Around Altona 62

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FREE member of

ISSUE 62, JUNE 2013 Letterboxed to homes in Altona and Seaholme, with new distribution points in Altona North, Altona Meadows and Williamstown


Jack, the new owner of Foodworks, says the most recent hold up at the supermarket has left his staff shaken and their parents worried but as a united group, the traders will stand their ground. “They are not hard enough on (the offenders). They talk about their rights. What about our rights? Society should punish them more strongly,” he said. Regular traders meetings, more police patrols and support from local council are providing a positive step forward for the square. “We will link together,” Jack added, “and this will make us stronger.” Jill Brookes, owner of West Side Books was an advocate for strengthening trader relationships and community engagement. As we know, Jill fell victim to this kind of senseless crime when she was brutally bashed in her bookshop in July last year. Her life will never be the same. As a community, we owe it to Jill and to each other to get behind these traders

who deserve to be safe in their day-to-day jobs, providing the services we all enjoy. The Friends of Harrington Square group mentioned in Cr Sandra Wilson’s column is a way we, as a community can step up to ensuring this type of violence is kept out of Altona. There is talk about putting PSOs on Westona Station - a plus for both the station and the shopping strip. Cr Tony Briffa’s blog mentions Hobsons Bay City Council has allocated $50,000 in its 2013-14 budget to upgrade some of the security aspects of the square following the Victoria Police Crime Prevention audit. The budget also includes improvements to the location’s appearance and use addressing graffiti maintenance, public seating and landscaping. In real terms, $50,000 can only go so far. What can we do as a community to boost our local shopping strips? Got some ideas? Let’s hear them. Contact Petronella Boonen


PUDDLING WITH THE PUBLISHER As the winter starts to set in my thoughts go to soups and subsequent food. Luckily I don’t have a weight problem however diet is always of great interest to me, particularly supplements, which I believe are missing from the general foods that I regularly eat, so I take every opportunity to attend lectures and meetings where food and nutrition are discussed. Recently the Australian Mens Shed organisation and in particular, the Hobsons Bay Mens Shed Network in Queen St. Altona, have been promoting nutrition and sensible eating. The AMSA have a national approach called’ Spanner in the

Works’ which is a whole health program, to be held at the Altona Mens Shed very soon while the ‘Shed’ has its own regular monthly program which residents are welcome to attend. Being a regular attendant at these talks I’ve learned a lot about supplements and sensible eating and can offer you a free diet plan for sensible eating which is summarised as”: Eat less move more, and change habits Bill McPherson

RAMBLING WITH THE EDITOR Well how quickly does the weather turn? Just a little while ago, it was warm... what happened! I suppose we did get quite a good run on the weather front there for a bit. This month has been very interesting in-so-far as the organisation of the various Around newspapers has changed, just a little. With the departure of the Around Altona Editor, the very lovely Petronella, we have had to re-jig the way we do things. The good news is, I have managed to convince her to continue to do some articles when she is able to. With all of those years of experience writing for, and editing the Around Altona, we are very lucky to be able to keep her on board. Thank you Nella for your wealth of knowledge, your incredibly rich articles, your expert design and layout, and your general wonderfulness over all those years. You really did an inspirational job.


So our very talented organiser of all things, Will, has devised a very cool system where a team of editors can band together and make sure each of the papers are full of rich relevant and exciting local content each month. There may be a few technical glitches along the way, but I am confident that this is a system that will see great results into the future. The beauty of this system means that we are now able to get a few more assistants on board (if you are keen and able) to do some proof reading, or to do some grammar and error checking where required. You may even want to write something to be included in the paper. Can you draw cartoons? Without the input from the local community and local traders, this paper would very quickly cease to exist. Daniel Allen

Issue 62


The Williamstown Literary Festival is back and celebrating ten years bringing the joy of reading and writing to the people of Hobsons Bay.

“This milestone 10th festival will present a terrific line up of authors and events for writers and readers of all ages” said the Minister.

Book launches, poetry, writing workshops and children’s programs will be amongst some of the many events at the festival which will be held from the 29th of May until the 2nd of June. Children’s author Andy Griffiths, Hobsons Bay’s comic Meshel Laurie and Academy Award winning film maker Adam Elliot, creator of claymation film Harvie Krumpet, are amongst some of the many special guests appearing at the festival this year. Minister for the Arts Heidi Victoria believes the Williamstown Literary Festival reflects Victorian’s passion for literature.

