Arizona Summer
August 6-19, 2012
WILDCAT Tucson, Arizona
Work in a workout with a busy schedule Monsoon– 8
Local students to apply for deferred action get help from lawyers, groups By Stephanie Casanova Arizona Summer Wildcat
With the help of local lawyers and organizations, some undocumented students have begun the process of applying for a temporary legal status in order to go to college. President Obama granted the defferred status to students who would qualify for the politically gridlocked DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors), which aims to give the students permanent residency. The temporary status will last two years, with the option to reapply, and students can apply starting Aug. 15.
Groups like Coalición de Derechos Humanos (The Human Rights Coalition) and Scholarships A-Z, as well as Margo Cowan, a lawyer at the Pima County Public Defender’s office, have been meeting with these students to ensure that they understand the qualifications and avoid scams. Cowan has been to Pueblo Magnet High School three times since Obama’s announcement granting deferred status to “DREAMers,” or undocumented students who have been in the country since before they were 16 years old, and are under the age of 31. The status allows students to remain in the U.S. for two years to attend
college and can be renewed. During Cowan’s visits to the school, she provided parents and students with information about the qualifications for the deferred status and answered questions about various situations. “We have an obligation to serve our community and particularly as lawyers we have an obligation to reach out and organize services for people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford them,” Cowan said. Other lawyers who have partnered with Cowan have signed a representation form
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Deferred Action status requirements: — Came to the U.S. under the age of 16 — Has continuously resided in the U.S. for at least five years before June 15 and was present in the U.S. on June 15 — Is currently in school, has graduated from high school, obtained a GED or is an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States — Has not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses or otherwise posses a threat to national security or public safety — Is under the age of 31 — A fee of $465 is also required to pay for the work permit and background check. Source:
UA club provides engineering solutions to villages abroad By Kyle Mittan Arizona Summer Wildcat
Few clubs on campus have to deal with diseases and terrorist organizations, but for members of the UA’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders, issues such as these are worth the risk. The chapter, which was formed in 2005, just three years after the organization was officially established nationwide, uses engineering to improve water infrastructure for villages in developing areas. Local members have traveled to Ghana, Mali and Bolivia to provide solutions to the local communities, according to Chelsea Kestler, a hydrology senior and the club’s project manager. Connecting with communities in other countries is done at the organization’s national level. Chapters then bid for each project by explaining their skillsets and qualifications, and how they can solve a particular issue in a given location. Once a chapter takes on a project, the commitment lasts five years, Kestler said. The chapter’s latest project in Marquirivi, Bolivia, began last fall, and aims to address the area’s poor plumbing system and provide locals with showers and latrines. Several club members visited the village for two weeks at the beginning of the summer to test and survey the area as part of the project’s first phase. Currently, the group is designing
photo courtesy of Chelsea Kestler
Systems engineering junior Lizzie Greene, center, and hydrology senior Chelsea Kestler, right, wash their clothes in buckets with a native woman in Marquirivi, Bolivia. Engineers Without Borders is replacing plumbing infrastructure for the village, and is currently in the project’s design phase.
the solution they plan to implement, and will return in about a year to construct and install it. Past projects have included a trip to Mafi Zongo, Ghana in 2005 to improve the area’s
water treatment and distribution, according to Patrick Mette, a former club officer and environmental engineering graduate student. The project served about 30 communities and 10,000 people total.
Despite the club’s goal to remain involved with each project for five years, some projects get cut short for security reasons, as was the case for the club’s rainwater harvesting project in Mandoli, Mali, where a terrorist organization arrived during the design phase, preventing any further travels to the area. “Once the Taliban show up, there’s not a lot you can about that,” Kestler said. Mette later confirmed that it had been Al-Qaeda. Unrelated to the security dangers, club members said that jumping into the cultures of a developing country can be a nervewracking and stressful experience, though it can vary from person to person. “Some people have done it before and are really adventurous and they can just hop right into a new place that they’ve never been and feel comfortable,” Mette said. Kestler added that much of the time spent abroad is used to build a trusting relationship with the community the club is working in, which is a necessary but often difficult aspect. “We’re trying not to just be engineers,” Mette added. “We’re also trying to act as, I guess, ambassadors, and develop a relationship with the communities.” While the club’s primary focus is developing infrastructure in other countries, they stay busy while they’re at home,
engineers, 3
2 • Arizona Summer Wildcat
August 6-19, 2012 • News
Union will see new restaurants, changes at start of fall semester
from page 1
agreeing to represent each of these students if they get detained by Border Patrol or Immigration and Customs Enforcement for being undocumented. Cowan is not charging any legal fees for her work or representation, although students do have to pay their own filing fees, she said. Cowan will be hosting a fourth information session at Pueblo High Magnet School on Aug. 13 where students will be able to take their necessary documents or ask her questions about the process. According to a study from the Immigration Policy Center of the American Immigration Council entitled “Who and Where the DREAMers Are,” more than 50,000 Arizona students will benefit from the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action Initiative. Of these students, 65 percent are immediate beneficiaries, or students who are within the qualifying age group, and 35 percent are future beneficiaries, not yet 15 years old. “These students are the future of our country,” Cowan said. “They are for all intents and purposes U.S. citizens except the paper.” Scholarships A-Z, an organization that assists students in finding scholarships regardless of their immigration status, has also been helping students who are applying for the deferred action initiative. The students in the organization focus on educating DREAMers about how to prepare for the application process and how to avoid scams from notaries and lawyers. “There are so many scams out there,” said Matt Matera, director and co-founder of Scholarships A-Z. “There’ll be notarios (notaries) or lawyers who are saying they know what they’re doing and … they’re charging folks upwards of $5,000.” There are many programs in the community that are helping students for little to no cost according to Matera. Matera, who is also a UA graduate student studying higher education, helped create Scholarships A-Z in May 2009 because he noticed many laws and policies that made higher education more expensive for undocumented students, he
Compiled by Ashley Grove Arizona Summer Wildcat
Robert Alcaraz / Daily Wildcat
Students gather at Pueblo Magnet High School to learn about Deferred Action status, which will allow them to remain in the country for two years to attend college. The status is renewable every two years.
said. Proposition 300, a law in Arizona that requires students to prove legal residency in order to pay in-state tuition, has made it difficult for undocumented students to afford college. “They blocked access because there’s a price tag associated with universities and that price tag continues to increase while aid for all students … continues to decrease.” Daniela Nada, a co-director of Scholarships A-Z’s student action committee, was introduced to the organization in January. She was awarded a scholarship to help her with her first semester at Pima Community College, but noticed that her parents were struggling to pay for the remainder of her education. When she met Ana Valenzuela, Scholarships A-Z’s other co-founder, Nada said she realized that there are resources for undocumented students to continue with their education. She wanted to teach other students that they can stay in school and find ways to pay for it, she said, and became involved with the program. Nada said she is happy that she’ll be able to apply for deferred status and legally get a job in the states but she believes more should be done. The goal is to obtain citizenship, which is what the DREAM act would accomplish if it were passed.
“I’m still stuck here … I cannot leave this country,” she said. “I’m just helping the economy … I want to have freedom like those who are U.S. citizens.” When she was 9 years old, Nada got in a car with her family and was told they were going on vacation, she said. This vacation became a permanent stay in the states. Nada said she realized in eighth grade that things would be harder for her after high school. While a two-year legalization program is a good start to having rights in this country, Nada said she wishes she could go visit her family in Mexico and be able to re-enter the U.S. Taking five classes this semester, Nada said she hopes to have her associate’s degree next May and is looking to transfer to a university in New Mexico. Matera believes policies like Proposition 300 make students feel unwelcome in Arizona universities and causes students such as Nada to move elsewhere to continue their education. “If we miss out on those students because they decide to move somewhere, then our whole state’s economy has missed out on that talent,” Matera said. “And that’s just something that I’m not willing to let happen and I don’t think anybody else should either.”
Since 1899 Vol.105, Issue 161
Arizona Summer Wildcat Newsroom 615 N. Park Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85721 (520) 621-3551 Advertising Department (520) 621-3425
Editor In Chief Miranda Butler
News Editor Kyle Mittan
Arts Editor Greg Gonzales
Sports Editor Cameron Moon
Visuals Editor Rob Alcaraz
Digital Media Editor Alex Williams
Copy Chief Lynley Price
Opinions Editor Courtney L’Ecuyer
Design Team Hope Miller & Nicole Thill
Advertising Ad Manager Katie Bailey Account Executive Annabelle Baggs Account Executive Michelle Pecoraro Classified Ad Rep Samantha Motowski Accounting Assistant Andrew Strom Marketing Coordinator MacKenzie Corely Marketing Associate Alex Dupre Production Assistants Sebastian Campos-Alvarez, David Alejandro Gaxiola
News Reporters Stephanie Casanova, Isaac Cox, Ashley Grove, Stephanie Lawson, David Weissman Arts Reporters Razanne Chatila, Alyssa DeMember, Kurt Feil, Jason Krell, Cece Marshall, Kate Newton, Alyssa Reilly, Morgan Teone, Brenton Woodward
Columnists Michael Carolin, Max Efrein, Tyler Johnson Sports Reporters Roberto Payne Photographers Hailey Eisenbach, Kyle Wasson, Noelle R. Haro-Gomez Copy Editors Kate Newton, Luke Johnsen, Bethany Barnes
The Student Union Memorial Center will see a variety of changes this fall semester, including new restaurants, more outdoor seating and a rearrangement of existing businesses, according to a press release from Arizona Student Unions. Here’s a list of changes to expect. Most will be complete by the beginning of the fall semester, unless otherwise indicated. — Patios to the north, near the Second Street Parking Garage, as well as to the east, near the Administration building, will be expanded to allow for more tables and seating. — The lower level of the union will also be transformed into a business center, where Wells Fargo, the post office and the CatCard and meal plan offices will serve as a “centralized hub” for business errands. — Redington Restaurant will be completely self-serve. — Froyo will no longer have a location within the union, and will be replaced with Cactus Grill BBQ, a barbecue variant and addition to the Cactus Grill restaurant already on the union’s third floor. — Three Cheeses and a Noodle will also be removed from its second floor location and will be replaced by Pangea, a restaurant exclusive to the union that will offer an international menu including Mexican and Indian cuisine,
union, 6
Our Mission: The Arizona Summer Wildcat is a weekly summer edition of the Daily Wildcat, an independent student newspaper published daily during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. The function of the Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and encourage an exchange of ideas. The Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in the Arizona Summer Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief. A single copy of the Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Wildcat are available from the Student Media office. Corrections: Requests for corrections or complaints concerning news and editorial content of the Arizona Summer Wildcat should be directed to the editor in chief. For further information on the Wildcat’s approved grievance policy, readers may contact Mark Woodhams, director of the Arizona Student Media.
