Eagle's View - Winter 2012

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2nd Recruiting Brigade Wins Tops Honors Team Eagle named Top Brigade for FY11

INSIDE 3 4 6 8 10

Command Corner Brigade News Feature Army News Upcoming Events / SUR Feature

Brigade and Battalion Command Teams from across the 2nd Recruiting Brigade accept the trophy for Top Brigade for Fiscal Year 2011 from Maj. Gen. David Mann, Recruiting Command Commanding General, and Command Sgt. Maj. Todd Moore, USAREC Command Sergeant Major. “We couldn’t be more proud of the entire team,” said Col. Mike Faruqui, 2nd Recruiting Brigade commander. “This was great work by the best teams in our Army, and I want to personally thank them and our Families for their professionalism and sacrifice.” In addition to Top Brigade, Columbia Recruiting Battalion took home honors as Top Battalion for the Command in FY11. (Photo courtesy of USAREC)

CHAPLAIN’S BLESSING US. Army 2nd Recruiting Brigade Winter 2012 Commander Col. Michael A. Faruqui Command Sgt. Major Command Sgt. Maj. Donnel Daniels Chief, Advertising & Public Affairs / Editor Kimberly A. Hanson Public Affairs Specialist Vickie Evans

Eagle’s View is authorized by AR 360-1 for members of the U.S. Army and their Families. Contents of this publication are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Eagle’s View is published quarterly by the Advertising & Public Affairs Office, U.S. Army 2nd Recruiting Brigade. Please mail submissions and letters to the editor to: ATTN: Editor, A&PA U.S. Army 2nd Recruiting Brigade, 3435 Snooper Road Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898; com: (256) 450-9543, fax: (256) 450-9517. e-mail address: kimberly.hanson@usarec.army. mil or 2bde-apa@usarec.army.mil. Eagle’s View is currently distributed electronically and will be sent to everyone on the brigade distribution list and those whom have requested a copy. Deadline for submissions for the Spring 2012 edition is Apr. 15.

Life’s Imperfect Moments “God help us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in those imperfect moments and lift them up. Give us, dear God, the wisdom to know when these moments are so that we in our imperfectness may have a sense of heaven here on earth. In Your Name Dear Jesus We Pray. Amen.” A father with a severely mentally handicapped son shared this story. One afternoon, Shaya and his father walked past a park where some boys Shaya knew were playing baseball. Shaya asked, “Do you think they will let me play?” Shaya’s father knew that his son was not at all athletic and most boys would not want him on their team. But he also understood that if his son was allowed to play it would give him a comfortable sense of belonging. Shaya’s father approached one of the boys in the field and asked if Shaya could play. The boy looked around for guidance from his teammates. Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said, “We are losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we’ll try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning.” Shaya’s father was ecstatic as Shaya smiled broadly. Shaya was told to put on a glove and go out to play short center field. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shaya’s team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shaya’s team scored again and now with two outs and the bases loaded with the potential winning run on base, Shaya was scheduled to be up. Would the team actually let Shaya bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shaya was given the bat. Everyone knew that it was all but impossible because Shaya didn’t even know how to hold the bat properly, let alone hit with it. But as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher lobbed the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able to make contact. CHAPLAIN, continued on page 6

2nd Brigade Mission Team Eagle leads and recruits qualified men and women throughout our area of responsibility to provide the strength of the Army and Nation. 2nd Brigade Vision Team Eagle – consisting of Soldiers, Civilians, Families, and Community Partners – is an adaptive network of committed, values-based leaders that supports the growth of our next “Greatest Generation,” while taking care of our most precious asset…People.



Commander: The time to transform is now!