The festival is run by dedicated book lovers and is supported by Hobsons Bay City council and Victoria University. “Congratulations to the festival team on another stunning line up for 2013 and on ten years of showcasing the important role literature plays in our lives” said the Minister. The Williamstown Literary Festival runs from the 29th of May until the 2nd of June at the Williamstown Town Hall and Williamstown Library. Bookings and program details can be found at Melissa Haber


Will - M: 0449 834 359 E:

Daniel - M: 0408 659 940 E: Issue 62


HARRINGTON SQUARE – A FRIEND IN NEED Harrington Square, fondly referred to as “Harro” by some, has had a troubling past year. The savage bashing of Jill Brookes in her bookshop turned the crime spotlight on the quaint shopping precinct adjacent to Westona Station. Since then, it would seem that some traders have had an unfair share of aggravated burglaries and graffiti has continued to appear, in spite of an increased police presence and greater trader vigilance. Statistics do not indicate that there are more incidents at Harrington Square than anywhere else, but morale and reputation have plummeted in light of these incidents and adverse media attention. Late last year, through a notice of motion, Councillors asked for a review of safety and amenity at Harrington Square to explore options for improvement and to address the concerns of traders. Police also conducted their own safety audit. A budget allocation has been made for improvements and the joint recommendations were being discussed with traders when another hold up occurred a week ago. Channel 9 weighed in with a very unfavourable news report, which could have made anyone think that shopping there was a risk. One of the traders told me that after the news report, the hairdresser had three appointments cancelled. This is a misconception and media sensationalism that is trying to fuel our fear. I shop there regularly, meet friends for

coffee, dine at my favourite Indian restaurant and have never felt at risk. The sense of community that has been emerging through the collaboration between Hobsons Bay City Council, Victoria Police and Harrington Square traders (ably supported by Altona Village Traders Association) is something we can get behind by continuing to take our custom there. Harrington Square offers: · Accessible shopping close to public transport and with plenty of parking · Meeting places for coffee, lunch or takeaways · Evening destinations for fine dining · Diverse service oriented businesses · An alternative to big name supermarket shopping · Creative supplies for cake making and dancing · Committed and community oriented traders who care about their community “Friends of Harrington Square” is an emerging group to support this vibrant shopping hub reach its full potential. Its sad, recent past will not be readily forgotten, but a friend in need, is a friend indeed. Cr Sandra Wilson, Cherry Lake Ward, Hobsons Bay City Council


The walking tracks surrounding the 100 Steps of Federation in Altona Meadows are a popular family favourite. Every day of the week, people can be seen walking, jogging, cycling, skateboarding and walking their pets along these tracks. With extensive walking paths, tall trees and panoramic views, it is no surprise the 100 Steps of Federation and its surrounding tracks are so popular with so many people. But it is not only a popular place for people and families. Many species of bird also call the surrounding parkland home. Unfortunately, one of the areas of the park these birds inhabit is slowly becoming infiltrated with rubbish. This problem lies with the fact that a large drain sits in the middle of an area which the birds frequent the most. In an attempt to encourage nesting birds and provide a safe haven for them to live in, native trees and shrubs have been planted around the area. Unfortunately, every time it rains, rubbish is washed down the gutters and into this large drain where it eventually ends up settling in the birds habitat. Cans and bottles can be found floating along in the water and plastic bags become entangled in trees where birds are nesting. This obviously poses a significant risk not only to the birds that


have settled in the area, but also for possums who live in nearby trees and other small mammals in the area. Soil and water quality around this mini sanctuary are also affected as plastics and litter seep into the surrounding environment. This is not natural. “It’s a real shame, it’s been happening for years” said an Altona Meadows local who often walks his dog along the tracks. “Especially after it rains the water is full of rubbish, it’s an eyesore. In the city they have something in the Yarra River that floats along and catches all the rubbish. That should be installed here” This infiltration of rubbish can be dramatically lessened if people do the simple task of making sure their litter is securely in the bin. If after rubbish collection some litter falls out of the bin, picking it up so it does not float down into the gutter drains will stop it from becoming lodged in the birds habitat. It is so simple but it is time to go back to basics and let people know that even one small piece of rubbish has the potential to place the lives of many birds and mammals who live around the 100 Steps of Federation parklands at risk. Melissa Haber