News • August 6-19, 2012
UA health center earns $8.3M grant to go to facilities, research
Arizona Summer Wildcat • 3
By Isaac Cox Arizona Summer Wildcat
The Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center located within the College of Pharmacy received $8.3 million in grant funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to expand their facilities in an effort to further the center’s research. The center, which studies the effects of environmental factors on human health, such as exposure to arsenic, ultraviolet rays and other underlying factors that contribute to diseases, tied for first with New York University out of 10 centers in a competitive decision-making process. The funds will be distributed in annual installments for the next five years. Serrine Lau, the center’s director and professor in the College of Pharmacy who led the effort to help get the funding, said its success with getting the funding came from its ability to perform research unmatched by other centers throughout the nation. “A center like this really can bring forth an unparallel interactive force to pull investigators together,� Lau said. “It’s so advantageous to have this kind of setup. We all can work together to investigate unknown research that impacts the environmental health.� A large portion of the grant funding will be given to the UA’s facilities, according to Lau. The center has implemented initiatives to support and force interactive research for multiple colleges and departments. The funds are given to establish infrastructure for state-of-the-art facilities in research enterprises such as the cellular imaging facility core, genomics facility core, proteomics facility core and the integrated health sciences facility core. Using the funds to improve in these areas will address several issues, including providing the right equipment to do
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volunteering with organizations like Habitat for Humanity, and have built houses in Agua Prieta, Mexico in collaboration with Agua Prieta Family Shelters, a non-profit organization that provides housing to people living in poor conditions throughout the area. Additionally, the club, which funds all of its projects internally, runs various fundraising events and writes grants between its work on projects. “Working with EWB has given me an op-
Hailey Eisenbach / Daily Wildcat
The UA’s Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center has received an $8.3 million grant. Serrine Lau led the effort to secure the funding.
certain types of research. The center employs faculty from several departments throughout campus, as well as from the College of Medicine in Phoenix and some researchers from Arizona State University. “I think Serrine Lau has done an extremely fantastic job,� said Walter Klimecki, an associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology. “I think the challenge of running such a complicated enterprise involving such a diverse group of investigators can’t be overstated.� According to Leslie Tolbert, the UA’s senior vice president for research, President Hart is focusing on providing further investments in medical areas to improve patient and health care research. Tolbert added that such research in the area of environmental health is extremely important right now. “The issues here on environmental health are huge,� Tolbert said. “All of us are impacted by the questions they (researchers in the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center) are trying to answer.
portunity to see firsthand what works, what doesn’t, and to kind of start going along this path where I can figure out how to spend my life improving the world,â€? he said. “It’s been a really good learning experience.â€? Kestler said that the idea of improving the world is the main inspiration for everyone involved with the club. “It’s fantastic to travel and go and see new cultures, and you get to feel good about what you’re doing,â€? she said. “But also it’s kind of really a refreshing group of people that we have in EWB ‌ We’re all like-minded and want to just make the world a better place.â€?
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August 6-19, 2012 • Perspectives
4 • Arizona Summer Wildcat
Perspectives Editor: Courtney L’Ecuyer • 520.621.3192 •
Choose farmers markets instead of big name stores to support local economy, environment Michael Carolin Arizona Summer Wildcat
hopping at Walmart might save money, but there’s a price to pay. In this sluggish economic recovery, Walmart and other major supermarkets are certainly more appealing to American consumers than local retail stores. There’s one on nearly every corner and most of the time you won’t find a store with cheaper prices. Convenience is everything and Walmart has it. While Walmart’s quest to make low prices presses on, many local farmers who once thrived are suffering the consequences. Walmart stocks its shelves using a method called conventional farming. This method uses synthetic chemicals to increase plant growth, making it difficult for organic farms to keep up. According to Aaron Cameron, a Tucson farmer who owns Elderberry Edibles with his wife Jenna Vallier, conventional farming “has stripped America of most of its farmers except factory farmers.” Vallier added that big box stores take away the chance that small organic farms can operate or exist.
Local farmers aren’t the only ones who face negative repercussions. Small businesses take a hit as well. According to a 2009 study by Loyola University Chicago’s Urban Research and Learning Center, the opening of a single Chicago Walmart in 2006 forced 82 businesses in the adjacent area to shut down in just two years. By choosing to shop at massive stores instead of local businesses, we have granted these national chains free reign to tank local economies, kill jobs and leave the surviving stores struggling. According to research by the Institute for the Study of Labor, Walmart store openings cause three people to lose their jobs for every two people they hire. Another study by the Mississippi University Extension Service found that small supermarkets and discount variety stores who didn’t go out of business suffered sales declines of 10 to 40 percent where new Walmarts opened. On top of it all, most of the money that Walmart and other chain stores produce isn’t kept in the local economy — it’s shipped away. According to a 2004 study by Civic Economics, an economic analysis consultancy, only $43 for every $100 of consumer spending at chain stores remains in the same city. Local businesses, on the other hand, retain $68 in the local economy. “Keeping our resources local is really
important because it recycles instead of mines,” Vallier said. “It builds community.” Some communities have taken note of Walmart’s black hole effect on their economies and protested new store openings. In June, for example, thousands of citizens in Los Angeles, Calif. marched against the opening of a Walmart in a downtown neighborhood. Similar protests have surfaced in other cities. Instead of buying our food at massive retail stores like Walmart, we should bring our money to local retail stores and farmers markets to help boost the economy and support small organic farms. Economic perks aren’t the only advantage, as both our soil and health benefit when we choose to avoid big box stores and their conventional farming methods. “If crops are made available in huge quantities at once,” Vallier said, then “they’re not grown in a natural or sustainable way.” Conventional farms are designed to quickly to produce enormous quantities of a narrow range of crops, but in the process, rip nutrients out of the soil. “To them (conventional farmers), soil means nothing. It’s just a medium to inject fertilizers and pesticides.” Conventional farms erode the once nutrient rich soil faster than the soil can be replenished. Then, when the ground is no longer fertile, factory farmers just move on to another plot. But conscientious local farming, like
what Cameron and Vallier practice, respects the environment by using sustainable and natural methods to grow food. “We are shooting for a farm that gives back to the soil,” Vallier said. “We’re not using more resources than our fair share.” Conventionally farmed food is just as nutrient-starved and chemically saturated as the soil that cultivates it. In addition, this food sometimes travels hundreds of miles before reaching store shelves. The food you buy at Walmart might be weeks or months old, Cameron said. Consequently, the food we eat from Walmart is not nearly as healthy as it should be. The nutrient levels in locally grown food are off the chart compared to what you get from big box stores, Cameron said. There are four farmers markets now open across town. So instead of picking up your next batch of groceries at your usual big box store, try out one of the local options. “We’re not doing anything new,” Vallier said. “We are only doing what was once done. We’ve all just forgot what that was.” —Michael Carolin is a journalism and creative writing junior. He can be reached at or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.
Letter from the editor: the Wildcat goes mobile Miranda Butler Arizona Summer Wildcat
ast year, a UA student tweeted to the Daily Wildcat that carrying around a large crinkly newspaper made her feel like an old man. That student’s comical tweet raises a valid point about journalism today: the industry is changing. With the digital age upon us, more and more readers choose to get their news from online sources and social media sites. The Wildcat is proud to be one of the
few college papers that still releases a print product five days a week, and we plan to continue to do so. But for the past few years, we have also increased our online presence as we grow from a daily newspaper into a 24/7 news organization. Our Twitter account @DailyWildcat now has more than 4,000 followers, and we also reach thousands more people on Facebook each day. We’ve amped up our quantity of online exclusive articles, and last semester, we took advantage of this digital platform in new ways, such as using our website to release a musician’s new single. But we’re not satisfied to just stop there. We know there are thousands of additional students we could be reaching, and our paper isn’t complete without them. As the independent voice of the university, we
want to ensure that we’re covering an array of student interests, and incorporating many unique perspectives from UA’s diverse campus into our paper. Want to help us reach that goal? Whether it’s through the physical newspaper, our website, Facebook or Twitter, we’re always excited to interact with you. Next semester, we’re also adding one more option to our list of digital features that will make networking between the Wildcat and our readers simpler than ever. Facebook and Twitter are great, but it’s about time the Daily Wildcat released an app — so we’re getting with the program. In a little more than a month, you’ll be able to download a free Wildcat app for your iPad or iPhone. There will also be free HTML5 and native apps. These new digital features
will allow you to get instant updates from the Daily Wildcat and take us anywhere with you. We also hope that when you access the Wildcat on your phone or tablet, it’ll be easier to leave comments on our site and get in contact with us via social media and email. No matter how you choose to connect with us, we strive to be UA’s number one source for news, so we’re always open to your feedback about our paper and our online presence. Stay tuned as the school year begins for more updates about our app. —Miranda Butler is the editor in chief. She can be reached at or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.
MAILBAG Comments from:
Online comments in response to “Mental illness on the rise in America”:
Many researchers point out it is not the mental illness alone that “causes” violence among mentally ill individuals, but you must consider other life factors like socioeconomic status and again substance abuse (which I think we agree on). And actually untreated bipolar disorder has more incidence of violent crime than does schizophrenia according to data. But the percentage of mentally ill who had substance issues make up a huge majority of those who were mentally ill that committed violent crime. The population risk for violence coming from someone with comorbid mental illness and substance abuse is 5 percent. If you eliminate
The Arizona Summer Wildcat Editorial Policy Arizona Summer Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Arizona Summer Wildcat.
