Daily Wildcat — October 13, 2011

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NEWS — 3



Thursday, october , 



Marijuana, PTSD study waits for OK By Kyle Mittan DAILY WILDCAT


Aliya Khan, a public health sophomore, makes paper mache bones. UA STAND was holding a million bones event on the UA Mall on Wednesday.

UA club creates ‘bones’ to highlight genocides By Stewart McClintic DAILY WILDCAT

The bones being made on the UA Mall on Wednesday only represented a small portion of UA STAND’s larger cause. UA’s STAND chapter of the United to End Genocide group, was on the UA Mall yesterday raising awareness about genocide by making paper mache bones. STAND teamed up with One Million Bones last year. One Million Bones is a project aiming to put bones on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. in 2013 as a statement to the govern-

ment to be more proactive in helping end genocide around the world. Aeen Asghar, a biochemistry senior and president of the UA STAND club, said the group is trying to raise money for the many projects that the club supports which include funding for clean water and service at refugee camps. Sonia Sen, a computer sci-

ence sophomore and treasurer of the club, said that although it is not charging money to make the bones, other chapters are and that the goal is to raise $5 million for the bones. She said it would normally charge $5 per bone but organizers were afraid no one would participate if there were a fee because of the college setting. So instead STAND decided to leave a donation box at the booth on the Mall and hope to raise as much as possible. She said the purpose of the project is to use art as a means to engage people to be aware of genocide in the world. “We are here fighting for humanity,” she said. Tiffany Lee, a sophomore studying physiology and creative writing who is the secretary for UA STAND, said the project is only one of the club’s many projects. She said the club’s goal is to

If you go UA STAND meets every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the


UA President Eugene Sander addressed several topics concerning the university’s future during a question-and-answer session on Wednesday afternoon. Sander held a campus forum in the Student Union Memorial Center’s Gallagher Theater. Sander was asked early on if any faculty representatives were being

included in the presidential search committee. Several attendees had expressed concerns about the lack of faculty representation within the committee, and that it could be a “problem” if more faculty members weren’t asked to join. Sander, as well as other attendees, commented that the committee has been taking steps to include as much of the faculty as possible in the search for the next university president.




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put pressure on the government to act on genocide worldwide. Sen said that, although there are many genocides going on in the world including in Syria, Libya and Burma, the primary focus for the One Million Bones project is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lee said the group’s other projects include Invisible Children and Conflict-Free Campus Initiative where it brings awareness to the treatment of miners in other countries who provide some of the natural resources and minerals used in everyday life.

Another issue raised was Sander’s goals for the next year as the university’s president. After making a point to clearly state that as interim president he would not be sticking around for “the next five years,” Sander said he did have several expectations about the university. Pointing out the UA’s “nationallyranked” status, Sander explained

— Kevin Moynahan deputy dean of education, College of Medicine

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87 / 77 96 / 62 66 / 50 70 / 65 66 / 61


Kevin Moynahan, associate professor of medicine and deputy dean of education for the College of Medicine, demonstrates the difference between printed medical class notes and an iPad 2 on Tuesday.

Reducing the stacks College of Medicine launches iPad pilot program By Amer Taleb


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I believe in 10 years, the College of Medicine won’t have paper.”


Sabino Room at the Student Union Memorial Center

President Sander answers questions on presidential search, goals for UA By Kyle Mittan

PHOENIX — The UA College of Medicine in Phoenix is waiting for approval to conduct a study that will determine whether marijuana can be used as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. The study is led by Dr. Suzanne A. Sisley, assistant director of interprofessional education and assistant professor of internal medicine and psychiatry, and will employ a two-stage process to analyze how different doses of marijuana will affect the symptoms of PTSD. The hypothesis is that symptoms will ease as the dosage increases. The study is focused on soldiers returning from combat with PTSD, but there have been discussions to expand the criteria to people who have suffered from military sexual trauma. With the study, Sisley is hoping to open new doors in the world of medicinal marijuana.

“We want to make sure that the terminally ill have access to marijuana as a medicine,” Sisley said at a presentation in Phoenix on Tuesday. She also said that she has heard numerous reports of marijuana successfully treating PTSD, which is how she became interested in the study. Funding, all from private entities, will begin once the approval process has been completed. “We don’t want any funding from the government or through any taxes,” Sisley said. As with most studies involving illegal substances, the project has already encountered several legal and political roadblocks. While the Food and Drug Administration has approved the study, it still has yet to receive approval from the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This has kept the study in its planning stages since Nov. 12, and

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The College of Medicine’s class of 2015 had the option to receive an iPad 2 or have their printed learning material paid for throughout medical school. Ninety-two percent of them took the tablets. The ArizonaMed iPad Pilot Project will improve the way students learn and prepare them to handle the approaching paperless medical world, said Kevin Moynahan, associate professor of medicine and deputy dean of education for the College of Medicine. “I believe that in 10 years, the College of Medicine won’t have paper,” Moynahan said. “We’re not at a paperless curriculum right now, but we have everything set up for it.” Two types of apps will be the

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most useful for medical students, Moynahan said. Utility apps like note takers and communication programs allow students to organize their work and schedules. An example of medical apps helping students where print textbooks can’t is after students work with dead bodies in the cadaver lab. “Outside of the cadaver lab, students need to study and two dimensional textbooks are very limited,” he said. “With 3D apps you can look at the cadaver from different angles, spin and label it.” Interactivity between students and their curriculum is the key to revolutionizing the classroom, Moynahan added. Amber Eellasiore, a medical student that chose free printing

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News •

• Daily Wildcat

Architecture students draft plans for Tucson


Beth Johannessen, a landscape architecture graduate student, discusses her contribution as part of a team that worked with professionals last week to create designs for the Tucson Gateway to Downtown at the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

By Savannah Martin DAILY WILDCAT

UA architecture students are building upon their education by planning Tucson’s potential future. Students from every discipline at the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture worked alongside professionals from prominent design firms to envision the new downtown Tucson in a fast-paced exchange of ideas and solutions last week. The two-day event, called Xtreme LA (Landscape Architecture), challenged 16 students and 18 professionals to devise plans for Tucson’s Gateway to Downtown that would create enjoyable public places, promote multiple modes of transportation and bring unity to the area. Landscape Forms and the Landscape Architecture Foundation sponsored the project. After breaking into two teams, the landscape architects engaged in a highpressure brainstorming session, called a charrette. The teams tackled issues surrounding the Tucson Convention Center, the Cushing Street Bridge, the modern streetcar and the historic neighborhoods of the downtown area. “We took existing infrastructure and gave it new meaning,” said Beth Johannessen, a landscape architecture graduate student.



that the level of respect for the university itself, as well as its students, faculty, and staff are all vital to keeping the university’s prestige, and also mentioned the importance of keeping a “unified front and pride in our institution.” Another question that arose during the forum was in regards to the workload of the doctoral program, and whether anything would be done to decrease the

According to Lauri M. Johnson, director of the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning, one of the central ideas behind the charrette was the connectivity of the downtown area. This meant designing a downtown that would allow for alternative modes of transportation and provide spaces that encourage social interaction. Another area of focus, Johnson said, was finding ways to make beautiful, comfortable spaces in the midst of Tucson’s harsh environment. For the students, one goal was to come up with ideas that challenge Tucson to think unconventionally about the downtown design, said Brandon Herman, a dual master’s student at the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning. “It’s nice to get community leaders thinking outside their bubble,” he said. Herman said his team designed mobile shade structures called “solar sails” that can be moved and adjusted to provide shade in different situations. The students worked with young professionals from firms such as the HOK Planning Group, Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Office of James Burnett. There were several benefits of integrating local students with outside

professionals, said Lee Streitz, a landscape architecture graduate student in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning. The architects from the professional firms contributed fresh perspectives, while the students provided historical and cultural knowledge of the area. “I’m most proud of our team for respecting the context of Tucson,” he said. Additionally, the students were able to make connections in firms they may want to work with in the future. Although Johnson said many of the students were worried that they may not have the skills to work side by side with experienced professionals, many of them proved that they deserved to be there. “The best thing I realized is that we are capable as students,” Streitz said. “I realized how well prepared we are.” Students gave a public final presentation to local officials. Johannessen said participating in the project was not only an honor, but an opportunity to use landscape architecture to improve the lives of people working and living in Tucson. “We can make a change in our communities,” she said. It’s up to the city to approve the plans, Streitz said, noting that there have been more than 93 plans for the downtown area that have not come to fruition.

