In Step With Democracy - March 1998

Page 24

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Arc.hbishops Barkev Martirosian of.Karabakh and Vatche Hovsepian of the Western US (top left) with volunteers (top right) answering phones during the Thanksgiving Day telethon tiorir Loi Angeles. President o, the Western US Armenia Fund Rafi 0urfalian with telethon hosts (middle

left). Manushag Petrossian, Armenia Fund Executive oirector with telethon host Arthur

Bakhtanian during the Dec. 27 Yerevan telethon (bottom left). Karabakh's Foreign Ministor Naira Melkoumian presented land deeds to winning telethon participants, including-souren Kahwadi (rioht bottom). Lottery tickots issues by the government of Karabakh for Dirspora-distribution are expected to net $2.5 million.

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