ARIZONA SUMMER WILDCAT • 5 mental illness alone, not considering comorbid mental illness with substance abuse, violent crime would only decrease by less than 5 percent. So if the statistics say only 4.3 percent of violent crime is committed by those with a mental illness, then one can see more violent crime is committed by those without a serious mental illness. But when you add substance abuse into the mix it changes everything. There is plenty of data to support the claim that mentally ill are no more likely, well let’s put it this way, just as likely to commit violent crime. All I’m saying is, according to statistics, mental illness makes up a very small portion of violent crime and the public overreacts about the risk factor of the mentally ill. It is true that someone who is untreated with a serious mental illness is more likely to commit crime, however, not as more likely as the public assumes. —Heather I would like to address violence and mental illness and respectfully somewhat disagree to what Heather in her comments has suggested or perhaps expand. It is true that having a mental illness does not mean one will be violent, however there is a higher risk of violence when mental illness goes untreated — particularly certain forms of schizophrenia and psychosis. But as she points out, substance abuse is more of a risk. My Psychology Today blog post cites stats and a meta-study examining the prevalence of mental illness. I myself have bipolar disorder and have been psychotic on several occasions. So I understand all too well the painful issue of stigma. What is important is that we are discussing it. —Victoria
Online comments in response to “Chick-fil-A announcement ruffles activists’ feathers”:
I love (sarcasm) the comment about how the writer is biased. That’s why it’s called “editorial” writing, people. Good grief, there are lot of ignorant haters out there. What is happening with this country? Homosexuality is not a perversion. Supporting institutions that fund campaigns of intolerance is the perversion. Boycotting such companies like Chickfil-A is the only intelligent and truly American thing to do. Have you people heard of fascism? The entire world went to war to stop fascism (a system of government based on intolerant views and practices). America won that war at great sacrifice. Now you want to adopt the values of an evil society we crushed. Courtney, you have written a wonderful piece. Americans, stand up and say no to the haters. Enough is enough. Please note, I am a white, straight, 50-year-old married UA alum with children. —Ellen
of a social group responsible for making members of the LGBTQ community feel, at best, rejected by religious and corporate life and, at worst, like their lives are not worth living. There’s a reason these boycotts are happening. —Jill
Companies do have the right to use freedom of expression however they like. Consumers have the right to express their displeasure by not buying into their products anymore. And there’s a difference between coming out in support of something versus actively perpetuating systems of discrimination that cause quantifiable emotional and physical harm to others. I’m not wasting any tears on Chik-Fil-A’s potential lack of sales when they can’t seem to understand that they are part
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AUGUST 6-19, 2012 • NEWS
Just a beer with dinner
A University of Arizona Police Department officer was driving south on Euclid Avenue on July 29 at 11:47 p.m. Traveling next to the officer’s squad car was a black Cadillac. The driver unexpectedly swerved his vehicle into the officer’s lane, and the officer had to brake quickly to avoid a collision. The officer immediately pulled the vehicle over on Sixth Street. The officer approached the vehicle and the non-UA affiliated male who was driving opened his door. The officer could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle. The male suspect was also sweaty and had watery, bloodshot eyes. The officer asked the suspect if his car window rolled down. The suspect mumbled, “The window is hard to roll down.” The officer then noticed a black pistol in the pocket of the door and told the suspect he was going to secure the gun. The officer placed the pistol in his patrol car and returned to the Cadillac to ask the suspect for his driver’s license. The officer informed the suspect that he could smell alcohol on him and the male suspect told the officer he had a beer earlier with his dinner. The officer asked the driver to step out of the vehicle to perform a sobriety test. Another officer arrived on the scene to assist with the test. The suspect did not pass the test, and was read his Miranda rights and arrested for DUI. Officers took the driver to UAPD headquarters for further DUI testing. The officer still on the scene
conducted an inventory search of the suspect’s vehicle. It was noted in the report that there was an open, 23.5 ounce can of Four Loko malt liquor on the passengerside floor board. The can was still cold and was three-fourths full. The officer emptied the can and left it in the vehicle. Back at headquarters, the suspect was given two Breathalyzer tests. The results from these tests were 0.272 and 0.259 respectively. The male suspect was charged and cited for an unsafe lane change, DUI in the slightest degree and a blood-alcohol concentration higher than 0.20. The Cadillac was impounded and the results of the test were placed into UAPD Property and Evidence. Sweaty balls UAPD officers responded to a call from a staff member at the UofA Bookstore on July 26 at 10:31 a.m. Officers spoke to the employee who said that they had surveillance video of a non-UA affiliated male removing a package from a display of Ping-Pong balls. The employee said that the suspect then purchased a drink at Starbucks and exited the bookstore with the pingpong package in his hand. The employee followed the suspect out of the bookstore and stopped him to ask if he had a receipt for the balls. The suspect replied, “No.” The suspect was asked to return to the store and to wait until law enforcement arrived. When the officer arrived, he asked the suspect what happened. The suspected told the officer that he came to the bookstore to buy the pingpong balls, but put them under his arm when he went to buy the drink and forgot to pay for the balls before leaving. The officer informed the suspect that he was being placed under arrest for theft. It was noted in the report that his wallet and phone were in a classroom in the Mines and Metallurgy building. Officers accompanied the suspect to the building so he could get his wallet and phone, then transported him to the Pima County Adult Detention Center.
Online Exclusives From the ground up
along with a sushi and sandwich bar. — Einstein Bros Bagels, a nationwide bagel chain, will open Aug. 13 across from Pinkberry. — Two undetermined eating establishments will take the place of the CatCard and meal plan offices. — Red and Blue Market will be a grab-and-go dining option that will be offered in several locations across campus, such as Pangea, Highland Market, U-Mart, and other campus convenience stores. — On Deck Deli will offer more options for students in addition to its bagel line. — The Mesa Room will have new menus that will rotate every couple of weeks to allow for more choices.
Formula racing club provides engineering students with hands-on experience Visit us at Click on the News Tab
News • August 6-19, 2012
Arizona Summer Wildcat • 7
Jared Loughner to plead guilty in Tucson shooting Mcclatchy tribune
WASHINGTON — Jared Lee Loughner is set to plead guilty Tuesday to the shooting that severely wounded then Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to knowledgeable sources. Mental health officials believe he is now competent to understand the charges against him in the assault, which killed six people and injured 13 at a gathering with the congresswoman’s constituents in Tucson. Psychiatric experts who have examined Loughner, 23, are scheduled to testify at the hearing Tuesday morning in U.S. District Court in Tucson. They have concluded that despite wide swings in his mental capacity, at this time he comprehends what happened and acknowledges the gravity of the charges, according to two sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was still unfolding. The terms of the plea arrangement remained unclear Saturday as to whether Loughner would admit guilt to all or some of the charges in return for a lengthy prison sentence rather than risk a potential death penalty verdict at trial. Many of the victims of the Jan. 8, 2011
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attack and their families are likely to attend the hearing in downtown Tucson, not far from the site of the attack during Giffords’ Congress On Your Corner event. Survivors would be invited to testify about the assault and their injuries at a separate hearing yet to be scheduled, in which Loughner would be formally sentenced. Loughner’s agreement to plead guilty, if finalized in court Tuesday, would probably end more than a year and a half of psychiatric evaluations and testing, including some periods in which he was medicated at a federal prison hospital. It would also close out complex legal disagreements between prosecutors and defense attorneys over his mental capacity. Capital punishment initially was on the table when federal prosecutors in Tucson obtained a grand jury indictment against Loughner, and they announced the case as one with “potential death penalty charges.” The indictment said a search of Loughner’s home turned up a letter hidden in a safe in which Giffords thanked him for attending an earlier Congress On Your Corner event. Also allegedly in the safe was an envelope
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with handwriting that said “I planned ahead” and “my assassination” and Giffords’ name, “along with what appears to be Loughner’s signature.” Prosecutors pointed to that as evidence Loughner coldly calculated the attack. But soon after his arrest, the focus immediately became on whether he was mentally fit to stand trial. According to the indictment, Loughner purchased a Glock 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol at a Tucson gun shop in November 2010, and the ammunition at a Walmart store on the morning of the shooting. He took a taxi to the Safeway parking lot where Giffords was holding her constituent meeting. Among those killed were 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, born on Sept. 11, 2001, and U.S. District Court Judge John M. Roll, the presiding federal judge there. Giffords, though seriously wounded, has slowly been recovering. The Democrat has since resigned from Congress. Loughner was quickly subdued, and more details came out about his troubled psyche. In July 2011, a prison doctor reported that Loughner was depressed and insisting that
“the radio was talking to him and inserting thoughts into his mind.” He was placed under suicide watch and often paced in circles about his cell, according to court records and pre-trial testimony. He remained convinced that Giffords was dead, and became angry when told she survived. When advised he might face the death penalty, Loughner sobbed for nearly an hour. “I want to die,” he said. “Give me the injection now. Kill me now.” According to court records, two medical experts agreed Loughner suffered from schizophrenia and predicted any improvements would be far away, if possible at all. Even when they tried to interview him, they said, he lay in bed and hid under his covers. What statements he did make were nonsensical, often obsessing about treason. In a May 2011 hearing, federal marshals forcibly removed Loughner from the courtroom after he began shouting incoherently and screaming something like “kill free” or “kill shot.” Then he yelled, “She died in front of me!” Given the option of behaving or watching the proceedings from a nearby cell with a remote television screen, Loughner chose the cell.
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AUGUST 6-19, 2012 • MONSOON
Greg Gonzales Arts Editor 621-3106
How to work out with a busy college schedule By Alyssa DeMember ARIZONA SUMMER WILDCAT
With a school schedule that seems to start at 8 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. every day, it’s easy to neglect your body. Students are busy and have pretty tight schedules, but there are simple ways to fit a few workouts into your routine. It’s not about having rock star abs, the beefiest biceps or the thinnest physique. It’s about doing what works for your body and keeps you healthy. Getting your heart rate up a few times a week is better than nothing, so whether it’s a brisk walk outside, a five-mile bike ride, or an intense weight-lifting session, just keep your body active. Here are a few tips for finding time to work out during your busy week.
There are also plenty of sports-related clubs to join on campus and 39 Campus Recreation Sports Clubs, according to ASUA Student Clubs and Organizations on
Go in between classes or during ‘off time’
If English 101 ends at 1 p.m. and Calculus I starts at 2 p.m., make a run to the Rec Center or take a jog around campus during your
Set a day or two aside every week to exercise and don’t deviate This one sounds simple, and it can be, as long as some self-discipline is implemented. Set a goal at the beginning of the school year to work out a certain number of days a week and stick to it. For example, if you tell yourself that you are going to take a jog every Monday morning, go every single Monday morning. No excuses. As soon as excuses start creeping in, the entire semester will fly by and all of a sudden you’ll wonder what happened to your fitness plans. Before setting a goal like this, just be sure that it fits well with your schedule.
