Our Four-Footed Friends Fall/Winter 2018

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Friends Fall/Winter 2018

You helped rescue over 700 animals from deplorable conditions in Summer 2018 alone

and how you help them

Feisty 1-year-old Bearded Dragon adopted in August 2018.

We carry out our mission through the following programs: Advocacy Animal Care and Adoption Centers (Boston, Dedham, & Brewster) Anti-Cruelty Law Enforcement Community Programs Boston Veterinary Care Rescue Services Community and Shelter Medicine Spay Waggin’ (Affordable Spay & Neutering) We do not receive government grants or public funding and rely solely on the generosity of our supporters to help animals in need.

Stay connected with us! ArlBoston.org @AnimalRescueLeagueofBoston @ARLBostonRescue @ArlBoston

Our Four-Footed Friends is a publication of the Animal Rescue League of Boston, 10 Chandler Street, Boston, MA 02116. Please address all editorial and subscription correspondence to us at the address above, attention Our Four-Footed Friends Managing Editor. ——————————————


—————————————— Fall/Winter 2018 Managing Editor: Lisa Graham Photographers: Angela Altobelli Mike DeFina Contributing Writers: Mike DeFina Lisa Graham Mary Nee

Our Mission The Animal Rescue League of Boston is an unwavering champion for animals in need, committed to keeping them safe and healthy in habitats and homes.

Contents 13 Message from ARL's President, Mary Nee 4 Liam: One Community Cat's Journey Through ARL 17 Summer Rescue Stories 8 Protecting Animals in Massachusetts 12 People & Paws 15 Adopting Young vs. Senior Pets 16 Unique Adoption Stories 19 Transport Waggin': ARL's New Mobile Unit 20 Leaving a Legacy For Animals


Jax 1-year-old Rat Terrier mix adopted in September 2018.


Message from ARL's President Dear Friend, Charles Dickens opened his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, with the famous phrase, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I have been reminded of this phrase over the past year as we have recently achieved major milestones to protect animals, while at the same time encountering what seems like, daily discoveries of homes where large numbers of animals have been abused or neglected. Most recently, we celebrated with Governor Baker, members of the Massachusetts legislature, and partner humane organizations, at the signing of PAWS II; a comprehensive animal welfare law which adds numerous new protections including, mandated inspection of vacant property for animals, increased fines for violation of animal law, and prohibitions against drowning of wildlife. This legislative victory came on the heels of three major felony convictions for animal cruelty in Essex and Norfolk Counties, involving four individuals who were found guilty of extreme animal cruelty, and were collectively sentenced to 20-25 years. All of this forward progress occurred while ARL law enforcement, rescue, animal care and veterinary staff were grappling with over 700 animals found living in deplorable conditions, in six different towns between Memorial Day and Labor Day. In all of these cases the lack of care was directly related to some underlying

physical and mental health issues of the property owners. Because of people like you, all of these animals have received treatment and most have been adopted. However positive these outcomes were, these responses came after animals and the people that care for them had suffered. To prevent animal hoarding and overwhelmed caregiver cases, many additional professionals and systems that support people, such as Elder Affairs, the Department of Children and Families, and the Disabled Persons Commission must be involved. Fortunately, another benefit of the PAWS II law establishes a special commission to examine mandatory cross reporting of abuse of people and animals by a wide range of officials. ARL is a designated member of this commission and we look forward to sharing our real life experiences about the link between cruelty to animals and harm to people, to develop reporting protocols so that problems are identified early and harm is prevented. Further supporting the reporting of animal cruelty, ARL joined Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and Animal Folks (MN), to publish, Reporting Animal Cruelty, The Role of the Veterinarian. This comprehensive manual provides guidance to veterinarians, as mandated reporters of animal cruelty and neglect in Massachusetts, to develop protocols for documenting and reporting these issues to law enforcement agencies. We are now in the process of disseminating

this manual and developing trainings for veterinary professionals. We are greatly appreciative of the efforts of the Division of Professional Licensure (DPL) who is disseminating this manual to every veterinarian in Massachusetts through the veterinary license renewal process. The famous Dickens quote ends with, “it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” The contradiction of forward progress occurring alongside of despair is an age old dilemma. This is why we aggressively respond each day to difficult cases, as we work diligently to seek solutions to prevent abuse and neglect at its root cause. I am by nature an optimist. I prefer to see the season of light and the spring of hope. With the support of people like you, I believe our vision that animals are safe and healthy in habitats and homes is possible. Sincerely,