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Issue 62


ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMES TO A COLOURFUL CLOSE April in Hobsons Bay is a colourful experience and for once I’m not referring to the changes in our rich parkland views. No, in addition to our autumn bliss is Art in Public Places and in the words of our Mayor Cr Angela Altair, “It is a great time to explore your city as it becomes one big art gallery!” In addition to drinking coffee surrounded by the works of local artists such as Rachel Hanna, Karin Zeller and Graham Hunwick, the month long exhibition presented performance artists, competitions, workshops and pop up studios to inspire both informed visitors and surprised passers by. If you didn’t get a chance to see it all, check out their Facebook page, In the event’s final week, we visited Newport’s Substation for its monthly artist’s market, running on the first Sunday of each month.

as well as environmentally sound given one hundred percent of the silver Nikki uses is recycled from industry. Check out Nikki’s webpage at When Leah McGregor discovered that very balance was missing in her life, she cut back the hours of her law career and Brave Monday was born. In her blog she writes, “How can you pare back your life a little to feel the way you want to feel? Or are you already great at living life the way you want to and shunning things that weigh you down?” If you are looking for a little creative inspiration, have a read of http://, where Leah openly shares the creative process that brought her to events such as this. Friends in their workplace, Author Annette Cordina and Artist Sue Hodson shared their vision of Annette’s book, Sausage Curls. The book is a fresh, delightful and (wonderfully) local read for all members of the family. It explores and shares Annette’s own childhood memory of school holidays with her Grandma. Didn’t get to the market? You can order the book at www.sausagecurls. com.

The atmosphere provided plenty to inspire the creative soul with local musicians and the inviting aroma of coffee and fresh pastries as you walk in. Coordinator Marissa Fiume says the market has been running for five years and is picking up momentum with every event.

Our visit concluded with a meander through the Substation’s Community Access Gallery where Dr Catherine Bell exhibited the result of her twelve-month residency at Caritas Christi Hospice.

We met Artist Shoko Mafune who comes to the market with a Bachelor of Industrial Chemistry and five years of study of Japanese ceramics under Masters Masayasu Chujo and Yoshimi Suzuki. Shoko has also travelled throughout Europe and Spain researching ceramics and sculpture practices. Her pieces physically draw you to touch them and in the case of the chopstick holders we spotted, bring them home! You can check out Shoko’s website at www.shokoceramics. com.

The exhibition celebrated life and death in its entirety, focusing on flowers, their beauty as a bouquet and their preservation at what would be their end of life.

For many, taking your art to market is a challenge in its own right. Firstly, you have to consider your work as a ‘product’ and mull over a price tag for the considerable investment of time and work involved in creating your objet d’art. Secondly, there’s the back up income you need to support your creative journey. Nicola Markus of Liminal Jewellery finds her career as a scientist and her contrasting jewellery business utilize opposite sides of the brain, providing a good life balance. Her work reflects the benefit of both – her pieces are visually remarkable


A community engagement project involving residents, friends and family resulted in the creation of a large tower of handmade flowers, celebrating the joyous moments of palliative care. The exhibition closes 9th June 2013. Petronella Boonen

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Pet Section

Part Two, The Basics O.K. So you have decided you would like to keep a an animal on Lay-By while you await the arrival reptile as a pet. What is your first move? Well, unless of your licence but you are not legally allowed to you have decided to keep one of the very limited take the animal home until the vendor has sighted and noted the details off number of species that your licence. do not require a licence, you will need to obtain I can not emphasise a “Private Reptile strongly enough how Heat Keepers Licence� important it is to fully Source from the Department research the species of Sustainability and of reptile that you are Ventilation Environment, (DSE). interested in keeping You will need to in order to ensure download and print that you are able to out the form off their fulfil the husbandry website and send the requirements of that completed form in to Thermostat particular species to them along with your ensure that it lives a fee. Your license should long and comfortable be received back within life. There is a very a couple of weeks. Bear diverse range of species in mind that you will not able to be legally kept be able to legally purchase a reptile until you have within Victoria and a lot of these have equally this licence. Some reptile shops will allow you to put diverse husbandry requirements. The basic and first consideration to make is that of a suitable enclosure for the animal to spend the majority of its life within. The diagram below is of a very basic enclosure layout that provides the essential requirements of most common captive species. Most reptile shops are able to provide these basic enclosures and some of the better outlets will also have manufactured for you custom shapes and sizes of enclosure to house those reptiles with more demanding requirements. The essentials for successful keeping of any reptile are fresh water available at all times, heat to enable them to reach their preferred body temperature,(PBT), ventilation to enable the supply


Issue 62

of clean fresh air at all times. Lizard keepers also need to be mindful of their charges need for ultra violet light, essential for health in most lizards. Ultra Violet “A” is needed to give them a vigorous appetite and ultra violet “B” is essential to ensure healthy bone growth and to avoid deformities and death. Turtles also need this U.V. lighting to ensure growth, healthy shells and, basically, to keep them alive!