Know the available resources
The Student Recreation Center on Sixth Street and Highland Avenue is open at almost all hours of the day. This place has a number of different resources to utilize, including a full-length pool, a large area with weights and cardio machines, racquetball and basketball courts, a rock wall and various other facilities. Go for a workout with your own individual routine, join an intramural sports team or take a fitness class. The options are widespread and the Rec Center has equipment to rent out if you don’t have your own racket or don’t feel like carrying your basketball all day.
break. A few laps around the UA Mall is a great and easy way to stay active, especially as the temperatures start to drop in the fall months. Just go to class with your workout clothes on so you’ll be ready to go as soon as class ends. Of course, be sure not to go for an intense bloodsweat-and-tears sort of deal. You don’t want to arrive at your next class smelling like the New York Giants’ locker room.
Make it an outing with friends
Fitness can also be a fun thing to do with a friend or a group. An early morning hike on the weekend, a midday bike ride or a pick-up game of basketball are all great ways to catch up with friends. You may not even realize it because you’re having fun, but you’re doing your body a lot of good.
Four students run past the Student Recreation Center as they make their way down Sixth Street.
Confluencenter encourages a new kind of intellect By Razanne Chatila ARIZONA SUMMER WILDCAT
The center that brought Noam Chomsky to campus last spring, the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry at the University of Arizona, is geared to continue its collaborative effort within the community in order to maintain the university as the intellectual hub of the Southwest. “We work with students and faculty in those fields (social sciences, arts and humanities) and look at innovation and those people doing out-of-the-box projects,” said director Javier Duran. The crossing of disciplines serves to fulfill the mission to bring people and ideas together to cultivate innovation,
collaboration and public engagement, according to the center’s website. The Confluencenter opened in 2009 after 13 faculty members were recruited by the university administration to brainstorm a new interdisciplinary initiative on campus that would address the grand challenges of human existence. It has grown from Duran’s small office in the Modern Languages building to having its own bungalow on Helen Street, across from McClelland Hall. “We are also working hard on creating a robust brand and a wide-ranging identity on campus and beyond,” said Duran. Currently the center is working to develop a speaker series that reflects their initiatives and their lines of inquiry,
called Beyond Boundaries, Digital Inquiry and Performative Environments. They are also launching a series of multimedia presentations by faculty members called “Show and Tell” at the Playground Bar and Lounge downtown, as well as bringing award-winning poet, novelist and essayist Luis Urrea for a Day of the Dead celebration. “Collaboration amongst different members of campus is important and that’s what we work to do,” said Director of Program Development Yvonne Ervin, who also said that engaging and highlighting different research on campus is key to developing upcoming programs and events. Since its inception, Confluencenter has
awarded more than $1 million in grants, fellowships and co-sponsored events. Working with a diverse range of members on campus while featuring undergraduate work is why UA seniors Emma Kleiner and Lauren Johnston have worked with the Confluencenter and Student Affairs for the past two years to produce an undergraduate journal, the Arizona Journal for Interdisciplinary Research. The journal was released on April 25. “An undergraduate journal was the best way to highlight and encourage local scholarship,” said Kleiner. Johnston added that they sought the
MONSOON • AUGUST 6-19, 2012
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Four foods to keep students focused in class By Alyssa DeMember ARIZONA SUMMER WILDCAT
School can take a lot out of students, so keeping a sharp and focused mind is more important than ever as the new semester rolls in. As class approaches in the coming weeks, students’ minds will undoubtedly shift from a state of relaxation to that of a constantly processing machine. While a good amount of sleep each night and consistent studying are key ingredients for success in class, a proper diet can make all the difference as well. Here are four brain foods that will keep students focused for the entire week.
Blueberries are one of the best brain foods to consume. They are loaded with antioxidants, which “protect your brain from oxidative stress,” said Steven Pratt, MD, author of “Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life,” in a WebMD article. And it certainly helps that these morsels are like little pieces of fruity candy. For best use, add them to a smoothie combined with a tangier fruit like strawberries or mix them into a salad with dark leafy greens.
Seeds and Nuts
Avocados are a diet must. They contain healthy oils and monounsaturated fats, which stimulate blood flow. When more blood flows to the brain, it is able to function in a greater capacity, just like the heart. This fruit also keeps you full and satisfied, and comes with a wide range of uses. For instance, cut a few slices to add to sandwiches with whole grain bread, mash it into guacamole, or eat it plain. When picking out avocados at the grocery store, feel for a slight softness. If the fruit is too firm, it’s not ready to eat and will be difficult to peel. Should you find that you do not use the entire avocado in one sitting, put the rest away in a sealed container along with the pit and use within a few days.
Confluencenter from the beginning because they just had an overall interdisciplinary focus and mission statement and thought their journal’s goal meshed with that. “It’s been a really long process. We just tried to find the best faculty resources and peer resources to put together a great group of people,” said Kleiner. Art history professor Stacie Widdifield was awarded a Collaboration and Innovation Grant in 2011 to fund her project, Art History of Air and Water in Mexico. Widdifield worked with Jeffrey Banister, an assistant professor in the School of Geography and Development and an assistant research social scientist at the UA Southwest Center, with an interdisciplinary group of scholars who
Almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are all great sources of benefical fats, oils and vitamin E. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, regularly eating foods containing vitamin E could prevent poor memory. So don’t stress too much about all of the material that’s going to be covered on the next exam. Snack on trail mix while you study to keep your brain working, and always look for whole grain choices when eating bread products. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ROBERT ALCARAZ / ARIZONA SUMMER WILDCAT
examined the visual cultural of natural resources in Mexico, which include painting, prints, maps, architecture and engineering works. The grant supported Widdifield and her colleagues to conduct a year-long series of focus groups whose participants included colleagues at the UA, colleagues at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and at Oxford University. “We see this project as a visual complement to the UA’s diverse initiatives and units already focused on the environment, history and resources of Mexico,” said Widdifield. She will present a summary of her work this October with a five-day think tank in the School of Art. It is through these types of projects and programs that the center works to share the wealth of creativity and research on campus with others. “We are fostering a true confluence of people and ideas,” said Duran.
The Confluencenter funds a variety of interdisciplinary projects, such as the Arizona Journal for Interdisciplinary Research, and an art history exhibit by professor Stacie Widdifield.
Sports 10 • Arizona Summer Wildcat
August 6-19, 2012 • Sports
Sports Editor: Cameron Moon • 520.626.2956 •
Arizona football searching for team leaders during preseason practice By Cameron Moon Arizona Summer Wildcat
Before preseason practice started Wednesday, Arizona head football coach Rich Rodriguez met with his 20 senior players as a group to discuss leadership — or their lack of an established team leader. Like any team sport, leadership positions are emphasized and needed in football. After a coaching change and the departure of three key senior NFL Draft picks, Arizona football is looking for the kind of leadership it had when Nick Foles manned the offense with Juron Criner for three seasons and Trevin Wade went from two-star recruit to a seventh-round selection by the Cleveland Browns in his time with the Wildcats. This team lacks leadership in the same way that it lacks stable playmakers. Fifthyear senior quarterback Matt Scott is one of the only players on the team whose job is not up for grabs, automatically meaning the standards are raised for him on and off the field. “He knows the leadership is forced upon him, it comes with his position, but he also knows that it comes with his position as a senior,” Rodriguez said. “We’re going to hold him to a higher standard and I think that’s what he expects.”
photos by Colin Darland and Janice Biancavilla / Arizona Summer Wildcat
Arizona head football coach Rich Rodriguez, left, is looking for leaders in his group of 20 senior players. Wide receiver Dan Buckner, shown right in his former No. 15 jersey, looks to be one of those leaders.
Scott will be expected to lead and manage the offense as well as remain in good health. The Wildcats have three true freshmen quarterbacks, two transfer quarterbacks and Richard Morrison, who converted from quarterback to receiver under former coach Mike Stoops. “We’re hoping that, (junior transfer) B.J. Denker, or (freshmen) Josh Kern or Javelle Allen or one of these freshmen are going to emerge,” Rodriguez said. “So far, B.J. is
progressing pretty well.” That higher standard Scott is held to extends to all of Rodriguez’s veteran players, including fifth-year wide receiver Dan Buckner, who has been an Arizona athlete for two seasons, after playing for Mack Brown and the Texas Longhorns his freshman and sophomore seasons. He said his experience with the Longhorns helped mold him into a better leader because of older players like Colt
McCoy and Jordan Shipley, who taught him the finer points of playing the game. “(Former Longhorn receiver Jordan) Shipley was a fifth year senior when I got there and got his sixth year my sophomore year, so there was older guys,” Buckner said. “(Former Texas quarterback) Colt (McCoy) was the ultimate leader.” Buckner is undoubtedly the Wildcats’ go-to receiver this season at 6-foot-4 inches, after sharing that role with Criner a season ago. Buckner caught 42 passes for 606 yards and two touchdowns a year ago, but the 22-year-old will be expected to produce more. “This is my fifth year as a college player so I think I’m a leader,” Buckner said. “I remember when I was 17 looking for leadership and now I’m at the other end of the spectrum.” For many Arizona football players, the awkward switch from unproven player to mature team leader has begun, but the way these players handle it will continue to unfold throughout fall camp. “They’re hungry, they’ve bought in and they’ve done a great job with leadership,” Rodriguez said of his seniors. “I think when you go through things like they’ve gone through with the coaching change and working hard together, I think it bonds them together.”
