Arkansas Times - June 22, 2017

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White men can jump For many years people would ask me where I was when President Kennedy was assassinated. I assured them I had an alibi. I also never enslaved any people of color, marched any Jews into concentration camps, bashed any gays, or stole any land from native peoples. I rent. What is more, a goodly number of my ex-girlfriends are now my Facebook friends. They will accuse me of many things, but abuse isn’t one of them. It frustrates me when I feel I am being called out to answer for the sins of others. It’s not irritating enough to drive me into the Trump camp, but I ain’t everybody. Many old, straight, white guys joined the Trump parade because they were shamed for using the wrong pronoun or wearing a hat with a culturally insensitive sports team mascot. The Trump parade is now disintegrating. Millions of these people are out there wandering around, dazed and confused. There is much to be gained for the Democratic Party by welcoming these lost souls into the fold. What I propose is a National Old Straight White Guy Appreciation Day. Believe me, they are not all evil. Get Arnold Schwarzenegger as the front man for the event. The last I heard, Arnold has come down out of his Humvee and is preaching the threat of global warming as being real. OSWGs love Arnold. Not only could he kick Chuck Norris’ ass — at least at the box office — but, rumor has it, The Terminator is not fond of The Donald. David Rose Hot Springs

Reagan came into office in the early 1980s. Look where we’ve arrived. Consider this current administration. What we see going on in America today is the result of over 30 years of Reaganomics. Increasing income inequality, endless war and rising debt have become almost accepted among Americans. If we continue to put Republicans and corporate Dems into office, this set of circumstances will only get worse. RL Hutson Cabot

Rump How did we get this “fearless leader?” What were his qualifications? Did he really understand how government works, the responsibilities of the office and the rule of law? I believe that we have allowed Rump enough time to show what he’s really made of, and it is not a pretty sight. Without any mention of hair, orange skin color or BMI, here are just a few descriptions that I’ve compiled in the last couple of days. Rump is:

A DIFFERENT KIND OF HOTEL for a different k ind of traveler.

Same story At this very moment, while America is immersed in the Trump show, Republicans are working to dismantle consumer protections, roll back environmental protections, lower taxes for the wealthy, cut public assistance programs, ramp up the failed “war on drugs,” destroy public education, return to a draconian health care system, expand the military-industrial complex, tear down the “wall of separation” between church and state, and weaken gun regulations. Some of these mean-spirited efforts by Republicans are being conducted behind closed doors. None of this is new. Republicans have been successful, for the most part, in doing these things since 4

JUNE 22, 2017


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• A “faker” said Ruth Bader Ginsburg. • A cheater — stiffing companies that have worked for him. • A sleazy businessman. • An incompetent buffoon. • A consistent liar, also called “The Liar in Chief.” • Also a “Leaker in Chief” who cannot be trusted to keep state secrets. • A conspiracy fraudster. • A malevolent narcissist — his interest is SELF, not USA. • Unprepared — running a country is not like real estate. • Ill-disciplined — he continuous to make things worse for himself • An ignorant clown — however, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. • Un-curious — his mind is already made up; don’t confuse him with (your alternative) facts. • Not interested in the future (who needs a plan?) or learning from the past (history is so boring). • Vindictive and petty. • Surrounded by a clueless, supplicating entourage. • Proposing a budget that is immoral, cruel and heartless. • Appointing people ill-prepared and unqualified to run various agencies. • A bully who throws even those who worship him under the bus. • Appealing to racists with derogatory references to Muslims, Mexicans etc. • Showing affection for harsh authoritarian rulers such as Putin and the president of the Philippines. • Making America Great by giving the finger to the rest of the world. • Removing safeguards that protect air and water. • Abdicating his duty and responsibility as commander in chief. This is an important and critical time in the history of the Earth and the people on it. The world has stopped looking at the U.S.A. as an example of leadership and democracy. We lead by example and I am not proud of the example we are putting forth and especially the pitiful example of our incompetent leader. I want to be proud of our country and its leadership in the world; right now I’m embarrassed and worried. Evan Brown Little Rock

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