Arkansas Times - Jul. 25, 2013

Page 18




REALTOR The Janet Jones Co. RUNNERS-UP: The Charlotte John Co., Pulaski Heights Realty, Crye-Leike

AUTO SERVICE Jett’s Gas and Services RUNNERS-UP: Austin Brothers Tire and Service, Christian Brothers Automotive, Discount Tire and Brake Inc.

AUTO STEREO Arkansas Car Stereo RUNNERS-UP: Arch Street Audio, Best Buy, Auto Audio and Video

TRAVEL AGENCY Poe Travel RUNNERS-UP: Sue Smith Vacations, West Rock Travel, Little Rock Tours and Travel

HOTEL Capital Hotel RUNNERS-UP: Embassy Suites, DoubleTree, Courtyard Marriott

PRIVATE SCHOOL Pulaski Academy RUNNERS-UP: Mount Saint Mary Academy, Catholic High School for Boys, Episcopal Collegiate School

PUBLIC SCHOOL Central High School RUNNERS-UP: Jefferson Elementary School, eStem Public Charter School, Parkview Arts/Science Magnet High School

APARTMENT COMPLEX Rivercliff RUNNERS-UP: The Park at Riverdale, Foothills Apartments, Lanai Apartments CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 18

JULY 25, 2013



An afternoon at Wild River Country. BY DAVID RAMSEY


est to begin with what Wild River Country is not. It is neither wild, nor river, nor country. Dear readers, despite your vote, it is not the “Best Place to Swim.” Actual swimming, while possible, borders on downright rude. The pools are packed with teenagers screaming, flirting and doing the Dougie. Wild River Country is for them. It is not for people seeking summer relaxation. It is not for grumps, scolds, cynics or agoraphobes. WRC is not the place for caution or quiet. Grownups are welcome, but a grownup state of mind is not. On a recent Saturday, my wife and I braved the hordes and spent an afternoon at the Country. It had been years

since either of us had been to a water park. It will likely be years before we return. We splished and splashed, got proper sunburns, and stoked our endorphins. Despite the fact that we are well past 16 years old and were stone-cold sober, we had a pretty good time. Here is our report. PEOPLE WATCHING: Will the woman with a “Love see’s not with the eyes but with the heart” tattoo one day face the decision of whether to pay for apostrophe removal? Outside the confines of a water park, will the guy with the sunburn line perfectly forming the shape of a tank top go shirtless and fool people into thinking he’s actu-

ally wearing a tank top? WRC PRO-TIP ONE: Bring water shoes. Flip-flops are liable to fly off on the rides but good Lord, the concrete is unrelentingly hot if you go barefoot. We kept thinking we’d get used to it. Nope. On the plus side, the goal here is to get in touch with your inner child, and few things are as infantilizing as hopping from shadow to shadow, screaming “ouch” every time your feet hit the sunlit ground. THE LINES: This is the core problem with water parks. It’s hot, so you want to go on a ride and get wet! But so does CONTINUED ON PAGE 42

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