Inexperienced Arizona linebackers to face trial by fire Lack of depth to provide Wildcats with challenges in the upcoming season By Kyle Johnson Arizona Summer Wildcat
Coming into fall camp, Arizona head coach Rich Rodriguez’s depth chart for the Arizona football team was full of “or’s” as the new coach waited to further evaluate his roster. Only one group, the linebackers, had all of its starting spots secure. But the decision didn’t come from unquestioned confidence in the returning linebackers. Rather, it came from a complete lack of depth at the position. “That is definitely our thinnest position,” said Arizona head coach Rich Rodriguez. “Some of our guys will need to be ready a lot sooner than they thought, particularly some freshmen. Jake Fischer is the only guy we know that has gotten a lot of experience, but outside
of him, it is wide open.” Fischer, a junior, is slotted as one of the three starting linebackers this season and is returning from an ACL tear in his right knee that kept him out of the entire 2011 season. Joining him are two sophomores, Rob Hankins and Hank Hobson. Together they have 12 combined starts and 83 career tackles, but there didn’t seem like there would be an issue at linebacker when camp finished in the spring. During the spring Brian Wagner, a graduate transfer from Akron, Ohio, filled the leadership role in the middle of the field. Wagner brought talent and a wealth of experience as his 147 combined tackles last season made him the NCAA active leader in career tackles at the time. But in June, Wagner left the pro-
gram, leaving the Wildcats with few options at linebacker. “We really miss Brian (Wagner), he was a great player,” Hankins said. “Me and him worked together learning the system, we’re going to miss him a lot. But we were short last year and we’ll be short this year and we’re going to make it work.” As of now it appears that Jeff Casteel and Rodriguez will need to rely on some true freshmen to step in and provide some support — just like Hankins and Hobson did last year. “Luckily we got thrown into the fire last year also as freshmen, so it’s not scary this year as sophomores,” Hankins said, who had a careerhigh five tackles in the Wildcats 37-10 loss last season to Stanford. Thanks to Fischer’s injury before the season,
the linebacking corps faced a similar situation with its depth, and both Hankins and Hobson had to learn on the fly against elite Pac-12 talent. “Last year they both had to step into starting roles they shouldn’t have been in,” Fischer said. “I think that was really an eye opener for them.” Fischer added that having big game experience will help them this year and that they will be ready to fully step into the starting role. As of now, newcomers and some freshmen will have to prepare for games as if they were starters in the event of injury. The one player already slotted into a backup role is linebacker C.J. Dozier.
experience, 4
SPORTS • AUGUST 6-19, 2012
Arizona Olympic Calendar AUG. 6:
Women’s Track & Field Jill Camarena-Williams (USA)/Julie Labonté (Canada) Shot Put Preliminaries Camarena-Williams (USA)/Labonté (Canada) Shot Put Olympic Final* Georganne Moline (USA) 400-Meter Hurdles Semifinals* Men’s Basketball Andre Iguodala (USA) United States vs. Argentina
AUG. 8:
Men’s Basketball Iguodala (USA) Quarterfinals Men’s Track & Field Bernard Lagat (USA) 5,000-Meter Run First Round
AUG. 9:
Women’s Track & Field Brigetta Barrett (USA) High Jump Preliminaries
AUG. 10:
Men’s Basketball Iguodala (USA) Semifinals*
AUG. 11:
Women’s Track & Field Barrett (USA) High Jump Olympic Final* Men’s Track & Field Lagat (USA) 5,000-Meter Run Olympic Final*
AUG. 12:
Men’s Basketball Iguodala (USA) Olympic Final* Men’s Track & Field Abdi Abdirahman (USA) Marathon Olympic Final
Men’s Mountain Bike-Cross Country Todd Wells (USA) Olympic Final — Editor’s Note: Events with asterisks require athletes to qualify for the Olympic Final in the preliminary and semifinal rounds.
Swimming Nick Thoman, who won a silver medal in the 100-meter backstroke last week helped Michael Phelps win the gold in his final race, the 4x100-meter medley relay. Thoman swam in the preliminary rounds and finished with a split of 53.31 seconds, which aided the U.S.’s victory in the second heat. South Africa’s Roland Schoeman advanced to the final round of the 50-meter freestyle, but finished sixth with a time of 21.80 seconds, just .46 seconds behind the leader. Schoeman has competed in this event in the last three Olympics. Luis Rivera-Morales, competing for Mexico, jumped a distance of 24-feet-4.25inches in the preliminary competition, but did not advance to the finals. Track & Field Current Wildcat junior Georganne Moline competed in the women’s 400-meter hurdles on Sunday and placed a personal best time of 54.31 seconds, advancing to the semifinal round of the event, held today. This is the fifth time Moline has broken her personal and school record this year, three of them coming in her last three races.
Bolt the king during golden age of sprinting MCCLATCHY TRIBUNE
LONDON - This is sports at its best, at its purest, at its most primal. In less than 10 seconds, a massive slice of the globe watches as the fastest men in the world gather to determine the fastest man in the world. Usain Bolt could refuse to ever again race, and he would still be considered The Sprint King until the 2016 Rio Games. The next sprint race that really matters is four years away. Bolt had to push himself this time. During his run to gold in Beijing in 2008, Bolt might have been on his way to a 9.5 clocking but wanted to enjoy a show-off stroll the final 10 meters. It was the most dazzling sprint performance in history. A determined, gifted field forced Bolt to dig this time. He finished in 9.63, edging Jamaican teammates Yohan Blake. The biggest question in these Olympics? That’s easy. In pubs and restaurants and pressboxes, the most constant discussion was whether Bolt still was blessed with the world’s fastest feet. He had been in a slump, bothered by a sore hamstring, and there were hints Blake had literally passed him by as Mr. Rapid. But Bolt was only indulging in a light sleep, awaiting the race that truly mattered. We appear to be living in the Golden Age of sprinting. For a decade or so, the men or women who reigned as sprint kings and
Basketball Team USA, which includes former Wildcat forward Andre Iguodala, has already qualified for the quarterfinals, despite still having one more game in pool play against Argentina tonight. In three games, Iguodala has averaged 5.3 points per game with four steals and eight assists in an average of 17.3 minutes of game play.
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queens were under suspicion of doping. It was a sad time in track. Bolt has brought the smile back. He promises everyone he’s clean, and there’s every reason to believe him. Let’s hope he’s telling the truth. He’s one of the most charismatic, entertaining athletes ever. The buzz in the stadium was immense. More than 2 million fans had sought tickets for this night, leaving a mere 80,000 to enjoy the show. Bolt is too lanky to burst out of the gates at top speed. He fell slightly behind, but this is normal for him. Once Bolt hits his stride, nobody can compete with him. He’s too tall, devouring the track with his big strides. By the midway point, it was clear nobody had a chance to dethrone him. In 1968, Wyomia Tyus became the first sprinter, man or woman, to repeat as 100 champion. Bolt had joined Carl Lewis as the only male 100 repeaters. Tyus said the key to victory is to wear the speed crown lightly. “I never let the whole idea of being the fastest woman in the world get me down,” she said. Bolt follows in that tradition. He’s not burdened by his gifts. He’s having a blast, and so are we.
*Expires August 31, 2012
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12 • Arizona Summer Wildcat
experience from page 10
The 6-foot-2 inch, 210 pound freshman from Temecula, Calif., is listed as a three-star recruit on, and will be thrown into the fire this season in the same fashion as Hankins and Hobson last season. “Hopefully these freshmen will grow up in a hurry and coach Casteel will get whoever is there ready to play,” Rodriguez said. All of the freshmen have until Sept. 1 against Toledo to prepare for the speed of the college game, but Fischer said they’ll have the benefit
August 6-19, 2012 • Sports
of playing against the new, high paced offense Rodriguez is installing for the Wildcats. “Once these (young linebackers) get in there and see what it’s like to go against an offense like ours, I think we’ll be fine,” Fischer said. The inexperienced and thin linebacker core will be tested plenty this season against some offensive juggernauts, specifically No. 3 USC and at No. 5 Oregon, but Hankins sees it as more of an opportunity to prove themselves than as a shortcoming. “We like it that way because we can surprise people,” Hankins said. “We can come out and make a statement which is a challenge — and we like it like that.”
Arizona Daily Wildcat File Photo
Junior Jake Fischer is one of the few linebackers on the depth chart with starting experience. Fischer returns to his starting role after missing all of the 2011 season with an ACL injury.
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Son of Eagles’ Reid found dead Mcclatchy tribune
BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Garrett Reid, 29, son of Eagles coach Andy Reid, was found dead in a Lehigh University dormitory room early Sunday morning. Reid’s body was discovered by an Eagles official who called police at 7:20 a.m. to report that Reid was unresponsive, according to Ed Shupp, Lehigh University chief of police. Shupp said police arrived at the dorm room at 7:21 a.m. Garrett Reid had been working for the Eagles as a strength and conditioning coach and had been a fixture around the team since his release from prison in 2009. Reid had a long, troubled past involving drug addiction. To those around the Eagles, Garrett Reid appeared to have rebounded from his addiction. He had “found his passion in helping others develop their physique,” according to a family statement. Garrett Reid was the eldest of the Reid’s five children. He was at Lehigh along with his father and the rest of the Eagles for training camp. Garrett Reid was found dead in a dorm room at Lehigh’s Sayre Park, where the Eagles reside during camp. “On arrival, attempts to revive the individual were unsuccessful,” Shupp said. “Garrett Reid was deceased on the officer’s arrival.” Northampton County coroner Zachary Lysek, who pronounced Garrett Reid dead, said that he was conducting an investigation with the cooperation of the Lehigh police department.
Team owner Jeffrey Lurie, who was originally scheduled to hold his annual state of the Eagles news conference on Sunday, instead delivered a somber statement later in the afternoon. “I’ve watched Andy try so hard with his family over the years,” Lurie said. “He cares so much about his family that it’s a hard one. You see a man that really cares.” Offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg and defensive coordinator Juan Castillo oversaw Sunday’s practices and will oversee the squad until Reid returns. Players and coaches somberly walked off the field after a morning walk-through and did the same following the afternoon session. “Coach has always been a great supporter of us, as a team, as an organization,” Eagles quarterback Michael Vick said in a statement. “He’s been a rock for us and a big teddy bear for us, so we’re going to lean on him, and we’re going to be there for him, and we’re going to stay strong for him until he comes back and can lead us on.” Andy Reid later took a six-week leave of absence during the 2007 offseason as his sons faced criminal charges. Garrett Reid was sentenced to 23 months for smashing up another motorist’s car while he was on heroin and spent time in and out of jail during the next two years. Garrett Reid “had planned to begin studies in sports management in the fall,” according to his family.
