sadang and David Huynh, the

the person would either walk behind or ahead of the

tiny fingers.

said couple.

couple because they want to avoid the perimeter of

Most third wheels are put in the spot without knowing it. “I feel awkward and selfish in a way,”

the couple circle, also known as the danger zone. Not really knowing what to do, of course you

You could go from the person invited, having


Thomas said. “I feel like I’m taking away the couple’s

would just turn away from the kissing couple if

a good time, and

personal time and

forced into the danger zone. It’s not like you’re there

suddenly become

I’m just there to

to get kissed also. You’re in the moment of being

the third wheel

crash their party.”

uncomfortable: your mind wanders, you look away,

because another person joined in to crash the party.

Even though

even try and walk away to hide your feelings. The

“When Camille invited me to her place, and all of a

she was invited,

most common thing that happens when the lips lock

sudden her boyfriend showed up,” Rhoanne said.

Thomas still feels

is the people just start acting like themselves.

selfish for taking away the couples’ personal time. “I

“When they kiss,” Morris said, “I just turn


just feel like they did it out of pity so I won’t feel lonely.” Loneliness is a common way third-wheelers describe themselves since they are commonly the


wheeling feels like. “If it keeps happening

“[I] just stare [at them] to make them feel uncomfortable,” Thomas said. “[I] shout PDA” Suttle said, “and then I say ‘ewh ya nasties’.”

repeatedly, I feel unwanted,” Suttle said. Suttle didn’t really pay attention to the fact that she was a third wheel at the football game on Oct. 11. “I was in my own world,” Suttle said, “and I left.”

“What would I do?” Rhoanne said before

one not in a relationship. Freshman Ronikka Morales

starting to mumble to herself, “I would just start

and senior Rhoanne Morales both stated something

texting, write in my planner, or move away from

in common. “I felt lonely. I wanted to go home,”


Ronikka said. “I felt unhappy, uncomfortable, and

In some cases a member of the couple is sensitive because he or she knows what third-

There has been more than one case that made Suttle feel uncomfortable. When they realized she was a third wheel, they reacted by “laughing and going back to cuddling.”

Kissing in front of your peers makes them feel


Photo by Amanda Dyer

THE CHAPSTICK CHRONICLES Hear from students about their luscious thoughts on smooth lips Text and Photo Illustration by Amanda Dyer




Lips. (She pulls a black tube from the side

ARW: When you see other people with chapped

Hazen High School senior Maya Spears

pocket of her backpack.)


Senior Chantrell Taylors

ARW: Can you describe it?

A: Oh!

ARW: What kind of ChapStick do you use?

R: it’s just easier to hold, and it looks like

N: I try to pull out mine and ask if they want

M: I use Baby Lips.

there’s more in there and it’s cooler because

some nicely.

C: And I use EOS. (She pulls the small red egg

it’s colorful.

A: No, I put on mine, and look at them, and

shaped capsule from her purse.)

ARW: Where do you get it from?

make sure that they lookin’ at me putting on

M: It makes your lips so soft and voluminous,

R: Sometimes I get the big packs from Costco

mine so that they can put theirs on. But if I see

and it just makes you look juicy. (She pulls out

because my aunt works there but usually the

that they don’t have any and it’s getting bad,

a case from her purse as well.)


I might ask them do they want to use mine.

C: Mine makes my lips feel good for the rest of

ARW: How often do you go through it?

Other than that I don’t know what to say. You

the day, and it lasts all day.

R: Not often, because I usually end up losing it.

need to check yourself. It’s like putting on

ARW: What do you do when someone has the

That’s another reason why I like the EOS—it’s


same ChapStick?

bigger, so you don’t really lose it.

ARW: So you like it when his lips are soft?

M: I’m like “Oooh girl, we gonna have the same

V: Same thing

N: [His lips] are always soft. He moisturizes

lips!” Like, you have a connection because you

ARW: When you see someone with chapped


use the same ChapStick. It’s a good way to talk


A: They look better. When they are moisturized

to someone.

R: how would you help them, though? If you

they look kissable. Some people walk around

ARW: What do you do when you see

don’t know them you can’t just give them

looking crusty and old looking.

someone else with chapped lips?


ARW: What are your thoughts on lipstick?

C: ooh I don’t think I would just give it to

V: If I know them I would be like “Umm do

A: Some girls be boostin’. They be doing too

you, you already know

you need some Vaseline?” (Ramirez uncaps the

much. Like if you’re dark skinned

ARW: Do a lot of people at Hazen use

black tube and applies some to her lips.)

you do not need to be having black


ARW: So you don’t offer?

lipstick on.

