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Working together fuels the missionary spirit that is the legacy of Arkansas Baptists


Our evangelistic and missionary fervor, conviction concerning the authority of Scripture, and cooperation in reaching our cities, state, nation, and world are examples of why I am proud to be a Southern and Arkansas Baptist.

There was a day when our churches were inundated by people representing good causes asking for financial support. It is likely the one who gave the best presentation was most successful in raising funds. There had to be a better way for noble causes to be supported.

As a boy in south Arkansas, I was fascinated when our pastor would have missionaries from such places as Nigeria speak to us. I learned missionaries and Christian universities like Ouachita and Williams were made possible by churches giving through the Cooperative Program.

Nearly 100 years ago, messengers adopted a recommendation that founded the Cooperative Program. The first principle centered upon cooperation, specifically between state conventions and our national body. Cooperation is still foundational to our work. It begins when a church member decides to be a faithful steward, giving their tithes and offerings. Their church determines what to give to the state convention. Messengers to the state convention decide what percent remains in state and how much is sent to support the Lord’s work nationally and internationally.

The ministries in Arkansas are ongoing because of the commitment and cooperation of local churches, which must never be taken for granted. I thank Arkansas Baptists for their support through the Cooperative Program.

The words of Austin Crouch, the first president of the SBC Executive Committee resonate truth today: “It is still our unshaded conviction that the missionary spirit is still gaining ground, and the success of the Cooperative Program is one of the best proofs of its