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Classifieds • August 6-19, 2012
Arizona Summer Wildcat • 13
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COOL JOB NO ONE ELSE HAS ON THEIR RESUME Interested in creating digital products for the Daily Wildcat and local businesses? We’re looking for a few enterprising business-oriented students to conceive and produce mobile apps for our new marketing and advertising unit, Wildcat Media Group. This is not a technical position. You will be working within an existing app template developed by college media professionals. What we’re looking for is creative and marketing savvy, good conceptual skills, and social media wizardry. Paid positions, can start in summer and continue through fall. Apply to Faith Edman, Student Media Assistant Director,
MARKETING ASSOCIATES Taking classes this summer? On campus anyway? Want to build your resume and skills? The Daily Wildcat has several openings for energetic and creative Marketing Associates this summer. Help distribute the Wildcat’s Orientation issue to freshmen and families during the summer orientation sessions. Hand out our weekly Summer Wildcat at high traffic locations. Work with the Wildcat’s advertising staff to promote sales and create partnerships, both in print and digitally. You’ll need to be a student and have about 10 hours a week. Paid hourly salary. Apply to Katie Bailey, Wildcat ad manager, at
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Jobs Available
Volunteer Opportunities
HAvE A SmAll adven‑ ture. Work at Mt. Lem‑ mon Cookie Cabin. Work ethic & person‑ able. Will train. $10 to start + travel, $11 after 2 months. Call Vic at 733‑ 1222 or Rachel 358‑4891 Immediate Employment Opportunity PT $11-$13/hr Want to develop skills that look great on a resume? Join our team NOW as part time assistant and acquire valued experience supporting and helping others. Perhaps discover yourself and ideas for what you want to do with your life! Summer program employment and full time in the spring term possible. Junior status and a generous spirit required. All welcome to apply and especially persons with passions for Dance, English, Agricultural (Green House) Science, Special Ed or Physical Education. No Teacher certificate or education major required. Email with letter of interest and a brief resume. For more information check out our website at SAlESPErSON NEEDED FOr tuxedo store. P/T 15‑20 hrs/week. Must be able to work with little or no supervision. $11/hr. E‑ mail your resume to or apply in person at 2435E. Broadway. No calls please.
THE BOyS & GIrlS Clubs of Tucson is cur‑ rently accepting applica‑ tions for a full‑time Youth Development Specialist (YDS). The YDS is re‑ sponsible for planning, coordinating, and super‑ vising programs and ac‑ tivities that will enhance the personal growth and development of club‑ house members. The YDS also plans and im‑ plements the Education & Career Development Program and the Charac‑ ter & Leadership Pro‑ gram. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in Ed‑ ucation or a related field and 3 years of relevant experience; or an equiva‑ lent combination of edu‑ cation and experience. Must have experience working with youth ages 7‑17. Bilingual (En‑ glish/Spanish) preferred. The salary range for this position is $23,000‑ 27,000 annually depend‑ ing on experience (plus benefits). This position requires driving a 15‑pas‑ senger van; candidates must be at least 25 years old and have had a valid driver’s li‑ cense for at least three years. Pre‑employment drug testing and a back‑ ground check is part of our hiring process. Qual‑ ified candidates are encouraged to submit their cover letter and resume to Carla Carpentier, Di‑ rector of Human Re‑ sources via email (ccar‑ or fax to 520‑573‑3569. A review of candidates will begin on August 8, 2012. EOE
The First Fall Publication of the Daily Wildcat will be:
August 20, 2012
Classifieds Online: $2.75 per week with purchase of print ad; $2.75 per day without purchase of print ad (Friday posting must include Saturday and Sunday).
AvIvA CHIlDrEN’S SErvICES seeking tu‑ tors for 1‑3 hrs/wk with a child under CPS care for 1semester. Provide aca‑ demic/ homework, friend‑ ship, attention. Michelle Rios 327‑6779 Ext. 11
FOR SALE Furniture GrEEN vAllEy FurNISHINGS has quality used furniture at afford‑ able prices. 10% DIS‑ COUNT with STUDENT I.D. 1075N Bessett Ave Green Valley 520‑399‑ 0431
HOUSING Apartment For Rent ! uTIlITIES PAID. SuBlET special. $350 Moun‑ tain & Adams. 1Rm stu‑ dio, no kitchen, refrigera‑ tor only. Giant studio w/k‑ itchen $590. A/C, quiet, no pets, security pa‑ trolled. www.uofahous‑ 299‑5020, 624‑ 3080
HOUSING Apartment For Rent
2Br+ 2BATH, 910SF, $725, RENT SPECIAL‑ 1 MO FREE RENT W/D included, Covered Pkng, <2mi N of UA, 1/2 Block to Cat‑Tran, 471‑2764, lascolinasapartments@g‑
1BD $477/mO $300 de‑ posit. 425 E Drachman. Coin‑op laundry and car‑ port. Available now. 272‑ 0754
5BlkS uOFA. STuDIO $440. 1BR $520. Priv Parkg. Security wall. AC. Quiet. No pets/smoking. Unfurn. 822 E. Lee St. 490‑ 0050.
1BlOCk FrOm uA. Furnished or unfur‑ nished.1BD from $610, 2BD from $825. Pool/ laundry. 746 E 5th St. Shown by appointment 751‑4363 or 409‑3010 2Br 1BA, WAlkING distance, 1323N. First Ave., water paid, internet access, $650/mo, + de‑ posit, flexible terms. Call 520‑370‑8588 or 886‑ 1445
!!! FAmIly OWNED & OPErATED. Studio 1&2 BD houses & apart‑ ments. 4blks north of UofA. $400 to $990. Some with utilities paid. Available now. No pets, security patrolled. www.‑ 299‑ 5020, 624‑3080.
5 9
READER AD DEADLINE: Noon, one day prior to publication. DISPLAY AD DEADLINE: Two working days prior to publication. PLEASE NOTE: Ads may be cancelled before expiration but there are no refunds on canceled ads. COPY ERROR: The Arizona Summer Wildcat will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect insertion of an advertisement.
Apartment For Rent
1810 E. BlACklIDGE. 2Br, 2BA furnished unit. Gated community, tons of amenities, AC & less than 2miles from UofA. $950/mo. 520‑319‑ 0753 for more informa‑ tion
!!! 1BD/ 1BA, $520, 3Blocks to UofA, Fur‑ nished, Euclid/9th, Inter‑ net/Water/Gas In‑ cluded, Spacious,, 520‑798‑ 3453, www.UPapts.‑ com 726 East 9th Street.
!!!!! rOll OuT OF BED! Huge 1 BR one block to campus at Uni‑ versity Lofts! Gated, Pool, Pkg. $850‑$950. w w w. u n i v e r s i t y a p a r t ‑ 520‑906‑7215
APPlICATION FEES WAIvED with Student ID. $1 Move in Special. Studios $374.00/mo. One Bedrooms $417.00‑ /mo. On the bus line and short ride to the Univer‑ sity. Call Now! 520‑886‑ 3495
4 6
7 9 4 2 9
Difficulty Level
9 3
1 8
4 1
HOUSING Apartment For Rent ClOSE TO uA. Nice apartment, water in‑ cluded. Off‑street park‑ ing. Seneca/Tucson Blvd. Small pet okay. $385/mo. 309‑0792 or 325‑7674 CuTE ONE BEDrOOm one bath. Near 9th/ Cherry south of UofA. Washer/Dryer. Off street parking. Tiled. 600sqft. Available now $525 207‑ 6281 GrEAT 2BDrm/ 2BATH TOWNHOuSE. lOOkING FOr rOOmmATE. CAll JOrDAN AT (480)628-7167 lArGE 1BD, 10mINuTE ride to school. Convenient to shopping & restaurants. Beautiful park‑like set‑ ting in small quiet com‑ plex. $550/mo. 3649 E 3rd. Available now. 520‑ 240‑0388
By Dave Green
5 2
1 8 4
3 8 6 9
2012 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Attention Classified Readers: The Arizona Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any Summer Wildcat screens classified adverpreference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, tising for misleading or false messages, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make but does not guarantee any ad or any any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not claim. Please be cautious in answering ads, especially when you are asked to knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal send cash, money orders, or a check. opportunity basis.
14 • Arizona Summer Wildcat HOUSING Apartment For Rent
HOUSING Apartment For Rent
lArGE STuDIOS 6BlOCkS UofA, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, windows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. $395. 977‑4106 sun‑
rOOmmATE mATCH & INDv. leases. FREE dish & WIFI. Pets, pool, spa, fitness & game rooms, comp. lab, cvrd park & shuttle. 520‑623‑ 6600. www.gatewayat‑
NICE, ClEAN, lArGE 2bdrm. 2blocks to UofA. $650/mo 729E 1st St Call 520‑271‑7649.
SIErrA POINTE APArTmENTS- $99 De‑ posit special. Remod‑ eled 1&2 bedroom apart‑ ments. Rent Includes: In‑ ternet, Cable, A/C, Heat, Water, Sewer, & Trash. Pet friendly & quiet. Lim‑ ited availability! 520‑323‑ 1170. Grant/Tucson Blvd. w w w . t u c s o n ‑ studentliving.‑ com.
PAlm GArDEN APArTmENTS crime‑ free certified, pool, laundry, BBQ, playground, units with yards and bal‑ conies. No application fee. Military discount. 520‑269‑7432
August 6-19, 2012 • Classifieds HOUSING Apartment For Rent STuDIOS FrOm $400 spacious apartment homes with great down‑ town location. 884‑ 8279. Blue Agave Apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/ Stone. www.bluea‑ uOFA CONvENIENT, lArGE 1BD 1920s du‑ plex, wood floors, ceiling fans, fireplace. $425/mo, lease, deposit, no pets. 682‑7728.
