Arizona Health & Living Magazine

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Help us improve the health of our communities, one reader at a time. Q. What are some basics I should know about breast implants if I’m considering them? A. There are three placement sites of the implants generally used by the cosmetic surgeon performing breast augmentation. They are Under the Muscle Implant, Above the Muscle Implant, and Partial Placement in Between. The placement location of the breast implant is determined by the cosmetic surgeon and varies with the selection of the implant. Each placement site has its own advantages and disadvantages, which your cosmetic surgeon will discuss during the consultation with you. Typically, a breast implant can be placed either under the breast tissue (over the muscle) or under the breast muscle (below the breast tissue); combined with utilizing the minimum scarring approach, which entails making the incisions along the armpit (transaxillary incision), along the areola, or under the breast at the crease. It will depend on your unique situation and the cosmetic surgeon's preference. Many women seek breast augmentation, breast enlargement, and breast lifts for various reasons. At Arizona Vein and Laser Institute, our goal is to fully comprehend the reasons why you elected to get breast augmentation and then address them. For your best results, we have made available both saline and silicone implants (adjustable and fixed) and also textured versus smooth implants of different shapes and sizes. During your free consultation we will discuss the best options for you in terms of size, shape, incision site, and placement of the implant. –Dr. Sharma Arizona Vein & Laser Institute 602.298.5476

Q. How can I overcome weight loss resistance? A. There is a new way to tap into your specific DNA knowledge of how your particular body responds to diet and exercise, leading to a lifestyle change and long-term weight loss. DNA testing from a simple salivary test called PATHWAYFIT, a nutrigenomic profile, is a revolutionary approach to weight management and health. This genetic fitness profile provides you with an individualized report and powerful information to help you understand how your genetics and lifestyle can affect your diet, nutrition, and exercise as well as weight management. This is the only DNA test of its kind promoting this genetic personalized diet, nutrition and exercise program, which increased the amount of weight lost to 2.5 fold reduction in waist circumference. Armed with your genetic information, we gain insight into how your body processes sugars, fats, nutrients and vitamins. From this information, we provide a plan specific to you and your genes. You can also learn how your genes affect how you perceive and desire specific foods, and how they may influence your eating behaviors.

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PathwayFit also screens for muscle potential, how your body responds to exercise, as well as your potential to maintain a healthy weight. It provides information to guide you to the best type of exercise for your body’s long term benefits. This is the future of weight management and when combined with medical monitoring we can design your genetic fitness plan to help you live your life’s potential. –Dr. Maltais Physician Skin Solutions at Arrowhead 602.843.4040 | February 2013


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