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Meet the Parent: Adora Curry

ADORA CURRY is a native Coloradoan turned Maryland girl who has planted permanent roots in this beautiful state with my beloved parents and sons. She recently joined the UA-Pulaski Tech Foundation team as Advancement Marketing Manager where she oversees fundraising initiatives and leads the UA-PTC Alumni Association. Adora is an avid writer, skilled graphic designer and video editor. She enjoys hands-on creative projects and enjoys spending time with her parents and her two energetic sons, Dominic and EJ.

1. What’s the best thing about being a single mom?

The dysfunction! Let’s be honest, no little girl fantasizes about being a single mama when she grows up, but when you have a lessthan-the-stereotypical-household, you have to be creative and resourceful.

2. How do you teach your sons to be good men?

I expose them to as much diversity as possible so that they will develop an authentic appreciation for the differences in other people. I also let them fail so they will know how to cope with adversity as they get older.

3. Share a moment in parenting when you thought “I raised them right!”

Behind closed doors, our household is all kinds of crazy! The boys are arguing with each other, their bedrooms are a mess, and we are probably late to something. Yet, these are the same boys who will cry when their friends cry and handwrite “Thank You” letters to people without being prompted.

4. Share a parenting experience where you felt afraid. How did you handle the situation?

Being the parent of a middle schooler was terrifying for me because I was bullied in seventh grade to the tune of my classmates creating the Anti-Adora Association (AAA). To overcome this, I had to accept that his experience didn’t have to be like mine — and it wasn’t. He loved middle school and thrived.

5. What has been one of your favorite gifts/cards/gestures/words from your kids?

This past Christmas, my younger son, EJ, made me a coupon book of things he would do for me like “Get along with my brother,” “Get good Class Dojo,” etc. While his gift was really thoughtful, I was most endeared by the fact that he made a book of eight coupons, but told me I was only allowed to pick six!

6. What song is 100 percent guaranteed to get you on the dance floor every time?

Well, everyone who knows me would say in unison, “Shoop,” by Salt ’N Pepa. My karaoke game is sweeeeeeet!!!!

7. Would you ever go skydiving and why or why not?

Absolutely not! Every new stage of parenting is terrifying enough for me.