Condominium For Rent
Duplex-Fourplex: Rent
2BD/ 2BA FurNISHED, gated community w/pool. Stainless steel appli‑ ances, W/D, granite countertops. 2assigned parking spots 4blocks from campus. Call Tommy (520)240‑1020
4BlOCkS FrOm CAmPuS/$525 PEr mO. 3Br/2BA CONDO, FurNISHED W/uTIlITIES INCluDED. GATED W/COmmuNITy POOl. lOOkING FOr 2rOOmmATES. 55 N. CHErry AvE. #213. $525/mO ON A 1yr lEASE. 623-572-2532 ASk FOr SCOTT
Condominium For Sale CONDO FOr SAlE or rent. Bike to campus. Tucson Blvd/Glenn area 2bed/1.5bath, patio, A/C, 1120sqft, includes wash‑ er/dryer, all appliances. New carpet & paint, car‑ port, masonry construc‑ tion, end unit, commu‑ nity pool/jacuzzi. Shown by appt 520‑977‑ 3645 $75,900
Duplex-Fourplex: Rent !!! mOuNTAIN/ ADAmS ArEA. Large 1br duplex $720. AC, security bars, polished cement floors, new cabinets, new wiring. No pets, quiet, se‑ curity patrolled www.uo‑ 299‑ 5020, 624‑3080. 2BD/ 2BA IN beautiful updated historic building, secured entry, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, assigned off street parking, 745 E 1st St $1350 REDI Man‑ agement 520‑623‑2566
2Br, 1BA, 1ST/ GRANT, WASH‑ ER/DRYER INCL, quick bike or bus ride to UA, NEWLY RE‑ MODELED, large en‑ closed yard, close to bus lines and shopping, ceramic tile throughout, 2” faux wood blinds, new dual pane low‑e windows, low-flow toilet, locking security screen door, gas heat, gas stove, gas water heater, evap cooling. 312E Jacinto (rear unit). $650 plus utilities, $650 deposit. ***Pets negotiable*** Owner listed, owner rented; no hassle with real estate agents or large rental companies. Call or email Beth Marlatt 520‑ 349‑0810 for more infor‑ mation or to view the property. View Photos:‑ lic_html/312Jacin‑ toRentalPhotos.html
Guesthouse/Studio: Rent 1BD GuEST HOuSE A/C Near UofA 425 Also 1bd Guest House A/C Wood Floors, Paid Utili‑ ties Call RED I 520‑623‑ 5710 or log on APArTmENT/ GuESTHOuSE NEAr Univer‑ sity, 1/2 block off of bus line. Columbus & Speedway. Unfur‑ nished 1bdrm/1ba, 800sqft guesthouse w/private entrance. Cen‑ tral A/C, heating. Open kitchen w/dishwasher & refrigerator w/ice maker. Tiled, large living room, large sliding doors, closet, shared W/D, large backyard. $400/mo +$100 utils. $25 extra for cable, internet. Deposit required. Ardas 272‑0317
Guesthouse/Studio: Rent Sam Hughes - one BR guest house‑ all new ap‑ pliances & ceramic tile‑ AC & Evap cooling‑ 7ft wall $650.00 with lease 777-8369 plz leave message
House For Rent ! 4BlOCkS NOrTH OF UofA. Studio house, $430. Big 1bdrm $720. Quiet, security patrolled, no pets, A/C. www.uofa‑, 299‑5020, 624‑3080 !!! 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 BEDrOOmS ‑ close to campus. Call Diana at 520‑907‑0234 or !!! 3BDrm/ 2BA, TWO- STOry home‑ , 1212sqft, 4274E Wad‑ ing Pond Drive, Colum‑ bus & Fort Lowell (River‑ haven), $950 rent, $475 security deposit, avail‑ able August 1st . Call Martha at 247‑9672 or !!! mOuNTAIN/ lEE very nice 2br, 1ba. $990. Completely re‑ modeled. New kitchen new windows, wood floors, new AC, security bars, no pets, quiet, 299‑5020, 624‑3080. !!! rENT rEDuCED!!! $725/mO w/lease. 2Br, 1BA, Convenient to bus, shopping, entertainment. Big fenced yard. Tile floors, wood ceilings, Franklin Stove. Clean, fully-equipped kitchen. Extra storage. Dual AC/evaporative. Central heat. Available now for year lease. Email: Call: 577-3648 or 975-4142.
House For Rent !!!!!!!!! ABSOluTEly GOrGEOuS New 5Bed‑ room houses @ $2300/ mo ($460/ bdrm). Re‑ serve for August 2012. 2550 E. Water (Grant and Tucson Blvd). Wash‑ er/dryer, A/C, Alarm, http:‑ //www.UniversityRental‑‑floor‑ plans.php Call 520‑747‑ 9331 !!!!!!!!!!!! 1,2,3,4 Bedrooms. Quality Energy Efficient Homes. All within 1.5miles of cam‑ pus. Fenced yard, patio. Special! Call for price. 520‑333‑4125. info@col‑ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A#1 BrAND NEW 3 & 4 BEDROOM HOMES AVAILABLE FOR AUGUST MOVE IN. All Amenities pro‑ vided. 520.333.4125 !!!!#1 uOFA/ UMC, Campbell/ Speedway, 3BDRM/ 2BA. Central AC, tile, W/D, huge fenced yard, off‑street parking. $1195/mo avail‑ able August 1st. Tim 795-1499 !!!1BlOCk FrOm mAINGATE, new 2‑story luxury duplex. 3bd + loft, 2 1/2ba, security system + patrol, 2car garage, pa‑ tio, balcony, W/D. Avail‑ able 8/1/2012. $1775/mo. (Up to 4room‑ mates) 314‑265‑8544 $1150/mO TuCSON BlvD/ Glenn. Roomy 3br, 2ba, dual cooling, wood floors, carport walled yard, all appli‑ ances. 256‑6993 Jennie
OPEN HOuSE THIS WEEKEND !!!!! 1Bed‑ room 1Bath studio !!!!!! 3Blocks to UofA. 1607 E 9th St/Cherry. Plenty of parking. Full kitchen. $435 [520 2(four)517sev‑ enteen]
A Guide to Religious Services L.D.S. CHURCH- INSTITUTE OF RELIGION Sunday meetings 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Institute Classes M-F 1333 E. 2ND ST, TUCSON, AZ, 85755 WWW.LDSCES.ORG
RISING STAR MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday 9:00 A.M. & 11 A.M. Young Adult Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 P.M. 2800 EAST 36TH STREET (520)761-3068
To be a part of our Guide to Religious Services, contact Samantha Motowski (520) 621-3425 or email
HOUSING House For Rent ***A SHOrT WAlk TO uofA 6Br 3.5BA, two stories (approx. 3000 ft2), all appliances incl washer /dryer A/C; Two upstairs rooms w/ private entrance, bath, kitchenette; bonus: rec/ group study room w/ full bath & kitchenette; Garage + off-street parking; quiet, no pets. Park near Speedway; Avail Aug 1st; $2800+ utilities; Serious students please call 520-333-7872 ***A SHOrT WAlk TO UofA 3‑4BR 2.5BA (1600 ft2), all appli‑ ances incl wash‑ er/dryer, central A/C; Garage + off‑street parking; Quiet, no pets. Park near Speedway‑ Avail Aug 1st $1900 in‑ cludes utilities; Serious students please call 520‑333‑7872 1200SqFT 2BDrm/ 2BA ceramic tile floors and countertops, W/D, carport. 2615N Mountain Ave #2. $900. Paul 977‑ 3856 1BD 1BA HOuSE Saltillo Tile Paid Water $530 Also,1bd/1ba House Wood floors, close to UofA hurry wont last! $555 Call REDI 520‑ 623‑5710 or log on http:‑ // 1BD/ 1BA 550 SqFT house avail. 8‑1. Evap, off street parking, 2miles north of UA. Electric and water paid. $540/mo. 2830N Park (front). Call Phil 520‑903‑4353 1BlOCk FrOm CAmPuS! Must see! Spa‑ cious 3bdrm/ 2ba fur‑ nished house w/ off‑ street parking, security system, $1250 1434E 7th St, (520)850‑1116 2BD/ 2BA PrIvATE House 3blocks from Rec Center. Quiet Street, Lush Yard. W/D/DW/‑ Parking. Pets Negotiable $1250/mo. Jennifer (520)‑ 548‑9968 Call Today! 2BEDrOOm HOuSE NOrTH of campus $750 Contact Bryan at 520‑ 907‑3763 or BJETTB@‑ DAKOTACOM.NET 3BD 2BA HOuSE A/C Den, Wired Alarm Sys‑ tem $950 3bd 3ba House A/C, Dishwasher, Fenced Yard $1000.Call REDI 520‑623‑5710 or log on
Classifieds • August 6-19, 2012 HOUSING House For Rent 3BD/ 2BA, ClOSE to campus, A/C, wood floors, all appliances including washer/dryer, avail 08/01/2012, 2807 E Lee $1495 REDI Man‑ agement 520‑623‑2566 3BDrm/ 2BA, BrOADWAy/ Tucson Blvd, near Cat Tran. AC/master cool, wood/tile flooring, no pets. $1000/mo. Se‑ curity deposit negotiable. Background & credit check required. Call David at (520)400‑1178. 3Br 2BA POrCElAIN tile 2car gar A/C W/D DW FP Alarm Fenced $2000. 3570 N. Vine Ave. Private 887‑6966 4BD 2BA HOuSE 1700sqft A/C washer/ dryer dishwasher, fire pit in back yard $1400 ALSO 3bd/3ba House close to the UofA, shop‑ ping and dining, A/C, washer/dryer, wood floors $975 Call REDI 520‑623‑5710 or log on 5BD/ 3BA, SAm HUGHES! 2413sqft, pool table, built in BBQ, dbl garage, A/C, wash‑ er/dryer, 2000 E 10th St $2495 REDI Manage‑ ment 520‑623‑2566 5BEDrOOm HOuSE 5BlOCkS from campus with a swimming pool $1,500 Contact Bryan at 520‑907‑3763 or BJET‑ TB@DAKOTACOM.NET
Arizona Summer Wildcat • 15
HOUSING House For Rent A vEry COOl house‑ 3434E. 5th Street, Avail‑ able now, 4BDRM/ 3BA house. Landlord pays: water, landscaping, hot tub maintenance, trash. Tenant pays all other util‑ ities. HOT TUB, huge lot, bocci ball/ horse shoe court, large patio, flat screen television included. 2car garage/ off‑ street parking for 2 addi‑ tional cars. Call 419‑ 3787. AvAIlABlE NOW. PErFECT location on Waverly near Trader Joes at Grant/Swan. Ap‑ proximately 4miles to campus. Main house is 1796SF: 4bedrooms and 2baths with all appli‑ ances, fireplace, sunroom, laundry room, fenced courtyard and flagstone patio. Guest house is 375 SF taste‑ fully renovated and per‑ fect for guests or home office with a private entrance. $1525/month. $1500 security deposit. (Sublet of guest house not allowed) Spayed Pets considered with $200 pet fee. Minimum 1 year lease required. Rental history refer‑ ences and application re‑ quired. Please respond through craigslist with your phone number and we will contact you. We will call you for an ap‑ pointment to see. Please bring application to walk through. Call 520‑203‑ 2784
House For Rent
House For Rent
BEAuTIFul 2BED/ 2BA +den home, 20min west of campus. Gated community, open floor plan, upgraded appli‑ ances, W/D hookup. Rent includes monthly cleaning service plus monthly front &backyard landscaping. $1250/mo. Pets okay w/ additional deposit. Contact Celine 520‑270‑0838. BIkE TO uOFA, 2bed‑ room 1.5bathroom Town‑ home. Hidden Glenn, 1717E. Glenn. Upgraded appliances, carpet, tile and wood floors. Close to UofA wildcat tram line, restaurants, and shop‑ ping, tenants pay utili‑ ties. Phone 520‑790‑ 0776 Email: tucson‑ rentals@goldenwestman‑ CAmPBEll/ GlENN. ClEAN, quiet, 2bdrm. In‑ terior remodeled, large living room, open kitchen, laundry, near Campbell shops, Sun‑ Tran, Mountain bike path. $700/mo 520‑240‑ 0388 ClOSE TO CAmPuS. 5BD/3BA. AVAILABLE NOW. $2600/ MONTH. 2 STORIES WITH GARAGE AND EXTRA PARKING. CARPET AND CONCRETE FLOORS. UPGRADED APPLIANCES INCLUD‑ ING FULL‑SIZED WASHER/DRYER. WALLED FRONT AND BACK YARD. (520)990‑ 1714
Daily Wildcat
HOUSING House For Rent
ExTrA CuTE 3BD/ 2ba house with large back‑ yard, laundry, extra stor‑ age, and fireplace. On bike path to UofA, close to shopping at Glenn and Campbell 207‑6281 $1000
OPEN HOuSE THIS WEEKEND !!!!!! 3Bed‑ room 1Bath House !!!!!!! 3Blocks UofA. 1607 E. 9th St & Cherry. Plenty of off‑street parking. Washer/Dryer. Pets OK $1075 (520)245‑1717
HOuSE FOr rENT near Grant/Alvernon. 3br/2ba, 1400 sq. feet. Fenced yard, A/C, lots of storage, laundry on‑site. Available 8/27/12. $800 per month, $500 de‑ posit. Pets OK with addi‑ tional deposit. 520‑665‑ 1913.