workload for students working toward a doctorate. Sander responded by saying that the process of getting a doctorate is difficult “but worth it,” and that there were no plans to ease the process of pursuing a doctorate degree. Attendees also asked Sander about plans to accommodate the growth of students attending graduate school. Sander said using resources in technology, including online classes, is one way to assist with the growing number of students pursuing graduate degrees. Sander added that while he

had done things the “more classical way,” today’s college generation is very familiar with technology, making it an obvious solution. Sander will host two more campus forums, one from noon to 1 p.m. also in Gallagher Theater on Nov. 16, and the final one on Dec. 8 from noon to 1 p.m. in DuVal Auditorium in the University of Arizona Medical Center—University Campus. For those unable to make it to the actual meetings, Arizona Public Media will broadcast the events live on its website at www.azpm.org/news.


thursday, october

13, 2011



is the last piece of clearance Sisley and her team must obtain before conducting the investigation. While medicinal marijuana has plenty of government opposition, there is some support for this study in particular. “We need to fulfill the desire to use this mainstream medicine,” said Valerie Miranda, a nonpracticing medical doctor from Phoenix. “Studies have shown that it can treat numerous illnesses, but it’s just not being used because of political reasons.” Kendric Speagle, the chief development officer for Compassion First, LLC, a company that provides products and services to medical marijuana dispensaries in Arizona, is advocating for the push to make marijuana a legal option for the mentally ill.

“There is no mental health qualification in Arizona,” Speagle said. “We want the state to add mental health to its qualifying conditions so that people suffering from disorders like PTSD can get treatment with medical marijuana.” Sisley said that overall, she would like to see the study help in the advancement toward the decriminalization of marijuana, as well as wider use of marijuana as a medicine. “I think that science has been shackled by politics,” she said. “I think that using marijuana medically is in the public interest, and it’s up to us to apply the pressure.” Six to 10 percent of the American population suffers from PTSD, and it is predicted that 18 percent of soldiers returning from Iraq will also have the disorder, Sisley said.



instead of the iPad, said she studies better with paper and that many students will use the tablets for Facebook instead of learning. “School isn’t about all the shiny toys you can accumulate, it’s about how best you study,” she said. “A free iPad is cool, but for me personally, I know it wouldn’t help.” IAnnotate was the only application that came on the iPad, said Michael Griffith, associate director of biomedical communications and project leader. The app allows users to read, annotate, and share PDF files. Many of the apps students need are free and more may be bought for students as the project is evaluated, he added. Paul Saladino, one of the 107 medical students who chose the iPad, said it’s the only thing he brings to class. It makes note taking more effective and it’s easier than carrying “reams and reams” of papers, he said. Other than not being able to use Flash Player on his iPad, Saladino said the tablet has no major drawbacks. “We’re not wedded to the iPad,” Moynahan said. “We’re looking at the tablet as a medium. The iPad seemed to suit our needs the best. It has the most support and the most medical applications available.” Through focus groups and surveys, Griffith said they will evaluate the iPad’s drawbacks, benefits and how useful they are. Assuming research supports the benefits, the project will continue next year.

The College of Medicine budgeted $90,000 for the project’s first year and $77,000 has been used so far, Griffith said. Saving money over time by reducing printing costs and helping the environment by cutting out paper from the curriculum are added benefits, but are not the main goals of the project, he added. Griffith agreed with Moynahan and said that as students become more accustomed to technology in the classroom, the College of Medicine will be able to display the curriculum in a completely digital format. Eventually, students will look around the classroom and won’t see any paper. “They won’t want that option anymore,” Griffith added. Aqib Zehri, a UA alumnus, took this year off after graduating to volunteer and intern. He said he applied to the UA’s medical school, and if he’s accepted and given the option, he’d choose digital over printed resources. “It makes sense because everything is becoming paperless in hospitals,” Zehri said. Griffith said medical students need to be prepared for the electronic records they’ll be using as doctors and should take advantage of technology to learn more efficiently. “We’re trying to make the best doctors we can for Arizona,” Griffith said. “Everything that we’re doing is intended to make our students better doctors, not iPad experts.”

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• PAGE 3

News Editor: Luke Money • 520.621.3193• news@wildcat.arizona.edu

COMMUNITY CHATTER This week: If you could improve or change one thing in your Community Chatter is a feature that asks UA students for their input on an issue covered in the Daily Wildcat

dorm what would it be?

Joey Lapidus undeclared freshman

“More laundry machines.”

“The back doors locking at 8 o’clock. Probably moving it to a more reasonable time like 12. It would make more sense.”

— Hopi Lodge Residence Hall

Bryan Yabut — Colonia de la biology freshman Paz Residence Hall

Reid Evanich economics freshman

UA faculty members awarded $3 million in grants

office at 520-621-3341.

The U.S. Department of Education Transition to Teaching grants awarded UA faculty members Etta Kralovec and Cody Patterson a $3.2 million, 5-year grant for projects to train and retain teachers. This program will specifically train educators how to better serve the communities of varying social and cultural contexts. Those enrolled will be provided with stipends for professional development and will be allowed to attend other courses and workshops, paid for by the grant. One of the main goals of the faculty members is to train more future math IMAGE COURTESY OF THE MILES DAVIS EXPERIENCE teachers since they are in such demand. For The Miles Davis Experience will be performing at more information on the building of this Centennial Hall on Sunday, October 16, at 3 p.m. program, visit crr.math.arizona.edu.

UApresents brings Miles Davis Experience UApresents is bringing the Miles Davis Experience to Centennial Hall on Sunday at 3 p.m. The show will incorporate live performances, film, images, and recordings

to. UApresents says the concert will feature Ambrose Akinmusire playing the trumpet. This show will present his most notable masterpieces from 1949 to his Blue Note period. Tickets will start at $15 per person. For more information please visit www. uapresents.org or call the UApresents box

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“I would say make it less confusing. Just ‘cause the first couple weeks it was hard to get around and there wasn’t help or signs or Davis Lee anything.” business — Colonia de la freshman Paz Residence Hall


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“Probably making the floors hardwood instead of carpet.” — Colonia de la Paz Residence Hall Sean Woods business freshman

“The number of washers and dryers. There’s two of them and it sucks. The girls are always on them.” — Hopi Lodge Residence Hall

building with guest speaker Wanda Ronquillo, an engineering manager from IBM in Tucson. The workshop will cover Microsoft computers UApresents hosts K.D. and a basic overview of a formal resume as Lang well as Excel spreadsheets. Attendees can win raffle prizes such as computers, USB flash K.D. Lang, a performer for more than two drives and T-shirts. decades, will come to Centennial Hall this Saturday. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $25. During the performance, $2.8 million grant funded Siss Boom Bang will perform the album Sing to LGBT youth it Loud and other hits by Lang. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact New York University and the UA will join the UApresents Box Office at 520-621-3341 or together for three years to research the high visit the website at www.uapresents.org. suicide risk for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youths. According to NYU’s Arnold Grossman, the project’s principal investigator, studies have proven that LGBT Hispanic engineering youths have higher rates of suicide than group hosts training their heterosexual peers. The study aims to lower the risk of suicides in teenagers “La Familia” is an annual event hosted by and is funded by a $2.8 million grant from the UA student chapter of the Society of the National Institute of Mental Health. The Hispanic Professional Engineers for Tucson co-investigator, Stephen T. Russell, is a UA residents who have never used a computer professor of family and consumer sciences. or have limited experience. The event will The grant will fund a study of lesbian, gay, be this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The bisexual and transgender youth, ages 15 to organization expects more than 200 people to 21, in three metropolitan areas of the U.S. to attend this free event. La Familia will start at focus on the physiological factors associated the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering with suicide.