Col. Michael A. Faruqui Brigade Commander Team Eagle - What an exciting time to be a part of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command! Transformation is upon us, and all

of us get to help build and shape it! By now, you’ve all had initial training on Small Unit Recruiting. Now we will build on that training and transform our mind-set and our operations from legacy recruiting to working as a team to accomplish the mission. It starts with our leaders having the flexibility to shape their teams. Station commanders should have already begun to implement the new recruiting doctrine into their battle rhythm. Roles and responsibilities for recruiters will shift from individual work and achievement to team success. The goal is for everyone in the stations to work as a team to optimize our effect on the recruiting environment. Refining our systems and operations will be an ongoing process, and I ask that everyone work together to make it a success. I am fully committed to your transformation efforts! As we approach the summer months, ensure you are focused on the Future Soldier

Training Program. Prepare our Future Soldiers so that they are postured for success - to graduate high school, ship, and excel in Basic Training. Lead, guide and mentor them; be their role model. Leverage your Centers of Influence and your network to reaffirm Future Soldiers’ decision to serve. Also engage Future Soldiers’ Families. Ensure they are educated and prepared for the challenges and rewards ahead for their loved ones; minimize uncertainty, manage their expectations, and lead with confidence and assurance. This is the time to transform ourselves into the Professionals needed for our Nation’s future. Thank you for being the Tip of the Spear! Finally, a sincere thank you for all you do every day and a hearty congratulations on being named Top Brigade in the Command for FY11! Team Eagle - America’s Best Recruiting the Best! Army Strong! ~Eagle 6

CSM: A heart-felt farewell to Team Eagle

Command Sgt. Maj. Donnel Daniels Brigade Command Sergeant Major Team- It is hard to believe that it has been four years since I assumed the responsibilities as your Brigade Command Sergeant Major. It has been an absolute

honor to serve with each and every one of you here at the 2nd Recruiting Brigade. For the past 4 years, this brigade has reigned as the top recruiting brigade in the command. I attribute the brigade’s success to the hard work and dedication of the Families, Civilian Staff Members, Supporters, Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of this wonderful team. Recruiting is a tough job and every day I’m impressed by your dedication to duty, continued efforts and sound professionalism. The Eagle Brigade team has made me a better leader based on the experiences and relationships gained from this tour of duty. This has truly been the greatest command that I have been a part of in my 27 years of service. I challenge all of you to continue to live up to your responsibilities while continuing to set and enforce the standards of excellence in USAREC, as well as providing an environment that is conducive to attaining our Army’s recruiting goals.

Team Eagle’s mission fits into the bigger picture, which is to provide the Army with the Soldiers to become members of an elite force that plays a significant role in supporting and defending our great nation. Over the years and through multiple changes and challenges, we continue to lead the way for the Command. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the Senior Enlisted Advisor and I hope that I have lived up to your expectations. As I depart, I would like to take an opportunity to welcome Command Sergeant Major Rhodie and his Family to the 2nd Recruiting Brigade Team and ask that you all give him the same effort and support given to me. Your efforts have never gone un-noticed and I cherish the moments that we have shared. I’m humbled and also pleased with the way that you have represented this great Army Unit. Army Strong! ~Eagle 7 Out

WINTER 2012 •


BRIGADE NEWS STAFF BRIEFS New Brigade SFA Team Eagle is proud to announce Ms. Tyesha Stiff as the new Brigade Soldier and Family Assistance Coordinator. Ms. Stiff is working diligently to create a Brigade Family Readiness Group Facebook page and Virtual FRG Web site, where she will post about different resources. “I am striving to provide the best support and resources to our Soldiers, Civilians and Family Members to better their quality of life and selfsufficiency,” said Stiff. She plans to send the links out soon. Updating DTS Profiles All travelers need to ensure that Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT), home address, and Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) information is current in their DTS profile. If this information is not kept up to date, travel reimbursements may be affected. In addition to the information above, travelers should periodically check their profiles in order to update other information such as rank, organization, phone number, emergency contact and other traveler information. From your DTS homepage (after login), mouse over to Traveler Set-up on the top menu bar and select Update Personal Profile. On the My Profile screen, click on each section to verify your information (My Preferences, My Additional Information, My TSA Information, My Account Information). Save changes, select the Update Personal Information button at the bottom of the screen.