TOTAlly rEmODElED 3BrD 2BTH, 10MINUTES FROM UOFA 2CARPORT HOUSE, 797‑3256 OR 237‑1575 $1350.00
lArGE 1BDrm HOuSE 800sqft. Camp‑ bell/Glenn. Interior re‑ cently completely remod‑ eled. Laundry, 10minute bike to UofA. Close to ev‑ erything. $650/mo (520)‑ 240‑0388 NEW CONSTruCTION. AvAIlABlE for Fall 2012. 3bdrm with large private yard, upgrades throughout. $1450/mo. Call 909‑4089 www.jd‑ NICE 2BDrm 2BA Condo. Pool, garage. Near UofA, Reid Park, bus line. 3940E Timrod. 115K Millie Malveaux, Coldwell Banker (520)‑ 471‑2339. OPEN HOuSE THIS WEEKEND 4Bedroom 2Bath House and Stu‑ dio. 3Blocks from UofA, 1607 E 9th St and Cherry. You will be get‑ ting 3Bed 1Bath House and 1Bed/Bath w/kitchen Studio. Plenty of off‑ street parking. Pets OK. $1450. (520)2four51717
TWO BEDrOOm HOuSE, 4 blocks NORTH of UofA. Elm EAST of Park. Hard‑ wood floors. Fireplace. Enclosed yard. Water paid. $795/mo. 327‑4228 vINTAGE 2BD HOuSE 3Blocks from UA. Wood floors, Mexican tile, fireplace, basement, central A/C &heat, parking, laun‑ dry, $850/mo, water paid, cats ok. 319‑9339 WAlk TO CAmPuS! 1bdrm, 2bdrm, & 3bdrm houses for rent. Avail‑ able end of Au‑ gust/September 1. Text or call Lauren, 609‑3852 WAlk TO CAmPuS!!! 4Bedroom 3Bath!!! Newly Remodeled Kitchen w/Stainless Steel Appliances. Avail‑ able August 1. $1400/mo. Call Justin 858‑205‑9909
House For Sale ClOSE TO uOFA!! Great investment. Main house 3bdr/2ba, Guest House 2bdrm/1ba, built in 2003. 1135 E 12th St. Go Wildcats (520)409‑ 1833
HOUSING Roommate Wanted male engineering student looking for roommate. really nice 2bedroom, 2bath townhouse 5miles from campus. must be non-smoking, neat and responsible. Call Jordan @480-6287137.
Room For Rent !!!!#1 uOFA/ UMC, Campbell/ Speedway, furnished room w/AC, pri‑ vate bath & entrance. No kitchen but refrigerator and microwave. Flat screen TV w/cable & in‑ ternet, and utilities in‑ cluded. Non‑smoking. Clean, quiet, secure. $480/mo +deposit. Tim 795-1499. *** 2 lArGE BrS W/PrIvATE entrance, balcony, shared bath & kitchenette (624ft2); Park near Speedway, a short walk to UofA; off‑ street parking; Quiet, no pets; $595 each BR includes utilities ‑Avail Aug 1st; Serious stu‑ dents please call 520‑ 333‑7872
HOUSING Room For Rent
HOUSING Townhouse For Rent
rOOm AvAIlABlE. PrIvATE. Separate en‑ try, own bath, refigerator, microwave, hot plate, A/C, cable. Off street parking. All new and only 2miles from UA. $390/mo. Utilities in‑ cluded. Call Phil 520‑ 903‑4353 rOOm FOr rENT 2blocks north of campus with a swimming pool $400 Contact Bryan at 520‑907‑3763 or BJET‑ TB@DAKOTACOM.NET rOOm FOr rENT, $500/ month includes utilities. 2miles to cam‑ pus, 1mile to Reid Park. Quiet grad student pre‑ ferred. Email townsen‑ for more info. rOOm FOr rENT. Furnished or not. Wi-fi, cable, utilities, use of house. Two mi. to UA; 5min walk to Reid Pk. Park on‑site. Non‑smok‑ ing, 5 or 10 months, shared bath, private en‑ try, no pets. $550 mo+ deposit or reduced rent in exch. for dog‑sitting. 977‑4011. Country Club/E. 18th area.
BIkE TO uOFA, 2bed‑ room 1.5bathroom Town‑ home. Hidden Glenn, 1717E. Glenn. Upgraded appliances, carpet, tile and wood floors. Close to UofA wildcat tram line, restaurants, and shop‑ ping, tenants pay utili‑ ties. Phone 520‑790‑ 0776 Email: tucson‑ rentals@goldenwestman‑
RECREATION Accommodations $1000-Need Host Families for international students. If you live near uofA, students want to live with you. This is a paid position - host families are compensated $1,000 every 4 weeks housing 2 students (in separate private bedrooms) $500 for one. Apply online at our website, and click on “Becoming a Host.” Or call me at 520-270-4032.
SERVICES Services General ArE yOu lOOkING for a mover? Same day ser‑ vice? Student rates avail‑ able. 977‑4600
lArGE FurNISHED rOOm w/huge walk‑in closet, all utilities paid in‑ cluding internet. Cen‑ trally located, refrigerator in room. No smoking. $435. (520)323‑5542 The Daily Wildcat We’re Super
The Daily Wildcat
Reporting on important
historical events since 1899.
16 • Arizona Summer Wildcat
August 6-19, 2012 • Advertisement
Need just a summer rental? • Living too far from campus? Worried about your safety? • Problem roommates? Neighbors too loud or have too many parties? Rent too high for what you get? Want your own quiet apartment without a roommate? Sahara Apartments Solves All These Problems
121153/TBM Equities LLC (Sahara; 60p0; 10.8 in; Black plus one; 121153
• Single occupancy studio apartments available for month to month summer rentals for $520.00 or $550.00 per month. Bring your own roommate and you will each pay only $280 or $300 a month.
• Single-occupancy studio apartments with an 11.5 month leases starting in August start at only $565.00 a month. No more roommate problems.
• Located one mile west of the campus, FREE shuttle service, FREE bike to use while you live at Sahara.
• Double occupancy studio apartments with an 11.5 month leases starting in August start at $350.00 per month.
• High-tech security includes electronic Gates and door locks, 80 security cameras recording 24/7, infra-red beam Intrusion detection system over perimeter walls.
• ALL apartments come fully furnished. • ALL utilities are included in the rent. • All rooms have two connection ports for TV and high speed Internet. Wireless Access Points available in lieu of a $40 refundable security deposit. • Shuttle service to UA every half hour during school days, including the summer sessions. • Free shuttle service for grocery shopping twice a week and to Tucson Mall once a week. • Free bicycles, including a U lock and a light kit for riding at nights, available with a $120 refundable security deposit.
• Thick block walls reduce noise from your neighbors.
• Our “No Party” policy results in a quiet environment 24/7.
• Free bicycle repair and maintenance for the bikes your borrow from us. • Free Satellite TV system in every room with 30 Channels including 4 HBO movie channels. • Game room with Foosball, Air Hockey, Ping Pong table, and Pool table. Playing pool costs .50¢/game, playing other games is free. • Study room open 24/7 equipped with Internet connected computers, WiFi hotspot, and a laser printer (printing costs .05¢ a copy, use of computers is free). • Play video games on our 102” big screen using our Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or the Wii gaming machines, for a mere .50¢/hour.
Bring this ad with you and take a tour of Sahara. We’ll give you a coupon for a FREE medium one-topping pizza. Must have ad to receive pizza coupon.
919 N. Stone Ave. • (520)-622-4102 © 2012 Sahara Apartments. All rights reserved.
• Mini movie theater that seats 24, with HD projector, 102” screen, 5.1 surround sound, and access to 250 channels ALL of the available movie channels such as HBO, Starz, etc. • Meeting room equipped with projector and projection screen, podium, and folding chairs for accommodating meetings of up to 70 people. • Exercise room available 24/7. • Lounge room for socializing, open 24/7. • Swimming pool and hot tub, available 24/7.
Stop in for a quick tour of our property, see our Website, or call us for more information. You’ll be amazed at what we offer for less.
The Oasis For Quiet Student Living