Barcelona Workshop

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Barcelona features a healthy pedestrian friendly city space having wide walkways, narrow streets, numerous stoplights, and “ramblas” lined with deciduous trees, benches and a mix of shops and restaurants with al fresco dining spaces all leading to the beautiful sea. The simple boxy forms of the buildings in Barcelona are made lively by the protruding balcony and eaves on every unit as combined with a unique combination of colors and ornamentation on each façade, giving them texture, rhythm, unity and character. Gaudi´s style of 360o aesthetics can be seen in all of his works in which a play of form, texture, color, light and shadow is adjusted and optimized to conform to the perspective of the viewer in any which angle. He is also fond of using symbolisms from nature ant the church in all of his designs.

The urban plan of Barcelona includes a tapered grid layout, breaking the large area into a smaller sustainable and resilient scale equipped with a pedestrianized network of roads and walkways leading to multiple nodes and colorful mixed use areas that generate the community´s economy and social activity.


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