From the Desk of the ESS... By Becky Crittenden, 2nd Brigade Education Specialist Great news! The brigade has a full complement of ESS’ for the first time in quite a while. In Jacksonville, we welcome Jody DiSalvo, and in Montgomery, Perry Stallworth. Please give them a Team Eagle welcome! The school year is almost over. Between finals, exit exams, proms, and graduation prep, lots is happening in schools from now until the end of the year. Offer assistance, and get involved! Don’t forget to get on the schedule to present your Scholar-Athlete Awards. Over the next few months, begin evaluating how well you worked in your schools this year. Did you get the results you wanted? Did you form a real partnership with the school? As this school year winds down, it is time to start thinking about School Year 13, which starts July 1. The Brigade’s SY13 School Plan was recently distributed, and your battalion plans should be out soon, as well. Electronic school folders for SY13 are already in School Zone. Make sure you carry over all the important information from this year to next. Get your folders ready, make plans for your specific schools, and be ready to go to make SY13 the best!

technology corner...........

By Sgt. 1st Class James Westbrook, 2nd Brigade Master Trainer The Integrated Knowledge Resources Online for Me, or IKROme system, which replaces the United States Recruiting Army Command’s Enterprise Portal, recently went live for the Brigade. The system leverages some of the best practices from iGoogle and Facebook. IKROme allows users to create and personalize a workspace to best fit their individual needs. The system has features which enable users to search, access links and chat. Some of the functions of IKROme are: True Single Sign On, application/site launcher, document management, leaner web content management, and better focus on user self service. All Enterprise Portal users will migrate to IKROme by the end of this calendar year. Approximately 6,000 users are currently utilizing the IKROme portal. The number of users is projected to significantly increase over the next few months. Users can provide direct IKROme feedback by accessing the “Add a Suggestion” gadget on the page. User suggestions are reviewed by a working group and a team of developers who are responsible for the prioritization of the suggestions for future releases.


My Board File: how to ensure the success of the officers and NCOs in your unit By Michael Wright, 2nd Brigade S-1 Brigade and battalion S-1s frequently encounter the question, “How important is My Board File?” Unfortunately, the majority of the Army’s young officers and NCOs have only experienced the promotion system in a growing Army where the demand for personnel was greater than the supply. This created an environment of promotion rates that made promotion seem more of a right than a privilege. However, given the current environment of the Army, promotion rates have begun to return to historic levels, further driving home the importance of preparing a board file. Understanding the board process will help the leaders you support recognize the importance of promotion board files and open the discussion of what can be done to improve a board file. The following site, https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/Active/TAGD/Video/The_Selection_Board_Process_Video.htm - created by Capt. A.J. Brong and Capt. Korneliya Waters with the Department of the Army Secretariat for Selection Boards, is a great tool for understanding the board process and setting yourself up for success. The answer to the question of board file importance is simple. It carries much more weight in 2012 than it did in previous years. It is the only chance for deserving Soldiers to receive proper recognition for their performance, and it is essential for the Army to ensure advancement of the best leaders.

Upcoming Events and Activities APRIL April 9-15: April 13: April 13-15: April 20-22: April 23-27: April 27-29: April 27-29:

NHRA Charlotte, Columbia Battalion Brigade Change of Responsibility Annual Training Conference (ATC), Jacksonville Battalion ATCs, Baton Rouge & Columbia Battalions Brigade Command Inspection, Montgomery Battalion ATC, Miami Battalion Marriage Enrichment Retreat, Atlanta Battalion

MAY May 1-6: May 4-6: May 4: May 7-11: May 18-20: May 21-27: May 25-28: May 29-June 1:

NHRA Atlanta, Atlanta Battalion Marriage Enrichment Retreat, Tampa Battalion Brigade Training Stand Down Day Brigade Command Inspection, Baton Rouge Battalion Family Wellness Retreat, Montgomery Battalion NASCAR Charlotte, Columbia Battalion Memorial Day Holiday Weekend Brigade Command Inspection, Jacksonville Battalion

JUNE June 1-3: June 8: June 11-15: June 14: June 15-17: June 18-22: June 22:

Family Wellness Retreat, Tampa Battalion Change of Command, Montgomery Battalion Brigade AFAP Conference Army Birthday / Flag Day Family Wellness Retreat, Baton Rouge Battalion Brigade Command Inspection, Atlanta Battalion Change of Command, Jacksonville Battalion

WINTER 2012 •



Eagles on the Street... How do you use the Scholar/Athlete Award to build better relations with your high schools?