M: All of my friends use Baby Lips. Well

R: Not unless it’s a friend or a close friend.

N: So I can’t wear black lipstick?

most of my friends do. Either Baby Lips

ARW: How do you feel when you have chapped

A: You look good with it. It’s

or just the ChapStick brand that you can



buy from Rite Aid or Target.

R: Irritated

(Smith’s friend Thomas Dejohnette

ARW: What about Lipstick?

ARW: Do you often use ChapStick?

stops by.)

M: Not a lot of my friends use lipstick. I

V: Every now and then.

A: Hey, we’re getting interviewed.

use lipstick but I put on ChapStick before

R: I feel like my lips are dry so I just pull it out,

What do you think about lipstick and

I use lipstick. It’s only people who like to

like, three times a day.


wear makeup and stuff like that.

ARW: When someone is wearing too much

T: I may need to put that on now! Like

ARW: Can you wear too much lipstick?


right after lunch…

M: Yes! If it’s like over your lip line or

R: It’s funny, it reminds me of the Joker!

ARW: What do you think when you

something like that, that’s also very bad,

V: I want to wipe it off of them.

see other people with chapped lips?

or if it’s underneath your lip line, that’s

ARW: What do you think about girls that kiss

T: I’m like “God dang, your lips be

bad too.

the bathroom mirror?

crackin, oh crackin…” I start singing

ARW: Have you ever made a mark on

R: That’s nasty! Oh my gosh, that’s nasty. Do

the song.

something with lipstick?

you know how many germs are on the mirror?

N: You don’t want to offer them none?

M&C: Yes!


T: Hell no, what do I look like with those crusty

C: People’s cheeks, windows, cups…




lips on my ChapStick? So I got dead skin on my

ARW: Have you seen lip marks on public


ChapStick? That’s not mine? Emmmm…


Junior Antwonie Smith

ARW: What do you think of lipstick?

M: Yes, at my school all the time.

Junior Natajia Mcmillan

T: I don’t mess with lipstick. Personally, I don’t

ARW: How often?

Senior Thomas Dejohnette

like it on girls. Especially the red lipstick that

M: Well, they usually erase, so every day.

ARW: What kind of ChapStick do you use?

everybody looks cute in? No. Not everybody

ARW: What girls are doing it?

N: Vaseline actually, because it doesn’t get the

looks cute in the red lip stick… Just because

M: The ratchet ones.

dirt on your lips that other lip glosses do, like

you white doesn’t mean you look like Marilyn

C: Oooh, the ratchet ones—yes.

the residue from the lip gloss.

Monroe or Madonna.

ARW: Have you ever kissed the public

A: I heard Carmex burns your lips or

bathroom mirror?

something. I use Blistex, and Burt’s Bees is the

M: Yes


C: Yeah, I’m not gonna lie.

ARW: Why?

M: Just to make sure my lips… to know what

A: So my lips can be soft, when I kiss my

my lips look like because sometimes I want to

female, yeah. She likes it.


N: Yes, I do. A: Some people be talking and they look like


they just didn’t wash their face after they

Freshman Rachel Ramirez

brushed their teeth and they have all this

Freshman Vi Ngo

white stuff around their lips. So I don’t know…

ARW: What kind of ChapStick do you use?

I just gotta make sure my face is presentable.

R: EOS, but I lost mine, so now I’m using Soft

N: Thanks to me.


So, you bought some ChapStick

“My breath tasted like corn and potatoes.” Text by Mikayla Cheney

And it went okay, but not great.

“There was this one time where I kissed my ex-girlfriend Giana,” Sophomore Sharles Fletcher said. “It was the nastiest thing that ever happened to me because when I kissed her, she burped in my mouth.”

The idea of marinating in such unpleasantness is

to get over. “She

bad because I really cared about my girlfriend.”

Fletcher had gotten a text from the girl asking to-meet

and work on homework. When he got there it turned into something

enough to make most cringe, making for a hard experience

kissing her,” Fletcher said, glancing down at his shoes. “After I felt really

completely different.

“She told me to go to the band room to get her homework,”

Fletcher said. “When we got there she just kissed me.” apologized,

To be cheated on is bad

”Fletcher said. “It took

enough; to know that your trust was

me a hot minute but I

used against you can be even worse.

eventually got over it.”

Though reversing the roles can still



leave regrets.

kiss is easily forgotten,

but the regrets stemming from it are not. To senior Isaac Graves, a kiss between best friends

“Every time I saw her I kept

thinking about the kiss,” Fletcher said.


“I couldn’t really look at my girlfriend in the eye.”

at age 10 was nothing special.