Perspectives Toughest test at UA: The future

Caroline Nachazel Daily Wildcat


riority registration is right around the corner; correspondingly, full-blown anxiety attacks are too. Student advising appointments are only a subtle reminder of our few remaining semesters on campus. In the present times of such economic struggle, the stress of the uncertain future is much stronger in students than October midterm anxiety. Results from a 2011 CollegeGrad.com survey show that your major or degree is the most important factor involved in post-graduation hiring. Additionally, grade point average plays only a 3 percent role in hiring decisions. The survey states that your major plays a 34 percent role in your likelihood of hire, while internships are at 24 percent and your communication skills are next in line. Looking at the facts, it is hard to determine whether we are wasting time in the library raising those daunting GPAs or if we screwed up by picking a major that actually meets our interests. Fear not though, there’s hope on the horizon for most of you even in trying times. The students who chose majors such as business administration, information systems or finance will be the ones hired into full-time jobs that will bore them to death with number crunching. However, there are some ways that other students can get creative after graduation with less limiting degrees. Some majors, like elementary education and pre-medicine, have internship requirements for graduation. Required or not, internships are nothing but beneficial to any college student. Before or after graduating, internships go hand-in-hand with a part-time job at Starbucks, or any other type of waged position. For the students that chose majors with less promising entry-level jobs, there are many unopened doors in the job-market corridor. The top employer of entry-level grads in 2011 is Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Ever thought of a position in car rental? If it pays the bills with full-time hours, taking a job that has no correlation with a college major might actually be a wise choice considering the rough economic times. Then there’s always continuing your education. Graduate school, although expensive, guarantees at least an extra nine months of academic shelter. Although rumors are circulating that graduate school students have no greater financial promises than undergraduates, it is a more comfortable future than moving back into the old room at Mom and Dad’s house. Ultimately though, the 2011 survey results are not meant to make students regret studying interesting majors or shatter their dreams of exciting careers. It is more of a reality check. It is fair to assume that not every student has their future mapped out, much less an actual game plan. Sitting in the advising offices hearing that you only 15 units to graduate is possibly the most fearful, and at the same time relieving, situation to a UA upperclassmen. However, the anxiety does not accomplish anything and only leaves students pondering their direction in life in a library study room. When overwhelming thoughts of the future begin to fill up your brain capacity otherwise reserved for midterm study guides, remember that the professionals at CollegeGrad.com say it’s not necessarily how high your grades were, but what you studied and how you applied it. — Caroline Nachazel is a junior studying jounalism and communication. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.

Daily Wildcat

• Page 4

Perspectives Editor: Storm Byrd • 520.621.7581 • letters@wildcat.arizona.edu


Academic advisers: Helpful or horrendous This or That is a weekly feature in which members of the Perspectives staff weigh in on a campus-related topic and issue their final verdict from two options. This week’s question is “academic advisers — helpful or horrendous?” You can’t graduate without seeing your adviser at least once in your college career. That being said, advising appointments range from eye-opening to hair-raising.

Andrew Conlogue

Kristina Bui Daily Wildcat

Verdict: Helpful

Verdict: Helpful

Ashley Reid

Daily Wildcat

Perfect honesty dictates that every reader of At the beginning of freshman year, everyone from orientation leaders to your parents this paper will have some story about how a college adviser has failed them. Stories about will press you to see your academic adviser the ineptitude of students’ college advisers are often. All the time, really. Or you know, at swapped almost like ghost stories, with each least once a semester. Advisers will tell you tale more hair-raising then the last. Certainly how to stay on track, they say. Of course, many complaints are justified, but to transso will the Internet, and the Internet won’t plant individual shortcomings to the entire require me to make a special appointment profession seems like hyperbole. The entire for a 10-minute conversation. design of a college advising career is to be a It’s not that advisers are entirely worthresource to students. Though a test would be less. They can clue you in on scholarship needed to confirm the notion, logic suggests and internship opportunities, and be a that most college advisers are a good resource, translator when the Internet’s directions and are good at their jobs. Of course there are get too confusing. But it’s also not necesinherent flaws in the system that are either a sary to turn to your adviser for questions symptom of their workload (office hours that that can be easily answered by finding are always booked) or accepted practices that the requirements of your major online or aren’t very helpful (weekly floods of useless opening up the course catalog. It’s inefficient and a waste of your time and theirs if emails). In addition, as in every profession, you go to an adviser without looking for the there are some really terrible college advisers, and more often than not it is these terrible answer online first. If that’s all you rely on your adviser for, no wonder you think they adviser stories that are circulated around camcould be horrendous. Advisers are helpful; pus. All in all, however, college advisers still succeed as a decent resource, and are worth you just have to understand they’re there keeping around despite their flaws. to offer you some guidance, not hold your hand through college.

Daily Wildcat

Verdict: Helpful

Besides the fairly regular communication flaws and the consequences that come attached with the errors, academic advisers have to the potential to be incredibly helpful. While I will admit that they aren’t going to hold your hand and give you crystal clear instructions such as a high school counselor would, they are equipped with advantageous resources that can vitalize your academic career at the UA. Students need to recognize the line that separates a helpful and a bad adviser. Just because an adviser doesn’t completely compile your class schedule for you and give you extremely specific details does not formulate them to be horrendous. Ultimately, advisers are expected to be there for students as a support system and to have a certain amount of knowledge about your major and the career path you’re interested in. With that being said, it truly is the student’s responsibility to get their act together and figure out the classes and criteria they need. The advising systems vary from school to school, and some are more organized and complex than others—for example, Eller requires a “Freshman Follow-up” for their pre-business students, while many departments don’t even require meetings per semester. Advisers hand out the basics, answer the questions, and share support, but it is ultimately up to the student to reach out for resources.

Megan Hurley

Bethany Barnes

Daily Wildcat

Daily Wildcat

Verdict: Horrendous

Verdict: Helpful

I remember well the first time I made the ill-fated attempt to read my online adviseAdmiral Ackbar’s sage advice comes to mind when I think about advisers: It’s a trap! ment report alone. The differences between Tier 1 and Tier 2 classes were very hard to Students should never trust their adviser. decipher, especially when applied to all of If the adviser makes a mistake or tells the the transfer credits I was bringing to the UA. student wrong information, the student In addition, most of the community college is the one that will have to stay another semester. I spent my senior year talking to a classes I had fell into the elective category. I lot of students about being screwed over by did not know what to do, so I turned to my adviser. advisers. During that final priority registraTalking with my adviser was the best move tion appointment I brought my recorder I made. She helped me navigate through my because I knew that if wanted to graduate online advisement report and understand on time I was on my own. The adviser was what classes counted toward my general frazzled and it was clear she wanted to get education credits. She also assisted me in the appointment over with as soon as it figuring out the classes I would need to take started. I asked her three times if she was absolutely positive about the classes I need- every semester to graduate at my planned matriculation date. At the same time, my ed to take my final semester. I was postive I needed one more. She said she was certain. adviser told me about classes I could take within my major that would help me with my Unfortunately, she was wrong. During winter break I got back the results of my degree plans after college. Advisers are necessary because computcheck and it turned out I needed to add one ers cannot do everything. Sometimes a more class. Lucky for me, I did my degree student needs to talk to an actual person check early; some of my classmates found about what they are going to do with his or out they didn’t meet all of their requirements too late. Advisers provide the illusion her future. I am excited about my academic of being on the right track. I’m sure in some plans because I do not have uncertainty. I went to my adviser early in the year and she departments there are advisers that have gave me confidence that no form of technoltime to be thorough, careful and attentive, ogy ever could. but I wouldn’t stake my degree on it.

Michelle A. Monroe Daily Wildcat

Verdict: Helpful

You wouldn’t step into a new country and traverse without a map and travel guide, would you? The UA codes and academic rules are numerous and confusing, and advisers can lead you through them, tailoring the information to your specific needs. What does it take to make a class pass/ fail? There are a lot of special rules and exceptions. Even if you find and read them all, an adviser can interpret them to your situation. They’re also great when the university changes a rule that affects your graduation. They aren’t just a necessary step toward graduation, advisers are a great way to make sure you’re on track throughout college so you don’t arrive at your senior year and find out your 27 units don’t count for anything. While making appointments, waiting in line and meeting one-on-one might sound unnecessarily tedious to people, they’re forgetting that the advice in there is invaluable.