Congratulations to the following Team Eagle Station Commanders of the Quarter for 1st QTR FY12:

“The Scholar Athlete Award is a great relationship builder. It allows the recruiter to get face time with an entire student body and recognize one of their peers for superior performance in and out of the classroom. This allows us to shape the Army’s image as more than combat. When used properly and followed up upon, the event can create a great working relationship with the staff within your schools.” ~Sgt. 1st Class Danielal Murphy, Fort Myers Recruiting Station Commander, Tampa Battalion

SFC Thomas Kenny Raleigh BN (Brigade Winner)

“Scholar/Athlete is a productive program because it reemphasizes our partnership with the school. The schools begin to understand we are partners with them and not just here to recruit but to support education and student achievements. This program also serves to empower the students with the recognition they receive from our recruiters.” ~Cpt. Grace Richards, Booneville Recruiting Company Commander, Baton Rouge Battalion

SSG Olga Correaseda Tampa BN


SFC Edward Ortizburgos Miami BN SFC Brent Phillips Baton Rouge BN

CHAPLAIN, continued from page 2

The first pitch came in and Shaya swung clumsily and missed. One of Shaya’s teammates came up to Shaya and together they held the bat and faced the pitcher waiting for the next pitch. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly toward Shaya. As the pitch came in, Shaya and his teammate swung at the bat and together they hit a slow ground ball to the pitcher. The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field, far beyond reach of the first baseman. Everyone started yelling, “Shaya, run to first. Run to first.” Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down the baseline wideeyed and startled. By the time he

SFC Mark Weems Columbia BN

reached first base, the right fielder had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman who would tag out Shaya, who was still running. But the right fielder understood what the pitcher’s intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman’s head. Everyone yelled, “Run to second, run to second.” Shaya ran toward second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases towards home. As Shaya reached second base, the opposing short stop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base and shouted, “Run to third.” As Shaya rounded third, the boys from both teams ran behind him screaming, “Shaya run home.” Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate and all 18 boys lifted him on their shoulders and made him the hero, as he had just hit a “grand slam” and won the game for

SFC Jesse Strand Jacksonville BN SSG Jeremy Gaudet Atlanta BN SFC John Carroll Montgomery BN

his team. “That day,” said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, “those 18 boys reached their level of God’s perfection.” God’s perfection to the world is how God’s people reach out and touch another life’s imperfect moments. ~Chaplain (Maj.) Douglas Gibson, 2nd Brigade Chaplain


Tax $eason

Tax season is here again, and military members and their Families have a variety of free services available to help ease the stress of filing. Military OneSource is once again providing free tax consultation and filing services to military servicemembers and their Families during the tax season.Users will have free online access to the H&R Block at Home (formerly TaxCut) program.

In order to take advantage of the free program, users must register for Military OneSource and log on to the site for access to the online program. A separate logon for the H&R Block at Home site is required. Those eligible for the program include: active duty, Guard and Reserve (regardless of activation status), spouses and dependent children (authorized in DEERS), Family members handling the affairs of a deployed service member, DoD employees working in support roles (Army Community Services, Fleet & Family Services, Family Support Center, Marine Corp Community Services), and severely injured servicemembers or Family members handling their affairs. Participants will have free access to the basic H&R Block at Home program. Those with more complicated returns may incur charges if they upgrade to the H&R Block at Home Premium program. Participants can electronically-file up to three state resident returns for each federal return with H&R Block at Home. For more information log onto www. militaryonesource.com.

