Arizona Health & Living Magazine East Edition April 2014 Issue

Page 36


expert talk

Q. How can tinnitus be treated? A. Tinnitus is a condition that is described

as whistling and hissing in the ear and is often accompanied by hearing loss. According to the American Tinnitus Association, about 40 to 50 million Americans experience some degree of tinnitus in their life. A common cause of tinnitus is a long history of loud noise exposure. However, tinnitus can be a secondary result from some ear disorders, neck/head injury, side effect of medication, cardiovascular disorders, and certain rare and serious conditions such as a tumor. Acupuncture usually provides relief of tinnitus symptoms. Some tinnitus cases showed results of decreased level of ear ringing and patients responded well to treatment. As the case of tinnitus varies from person to person, it is important to give a proper evaluation of the causes of the tinnitus before acupuncture treatment. Evaluation by collecting patient history, proper neurological test, combined with traditional pulse palpation and tongue evaluation are necessary to locate the “root cause” of the tinnitus. According to principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine, tinnitus occurs due to liver Yin deficiency, weakness of kidney Qi and triple burner (a term to describe the energy pathway pass through the level of the body) In other words, the energetic level of kidney and liver is a significant factor. Some cases of tinnitus are accompanied by dizziness, vertigo, neck, and jaw pain and vomiting. After eliminating the possibilities of structural change or damage to the inner ear, acupuncture will be a safe and effective option for treatments of tinnitus.

–Dr. Jack Kukurin Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Nutrition Network 623.972.8400


April 2014 |

Q. What are the possible causes of

Q. How can laser treatment combat the

A. Balance is one of the most important functions of our body that make us human. Being able to stand or walk without falling or holding onto support allows us to observe a wide range of things and other people and it allows us to use our remarkable hands. Fall injuries, especially in the elderly, carry a heavy price of disability and even death.

A. Multiple factors contribute to skin aging: loss of elasticity results in laxity, accumulation of sun damage results in irregular pigmentation and delayed cell turnover results in a dull complexion. Each of these factors need to be addressed when treating the aging face. Advanced laser treatments are now available, which can stimulate collagen to improve elasticity, remove brown pigment for complexion blending and resurface the skin for smoothing texture.

balance problems?

Balance requires four major components of the body’s function to work properly. Three of them are sensory systems: • Vision allows you to orient your body with the ground, upright and moving toward your destination. • The sense of proprioception allows us to sense the position of our bodies without looking. You know your foot is in front of you, about six inches off the ground and poised to strike the pavement. • The vestibular system allows you to sense movement, even if your eyes are closed. • The cerebellum allows you to coordinate the movements of the body, even when standing up straight. Common things that can cause damage to these systems are diabetes, stroke and inner ear diseases. Things to watch out for are: widened, slowed, or unsteady gait, frequent stumbling or needing to hold onto support. Problems like this can worsen over time and can easily be overlooked. Luckily, your doctor can help you detect and treat balance disorders. While you are healthy, consider doing some sort of balance training exercises, like Tai Chi or yoga. Exercising regularly helps reduce the risk of falls and fall injuries. –Dr. Wen Sage Health Family Medicine 623.535.3857

signs of aging?

Laxity: Titan™ is a FDA approved laser that provides a noninvasive treatment for skin laxity. The only treatment that can evenly, deliver energy to the deep dermal layer of the skin to stimulate collagen by boosting it and trigger new growth. Pigment: Fotofacial™ is a series of intense pulsed light treatments that treat irregular pigmentation. Fotofacial ™ can erase brown pigment spots caused by sun damage or hormone changes. This no-downtime treatment can be performed on face, chest and hands or anywhere you want to remove brown spots. Texture: Pearl™ Laser Resurfacing uses a computer controlled laser beam to gently remove the top layer of skin that has been damaged by the environment, sun exposure and the aging process. As this new hightech laser resurfaces the skin, it also stimulates the production of collagen, resulting in a smooth new surface. AZ Dermacare incorporates combination laser therapy in a comprehensive program customized for each patient. We offer free consultations and financing options.

– Drs. Pamela & Gael DeRouin Dermacare Cosmetic Surgery 602.680.5348

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