UA respect for free speech lacking compared to peers

Among the three major public universities in Arizona — Arizona State, Northern Arizona and the University of Arizona — each claims superiority in a number of respects. But when it comes to evaluating these schools in terms of their respect for students’ First Amendment rights, the choice is relatively easy. Currently, ASU is the only school that promotes freedom of speech as an integral part of the educational experience. Earlier this year, ASU eliminated its last remaining speech code, giving it a “green light” rating (meaning it has no restrictions on free speech) from the Foundation for

The Daily Wildcat editorial policy

Daily Wildcat staff editorials represent the official opinion of the Daily Wildcat staff, which is determined at staff editorial meetings. Columns, cartoons, online comments and letters to the editors represent the opinion of their author and do not represent the opinion of the Daily Wildcat.

Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a nonprofit that defends student and faculty individual rights at campuses nationwide. In fact, FIRE ranked ASU in the Huffington Post as one of the best universities in the country for freedom of speech, an honor it shared with only six other schools. The U of A, conversely, maintains two unconstitutional speech codes: a Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and a Policy and Regulations Governing the Use of Campus. The first policy states that harassing conduct includes “verbal acts and name calling,” even

though this is protected speech. Not only is this policy constitutionally suspicious at first appearance, it is vague and gives the university unencumbered discretion, because “verbal acts” means virtually any speech. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, made clear that conduct must be so “severe, pervasive and objectively offensive” that it denies the victim equal access to educational opportunities or benefits, to count as peer harassment. The second policy requires 24-hour notice for any gathering expected to include 25 or

more people or “advertised by any medium.” This impedes students’ right to engage in campus protests, demonstrations and other spontaneous gatherings with expressive purposes. Spontaneous speech is necessary for the free exchange of ideas, as often students will not know ahead of time that they will be reacting to immediate or still-unfolding events. Ultimately, the U of A administration needs to begin revising these two polices so that it does not stifle the same academic excellence that it so vigorously encourages. -Jonathan Messing

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Police shut down “shake” A University of Arizona Police Department officer was on patrol near University Boulevard and Park Avenue around 2 p.m. on Monday when he noticed a woman wearing inline skates lying on the sidewalk. She appeared to have fallen and her belongings were spread out near around her. The officer approached the woman, who told him she had not fallen, but she had back and medical problems and was waiting for a service cart to pick her up. The officer smelled marijuana coming from the woman. He told her he could smell it and asked if she had any drugs or paraphernalia with her. The woman became very nervous and told the officer about her medical issues, schooling and plans for the future. He pointed out that she had not answered his question and asked if she would consent to a search of her purse. The woman removed the items from her purse and placed them on the ground, including a purple plastic container. Inside the container was a pipe and a few pieces of “shake” marijuana. The pipe had burnt marijuana in the bowl. The woman was cited and released on charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Can you hear me now? A UAPD officer spoke with an employee who reported that several microphones had been stolen from University Information Technology Services. The employee said four handheld microphones had been stolen from Room 140 of 1500 E. University Blvd. between Sept. 30 and Oct. 10. The microphones are valued at $300 each. A victim’s rights form was mailed to the UA. There are no suspects at this time.

Swiped iPad A UAPD officer met with a woman in the Main Library who reported that her iPad had been stolen from Maricopa Residence Hall on Monday. The woman said she had been cleaning her purse between 5:45 and 6 p.m. in the alley between Maricopa and Second Street. She said believed she left her iPad on the ground. She went back to search for it but it was gone. The woman provided the officer with the iPad’s serial number. There are no witnesses or suspects at this time.

Bamboozled bicycle A UAPD officer met with a woman who reported her bike had been stolen from the racks outside of Centennial Hall on Monday. The woman said she had last seen her bike when she locked it to the racks with a cable lock through the frame and front tire. When she returned from class an hour later, the bike and lock were gone. The woman said she would call UAPD with the serial number for her bike and that the bike is registered with Parking and Transportation Services. The woman said she wished to participate in judicial hearings if her bike is recovered. Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at www.uapd.arizona.edu.

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Sports Editor: Kevin Zimmerman • 520.621.2956 • sports@wildcat.arizona.edu


MLB St. Louis 4, Milwaukee 3

Texas 7, Detroit 3

NHL Colorado 3, Columbus 2

Parrom ‘composed’ as he rehabs injury By Mike Schmitz Daily Wildcat

Kevin Parrom limped around Richard Jefferson Gymnasium with white bandages wrapped around his left hand and a bracelet that read “HOPE” around his right. His gray UA sweatpants concealed bullet wounds from the gun of Jason Gonzalez, and his stoic face hid the emotion running through the 20-year-old junior as his mother continues to battle breast cancer. “I’m tired. I’m just tired,” Parrom said. “I can’t really explain what I’m feeling right now.” Rightfully so. While his teammates fielded playful inquiries about their summer accomplishments and goals for the season at Wednesday’s media day, Parrom talked about being “happy to be alive.” The 6-foot-6 small forward has been on an emotional roller coaster since heading back home in late September, and it’s unclear when and how it’s going to end. In the past few months, Parrom has lost his grandmother, been shot in the leg, was grazed by a bullet on his left hand, and seen his mother in the hospital critical condition. “It’s tough to handle,” Parrom said. Parrom’s mother, Lisa Williams, continues to fight a two-year bout with breast cancer and “remains very critically ill,” according to UA head coach Sean Miller. While Parrom constantly ponders the health of his mother, he also wonders when he’ll be healthy enough to join his teammates on the court. But even with no set return date and no certainty of his mother’s survival, the Bronx, New York native remains positive. “I’ve been through everything. My mother’s my motivation,” Parrom said. “That’s how I’m staying composed. I lost my

Mike Christy / Daily Wildcat

Arizona forward Jesse Perry will see an increased role in his second and final season in Tucson, especially after the departure of forward Derrick Williams.


HOOPS NOTEBOOK By Alex Williams Daily Wildcat

Sean Miller talks rugged schedule, freshmen talent

Gordon Bates / Daily Wildcat

Arizona forward Kevin Parrom meets with the media on Wednesday in Richard Jefferson Gymnasium. Parrom is recovering from a gunshot to his leg.

grandmother this summer so I’m just using family as my motivation. That’s why I’m staying composed. I’ll be all right. I’m tough. I’ll get through this.” Parrom went to visit his mother last month and was shot by Gonzalez, who is being charged with attempted murder, at his father’s apartment after midnight on Sept. 24. But Parrom returned home to his second family in Tucson two days later, a testament to the belief Parrom’s family

has in Miller’s program. “The fact that he was able to get back here to Tucson as quick as he did had no bearing on his health, it had a lot more to do with his family’s faith in what we do here,” Miller said. “When Kevin’s surrounded by his teammates and coaches, he’s able to get to class, be around the students at Arizona, be surrounded by the community. That’s when

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• At Arizona men’s basketball media day on Wednesday, head coach Sean Miller said he has some concerns about the Wildcats’ tough schedule, which includes games away from Tucson against St. John’s,Florida, Gonzaga and New Mexico State before Pac-12 Conference play begins. “To me, we’re really pushing the envelope in terms of tough games,” Miller said. “Now what you have is a young team. We’re going to get better because we challenge ourselves.” All four incoming freshmen — Josiah Turner, Sidiki Johnson, Nick Johnson and Angelo Chol — have been impressive and have shown a strong work ethic so far in workouts. Miller said the best thing about the group is that “they love the game of basketball,” and “each one of the wants to be a good player individually.” Miller also said the newcomers

haven’t hesitated in taking the advice of older players. • Junior forward Solomon Hill said he sees some similarities between his class and the group of freshmen coming in this season. “They’re kind of spread out, you’ve got a one, a two, a four,” Hill said. “Those guys are really ready to play. They probably won’t see as significant a role as we did in my first year, but to add those pieces, it’s a great deal of what we’re going to do.” • Hill also said the nine-game stretch to end the 2010 season — home games against the Oregon schools, the Pac-10 Tournament and the NCAA Tournament — helped him gain confidence as a player, especially in the post. • Miller said that senior forward Jesse Perry might see some time at the small forward position, especially until Parrom is able to return to the team. • Miller also said that Arizona could go with a three-guard look at times with Parrom’s future uncertain.

basketball, 7

Foles, Wade surprised by Stoops’ firing, wish him luck By Dan Kohler Daily Wildcat

No one was more surprised about the dismissal of Arizona Wildcats head coach Mike Stoops than his players and staff. For a team that has had a tumultuous 1-5 start to the season, the decision bred more uncertainty to the team’s future. “It surprised us all, it distracted us all,” quarterback Nick Foles said. “We all love and support coach Stoops, but you know, we still got a lot of season left to play.” “(The decision was) out of our control, the only thing we can do now is focus on our team and stick together.” For Foles, the loss of Stoops represents more than just the loss of a head coach; it’s also the loss of a mentor who helped him mature into the dominant player he is today. “Coach Stoops did so much for this program and I’ll always appreciate everything he’s done for me,” he said. “I know that we’re going to continue to play this season for him.”

