the 7 habits

Page 200

Lesson 32

aren’t they? I would think it would be a wonderful thing if [we] would learn them word-perfect. That means that you don’t miss and you don’t forget” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1975, 119; or Ensign, Nov. 1975, 79). • Why is it important that we know the Articles of Faith? Invite class members to tell of experiences in which the Articles of Faith have helped them. 2. “Praise to the Man” Prepare to have class members sing “Praise to the Man” (Hymns, no. 27). Or invite a class member or a group of class members to prepare to sing it. Explain that William W. Phelps wrote the text of this hymn to honor the Prophet Joseph Smith. 3. Video presentations If the videocassette Teachings from the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History (53933) is available, consider showing “Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration,” a 13-minute segment. If Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Video Presentations (53912) is available, consider showing “The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith,” a 2-minute segment.


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