The military-based VITA (Volunteer Income Assistance) Program sites provide free tax advice, tax preparation, return filing, and other tax assistance to military members and their Families. The Armed Forces Tax Council which consists of the tax program coordinators for the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard oversees the operation of the military tax programs worldwide and serves as the main conduit for outreach by the IRS to military personnel and their Families. Airmen, Soldiers, sailors, Marines, and guardsmen and their Families worldwide get tax preparation help at offices within military installations. VITA sites provide free tax advice, tax preparation, and assistance to military members and their Families. They are trained and equipped to address military specific tax issues, such as combat zone tax benefits and the effect of the new Earned Income Tax Credit guidelines. Taxpayers need to bring the following items to the VITA/TCE sites to have their tax returns prepared: • Photo identification • Social Security cards for the taxpayer, their spouse, and dependents, if applicable • Birth dates for primary and secondary earners and dependents on the tax return • Current year’s tax package if they received one • Wage and earning statements (W-2, W-2G, and 1099-R forms) from all employers • Interest and dividend statements from banks (1099 forms) • A copy of last year’s federal and state returns if available • Bank routing numbers and account numbers for direct deposit • Other relevant information about income and expenses • Total amount paid for day care • Day care providers identifying number (tax ID or SSN) To file taxes electronically on a married filing joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms.

Dr. Lisa Vosper, Baton Rouge Army Community Advisory Board co-leader, and Donald Barringer, Raleigh Army Community Advisory Board co-leader, experience an Army helicopter simulator at the Army Strong Experience outside the Alamodome during the U.S. Army All American Bowl, Jan. 7. The 2nd Recruiting Brigade took advantage of the week of activities surrounding the All American Bowl, sending five Centers of Influencers and six Soldier Heroes to participate in festivities. Beyond the Army Strong Experience, influencers also had the opportunity to either tandem jump with the U.S. Army Parachute Team (Golden Knights) or shoot with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Team; tour the Center for the Intrepid and Fisher House, and participate in a Wounded Warriors Panel; interact with several senior Army leaders; and participate in an Education Panel and workshop. Around 30 football players and 40 band members from across the Southeast were also selected to play in the game, which featured an east versus west showdown of the best high school players. In the end, the West won a decisive victory, 24-12, over the East. (Photo by Kim Hanson, 2nd Recruiting Brigade Public Affairs)

WINTER 2012 •



Initiative aims to retain quality Soldiers as 2013 re-enlistment window opens By David Larsen Courtesy of Army News Service In an effort to address a downsizing Army, Army Directive 2012-03, Army Retention Initiatives, goes into effect March 1, the same day the re-enlistment window opens for Soldiers whose service contract ends in fiscal year 2013. The directive, released from the Secretary of the Army John McHugh on Feb. 2 places additional restrictions for some mid-grade noncommissioned officers to re-enlist, as well as five additional events which will be cause for a Soldier’s bar to re-enlistment. “We will use the drawdown as an opportunity to shape our Army by ensuring that we retain only our very best Soldiers,” the Secretary of the Army’s directive stated. The directive requires commanders to “ensure that only the best qualified Soldiers of those eligible are re-enlisted” and that brigade-level commanders and above “will deny re-enlistment to those Soldiers not deemed best qualified.” “Tough decisions are ahead,” stated a letter released to commands accompanying the newest retention directive, signed by the Secretary of the Army, Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno and Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler III. “Some fully qualified Soldiers will be denied re-enlistment. Commanders must carefully assess their Soldiers and ensure only our best Soldiers are retained to meet the needs of our Army.” In addition to having brigade command-

ers make retention determinations of their troops, several new guidelines have been implemented by the Secretary of the Army’s directive. In addition to re-enlistment qualifications already outlined in Army Regulation 601-280, or AR 601-280, Army

“We will use the drawdown as an opportunity to shape our Army by ensuring that we retain only our very best Soldiers.” ~John McHugh, Secretary of the Army

Retention Program, the new directive states that “Soldiers in the grade of staff sergeant and above not currently serving on an indefinite re-enlistment contract will be considered unqualified for re-enlistment if their Official Military Personnel File contains one of the following: • Relief-for-Cause Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report, or NCOER • a “No” listed in Part IV (Army Values, attributes, skills, actions) • a senior rater rating of 4 (fair) or 5 (poor) in Part V -- Overall Performance and Potential of an NCOER • a Service School Academic Evaluation Report indicating a failure in an NCO Education System course