“We were at my house playing games in my room,” Graves

said. “We started joking around, having fun and it just kinda happened.”

When you factor in sexuality barriers, things can get tricky. At


In senior Roneel Prasad’s both




misconstrued ideas of how a kiss should be carried out.

“It was with my third grade crush,” Prasad said, laughing at their

the time, Graves had not come out to his family or friends and this was

misfortune. “It happened between a chain link fence. When she kissed

difficult. Further complicating matters, his best friend wasn’t gay.

me, her tongue ended up getting stuck in the chain link fence.”

“The kiss itself was nothing really. I regret that that was my first

Throughout the path of life we learn what is “acceptable” and

kiss instead of with someone I actually cared about in that kind of way,”

“unacceptable”. One of those being the stories we tell and the stories

Graves said. “It was basically nothing. It was just ‘a kiss’.”

we keep as secrets. The moments we boast about and the moments we

Sophomore Omari Fletcher had a different role in the awkward

kissing experience. Whereas others had a mutual understanding and wanted the kiss occur, it was thrust upon him.

“She kissed me and I forgot I had a girlfriend so I just kept


“We stayed the same,” Prasad said recalling their strong

friendship. “We were still best friends, but her tongue was never the same again.”

Photo by Mikayla Cheney

It started with a kiss. That initial contact of lips on lips... Text by Naje Bryant That first time tasting someone else’s traditional or extra medicated Chap-stick. The easiest way to get ourselves sick. First experience with the word bliss. It’s different form your family because, well, it’s not your family. Emotions run as high as

without a few no’s. The Law of Nature as everyone knows. It’s how the world seems to go. Body Language is the preference in this house. It all depends on a person’s ability to talk to with their tongue.

your kissing time flies. One minute… now two… oh now, it’s five.

She could be the neck, jaw-line or forehead type, or like Ms.

Your first kiss already setting records that you’ll want to pass by.

Rowland, want her “kisses down low” type. Maybe kisses-blown-

Later in life.

over-the-phone or Skype type. To each her own.

Everyone’s dreams come true: to get kissed under the moon

Being your baby, they kiss you how you like it, like they have

for the first time on the seventh of June. The moment you hope

spent time perfecting their lips: lip movement, moisture, and

comes soon before you’re too old to have the innocence not

length depending on the mood you happen to be in.

renewed. And more happens than a peck or two.

Friends. “No harm no foul, nothing than a kiss is going down”

It’s how we say hello to our baby bunny. How we communicate

is what you say, what you think, what you feel… for now. What

without ever having to do any spelling. It’s our body language

you didn’t say, didn’t think, didn’t know is: it’s never nothing more

done right. How we all want to interact first thing at first sight.

than a kiss. There’s always more you seem to miss.

It ended how it started. The long lost cousin (only twice

You’re in an auspicious or ominous situation. What is your

removed) is the kiss you give to someone you once knew. Once

thought process? Do you get a pompous feeling or is there

spent every day with, every night talking to.

a sense of regret and want to rectify the wrong? Whether boo

The hardest kiss to give but the easiest to remember. Even

thang or friend thang a kiss does some thang to alter the feelings

harder if the kiss shouldn’t have been. But one mistake, one word,

with this person. They say “Go ahead” or “Are you done?” And

one movement, one thought unsaid… causes a kiss to be the

separate the feelings from the prank that started out sounding

one you now miss more than your older sis leaving to Ole Miss.


Yet I make you smile like a new born baby. Memories as fragile

Can a tell you if you’re in love? With impeccable timing like the

as the bones of a child, squashed by the pain. Creating a cycle of

release of doves. And feeling as if you’re falling without leaving

anguish and delight over and over and over and over again.

the ground. Nothing makes a sound except for your heart’s slow

It’s the goodbye to the hello because you can’t have yes

So you wrote some poetry.

deep pounds.

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Movies don’t get you ready for the real thing. They give you false hopes and unreal dreams. Nothing can get you ready for the kiss that changes your views on the world. Nothing. This one kiss will make you lose your words after. Unable to comprehend the events that just happened before or slightly after. You’re trapped in a dream for a good ten minutes. Trapped in a world where only you and them exist. Lips -> heart -> mind: the order in which feelings travel. In order to get the feeling of “Like” you have to take love and divide it by two. Create something new. A new element to the phrase “me and you.” Take away the “us forever” and replace it with “now or never.” Now what if strong feelings weren’t experienced, but you felt more than lips? This is the type of kiss you just had, and it isn’t a love peck. This is less dramatic, less sensual. More casual. More common, although that can be mistaken for love. A kiss can turn your day upside down. A kiss can make it right side up. A kiss is ridiculous. A kiss is marvelous. A kiss is what we think about at night. Lock eyes -> touch foreheads -> and slowly lean in.