The players were notified on Monday before athletic director Greg Byrne made the decision public. According to Foles, a team meeting was called, during which Byrne quickly announced Stoops had been fired and that defensive coordinator Tim Kish would take over as interim head coach. “Mr. Byrne came in and he told us what was going on,” Foles said. “He was pretty quick because he knew it was going to be tough on us.” Arizona cornerback Trevin Wade noted that the response from his teammates came quickly, but he decided to keep his head down and think. “It was real vocal,” Wade said. “I kind of wanted to just keep to myself and you know just think about it, don’t wanna say nothing you regret or anything.” Wade was quick to praise Stoops, however, and wanted to make sure people realize how influential his former head coach was on him and

pride in the game of football,” Wade continued. “He loved the game of football, he knew stuff before it came and he demanded the best.” Despite being in limited contact, Foles was able to talk to Stoops on the phone after his dismissal. “We talked for like 15 to 20 minutes. It’s pretty tough,” Foles said. “He’s been my head coach for the last several years and I really respect the man. “He’s a great coach and I wish him the best of luck. I know he’s going to land somewhere and do something great, but we have to stick together through this time.” Members of the team agreed it was time to move on and continue to fight through the rest of the season. Wade emphasized that he, like everyone else on the team, still has a Will Ferguson / Daily Wildcat position to play. Arizona senior Nick Foles, above, and Trevin Wade have been the only players “I still got to do my job,” he said. made available to the media following the firing of former head coach Mike Stoops. “We’re still here, everybody went through their grieving process. the program as a whole. to come to this school, he taught We decided yesterday to come out “He meant a lot to me,” Wade me a lot.” and practice and just play a little said. “He gave me the opportunity “(He is) a coach that had a lot of football.”

Murmes emerges for Arizona hockey By Kyle Johnson Daily Wildcat

Colin Prenger / Daily Wildcat

UA forward Andrew Murmes has helped the Wildcats weather the injury to their captain.

When captain and top returning scorer Brian Slugocki suffered an injury in the first period of the first game of the season, the No. 22 Arizona hockey team needed someone to step up and carry the scoring burden. So far, that player has been sophomore forward Andrew Murmes. “He has been a star standout for us at this point of the season,” associate coach Dave Dougall said. “We are going to depend upon him for point production out there.” Slugocki missed the majority of the first two games this year against then No. 9 ASU, yet he was still not at full strength during the showcase where the Wildcats played three more top-25 opponents. Murmes stepped up in Springfield, Ill., and while the team’s record is only 1-3-1, it has played competitively in every game against the tough opposition. And Murmes’ ability to get the puck in the net, either through his passing or shooting, has been a main factor. Through the first five games, Murmes has earned a team-high 11 points, tying him for 10th overall in points with five other

“If I have the puck behind the net ... I know he is going to be in the correct spot in the center of the ice to receive a pass.” ­— Michael Basist sophomore defenseman

people in the ACHA. Among the other five is assistant captain and linemate Brady Lefferts with a team-high of four goals, including a crucial game-tying goal against ASU with just 6:03 left in regulation. “Andrew makes everyone else’s job easier,” sophomore Michael Basist said. Basist, Murmes’ best friend, recruited Murmes from Boston to the UA. “He plays the game the right way. He stays within the system that (head) coach (Sean) Hogan has presented to us, but he does a phenomenal job of reacting within the system. “If I have the puck behind the net … I know he is going to be in the correct spot in the center of the ice to receive a pass. And that just makes every other player’s job so much easier.” And while Murmes has been stellar so far

this season, he credits his line of Lefferts and senior Blake Richards for his individual success. “We all work together as one,” Murmes said. “There is no selfishness or anything. We work for each other and we work hard.” The three players have accounted for 20 of the Wildcat’s 35 points this season, and have produced a goal in all five games. However, the success of Murmes does not come as a shock; last season he was third in overall points for the team, and this summer he dedicated himself to improving and getting even better. “I was in the weight room almost five days out of the week, probably six, over the summer,” Murmes said. “My parents own a gym, so I was able to just work out. I was on the ice maybe four, five times a week as well with my buddies back home.” Basist agrees that his offseason workouts were responsible for his early season success. “He showed up to Arizona ready to play, and that is a huge part to such a quick start to the season.” Yet Murmes doesn’t pride himself on scoring; he would much rather make a

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Sports •

thursday, october

13, 2011

Daily Wildcat •


Volleyball’s Kingdon playing well beyond her years as frosh By Kelly Hultgren Daily Wildcat

She leads the team in kills, starts every match and was named the Pac-12 Freshman of the Week. Her award reminded everyone that Madi Kingdon is only a freshman. Apparently, even she forgets. “I feel like everyone else on the team doesn’t classify me as a freshman either,” Kingdon said. “It’s weird being freshman of the week when I’ve already been here.” Kingdon, who hails from Phoenix, opted to graduate early from Sunnyslope High School and come to Arizona in the spring 2011 semester. Arizona volleyball head coach Dave Rubio approached her during the summer before her senior year with the proposition of coming early. “It was really hectic trying to get all of my classes together for that,” Kingdon said. “I took a bunch of online classes and a full schedule just so I could leave early.” Another motivating factor was her club coach Terri Spann’s decision to switch teams, making Kingdon’s upcoming club season look less appealing, she said. Rubio also told her she would play in every rotation. “I actually talked to Dave (Rubio) about it before I got here, and the thing that he recruited me for was because I was a six rotation player,” Kingdon said. “That’s why I came here, because he told me I’d play all the way around.” Rubio knew Kingdon could consistently score and pass, a rarity in volleyball. “She’s very competitive,” Rubio said. “She’s got tremendous skills as a freshman — her skill set is like that of someone who is a junior in college. You can sometimes find someone who scores, but it’s hard to find someone who can pass too.” Kingdon said she doesn’t regret forgoing half of her senior year, missing prom and other senior festivities. She didn’t even go to her graduation ceremony.

A coach’s influence develops an Arizona-bred volleyball player During Kingdon’s senior year of high school, her team won its third consecutive Class 4A Division I championship (41-3), and she was named both the Gatorade Arizona Player of the Year and Arizona Republic’s Player of the Year. In her final season, she racked up 587 kills and is currently the record-holder for kills at Sunnyslope. She started playing volleyball in eighth grade, and played on Arizona Storm club volleyball under Spann. Initially she was a middle blocker, but gladly switched to the outside because she didn’t enjoy the heavy emphasis


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That would give the Wildcats the ability to have either Nick Johnson or Kyle Fogg on the floor with sophomore point guard Jordin Mayes and Turner. - Mayes put on about 15 pounds during the offseason, getting his weight up to around 195 pounds. Mayes has also returned to team activities after having surgery in July to repair a broken foot.


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perfect pass, and his team-high 7 assists are a testament to that. “When guys try to double-team you or triple-team and you just make a really pretty play to a linemate who finishes, it’s great,” Murmes said. “Even when I score a goal, I go right up to the guy who gave me the pass because it’s not an individual effort.” For Basist, his true value comes from being a playmaker. “(Murmes is) filling a role on this team where he needs to be a goal scorer, but as a whole he creates,” Basist said. “Obviously

Kingdon by the numbers This season: 220 kills 121 digs 14 matches with double-digit kills 13 block assists 5 double-doubles 5 block solos on blocking. Through club she not only found her signature position, but also a close friend in Spann. “I love her, she texts me all the time after games, and Dave will text her,” Kingdon said. “We talk a lot. She’s really important in my life.” Spann, who is currently the co-director of Arizona Storm, referred to herself as Kingdon’s occasional, “personal shrink.” “Student-athletes go through so much,” Spann said. “Madi leaving high school early to go to college — she was always a mature player — but it’s challenging to deal with everything that comes with being a student-athlete. Anytime she has issues, she texts me or calls me. I wasn’t going to sit there and coddle her or anything like that. I’m all about thickening up her skin and getting her ready to be great.” When Kingdon left for Arizona, she became somewhat of a rival to Spann. But the rivalry didn’t stop Spann from supporting Kingdon’s decision. “I’m an ASU alumna so I wasn’t that keen on Arizona,” Spann said. “But, I also know that Dave is a phenomenal coach, so I was totally supportive of her going to Arizona. I’m just so happy about how well she’s been doing.”