Remember, purchasing a reptile, while exciting and very enjoyable is also a commitment to keep them happy, healthy and in excellent condition for the length of their lives. Until next time, happy herping, Phil.

Issue 62


A WORD FROM JILL HENNESSY MP The 2013 State Budget has been a missed opportunity by the Napthine Government to invest in vital infrastructure and services needed to cater for existing residents, and secure the future of the growing west. Important projects to combat road congestion and safety concerns locally, such as Point Cook, Dunnings and Palmers roads have been overlooked and the Budget provided no new investment for additional train services on the Werribee line. The so-called East-West Link will come nowhere near the west. What’s proposed is to build a link between the Eastern Freeway and Citylink - not a second river crossing as Labor proposed to take pressure off the West Gate corridor.

programs like the Education Maintenance Allowance, it has cut education further - taking an extra $69 million out this year. Hopefully with the Commonwealth’s historic $9.6 billion investment in the Gonski schools improvement plan, the Victorian Government will reverse its form, sign up to the reform, and start growing investment in education in Victoria. The Napthine Government’s additional cuts to health in this year’s Budget, taking the Coalition’s overall cuts to $826 million have led to record elective surgery waiting lists and slower ambulance response times. Unfortunately, the Budget failed to provide any funding for acute hospital projects in the west, although additional mental health beds at Werribee Mercy are welcome.

Despite the community’s campaign for the Truganina P-9 College finally being heard by the government, its investment is two years late, having been first promised by the former Labor Government in 2010, and unfortunately the investment it is nowhere near enough to cater for future demand.

Given the importance of jobs to people locally, the Budget also failed to provide a plan to secure jobs or grow additional jobs. In fact, the government has cut funding to support apprentices, a policy that flies in the face of the need to grow skills and provide opportunities for local people.

The Budget provided no investment in any new stages required to expand existing schools - projects which are also behind schedule, and rather than reversing previous cuts to

Regards, Jill Hennessy MP


Issue 62

COUNCIL ADOPTS PROPOSED 2013-2014 BUDGET Hobsons Bay City Council has approved the proposed budget for 2013-2014, with highlights including an allocation of almost $22 million for capital works.

cent to reflect the costs of Council services, as well as rising expenses, such as the increase in landfill levy and funding of the defined benefits superannuation scheme.

Mayor of Hobsons Bay Councillor Angela Altair said the Council’s 2013-2014 operating budget of $109.05 million would ensure the Hobsons Bay community would continue to have access to high quality services.

“We understand the effect rising living costs has on our community and have taken this in to account when developing the budget and we will continue to ensure our rates are affordable and offer value for money,” said Cr Altair.

“Highlights of the proposed budget this year include the $3.8 million Newport Gardens Early Years Centre; planning for the Newport Library, Youth and Senior Citizens Centre upgrade; refurbishing the Williamstown Town Hall; continuing to operate the Laverton Community Hub; implementing the $710,000 water security plan; providing $3.8 million in local road network upgrades; and $2.6 million of improvements to parks, recreation and culture,” said Cr Altair.

“As always, the Council will provide rates assistance for pensioners and low income earners through its hardship policy and will this year increase the rebate offered.”

“The Council invited public comment early in the budget process to develop a budget that reflects local residents’ expectations while remaining financially responsible. The community is now invited to have its say on the draft budget before it is formally adopted in June. “The proposed budget delivers on the visions set out in the Community Health and Wellbeing Plan and Council Plan 2013-2017, which has been developed following the most extensive community consultation the Council has ever done.” The Mayor said the Council would increase its rates by 5 per

The proposed budget is available for inspection at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, all Hobsons Bay library branches and online at Comments on proposals contained in the budget must be received in writing by 5.00pm on Monday, 3rd June. Submitters can ask to be heard at a Council meeting on Tuesday, 11th June. Those wishing to speak must indicate they would like to do so in their written submission. Submissions can be mailed to Mr Glenn O’Sullivan, Director Business and Finance, Hobsons Bay City Council, PO Box 21, Altona 3018. The next opportunity for community submissions into the next budget will be in October. It is expected the final Budget 2013-2014 will be adopted on Tuesday, 25th June 2012.