Mary Nee President


Kitten with Eye Ulcers Saved 30 community cats helped during one-day targeted effort On a hot morning in July, a 13-week-old kitten was lying atop a stack of dirty newspapers, still soaking wet from the thunderstorm the night before. His body was weak from a lack of food and water, making him vulnerable to predators. He had ulcers in both of his eyes, rendering him almost completely blind. “Liam” had an uncertain future. Fortunately, a young woman contacted ARL's Rescue Services asking for help saving the stray grey kitten "with unusual eyes”. “Liam was in rough shape like so many other community cats that we come across on a daily basis,” said Suzanne Trasavage, ARL’s Community Cat Rescue Agent. Liam was transported to ARL's Community Surgical Clinic (CSC) in Dedham where he received food, water, and compassionate care. In addition to being vaccinated and neutered, he also had one of his eyes removed due to an untreated infection. Following his surgery, he recuperated in foster care. In August, the formerly stray kitten met his perfect family. "He’s a feisty and fun little kitten who

has made a really great buddy for our other cat,” says his adopter. A targeted community cat clinic If left on the street, Liam likely would not have survived. That day, he was just one of 30 cats that benefitted from ARL’s first large-scale community cat clinic hosted on ARL’s Dedham campus. Cat colonies in Dorchester, Mattapan, Hyde Park, and East Boston were targeted. "By strategically targeting large, known colonies we can have a bigger immediate impact for these communities,” said Dr. Kyle Quigley, ARL’s Medical Director of Community and Shelter Medicine. Out of the 30 cats that received vaccinations and spay/neuter surgery, over half were adoptable and have since found their forever homes. The other cats were safely returned to their community, where they have known caretakers.

Change the Lives of Cats at Risk In 2017, ARL served 622 community cats, resulting in 79% adoptions and 22% being returned to caretakers. Learn more at arlboston.org/services/community-cat-services








Thanks to your support Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, ARL's Law Enforcement and Rescue Services were able to help over 700 animals living in deplorable conditions.


Summer Rescue Stories ARL responds to hoarding cases and rooftop saves This past summer, ARL’s Law Enforcement and Rescue Services collectively saved hundreds of domesticated animals and wildlife from dangerous circumstances. These rescues were only made possible by your support! Annual geese rescue at WGBH building For the fourth year in a row, ARL responded to the WGBH headquarters in Brighton to capture and relocate a family of geese from the rooftop. Rescue agents got ahold of the female goose and her five goslings right away; the male goose proved more difficult to catch. After a good effort, the entire family was relocated to a quiet new nesting place along the Charles River! Seagull saved on John Hancock rooftop In late July, ARL was called to rescue an injured seagull stuck atop the John Hancock building in Boston’s Seaport District. The bird was huddled in a corner of the glass rooftop 10 stories up and hadn’t moved in several days. In a matter of seconds, rescue agents moved swiftly to net the seagull and tuck him into a carrier. He was later transferred to a wildlife rehabilitation facility to make a full recovery!

More than 700 animals rescued from deplorable conditions Animal hoarding is a serious, yet unrecognized community problem in Massachusetts that is responsible for substantial animal suffering. Often associated with adult self-neglect or mental illness, animal hoarding can also place children, the elderly, dependent adults, property, and public health at risk. The situations that ARL encounters are becoming more frequent and increasingly complex. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, ARL assisted in the investigation and rescue of more than 700 cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, reptiles, and rodents involved in animal hoarding and overcrowding situations in Hingham, Whitman, Taunton, Plymouth, New Bedford, and other towns. Many of the animals rescued dealt with behavioral issues, as well as health concerns, including respiratory distress, malnutrition, parasites, and other illness. While some were too late to save, the majority went on to heal and find loving homes!