Arrow reporter Devon Henderson takes a moment to talk with student athletes, Jose Garcia , and Chardon Lanier regarding what a good luck kiss means to them.

Jose Garcia



And eventual y, you got a lit le lucky.

Chardon Lanier ARW: What does a good luck kiss mean to you? Garcia: I think it means when you’re about to do something challenging and you get a kiss to help you do better in what you’re about to do.

ARW: When was your first kiss? Lanier: It was in the first grade during a movie in Ms. Benjamin’s class, under the desk, I was picking up my pencil, me and the girl

ARW: Can you describe your perfect good luck kiss? Garcia: My perfect good luck kiss would be a kiss under the rain before my soccer game.

kissed. ARW: Have you ever had a good luck kiss? Lanier: Yeah.

ARW: can you explain why in the rain?

ARW: What does it mean to you?

Garcia: It seems more romantic that way.

Lanier: Just a normal kiss. A deep and meaningful kiss.

ARW: What was your most memorable kiss?

ARW: Do you have a good luck kiss that stands out?

Garcia: My most memorable kiss is when one of my ex’s and I were

Lanier: In Mississippi, in the hallway before game time, my

on top of this place where we could see the whole Renton Landing,

girlfriend kissed me…she had my adrenaline pumping.

and we kissed while we enjoyed the view.

Amanda Dyer is afraid of having her first kiss....................................................................................................................................................................................................Executive Editor

Theresa Burnside punches annoying people in the face......in her imagination.......................................................................................Staff Reporter

Annie Kwan wants money or a job.......or a sugar daddy...........................................................................................................................................................................Managing Editor

Brandi Campbell is wanting to spontaneously dance for no reason........................................................................................................ Staff Reporter

Alicia Quarles is laughing at you..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Chief Storyteller

Mikayla Cheney thinks fog looks like zombie breath.........................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Aidan Chaloupka feels his mind is a cosmic vacuum.........................................................................................................................................................................................Copy Editor

Emma Collier missed paste up and butt slapping............................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Miranda Clairmont needs to go cuddle a cat................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................Photo Editor

Evelyn Fitz is a swamp princess........................................................................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Claudia Wilson accidentally hugged a stranger in the hallway....................................................................................................................................................................Art Editor

Stephanie Graf needs to take care of her health......................................................... .....................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Abigail Cetino pretends Annie is Queenelle sometimes.....................................................................................................................................................Ads & Business Manager

Khamren Gulley has to make 50 multi colored hats......................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Dominique Viray listens to Avril Lavigne........................................................................................................................................................................................Ads &B usiness Manager

Devon Henderson wants to go home......................................................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Rafael Agas is representing #LBB...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Events Manager

D’Angelo Miller got kissed by a dude.................................. .................................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Christina Nguyen says television died....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Events Manager

Joseph Hoang can beat you 1v1 League of Legends........................................................................................................................................................Staff Reporter

Naje Bryant has succumb to the fact that sleep is an unknown word to her................................................................................................................................Layout Editor Derek Smith is a 1D-er.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................Advisor

Rebecca Samuels is insomniac ridden and on the verge of a mental breakdown..........................................................................................................Staff Reporter Joseph Kraus is extremely impressed with the Renton High School Newspaper/Yearbook Staff...........................Volunteer Copy Editor

FINE PRINT ARROW is an open forum produced by senior-missing, memory-saving, nonstop-laughing, untraditionalfamily-like-teenagers who act like a pack of bears who fight for their honey, which is food. They put all their effort in one place and attend at the same time. A place named Renton High School at 400 S. 2nd St., Renton, WA, 98057. The Executive Editor is senior Amanda Dyer. You can contact her at pandadyer@ earthlink.com.

ARROW is printed eight times a year by Pacific Publishing Company in Seattle, Washington. Word processing, graphics and layouts are created on Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Creative Suite 3 programs. ARROW has a press run of 2,000. The staff welcomes letters to the editor and will publish letters which meet our standards of good taste (as space permits). Letters must be signed. ARROW reserves the right to edit letters, though every attempt will be made to preserve original content. Editorials,

Commentaries, and other opinionated content pieces represent the majority view of ARROW editorial board and do not represent the views of the Renton School District or RHS. Opinions, commentaries, satires, and perspectives are the views of the writers and artists, not the Renton School District or ARROW editorial board. ARROW is financed by advertising based on sizedetermined rates. These range from $25-$80.

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pHOTOS BY aMANDA dYER Photos by Amanda Dyer

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