The directive states that “requests for waivers will be considered on a case-bycase basis,” submitted through command channels to the U.S. Army Human Resources Command. Commanders will also be required to initiate a bar to re-enlistment under the directive for the following reasons: • loss of primary military occupational specialty due to fault of the Soldier • a Soldier denied Command List Integration for promotion by the unit commander. • an incident involving the use of illegal drugs or alcohol within the current enlistment/re-enlistment period resulting in an officially filed letter of reprimand; a finding of guilty under Article 15, Uniformed Code of Military Justice, or UCMJ; a civilian conviction; or conviction by court-martial • two or more separate proceedings under Article 15, UCMJ, resulting in a finding of guilty by a field grade commander during the Soldier’s current enlistment or period of service • a Soldier absent without leave more than 96 hours during the current enlistment/re-enlistment period Provisions of the new retention directive will be incorporated into the next revision of AR 601-280 and will be rescinded upon the publication of the revised regulation.

Find more Army news on-line at www.army.mil/news/. 8 • EAGLE’S VIEW


U.S. Army 2011 Photo of the Year

New Soldiering roles for women The Army announced Feb. 9 a broadening of opportunities for female Soldiers. Six new military occupational specialties have now opened to female Soldiers. Additionally, other MOSs that had been open to women only at brigade level or above will now be open to female Soldiers at the battalion level. Imminent Danger Pay prorated As part of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act signed into law Dec. 31, 2011, service members now will receive imminent danger pay only for days they actually spend in hazardous areas. Previously, service members received $225 per month if they spent any time that month in an area where the pay was authorized. Now, service members will receive $7.50 per day for days spent in hazardous areas. PT uniform survey Soldiers are being asked to complete an online survey, developed by the Training and Doctrine Command, to answer questions about how they use their current physical fitness uniform, how they would prioritize changes to the uniform, and what capabilities they are looking for in a new physical fitness uniform. The survey site officially launches Feb. 6, and will remain active for 30 days. The survey is for all Soldiers, including active duty, Army National Guard and Army Reserve. Access to AKO is required for Soldiers to voice their opinion. The survey can be found through the CAC-enabled site https://ipfusurvey. natick.army.mil, or through the nonCAC site at https://surveys.natick. army.mil/Surveys/ipfu.nsf.

Captured by Sgt. Breanne Pye, a public affairs noncommissioned officer with the 4th Infantry Division, Pfc. Kevin March kneels atop a cliff overlooking the Arghandab River Valley to provide security for his squad in Afghanistan, Jan. 31, 2011. Pye’s photo was voted the 2011 Photo of the Year for Army.Mil.

Officials welcome home final troops from iraq

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, welcomed the final group of U.S. troops home from Iraq on Joint Base Andrews, Md., Dec. 20, 2011, marking the end of a nearly nine year campaign.

WINTER 2012 •


April is also Alcohol Awareness Month. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of alcohol abuse and encourage people to make safe healthy choices. If you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions, you may have a problem with alcohol: • Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad? • Does your drinking ever make you late for work? • Does your drinking worry your Family?

By Regina Taylor Brigade Family Advocacy Program / SHARP Representative

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sexual Assault is defined as illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent (as because of age, physical, or mental incapacity) or who places the assailant (as a doctor, coach, clergy, and or Family member) in a position of trust or authority. In the U. S. Army Recruiting Command and the 2nd Recruiting Brigade, our goal is to prevent sexual assaults and to ensure personnel are properly trained to intervene and report sexual assaults. It is important to create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents, encourages victims to report incidents without fear, and ensures that victims are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect. We Must Protect Our Children and Our Families. If We Don’t Protect Them We Have Failed Them. If a child doesn’t want to be left with someone, listen to them. Please contact me at (256) 450-9529 to discuss any Sexual Assault questions or concerns, or call 1-800-3166251.

• Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won’t? • Do you ever forget what you did while drinking? • Do you get headaches or have a hangover after drinking? For help with minimizing your drinking, contact http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/handout.htm or contact the nearest Military Treatment Facility Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP). As the Brigade Family Advocacy Program Coordinator and the Brigade Sexual Harrassment / Assault Response and Prevention Program Manager, I am always available to assist our Soldiers and Families. Contact me at regina.taylor@usarec. army.mil or (256) 450-9529.

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