Injured seagull rescued from rooftop

Keep Animals Safe & Healthy Help ensure that animals stay in the communities where they live at arlboston.org/donate


ARL's Law Enforcement Team 8

From left to right, Officer Paul Parlon, Officer Diane Begonis, Lieutenant Alan Borgal, and Law Enforcement Operations Manager Danielle Genter.

Protecting Animals in Massachusetts ARL is committed to preventing animal cruelty and neglect in Massachusetts Since 1932, ARL has had an active Law Enforcement program that has the authority to enforce animal cruelty and neglect laws. These special state police officers work closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and Animal Control Officers throughout the Commonwealth to protect animals in a variety of ways, including: Ensuring the safety of animals by investigating reports about suspected neglect or abuse Educating pet owners about the lawful treatment and care of animals in the state Supporting local and state police departments in cases of animal-related crimes Assisting in the prosecution of animal-related crimes

Additionally, ARL’s Law Enforcement focuses on keeping pets safely in their homes, whenever possible. “The first step is typically a conversation with the offending individual(s),” said Lieutenant Alan Borgal, ARL’s Director of Law Enforcement. “We remind them what the law states and how they can rectify the situation to make them a better pet owner, and avoid future violations.”

Defining Animal Cruelty Working with the individual offenders, however, can sometimes prove difficult, as 4 out of 5 cases of animal cruelty are often never reported in the first place. Recognizing and reporting animal cruelty is especially important, due to the link between animal abuse and family and community violence. ARL encourages anyone who suspects animal cruelty to call our confidential Law Enforcement Hotline. ARL’s most commonly investigated animal cruelty cases include: abandonment or neglect in which people do not provide adequate food, water, shelter, veterinary care, or socialization for animals in their care; abuse, the unintentional or intentional harm caused to an animal physically, emotionally, or sexually; and hoarding, a serious community issue that is responsible for substantial animal suffering, often associated with adult self-neglect and/or mental illness. Three high-profile cases closed in 2018 Even when tips regarding suspected animal cruelty come in, investigating and building an effective legal case can take years due to the complexity and the multitude of individuals, groups, (continued on page 10)

ARL Law Enforcement meet Jo-Jo, adopted in October 2018


and jurisdictions that can be involved. In 2017 alone, ARL investigated cases of this nature, involving 2,966 animals, resulting in 84 law enforcement prosecutions. Thus far in 2018, ARL has investigated and helped close dozens of animal cruelty cases, including these three high-profile ones: Puppy Doe – In August 2013, a puppy was found in a Quincy park suffering from systemic and severe torture. Due to the extent of her injuries, she was humanely euthanized. This March, Radoslaw Czerkawski was found guilty of 12 counts of animal cruelty and received a 8-10 year sentence. This unprecedented case prompted the passing of the PAWS (Protecting Animal Welfare and Safety) Act, which increased the penalties for animal cruelty, mandated veterinarian reporting of suspected animal abuse, and created the Animal Cruelty and Protection Task Force, of which ARL was a key member. Revere Puppies - In November 2014, the bodies of two 20-week-old puppies were found in a dumpster at a gas station in Revere. Nearly 4 years later, Dominick Donovan was found guilty of 6 counts of animal cruelty and other charges and was sentenced to 4 years. Codefendant Jason Gentry plead guilty to 12 counts of animal cruelty and other charges and was sentenced to 2.5 years. Salem Pitbull – In January 2017, ARL seized Luke, an 11-month-old Pitbull who endured several instances of documented abuse. Luke underwent more than 500 days of extensive training and care while he waited for his accuser to face trial. In March, his abuser, John Leger, was sentenced to 6-9 years for animal cruelty and other charges. Luke was finally able to be put up for adoption. Although these cases closed, ARL’s work is far from being done. This past summer, ARL’s Law Enforcement Officers were busy investigating and rescuing over 700 animals involved in several instances of animal hoarding.

