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Use VBS as a gamechanger strategy in your Kids Ministry

on the final day of VBS. In many cases, VBS is a jump start to your strategy for kids ministry. Let us help you with the next moves in kids ministry by joining us at our Kids Ministry + VBS trainings coming up in April. These trainings are not just for VBS anymore but also include breakouts designed to up your game in kids ministry. You won’t be SORRY! Who knows? You may discover game changers that advance your kids ministry to the next level.

April 20 | Jonesboro

April 22 | Bryant

April 27 | Rogers FOR

PraiseWorks + JoyWorks | July 10–14

PraiseWorks, a worship arts camp offered for students who have finished 7th through 12th grade, and JoyWorks, offered for children 3rd grade through 6th grade, are two incredible summer camps offered simultaneously on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. These two camps are amazing opportunities for students to come together in times of worship, to continue learning how to worship biblically, and to gain and polish skills used to lead worship in the context of their local ministries. Our mission is to partner with parents and local churches in the continued discipleship and equipping of the next generation of worshipers and worship leaders. It is our prayer that students who participate in PraiseWorks and JoyWorks will return to their local churches with a biblically sound understanding of worship and a passion to implement their gifts and talents in service to our Lord.


Engage Missions Camp | July 10–14

Super Summer | June 24–27 + June 27–July 1

Super Summer is a great opportunity for students to build relationships with campers from all over Arkansas. Numerous times we hear stories from students who have graduated, started college, and automatically know several people with strong faith after getting to know them at camp. Super Summer is also a great opportunity for students to own their faith. They are purposely placed in small groups made up of students from all over so they can learn how to apply their faith from the biblical truths being taught. The structure of camp intentionally points them to faith independence, teamwork, and leadership. With “schools” in the morning and afternoon, Super Summer maximizes the time for pouring into students’ lives.


Engage Missions Camp combines biblical teaching, worship, evangelism, fun, and fellowship with hands-on ministry opportunities to help equip students to be engaged full-time in God’s mission. Engage is perfect for:

7 Those needing training and preparation for upcoming missions trips

7 Those desiring to grow in their faith and learn how to become disciple makers

7 Those who want to experience hands-on ministry

7 Those feeling a call to full-time missions/ministry

7 Unsaved students wondering what the Christian life is all about

Our theme this year is “What?” Join us at Camp Paron on July 17–21, 2023, as we discover what making disciples is really all about.


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