Issue 62





The Laverton Community Choir invites You will already know if you are a fit you to attend a rehearsal as a guest for this position, before you decide if you would you will love sales (talking to people), HOBSONS BAY LIFE like to join. you are a self Experienced conductor, different ACTIVITIES CLUB starter (know what you are doing), you and funmusical arrangements. No If you’re 50+ and enjoy Movies, Dining Out, thrive on experience isnecessary just a love of BBQ’s, Hikes etc success (you are good and you know it). then we’re just what you’re looking for. singing. Work local at times to suit you, it does Meet new people, make new friends, The choir rehearses not get and join like minded people in a variety every Thursday 7pm – 9pm better that this. of activities, at P-12 College, Bladin Street, Laverton. If you can sell yourself, you’ve got the both week days and weekends. Try us out by attending a couple of functions of your choice, with no obligation, before you decide. For more information and a copy of our Club Newsletter please contact: Alicia: 9741-4313 or Myra: 0432 258 804


Kitchen and garden volunteers needed! We need your help. If you enjoy gardening or cooking and would like to share this enjoyment with a small group of children, please consider volunteering. You don’t have to be a green thumb or a naked chef. Whether you have one hour to spare or a whole afternoon, we would love to hear from you. You can volunteer for the kitchen or garden or both. Current working with children check needed. Gardening Program runs on Mondays 10-11am; 11:30-1:30pm and 2:15-3:15pm Cooking Program runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays Please contact: The office Telephone: (03) 9369 1288 / (03) 9369 1967 Facsimile: (03) 9369 7319 Email:

AROUND ALTONA is looking for a shared/small factory

(50-100 sqm) in the area for its printing operations. Please contact Will on 0449 834 359 or


COMMUNITY CAFÉ The Laverton Community Cafe operates from The Altona Meadows Community Centre 28 Trafalgar Avenue, Altona Meadows. Why not come along and enjoy a nutritional 3 course meal and at the same time meet someone new in your Community. Operates: Every Friday 12.00 -1.00pm $8.00 /$5.00(Conc.) Bookings by Thursday essential 9369 4866

ROOKIES CHESS CLUB Mix with kings, queens and bishops and learn to checkmate. Everyone is welcome to participate or watch, every Friday during school term, 4.00pm at Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre.


every 3rd Saturday of the month at Altona Primary School, 9am - 1pm


screen at the Mechanics Institute on the corner of Melbourne Road and Electra St Williamstown at 7.30 pm on the last Wednesday of the month . We screen old and more recent films, use a dvd/video projector, and have a very large screen . We have members from Altona, Hoppers Crossing , Kensington and Essendon , as well as Williamstown , and welcome members of all ages. Memberships are available at $10 for 3 consecutive months, or $30 /45 (for 2 at the same address ) 10 month annual membership. For further information including the 2013 program, contact 93976000 - Movie for June CASINO ROYALE - 1967 version. Issue 62

opportunity, just email your CV to

ALTONA NORTH COMBINED PROBUS CLUB: Retired or semi-retired? Interested in developing new friends, or interests. Join our friendly group at the Community Hall, Cypress Av., Brooklyn -10.00am on 3rd Wednesday of each month. Guest speakers, trips and other activities are organised. Enquiries: Lois 9399 2554 or Pam 9314 4640

THE ALTONA FRUIT AND VEGIE SWAP Takes place on the second Saturday of every month from 10:30am to 11:30am at the Rotunda in Logan Reserve Pier Street, Altona.


seeks expressions of interest from people interested in casual employment or from contractors (with ABN). Assistance is required with various administrative tasks and club grounds & tennis court maintenance. Please submit a brief expression of interest or résumé to

Altona Kids

Issue 62



Altona Gardens The genus Digitalis is native to Europe, western and central Asia and north-west Africa, the scientific name meaning “finger-like” and referring to the fact that a flower can fit perfectly over a human fingertip. The tubular flowers of the Common Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, are produced on a tall stem and come in shades of cerise, pink and white with variable marks and spotting. Medicines from foxgloves are called “digitalin” and are used for the treatment of some heart conditions. However, an overdose of digitalin can cause anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, blurred vision and, if the dose is large enough, it can even cause death. Depending on the species, the digitalis plant may contain several deadly psychological and chemically related cardiac and steroidal glycosides. Dead Man’s Bells and Witches’ Gloves are just two of the sinister appellations man has given digitalis. Although I am aware of the foxglove’s unsavoury reputation, I cannot help admiring its splendid spires that take on a luminous quality when planted against a dark coloured fence or leafy green background. I had long coveted these plants, so I was thrilled when Marina, a fellow botanical artist, gave me a bag of seeds. But, because my husband has claimed almost