Making long-term gains for animals ARL seeks to make long-term gains for animals by advocating for humane laws, policies, and regulations. By engaging dedicated staff and volunteers to draft and advocate for legislation and policy with local, state, and federal government, ARL seeks to stop animal cruelty at its root cause. In partnership with other animal welfare organizations across the state, ARL’s Advocacy team has marked legislative successes including the 2016 ballot initiative for farm animals; “Too Hot for Spot” and tethering law; security bond posting for animals seized in cruelty cases; and an ordinance in the City of Boston banning the sale of puppies. Additionally, ARL led the effort in reducing the state-mandated rabies quarantine period from 6 to 4 months.

PAWS II ceremonial bill signing

One of the biggest legislative victories to date is the passing of PAWS II, An Act to Protect Animal Welfare and Safety in Cities and Towns, signed into law by Governor Charlie Baker on August 9, 2018. The multi-faceted legislation is a giant step forward in protecting animals in Massachusetts, with key provisions that: establish a commission to explore mandatory reporting of animal cruelty; ensures property owners inspect vacant properties for abandoned animals; and prohibits the drowning of wildlife.

(See Page 7 for details.)

Help Prevent Animal Cruelty ARL does not receive any government grants or public funding. Help us continue our important work at arlboston.org/donate


LUKE the "Salem Pitbull"

Adopted in June, 2018 after spending 518 days at ARL during his trial.

Reporting Animal Cruelty, The Role of the Veterinarian

ARL publishes manual to help veterinarians identify and report animal cruelty In 2014 the PAWS Act was enacted as Massachusetts law. Among its provisions, the law mandated that veterinarians in the state report suspected animal abuse to law enforcement. To support the reporting and prevention of animal cruelty, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, the Animal Rescue League of Boston, and Animal Folks (MN) have collaborated to produce: Reporting Animal Cruelty, The Role of the Veterinarian. This manual provides guidance so that veterinarians can develop protocols for their practice to inform the reporting of cases of animal neglect, cruelty, and abuse. It also includes overviews of the: “Link� (the co-occurrence between animal and human violence); the criminal and judicial systems; and other considerations such as confidentiality, immunity and liability. It is a resource to strengthen the capacity of all who encounter animal cruelty to document and report this serious crime.

















People & Paws 1. ARL "Too Hot for Spot" demonstration at the Massachusetts State House 2. PAWS II (An Act to Protect Animal Welfare and Safety in Cities and Towns) bill signing 3. 2018 Boston Pride Parade 4 - 6. ARL Whiskers & Wine President’s Council Spring Social 7. Roffi Salon and Day Spa Cut-a-Thon


8. Emily Rossetti-McAleer Memorial Golf Tournament 9. BARC Kitten Shower 10. Agway of Cape Cod’s Paw Palooza 11. Friends of Snow Library Lifetime Learning Series 12. 2018 Dedham Flag Day Parade 13. Arnold’s Lobster & Clam Bar Fundraiser 14. Gallant Jewelers Fundraiser 15 - 16. ARL Pet Wellness Clinic in Codman Square, Dorchester 17. ARL Healthy Animals – Healthy Communities Initiative in Lower Mills, Dorchester



Tony & Duncan 14

8-year-old & 6-month-old brothers adopted from ARL in 2015 and 2018.