Labeled a Wildkitten So far she is enjoying her freshman season and likes all of her teammates, Kingdon said. She especially enjoys her playtime. “Playing all the way around,” Kingdon said, “I’m one of the only players that gets to do that.” Her favorite moment happened last Saturday, when Arizona upset No. 2 UCLA. Against the Bruins, Kingdon had 16 kills and 11 digs, making it her fifth double-double of the season — further proof of her maturity.

- Miller said that instead of one player stepping up to replace the production of Derrick Williams, he’d like to have five or six players averaging double-digits in scoring. - Both freshman forward Sidiki Johnson and Perry said they don’t have any personal goals, other than winning a national championship this season. - All of the players and coaches agreed that last season’s success made them hungrier for this season, so putting work on tedious things like defense and conditioning was easy after seeing measurable results on the court.

he can score, but he has great vision. He has great on-ice vision.” “I’d say he moves the puck almost as if he’s the quarterback of the team.” Both Basist and Murmes compared his game to that of Pavel Datsyuk of the Detroit Red Wings. Datsyuk’s great vision and ability to score compliments his solid defensive play, allowing him to contribute on both sides of the puck, something Murmes hopes to do in every game. “I want to score, and, you know, I definitely help the team with scoring, but it doesn’t matter who scores, it’s all “And if I got five blocked shots and I’m working hard and I still don’t get a goal, I’m still happy as long as we get the ‘W.’”

Daily WildCat We’re Super Classy

Annie Marum/ Daily Wildcat

Arizona volleyball freshman Madison Kingdon, nicknamed Fetus because of her age, has been a invaluable to Dave Rubio’s team.

Even with her skill set and apparent experience, her team has an interesting nickname for her. “Everyone calls me ‘Fetus,’ because when I got here I was 17,” said Kingdon. “They all call me Baby or Fetus. I’m like, ‘Stop calling me that.’ And there are freshmen that are younger than me, but they still call me Fetus, especially Tori (Moore). She does it all the time, and I’m like, ‘Tori, I’m not that young anymore,’ and she’s like, ‘You’ll always be a little fetus.’”


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he’s at his best and that allows him to have the best chance to be successful.” Since returning to Tucson, Parrom has begun rehab for his right leg, which still has two bullet fragments wedged in it. He’s started to do range of motion exercises and run a little bit on the treadmill, but his return date is still in question. “Right now his future is in doubt,” Miller said. “Hopefully we’ll welcome him back at some point but we don’t have a crystal ball to know when and if that’s going to happen.” The freak injury couldn’t have come at a worse time for Parrom. After missing half of his freshman year with a stress fracture in his foot, Parrom played in all 38 games last season and gave Arizona toughness and energy. Parrom said he worked tirelessly in the offseason to have a big junior year and help lead the Wildcats to yet another deep tournament run. “I worked extremely hard. Everybody said they worked hard during the summer, they do this and that but I was here grinding,” Parrom said. “I was grinding every day with a few other guys like Solomon (Hill), Jesse (Perry), that’s just to name a few. We were here grinding just to try and get to the Final Four. Words can’t even describe how hard I’ve worked this whole summer.” It is unknown if Parrom will miss any game time this season. While he is thousands of miles from his immedediate family, his basketball family is helping him every fday. “It was terrible just to see that happen to him. Going back home for a certain reason and then have that happen to him out of the blue,” said sophomore guard Jordin Mayes. “We don’t really want to focus on that. We just want to come back and work hard for him.”

They said it “It’s always tough. For a guy who works so hard, I was with him the whole summer, basically my roommate, one of my closest guys on the team. It’s definitely hard to see somebody go down like that who’s got so much potential just over a stupid situation. He’s definitely strong. He’s going to have to be, stronger for her, stronger for himself to get back on the grind, back on the court.” — UA forward Jesse Perry “As a team you just try and help him. Stay positive mentally, physically, rehab, whatever it takes. Just try to cheer him up on a daily basis. We’re hoping he’s going to help us this year because we really need him.” — UA center Kyryl Natyazhko “Everything happens for a reason. There’s a purpose behind this. Maybe the purpose behind this is to get the other players stronger, to get the chemistry going with the other guys. We don’t know the purpose. But we’ll soon find out.” — UA forward Kevin Parrom “It’s hard. It’s consuming. You don’t think about practice. You don’t think about a lot of things you normally would when you have one of your own players who’s been shot. There’s not necessarily a manual you pull out that tells you what to do. You really just try to be there and guide the process.” — UA head coach Sean Miller

Odds & Ends OFFBEAT

Daily Wildcat

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Arts & Life Contributor: Greg Gonzales • 520.621.3106 • arts@wildcat.arizona.edu



Man 1: I’m hungry. Man 2: Well, I’m gonna eat your dick! — Park Student Union Submit your overheard on Twitter @OverheardAtUA


Restrooms: The original social media What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen in a public restroom? Man, I don’t know....I’ve seen some numbers … political messages.


A sign outside of Park Avenue Market misspells the word ‘Deodorant’ in the upper right hand corner. The sign was added to the outside the market prior to the start of the school year. Chase Rigby

Psychology Freshman

HOROSCOPES Today’s birthday: With Mercury entering your second house, your ability to profit financially soars. You see opportunities where others are blind. Share ideas with others, and the abundance multiplies. Review the budget and consider investing in your education. Make big plans.

Aries — Today is a 7 — Schedule your

Leo — Today is an 8 — Your skills are

Sagittarius — Today is a 9 — The

Taurus — Today is a 9 — Give in to full

Virgo — Today is an 8 — Even if you

Capricorn — Today is a 7 — Romance

agreements, especially where finances are concerned. Charm customers with extra value, and reap long-term rewards. Be patient, and keep up momentum. self-expression; you’ve got the confidence and power. What will you create? Who will you be? You’ve got a blank canvas. Let your passions hold the brush.

garnering attention, both in your career and relationships. It’s easier to have intimate conversations. Get a sexy new outfit, and show off your moves. don’t hear about it, your ideas are gaining recognition. You’re not in it for the glory, though. Experiment with new concepts for inner satisfaction.

quickening pace leaves no time to waste. Concentrate on working to generate results. Use your personal magnetism to gain an advantage. You have plenty today. sparks for the next two days. Add fuel to the fire with a little mystery. You don’t need to reveal everything at once. Separation can make the heart grow fonder.

Gemini — Today is an 8 — There’s a

Libra — Today is a 9 — Discuss shared

Aquarius — Today is an 8 — Home

Cancer — Today is a 9 — Your charm is

Scorpio — Today is an 8 — Now it’s

Pisces — Today is an 8 — You’ve got

tendency to overthink everything now. Don’t get stuck in your head. Get into a conversation with someone who can see beyond your view.

finances during the next few days. Review your money plan and goals. You’re worth more than you thought. Increase your income by playing your cards wisely.

magnetic, and others gravitate to your orbit. Opportunities for romance abound and could even be overwhelming. Express your feelings. Art helps.

improvement satisfies. You’re very persuasive now and know just what to say to an influential female. Respectfully advance your career.

easier to make personal decisions that were difficult before. Words come easily when it comes to love, even in the face of obstacles. Share your heart.

