Easter Church Times

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Easter a time to pause to reflect








IN JESUS’ death and resurrection God’s glory was revealed. Easter is a time to pause to reflect, within the church services of a local Christian congregation, on the sacrificial death and the glorious resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Hot cross buns and chocolate eggs only have meaning in relation to the facts of Jesus’ death on the cross and the disciples’ discovery of the empty tomb. Jesus’ ministry, which included confronting religious and political authorities, may have won him enemies, but it was ultimately God’s will that he die a cruel death on a cross and rise to new life on the


third day. Please consider attending a church service this Easter. Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Christians throughout the world – 2.2 billion people – will celebrate Easter this year through worship services and outreach activities. Christians are found in all walks of life: rich and poor, enslaved and free, male and female. Through the idea of seeking to follow Christ, many different people have found meaning, purpose, liberation and satisfaction in life. Christians believe that by imitating Christ’s sacrifice – by making personal sacrifices for

God and other people – we find true freedom. Christians also believe that Christ’s resurrection is extended to those who believe in God: Father, Son and Spirit. When we live in the hope of the resurrection, we can live with confidence. We can overcome any challenge. Belief in Jesus Christ can help us to cope with life’s problems and to raise the next generation to be resilient. In the church, away from day-to-day life for a while, we can consider God’s will for our lives and belong to a life-long family of God. Rev Dr Julia Pitman, St Paul’s and Armitage Uniting Churches, Mackay

Easter service times for the UNITING CHURCHES IN THE MACKAY REGION

‘When I survey the Wondrous cross’ ST PAUL’S, Macalister Street, Mackay Good Friday 9.15am Rev. Dr Julia Pitman Easter Sunday 9.15am Rev. Dr Julia Pitman

NORTHSIDE, Cnr Bedford Road and Fleurs Way, Andergrove Good Friday 8am Rev. Wayne McHugh Easter Sunday 9am Rev. Wayne McHugh

ARMITAGE, Cnr Evans and Kennedy Streets Easter Sunday 7.45am Rev. Dr Julia Pitman SEAFORTH, Palm Avenue Easter Saturday 9am Rev. Wayne McHugh

Easter offers something real EASTER is a living tradition and the high point of the Christian year. Ever since that first Easter Day 2000 years ago there have always been Christians journeying through the events of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and rejoicing in the reality of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day. Augustine of Hippo once said of Christians “We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song”. For Christians the resurrection is a person – Jesus Christ.

There are no situations without hope. Through him we can experience resurrection life right now. Through Christ, new life can spring out of hopelessness and despair, and hardened hearts can come alive through loving care. The Easter story also remind us, no matter how oppressive the situation, how difficult the problem, it is never too late, in our personal lives, to begin again. Easter renews one’s sense of hope and with it comes peace

and joy – the alleluia. It offers something real to counteract what is happening around us and gives us purpose in life and something to keep us strong. Easter enables us to see life differently, in a way that changes lives – through Easter eyes. Be part of an Easter celebration here in Mackay either at dawn by the river or in a church somewhere and experience the ‘Alleluia’ for yourself. Reverend John McKim Rector Mackay Anglican Cluster

Take heart: Easter’s promise for you EASTER, a time for reflection. Why Easter! Well it’s not the hot cross buns and or the chocolate goodies that the shops have had since February. We celebrate Easter because nearly two thousand years ago Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross and then rose from the dead to ascend to Heaven where he provides the way to eternal life for those that believe in Him and God. People say it is not possible to die and rise again, yet Jesus did for, as the Apostle Paul tells us, Jesus appeared to Peter, then the 12 and to 500-plus other believers most of whom were still living when Paul

wrote to the Church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 15:4f). It changed people’s lives, Paul went from attacking the Christians to teaching about Jesus. All of them sought to share Jesus’ good news where they were living. Throughout the last two thousand years men and women have done the same thing, telling people of the Good News that Jesus brought and that the Good News is available to all who seek Christ and believe in him. News that, if seriously listened to and believed, would see this world as a place where real peace is lived. Peace that is

not man’s arrangements that are here today gone tomorrow but rather a peace that changes the lives of those who believe in Christ Jesus and who know him as their Saviour and Lord. On the last days before Jesus was arrested, he told his disciples, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33 New International Version - UK) This is Easter’s promise for you. Seek Jesus! Rev John Gilmour Presbyterian Church Mackay and Sarina


PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MACKAY and SARINA Congregations Thursday Night Good Friday Sunday


Cnr Evans Ave & Harvey St North Mackay

Easter Services 18th 19th 21st

6:30 am Sarina 8:00 am Mackay 8:30 am Mackay 10:30 am Sarina


Beach Road Sarina Normal Sunday Service Times 8:30 Mackay; 10:30 Sarina

Rev John Gilmour | Phone 4957 2835


Photo: Max Fleet

SARINA, Range Road Good Friday 7am Range Road, Ps Jeff Grant Good Friday 10am Apex Park, Combined Churches Easter Sunday 8.30am Range Road, Ps Jeff Grant

Mackay Anglican Cluster 2019

EastEr sErvicE timEs

Maundy Thursday - 18th April 7.00pm - Eucharist/Foot washing (St Charles, West Mackay) Good Friday - 19th April 8.00am - Service of Readings (St Charles, West Mackay) 8.00am - Service of Readings (Holy Trinity, Mackay) 9.00am - Service of Readings (St Ambrose, North Mackay) 2.00pm - Devotions on the Cross (St Charles, West Mackay) Easter Sunday - 21st April 5.30am - Dawn Service - Eucharist (Bluewater Quays) 8.00am - Eucharist (Holy Trinity, Mackay) 9.00am - Eucharist (St Ambrose, North Mackay) 11.30am - Eucharist (St Margaret’s, Nebo)


TIME FOR REFLECTION: Consider attending church this Easter.

PIONEER VALLEY, Walkerston, Mirani, Eungella Good Friday 8am Walkerston, Ps Allen Soxsmith Easter Sunday 8am Walkerston, Ps Allen Soxsmith Good Friday 10am The Valley, Mirani, Ps Allen Soxsmith Easter Sunday 10am The Valley, Mirani, Ps Allen Soxsmith Easter Sunday 3pm ECDA Hall, Eungella, Ps Allen Soxsmith

IONA WEST, 7 Brooks Street, West Mackay Maundy Thursday 7pm Rev. Peter Aay Good Friday 8.30am Rev. Peter Aay Easter Sunday 8.30am and 6.30pm Rev. Peter Aay

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