Puppy Love or Senior Snuggles? The pros of adopting a pet in different stages of life “Do you have any puppies or kittens?” This very question is asked to staff at ARL’s Animal Care and Adoption Centers on a daily basis. Potential adopters initially seeking senior pets are much less frequent – until now. “Many people are starting to realize the huge benefits of adopting a senior pet,” said Caitlin Tomlinson, Associate Director of Shelter Operations. “Senior animals often come to ARL when their owner is no longer able to care for them or passes away, leaving them confused and saddened. All they want is a loving home to call their own.” No matter what stage of life an animal is in, adopting a pet comes with huge responsibility

- especially financially. In addition to their adoption fee, pets of every age require frequent visits to the veterinarian, vaccinations, medications/preventatives, food, grooming, licensing, and the chance of a medical emergency. Potential adopters should also consider what type of pet would be right for their housing situation, family members, and existing pets. Whether you decide to adopt a young or senior pet, remember that you are saving two lives – the animal you’re adopting and the animal that will take its place. Visit arlboston.org/adopt to learn more.

Before you adopt your next pet, consider the benefits of adopting both young and senior animals:



Great Company. Senior pets can lead a more

Tons of fun. Young pets are full of energy, making them perfect for adopters with a generally active lifestyle

What you see is what you get.

Social Butterflies. Puppies and kittens are still figuring out their likes and dislikes, so they usually enjoy meeting new pets and people

Fully trained.

You keep them off the street.

Less of a time commitment.

Longer Lifespan. Are you thinking long-term?

sedentary lifestyle, making them ideal for adopters seeking companionship

The personality of an adult dog or cat is fully formed, so it’s easier to get a sense of compatibility with everyone in your household Animals in their golden years have typically outgrown destructive behaviors, and adult dogs should know their basic commands Senior pets tend to rest frequently and can be left alone for longer periods of time

Many adoptable puppies are transported from overpopulated shelters in the South and Puerto Rico; kittens born outdoors have a high mortality rate Adopters can expect a puppy or kitten to live 1020 years

Read A Moment of Paws in Your Local Paper A Moment of Paws, ARL’s column about pet health and safety is published monthly in the Dorchester Reporter, Dedham Times, and The Cape Codder in print and online!


Unique Adoption Stories Finding homes for animals in special circumstances Your donations gave ARL the resources to go above and beyond to place these animals in permanent homes!


a medical miracle

In June 2018, a 10-year-old domestic shorthair cat was surrendered to ARL’s Boston Animal Care & Adoption Center when her owner moved. Rhade had several uncommon medical conditions; most notably Cerebellar Hypoplasia, a neurological disorder that affects balance. She also tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), which caused a deformity in her lip. ARL’s Shelter Veterinary Medicine staff spent weeks diagnosing and treating all of Rhade’s health issues. Despite all of her challenges, they determined that she still had a good quality of life and was healthy enough to be adopted! “She’s amazing,” gushed Rhade’s new owner. “We fell in love as soon as we saw her.”


a rare stray

In June, a 2-year-old male Peacock was found wandering nearby a pond in Brewster, MA. Although he seemed to have been abandoned for quite some time, Derek was healthy and in remarkable shape! The colorful bird, who drew attention from local media, was transferred to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care & Adoption Center for proper nutrition and shelter. After two months of care at ARL, Derek found the unique home he was looking for – a family in Dighton who already owned 20 other peacocks! “Peacocks are fascinating creatures and make great pets,” his adopter said.


a training challenge

In September 2017, a friendly but feisty 2-year-old stray dog arrived at ARL’s Boston Animal Care & Adoption Center. Dean was high-arousal and presented with jumpy/mouthy behavior and resource guarding. He had a long road of training ahead. Over a period of 8 months, ARL volunteers and staff spent hundreds of hours working on his behavior and enrichment. He even spent 2 weeks at a boarding facility for intensive training. “We saw Dean’s potential and knew that with time, dedication, and love, we would be able to find him his perfect match,” said ARL’s Animal Care Manager, Carolyn Curran. In May 2018, all of the hard work paid off when Dean was adopted!

Adopt a Pet Find your match at arlboston.org/adopt


Carter Adoptable 5-month-old Potbelly pig.


Transport Waggin' 18

From left to right, ARL Leadership Council Members Peter and Connie Lacaillade, ARL President Mary Nee, and Animal Care and Transport Agent Anna Chaletzky.