every corner of our garden for his orchids, cactus and succulents, I couldn’t find a suitable place to plant them. So my life’s partner helped me sow the seeds into three large pots that we placed under a plum tree. Fortunately foxgloves are not fussy in their requirements and will thrive just about anywhere, so they were perfectly happy in their pots where they grew tall and strong. However, foxgloves are gypsies by nature and our plants were not content to remain quietly at home. Somewhat to my surprise, very few seedlings appeared in those three pots the following year but, before dying back for the winter, the original plants had dispersed their seed with gay abandon and their offspring emerged in neighbouring pots and in other odd places around our back garden. A few even popped up amongst the orchids in our shadehouse. As I have walked around Altona, I have occasionally seen Common Foxgloves flowering in front gardens. My illustration of these beautiful blooms are shown in a romantic setting against a gently curving timber fence that is supporting a dainty ficus creeper. Helene Wild Resident Artist Habitat Trust

Want Better Health? We can help! FREE Initial Chiropractic Consultation* XRAYS ONSITE , 6 Days a week, HICAPS Available Sports and Paediatric Chiropractic, Family Wellness Sanctuary Lakes Chiropractic 9369 7987 102 Point Cook Road Seabrook 3028 * Conditions apply


Issue 62

FREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE - LAVERTON The Western Suburbs Legal Service Inc (WSLS) has recently commenced free legal advice nights in Laverton each fortnight and is opening an office in Woods Street, Laverton. WSLS is a non-profit community legal centre, which for over 34 years has provided free legal advice and assistance to people who live, work or study in the Western Suburbs, particularly in the city of Hobsons Bay. ‘Western Suburbs Legal Service can provide free legal advice on a range of legal matters from family law to debts and fines or Centrelink problems’, said Principal Solicitor Annette Au Yeung. ‘Advice could be in relation to criminal, family, tenancy, employment or consumer law and we also provide free legal education to the local community’, she said. ‘Up until now, we offered a night service at our office in Newport and provided a weekly outreach service to Laverton. This limited the amount of legal assistance we could offer to people in the Laverton area who needed it,’ stated Ms Au Yeung. ‘Now, with the assistance of Hobsons Bay Council and our continuing funding from Victorian and Commonwealth governments we are able to open an office in Laverton. We will be able to provide free legal advice to more people in Laverton,

Altona Meadows and the growing Point Cook Road area’, she said. WSLS Coordinator, Emel Ramadan added ‘When it was set up the Western Suburbs Legal Service was the first community legal centre in the western suburbs and we have a really strong history of advocating on behalf of people who live and work in the west. It’s fantastic that we will be able to do more of that - reaching out to growth corridor areas of need. The first advice night in April ran really smoothly’. Fortnightly Tuesday night service: Laverton Community Hub, Cnr Railway Ave & Crown Street (near Laverton Railway Station). For bookings: call 9391 2244 WSLS will continue to run Monday evening advice sessions at the Newport office. The new Laverton office is located at 54 Woods Street, Laverton and will be open on Tuesday and Thursdays 9.30am1.00pm and 2.00-5.00pm. Contact: Ms Emel Ramadan (03) 9391 2244 or

Issue 62


In Brief HARRINGTON SQUARE SAFETY AND AMENITY Harrington Square traders will be consulted to help form a priority list of improvements to the Altona shopping strip. Hobsons Bay City Council will also allocate $50,000 from its 2013-14 budget to implement the works and will apply for further funding to the Department of Justice. Victoria Police conducted an auditm of the safety and amenity of the shopping centre. The audit covered the shopping centre, car parks and surrounding area. This audit considered the lighting, car parking, parking permits and restrictions, trader and delivery access, waste management, graffiti and vandalism, seating and pedestrian access.

ALTONA FARMERS MARKET UPDATE April’s farmers market was heralded by beautiful weather and great crowds stocking up on fresh produce. Regular stall holders such as Poon Boon Lamb, Maria’s pasta, Moorish Cakes, Healthy Dog Treats, Woolpark Rd Gardens (fruit and veggies), Boolarong Free Range Eggs and Matisse Artisan Breads were there, as well as the plant stallholder and new stallholders with fresh apples (very sweet fujis), honey and soya candles. Altona Primary School provided a sausage sizzle and local entertainment from both students and parent – Jo Cohen. May’s market will also showcase more local talent with the school Dancing group (under Julie Enright) and Newport Lakes PS boys Suni and Rani Hamilton Smith on keyboards and rapping. Come and visit, soak up the local entertainment and atmosphere, and do your fresh produce shopping whist there. Our next market is scheduled for June 15th. If you are a local entertainer and would like to perform, please contact email

REVIEW OF VICTORIAN PUBLIC LIBRARIES Hobsons Bay City Council will make a submission to the Review of Victorian Libraries supporting in principle the introduction of a Victorian Library – one library management system with one membership card and local branding. The initiative will create

a statewide collection for languages other than English, a common digital platform for eBooks and expand the inter library courier service to improve inter library loans. A further report will be tabled when the details of the proposal are confirmed.

COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN AND COUNCIL PLAN 2013-2017 Hobsons Bay City Council has endorsed the draft Community Health and Wellbeing Plan and Council Plan 2013-2017 to guide the Council’s direction and priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of residents. The plans reflect the values of the community and focuses on maintaining and improving infrastructure, parks and open spaces, enhancing tourism, promoting the arts and culture,

protecting the environment and ensuring that the community has access to the Council’s services. The draft Community Health and Wellbeing Plan and draft Council Plan are available for inspection at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, all Hobsons Bay library branches and online at Submissions must be in writing and be received by 5.00pm on 5th June 2013.

WESTERN SUBURBS SUPPORT GROUP A support group for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now available in Melbourne’s Western suburbs. This is a wonderful opportunity for people living with this dis-abling neurological condition and their carers to: • Share personal stories, tips and strategies for living with ME/CFS 16

• Connect with others • Keep informed of recent news, events and research into ME/CFS • Organise guest speakers to present on topics of interest: yoga, mind-fullness, nutrition Please contact Eileen Clough from 10.30am on (03) 9942 7835 Mon—Fri for further information

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HISTORIC HOTEL CONTINUES TO DETERIORATE Hobsons Bay Council has completed a structural report on Williamstown’s historic Oriental Hotel.

problems 12 months ago, but this work didn’t get done, the council said.

The council appointed an independent structural engineer to inspect the hotel, the same one as six months ago, and he has determined the condition of the hotel has deteriorated in that time.

It has now issued an order for the owners to ensure the structural engineer’s recommendations are acted on and the site made safe until a decision on the demolition of the hotel is heard at VCAT in June.

The south east corner of the building (furthest from the road) needs significant propping and the safety hoarding surrounding the site needs to be erected properly.

A VCAT hearing for Stage One of the development on the corner of Nelson Place and Ann Street, including the Oriental Hotel, has been set for June 24.

Water continues to leak from the roof causing further damage, the report said.

Item supplied by e-west Newsletter l T: 03 9397 5856/ 0412 082 163

The council recommended to the owners that they fix these



HOBSON BAY SETS RATE INCREASE AT 5% Hobsons Bay Council will increase rates by 5% for the 2014 financial year.

and $2.6 million of improvements to parks, recreation and culture.

The council has set a $109.05 million budget for the year with almost $22 million for capital works. It will be spending $3.8 million in local road network upgrades;

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Issue 62


THINK. EAT. SAVE. REDUCING YOUR ‘FOODPRINT’ World Environment Day Activities run from Wednesday, 5th June (World Environment Day) to Saturday, 8th June Various locations throughout Hobsons Bay Why celebrate World Environment Day on one day, when you can spread the fun across three days? Hobsons Bay will mark the occasion with a host of free activities aimed at educating the community on sustainable food and how to reduce your household’s ‘foodprint’. On World Environment Day, Wednesday, 5th June, hear about sustainable food production and consumption at the Eating for Sustainability forum from 6.00pm to 9.00pm at The Substation, 1 Market Street, Newport. From 6.00pm, you’ll have an opportunity to meet local sustainability and conservation groups at a community expo. Then, from 7.00pm, Vasili Kanidiadis will MC a panel of guest speakers including Millie Ross, Lauren Burns, Rod May and Professor Barbara Norman. The forum is an initiative of the 2013 Mayoral Program. To register, visit


Now that you are inspired by eating sustainably, it’s time to learn how to prepare some meals. Come along to the Cooking for Sustainability workshop on Thursday, 6th June from 6.00pm to 8.30pm at the Laverton Community Hub, Crown Street and create and share a beautiful three course meal using fresh, seasonal, local, organic produce. The session is presented by Grow Cook Share Cooking School. Bookings are essential. To register, visit And if you’re really keen, take up the opportunity to get your hands dirty with the Gardening for Sustainability workshop. The workshop is presented by Sustainable Gardening Australia and is on Saturday, 8th June from 10.00am to 12.00pm at the Laverton Community Hub, Crown Street. Find out how gardening can reduce food miles and food waste, save you money, help to keep you healthy and much more. Bookings are essential. To register, visit

Issue 62

Altona Jokes

Quotes A two year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it Jerry Seinfeld

At St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Adelaide, they have weekly husbands’ marriage seminars. At the session last week, the priest asked an elderly man, who said he was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman all these years. The man replied to the assembled husbands, ‘Well, I’ve tried to treat her nice, spend the money on her, but best of all is, I took her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!’ The priest responded, ‘You are an amazing inspiration to all the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?’ The man proudly replied, “ I’ll go and pick her up.”

Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you’ll be surprised at how little you have. - Ernest Haskins When you are not practising, remember someone somewhere is practising and when you meet him, he will win. Ed Macauley Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first. - Frederick B. Wilcox We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.Konrad Adenauer Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. Helen Keller

Issue 62


“WHY?” Why is it most of our queries Are prefaced by “why” or by “what”? Another of life’s mysteries? Would you agree, or would you not? It happens that why’s homophone Y, The next-to-last Roman letter, Comes just before Z, and I ask “Why?”: You see Z’s the Bible’s omega. I think there’s a cryptic message At the end of the alphabet, That was placed there by some old sage, But alas, it’s one I don’t get. If we could decipher this code, It might well answer our questions On Earthly life and God’s Abode, Knowledge we’ve long sought in sermons.

Free Advertising for Local Businesses • Attract more customers • Build Loyalty • Offer Coupons • Spread the word about your business • And it’s all FREE If you are in retail and need more customers through you door then you need to get on the next big marketing train before it leaves the station, and that train is the FOURSQUARE Express. It has been well documented that Mobile is the quickest growing marketing media right now and if you have been thinking about what to do about it the here is your opportunity to check it out for FREE. Foursquare is a social media platform that allows participants to tell their friends where they are and what they are doing at any particular time. For example if they were have a meal in the local pub then they could logon to Foursquare while at the venue and spread the word, which in turn could encourage their friends to join them and therefore increase the sales for that business. Right now local businesses can register with Foursquare and create a mini website about their business, offer special deals, send instant messages to the customers, etc. There are a lot of additional features available at Foursquare but we are limited with space here so just go to and see how you can used this service at no cost to grow your business. If it all seem overwhelming then give me a call on 1300 577 971 and we can have a chat about how Foursquare can work for your business. I have also produced an Introduction to Foursquare for Business report that you can download at http:// , oh.... by the way.... that report is free too. To your business success, Fred Gillen


I reckon that old sage was bored, And with care arranged each letter, Which the QWERTY keyboard ignored, As folk found its order better. There would be more than one secret; Of that fact I harbour no doubt; But it’s so hard to interpret Exactly what they are about. As a child, I’d often ask “Why?”, To which I would get this reply: “’Cause Y is a crooked letter, “And Z is not that much better.” But I’ll keep asking “What?” and “Why?”, Seeking knowledge so far concealed, Up until the day that I die, When I’m sure all will be revealed. Jack Nystrom Saturday, 18 May, 2013.

Issue 62

Services at Your Doorstep


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NEW AND REFILLED INK AND LASER CARTRIDGES Advertise your SHOP 11 HARRINGTON SQUARE, business MAIDSTONE ST, ALTONA 3018 Will on 0449 834 359 PH.9398 5200 FAX.9398 5211

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ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS The Bars™ Relax Your Body, Soothe Your Mind Renew Your Vitality

The Bars are a simple, effective, non-invasive energy process that may assist you in many areas of your life including sleep, mind chatter, money, relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more!

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AFTER SCHOOL ITALIAN CHATTERBOX CLUB Join our primary Italian classes for a fun, engaging and interacƟve session of Italian language learning. Thursdays from 4-5pm in Altona North, bring a friend and get a discount. All resources provided. Contact VioleƩe for further informaƟon on violeƩ or on 0403 149 442 Andrew – 0488 771 990

RACQUET RESTRING Tennis - Squash - Badminton Variety of strings at great prices Overnight Service (same day sometimes possible) ANDREW – 0488 771 990

Your stories and photos are what keep the Around Altona conversation going. Local club news is also welcome. Send your stories, articles and letters to editor@aroundaltona. or drop them off at the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre in Sargood Street.


Issue 62

Advertise your business Will on 0449 834 359


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Drive Away


Drive Away

WERRIBEE HYUNDAI 37-43 Cherry Street, Werribee.



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