Downs Style - Summer 2017

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START 2018 HEALTHY If you are wanting to welcome the New Year feeling great, why not plan a detox?


HEALTHY START: Detoxing helps to reboot and refresh your body.

or goat options seems hard to bear, but the truth is these options are easy to come across these days. Play around with different varieties to see what works for you, including almond or coconut milk, cashew cheese, goat’s cheese or sheep’s milk. Why forgo dairy? It blocks up your lymphatic system – the system that helps with circulation and detoxification and is believed to be inflammatory. Known under many names, be sure to check all labels for lactose, whey, casein, cheese, cream, curd, delactosed, lactalbulin and lactalglobulin. 5. GET MOVING As your body starts eliminating toxins it’s important you support it with regular exercise and sweating to help shift these toxins even more. Exercise also helps promote blood flow and cellular renewal, so try to incorporate between 30-45 minutes of movement into your day. 6723832ac

ith 2017 almost behind us, now is the time to start setting goals for 2018! While the Christmas period is only just getting underway, now is a good time to start thinking of ways to help you begin the new year with a bang and a detox is a great place to start. Plus, knowing you have a detox planned can help you enjoy the Christmas indulgence without the usual guilt! 1. PREPARE YOUR MIND You’ve prepped your meals and cleared your social calendar, but have you mentally prepared for the cleansing period ahead? One of the biggest reasons people fail to finish a detox is that they aren’t mentally prepared for the changes ahead, leaving them vulnerable to failure. Use your cleanse as an exercise in mental detoxification as well as physically, planning meditation and yoga sessions, as well as using motivational techniques to help see you through. 2. GET READY TO DRINK UP Drinking at least two litres of water is paramount in successfully reducing your toxins, so if you’re not used to drinking lots of water, prepare yourself. Buy a large, glass water jug and fill it with lemon, mint and alkaline water, ensuring you’re constantly sipping - rather than gulping - throughout the day. Why alkaline water? It has a higher pH value than regular water, helping draw acidity out of the body. Complement your water intake with green juices, smoothies and coconut water for variety. 3. CUT THE CRACKERS By now you know the drill - processed food is kryptonite to a successful detox. Packaged foods like crackers, chips, white bread or fast food are laden with empty calories, leaving your system malnourished and likely hungry again in only a few hours. Switch the processed stuff for healthy, wholefoods, feel satisfied with healthy fats found in avocado, oily fish and coconut oil, and enjoy fresh, healthy salads laden with seasonal vegetables. Oh, and it goes without saying that sugar is out, too. 4. DARE TO GO DAIRY-FREE For many the thought of forgoing dairy in favour of nut, sheep

Exciting New Cafe Opening Soon Middle Street Chinchilla 10

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December 2017

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