Transport Waggin’ Connecting animals to the services they need

ARL provides medical and behavioral care and adoption services to animals at its three Animal Care and Adoption Centers (Boston, Dedham & Brewster). These animals, over 18,000 in 2017, arrive from a variety of circumstances including, owner surrenders, strays, out-of-state transports, rescues, and law enforcement cases. Additionally, we routinely assist local municipal and private shelters with transfers of animals and unfortunately, we often respond to large hoarding and cruelty cases. The goal for all of these animals is that they are safe and healthy and returned to habitats and homes. Each of the Adoption Centers has different physical characteristics (urban vs. rural) and capabilities such as surgical suites and barns for farm animals. Moving animals to the location that can best support their needs is a logistical challenge—one that just got a whole lot easier. With a most generous donation from Leadership Council members, Peter and Connie Lacaillade, ARL has purchased, outfitted, and staffed a new Transport Waggin’. “The Transport Waggin’ is a specially outfitted van that will provide safe, sanitary, and comfortable transportation for animals of all sizes, and will greatly increase ARL’s capability to help animals in need,” said Caitlin Tomlinson, Associate Director of Shelter Operations. The colorful Transport Waggin’ features Charlie, the Lacaillade family’s beloved poodle. “We are thrilled to support ARL with the purchase of this Waggin’. Charlie has brought so much joy to our family that we were moved to help other animals find loving homes,

and for families to have the warmth of a companion animal in their lives,” remarked Connie Lacaillade. By seamlessly linking ARL’s various locations, programs, and resources, the Transport Waggin’ will serve animals and communities in a variety of ways, such as: Ensuring proper medical care: If a shelter animal requires specialized diagnostics, surgery, or constant veterinary supervision, they have access to the care they need. Matching animals with adopters more quickly: Animals may be overlooked by adopters in one center based on their size or temperament, so a change in location can be beneficial. Enhancing behavior and enrichment: Different ARL Adoption Centers offer different volunteer expertise and amenities, such as outdoor runs. Allowing ARL to help out-of-state animals too: ARL receives regular transports from overpopulated areas of the USA and Puerto Rico. These life-saving transports broaden our reach in helping animals in need, while meeting local adoption needs. Increasing ARL’s ability to be a resource for our community: We can better assist municipal shelters, animal control facilities, and smaller rescues in transporting animals to get the care they need.

Learn About ARL’s Innovative Programs and How You Can Help! Contact Matthew DeAngelis at mdeangelis@arlboston.org or (617) 226-5638


Help Them Today, Hug Them Tomorrow

Join the Anna Harris Smith Legacy Society

“The Animal Rescue League of Boston’s commitment to shaping animal policy and working to understand the root causes of cruelty and neglect reflect the proactive approach that we align with. The issues facing animals are not unsolvable, and it’s important that we do something about it. It’s a start to a better world.” - Stephen Spiegelberg and Denise Saltojanes, Anna Harris Smith Legacy Society Members

Planned giving is a flexible and powerful investment that will care for animals now and in the future. To leave your legacy of compassion for animals, contact Matt DeAngelis at (617) 226-5638.


THANK YOU for making our work possible!

Animal Rescue League of Boston 10 Chandler Street Boston, MA 02116-5221

SOMETIMES IT’S GOOD TO SEE DOUBLE Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double or even triple your donation to the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

3 things to ask your human resources department‌ 1 Does your company or firm match charitable donations? 2

If you made your gift during the past year, can it be matched now?


If you are a retiree, will your company match your gift? Some do!

Visit arlboston.org/matching-gifts to learn more and to view a list of companies that match.

DONATE YOUR CAR AND HELP ANIMALS! In two easy steps you can turn your old vehicle into lifesaving care for animals in need. 1. Call 855-500-RIDE or visit

careasy.org/nonprofit/animal-rescue-league-of-boston to complete a donation form. 2. Our partner CARS will do the rest; pick up your car at

no cost to you and generate a tax receipt. Other motorized vehicles also accepted

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