Campus Events Campus Recreation AquaDay Thursday, October 13, 2011 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Participants will be able to interact with college athletes as they learn water polo skills and play full and modified games. Participants will also partake in structured water activities to promote water safety skills, physical fitness, teamwork and communication. Lunch will be included during the day’s activities, and participants will receive a free water bottle filled with Campus Rec goodies! Admission: $45 members, $50 non-members Campus Recreation, 1400 E. Sixth St. Room: Pool SCA Fighter Practice - College of St. Felix Branch fencing The Society of Creative Anachronism conducts fighter training and practice every Thursday Learn armored (hardsuit) combat and fencing. Loaner gear is available, but please bring your own “cup.” Highland Commons.

“Personal Mission and Vision” Workshop Thursday, October 13, 2011 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Many of us know that companies have mission statements, but what about our own mission? Effective leaders have a clear mission and vision for their own life and can help others develop theirs. Student Union Memorial Center Room: Madera

Do you think anyone’s ever posted a picture of themselves on a bathroom wall? I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they drew one — it probably wouldn’t be as detailed, but… Have you ever accidentally walked into a men’s restroom? Well, I have on purpose because the women’s restroom was gross. How did you feel when you saw the urinals? I didn’t really look at them.

FAST FACTS • It is thought that, originally, lip balm was made from earwax. • Lip balm was first marketed in the 1880s by Chapstick. • Claims that lip balm has addictive properties have been refuted, though psychological addiction is

still possible. • The main ingredient in Burt’s Bees lip balm is beeswax. • Most lip balms simply protect and moisturize the lips, but some include flavors, coloring or even pheromones.

October 13


Wildcat Calendar

the memory and concentration for some serious study. Choose a topic that you feel strongly about, and accept rigorous coaching. Toss the ball to a teammate.

Why do you think people write on bathroom walls? I think it’s kind of like the Internet. Before the Internet, it was kind of one of the only anonymous places to get your thoughts out there.

Campus Events “Critical Thinking” Workshop Thursday, October 13, 2011 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Leaders need to be able to think critically...But what does that mean? This workshop will look at the concept--and practice--of critical thinking. Student Union Memorial Center Room: 412 A Closer Look Book Club: “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk Thursday, October 13, 2011 6 p.m. To participate in a Book Club conversation, all you need to do is read the book and then join us on the red couches in the Poetry Center gallery. Our conversations are guided and inspired by discussion leaders drawn from Poetry Center staff, University of Arizona faculty, and our community of local poets and writers. Copies of books are available at the Poetry Center’s gift shop. Poetry Center “Composing in A Creative Continuum” Gallery Walk Thursday, October 13, 2011 5:30 p.m. The UA English Honors Composition students, under the guidance of course director Patrick Baliani, have studied the exhibition extensively and will be leading this gallery walk. Their tour will be highlighted by original writings, readings and performances inspired by the exhibition. To learn more about Creative Continuum, visit the Center for Creative Photography’s website. Center for Creative Photography Room: Gallery International Writer’s Workshop Thursday, October 13, 2011 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. This workshop entitled, “The Punctuation Refresher,” covers topics helpful to international and second language speakers, both graduate and undergraduate. This is part of a semester-long series of free workshops held every Thursday. Social Sciences Room: 222

Campus Events

Fall Plant Sale - Plus Smooth Jazz Guitar & Wine Tasting Bring your CatCard or another valid form of UA i.d. for free admission to Boyce Thompson Arboretum during the big Fall Plant Sale fundraiser Oct. 7-23. Daily admission is normally $9 for adults and $4.50 for ages 5-12 at BTA, an affiliate of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. http://ag.arizona.edu/bta/ Biosphere 2 Tours Friday, September 17, 2010 - Saturday, December 31, 2011 Open daily for tours from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Biosphere 2 is located just north of Tucson in the middle of a magnificent natural desert preserve at a cool elevation of nearly 4,000 feet. “Time Life Books” recently named Biosphere 2 one of the 50 must-see “Wonders of the World.” Where: 32540 S. Biosphere Road, Oracle, Arizona 85623 Room: Biosphere 2 Visitor Center. To make reservations: 520-838-6200 email: info@B2science.org

Gallery Día de los Muertos Exhibit at Tohono Chul Park September 01, 2011 - November 06, 2011,7366 North Paseo del Norte, 520742-6455 Tohono Chul Park showcases fanciful and moving contemporary paintings, photographs, quilts, and artful works that link us as human beings in dealing with death, loss and remembrance.

Gallery Rockin the Desert: Photographs by Baron Wolman and Lynn Goldsmith Presented by Etherton Gallery at Etherton Gallery September 10-November 12. Etherton Gallery is pleased to announce our first show of the 2011-2012 season, Rockin the Desert: Photographs by Baron Wolman and Lynn Goldsmith. Rockin’ the Desert is Etherton Gallery’s contribution to the larger downtown celebration, Tucson Rocks! Baron Wolman, the first photographer for Rolling Stone magazine and celebrated portrait photographer Lynn Goldsmith, give us backstage passes to some of rock n’ roll’s most important moments and the legends who lived them. (520) 624-7370 135 South 6th Avenue Mí Musica exhibition Sep 3, through Oct 15, 2011. Art can give music a visual dimension in the same way music can illustrate art, both are connected by a common global image and culture. “Mí Musica” brings together artists with an exhibition of their visual interpretations of music in paintings, sculpture, and multimedia works. Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery & Workshop 218 E. 6th Street (1/2 block east of 6th St. & 6th Ave.) (520) 881-5335 visit us at: http: //www.raicestaller222.webs.com

Of Note

San Xavier Mission Guided Tours 1950 W. San Xavier Road Docents lead 45-minute tours of the National Historic Landmark, Monday - Saturday, and explain the mission’s rich history and ornate interior that includes painted murals and original statuary. 520-294-2624

To sponsor this calendar, or list an event, email dailywildcatcalendar@gmail.com or call 621.3425 Deadline 3pm 2 business days prior to publication

News Tips: 621-3193 The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of coverage, contact news editor Luke Money at news@wildcat. arizona.edu or call the newsroom at 621-3193.

Daily Wildcat SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA SINCE 1899 Vol. 105, Issue 38

The Daily Wildcat is an independent student newspaper published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is distrubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circulation of 10,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899. All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief.

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13, 2011

Daily Wildcat •


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egg doNors Needed! Healthy females ages 18‑30. Donate to in‑ fertile couples some of the many eggs your body disposes monthly. COMPENSATION $5,000. Call Re‑ productive Solutions. (818)832‑ 1494. http://donor.eggreproductive.‑ com Reproductive Solutions abides by all federal and state guidelines regarding egg donation, as well as all ASRM guidelines haNg‑over remedy! We Got It! Please Visit epsilondistllc.com

owN a Computer, put it to work earn up to $1,500/pt $7,500‑ /ft will train, apply online: wealthy‑ withrak.com

Need Christmas moNey? Perfect job for students. Apply at www.ineedspendingmoney.com. Three paydays until Christmas, weekend only shifts available.

!!!!BarteNderiNg!!!! up TO $250/ DAy. NO ExPERIENCE NECESSARy. TRAINING COURSES AVAILABLE. AGE 19+ OK. CALL 800‑965‑6520 ExT.139 *turBuleNCe geNtlemeNs CluB has a liQuor li‑ CeNse* Now hiriNg CoCk‑ tail servers For our liQuor liCeNse party November 11‑19th!! all shiFts, No eXperieNCe re‑ Quired. please apply iN persoN. 6608 s tuCsoN Blvd. BetweeN 2‑11pm CluBturBuleNCe.Com

READER AD DEADLINE: Noon, one business day prior to publication.

