Etopia Center for Art & Technology

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te y el Digital Water Pavillion. Entonces ha aparecido Manolo corriendo por la ribera. Al pararse le ha dado un acceso de tos y Rick “el bombillas” le ha mandado un twit a la cortina del DWP con el estribillo de la famosa canción “You give me fever”. Os podéis imaginar. Carcajada general. Tras la comida me he subido a mi cuarto a descansar un poco. El Gato duerme la siesta, puro arte horizontal. Lo justo para recargar las baterías. A las 5h me he encerrado en mi taller a concentrarme en el diseño de un vídeo promocional de mi espectáculo. Tengo algunas ideas que quiero presentar al final de la semana a un par de frikis de los laboratorios audiovisuales que se han ofrecido a echarme una mano en su edición y grabación. A última hora ha entrado al despacho Julián, uno de los analistas de negocio que andan por el edificio. Precedido por su corbata, sin llamar, a la brava. Y es que el “Ultimate Schrödinger Experiment” le ha tocado alguna fibra sensible y ahora me persigue para que le dé más vida. Es curioso, nunca había pensado cómo hacer pasta con esto, me bastaba un sitio para fabricarlo y otro para exponerlo. Pero Julián piensa en dólares, y me trata de convencer para que monte una obra de teatro a partir de la idea inicial, que yo tenía pensada para una exhibición más o menos fija. Sería una obra de teatro de calle a representar por los museos científicos de medio mundo. Julián va muy deprisa, me anima a que piense en un plan de negocio y de momento ha conseguido que mañana me reúna de nuevo con él. Reconozco que lo de montar un espectáculo teatral itinerante puede tener su gracia. Y lo de vivir de ello, francamente, también.

Ainielle Changalé

It is a summer-like autumn so some of us went down to the river for lunch, on the plot of ground between the Bridge Pavilion and the Digital Water Pavilion. Then, Manolo appeared running along the riverbank. When he stopped, he had a coughing fit and Rick "the light bulb" sent him a twit to the DWP curtain with the chorus from the famous song "You give me fever". You can imagine it. Laughter all round. After lunch I went up to my room to rest for a while. El Gato sleeps the siesta, pure horizontal art. Sufficient to recharge batteries. At 5 pm I shut myself into my workshop concentrating on the design of a promotional video for my show. I have a few ideas that I want to present at the end of the week to a couple of nerds from the A/V laboratories who have offered to give me a hand editing it and recording it. At the end of the day, Julian came by my office. He is one of the business analysts that can be found in the building. Preceded by his tie, and without knocking, just like that. And the fact is that the “Ultimate Schrödinger Experiment” has touched upon some sensible fibres of his and now he keeps coming after me. It is curious, I had never thought about making money with this; having a place to manufacture it and another to display it was sufficient for me. But Julian thinks in dollars and he is trying to convince me to mount a show based on my initial idea for a more or less permanent exhibition. It would be a street show to be performed in scientific museums all over the world. Julian is always in a hurry and he encourages me to think about a business plan and for the moment he has convinced me to meet him again tomorrow. I admit that mounting an itinerant theatre show could be fun. And making a living from it, well frankly, why not. Ainielle Changalé

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