Arizona Health & Living Magazine_May 2013_West Valley_Digital

Page 41

Q. What advantages are there to using the LaserTouchOneTM for knee pain?

Q. What causes hearing loss and how do you fix it?

A. Knee pain is the one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints that brings people to their doctor. With our society becoming increasingly active, knee problems are on the rise.

A. There are several different types of hearing loss and causes.

In all causes of knee pain, inflammation is a major factor. Inflammation is the body’s physiologic response to an injury. One goal in treating knee pain is to break the inflammatory cycle. After an injury, substances that cause inflammation invade the knee, which cause further injury and further inflammation. This cycle leads to continued or progressive knee pain. The cycle can be broken by controlling the substances that cause inflammation and by limiting further injury to tissue. The LaserTouchOne works at a cellular level to decrease inflammation and actually increases the efficiency of the cells. The cells will then work to remove waste and bring nutrients to the injured knee. The LaserTouchOne will restore range of motion and provide immediate pain relief. The two proven modalities of low-level Laser and Micro-Current electrical stimulation have shown knee pain relief 93% of the time. TM


LaserTouchOne technology is currently being used in many doctor‘s offices as well as physical therapy settings, to address knee pain issues. TM

Some in-home techniques for knee pain that control inflammation are rest protection, ice, compression, elevation and use of the LaserTouchOneTM. –Cheryl L. Davis, LBMT Therapy Today 623.204.0800

Conductive hearing loss is the abnormal development of the bones in the ear, or trauma that has occurred with the bones or tympanic membrane. It is caused by a disturbance in the mechanisms responsible for transferring sound from the outer ear into the cochlea. That sound is then transmitted into electrical waves that the brain can break down and understand. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by a deformity of the hair cells inside of the cochlea. This is the most common type of hearing loss. Abnormalities can be caused by abnormal development, but in most cases caused by exposure to noise. As the hair cells perform their function, they begin to wear out. Exceptionally loud sound accelerates this process, but occurs in everyone just by living in the noisy world. The longer and more extreme the exposure, the higher the chances are of developing this type of loss. It is also possible to suffer from what is known as a mixed loss, which is a combination of the two. The only way to know which type of hearing loss you are suffering from is through a thorough evaluation. Contact your local hearing healthcare professional today to schedule a test. In most cases, screening is free. Hearing loss, when untreated, can lead to a long list of medical problems. –Brian Emery Emery Hearing Centers State Licensed HIS 623.792.7151

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