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atteNtioN high‑ eNergy hardworkiNg, fun part‑time job seeking students. Join our restaurant family. Busser to start. Travel experience in Spain, love of good food, wine, and bilingual (Spanish‑ English) a plus. Call 884‑5253 for interview. Computer skills seo and tweaking websites. Also data en‑ try. Part time. Call 615‑1244 earN moNey iN a Sociology Ex‑ periment! For more information and to sign up visit www.u.arizona.‑ edu/~mwhitham/1.html eXtras Needed to stand in the backgrounds for a major film production. Earn up to $300/day. No experience required. Call 877‑ 460‑0657 help waNted. motivate servers and promoters for adobo island. Will work with your sched‑ ule. Call Belle for an interview 520‑ 465‑2772 Need tutoriNg iN adobe premier pro Cs5.5, short‑term basis (10‑20 hours). pay is $15‑ 20/hr depending on qualifications. 882‑8080 pareNt‑ Child visit supervi‑ sor at Aviva Children’s Services, must be available to work 1‑6pm at least 4days per week and occa‑ sional Saturdays. Must have reli‑ able personal vehicle, valid driver’s license, personal computer with internet services, cell phone and appropriate car insurance. Must be at least 21 years old. Visit http://avivatucson.org for more in‑ formation. Send resume by email to hr@avivatucson.org or by fax to 903‑0430.

part time Clerk. $7.50 +com‑ mission to start. Morning/ after‑ noon shifts. 25/ 30hrs a week. Near campus. Apply in Person 2509 N. Campbell Ave. part time reCeptioNist East Side Location ‑ Weekend hours. Previous business experi‑ ence preferred, business casual dress code for front desk/ cus‑ tomer reception. E‑mail resume to PamelaT@longrealty.com part‑ time NaNNy Needed for nice NW family. 5yr & 3yr old. 2days/ week 8‑5; days flexible. Car required. Contact Monica at mderrick@mmgm‑law.com. $10‑ 12/hr studeNtpayouts.Com paid survey takers needed in Tucson. 100% FREE to join! Click on sur‑ veys.

WANTED: MENTORS MentorKids USA, a faith‑based youth mentoring program (men‑ torkidstucson.com) and 1‑on‑1 Mentoring, a community‑based program (1on1mentoring.com) is seeking top‑quality role‑models for kids aged 5‑17. For more informa‑ tion call 624‑4765 or email men‑ torkidsusatucson@gmail.com.

BraNd New mattress sets Full $130, Queen Pillow Top $175, King Pillow Top $199, Twin $99 In original plastic w/Warranty Can de‑ liver 520‑745‑5874

mattress sale! 2 pieCe Mat‑ tress & Box Spring set. Twin sets $99. Full sets $115. Queen sets $135. Warranty available. Will match any price. Delivery avail‑ able. Visa/MC/Disc. Tucson Furni‑ ture, 4241 E. Speedway, 323‑ 6163 Se Habla Espaùol.

!!!!!! 1Bd/ 1Ba, $520, 3BLOCKS TO UA, Euclid/ 9th, Furnished, 520‑647‑4311, Internet/ Water/ Gas Included, www.UPapts.‑ com upa@cox.net, 726 East 9th Street $87.50 MOVES YOu IN! A GREAT PLACE FOR STUDENTS! FREE Shuttle to the UofA! 1&2 BDs. 24hr fitness & laundry. Pool & spa, Ramada w/gas grills, gated access. Student discount, business center. Call Deerfield Vil‑ lage @520‑323‑9516 www.deer‑ fieldvillageapts.com *short term 2Br+2Ba CONDO RENTAL 2Blocks from Campus on university ave parents, alumni, visitors, vendors. Fully equipped & Fur‑ nished. Garage/Street parking. Call 818-708-1770 See: VRBO.com/284572 1BDRM 1BA 790SqfT. Beautiful wood ceilings, walls, laundry facili‑ ties, $525. Tucson & Glenn. 323‑ 1542 7Th STREET AND Park‑ studio, 1br, 3br. 444‑6213/ 429‑3829 elegaNt dupleX. 2Br 1BA new carpet. Beehive fireplace, hot tub, Speedway/ Country Club. 1st, last month security. 323‑7287

Attention Classified Readers: The Arizona Daily Wildcat screens classified advertising for misleading or false messages, but does not guarantee any ad or any claim. Please be cautious in answering ads, especially when you are asked to send cash, money orders, or a check. Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

large 2Bd 1 1/2Ba, $575. Large 1BR $475 Deposit $200. A/C, pool, cold & hot water paid. Bicycle distance UofA. 327‑8811 or 990‑0130. Available now! large studios 6BloCks UofA, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, win‑ dows, full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi. $380. 977‑4106 sunstoneapt‑ s@aol.com move‑iN ready. Newly remod‑ eled. 1block UofA. 3bdrm parking and enclosed patio. Check it out! 356 N. Euclid. Available for view‑ ing. 520‑405‑7278 saNdpiper apartmeNts, Free utilities, rate specials. 1Bed‑ room. 795‑2356 sierra poiNte apartmeNts. $99 move‑in 1month Free! 1mile from UofA. 1and2 Bedrooms start‑ ing at $665. Awesome roommate floorplans. Rent includes *high speed internet, expanded cable, heating, A/C, water, sewer &trash* Pet friendly. Our quiet property also has a pool, spa, 2laundry facil‑ ities and 24/hr fitness center. Call us today @520‑323‑1170. Lo‑ cated at Tucson Blvd/ Grant. studios From $400 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884-8279. Blue agave apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/Stone. www.blueagaveapartments.‑ com

1Br, a/C, Covered porch, shared fenced yard and W/D. $600 all utilities included. 4th Ave and 6th Street. 730‑5625.

2Bdrm 1Ba $650/mo $350 de‑ posit 303 & 305 E. Lester. 520‑ 419‑6267 438 e 1st st, 2Bd 1bath lower unit all tile floors, fenced yard, range, refrigerator, evap cooling. All electric unit. $595/mo 1yr lease no pets. Call owner/agent Rose‑ mary 520.272.8483

1Bd uNattaChed guest house A/C water paid fenced yard pets ok $515 REDI 623‑5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com guest house. $600 includes utilities/ internet. On UA bike path at Prince/ Mountain. Quiet, in‑ town. Tiled throughout, A/C, patio, D/W. Deposit/ lease/ references. 237‑2951 large studio, walk to UofA, separate kitchen & bath. AC. Lots of closet area. Very nice, clean, and quiet. Includes water & trash. $450/mo with 1yr lease. 298‑3017

! 5BloCks Nw ua HUGE Lux‑ ury Homes 4br/ 4.5ba +3car garage +large master suites with walk‑in closets +balconies +10ft ceilings up and down +DW, W&D, Pantry, TEP electric discount, mon‑ itored security system. Pool privi‑ leges. 884‑1505 www.myUofArental.com !!! 5Bedroom 3Bath, oNly 4blocks to the UofA $2000 Kitchen with tons of cabinet space! Big Bedrooms & closets, fenced yard, tons of parking, washer & dryer, fireplace, very cute front porch for relaxing after a long day! Call Chantel 520.398.5738









The Daily Wildcat is also available on all CatTran shuttles



thursday, october

• Daily Wildcat


!!!!!!!!*** Brand new 6bdrm/ 7basingle family res- huGE LIVING room + giaNt 20’x30’ deN + BIG office LIBRARY- ONE of a KINDNew furniture avail. $2,800/mo OBO. 388-0781 ROB.


Deadline: Noon one business day before publication WRITE AD BELOW—ONE WORD PER BLANK

!‑ uNComparaBle luXury‑ 6Bdrm 6BATHS each has own WHIRLPOOL tub‑ shower. 5car GARAGE, walk‑in closets, all Granite counters, large outside pa‑ tios off bedrooms, full private laun‑ dry, very large master suites, high ceilings. TEP Electric discount. Monitored security system. Very close to UA 884‑1505 www.myUofARental.com.

Near Rincon Market. At the corner of Tucson Blvd. and 6th Street, close to the U of A.

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3Bd, 2Bth home in Nice family neighborhood in North West Tuc‑ son, minutes from a freeway en‑ trance. $1000mth, flxble lease. Call 520‑834‑7520 to see.

RATES: $5.00 minimum for 20 words (or less) per insertion. 25¢ each additional word. 20 percent discount for five

4Bedroom 3Bath $1200 Home with spacious living room, full size washer and dryer, dishwasher, storage room, private balcony, tile throughout the house with carpet in the bedrooms! Plenty of park‑ ing, right off the Mountain bike path, 5blocks to UA. Call Amy 520.440.7776




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or more consecutive insertions of the same ad. 20 percent discount for 20 or more insertions of the same ad running the same day(s) of the week during same academic year. For an additional $2.75 per order your ad can appear on the Wildcat Website (wildcat.arizona.edu). Online only rate: (without purchase of print ad) is $2.75 per day. Any posting on Friday must include Saturday and Sunday. The Wildcat will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect insertion of an ad. NO REFUNDS ON CANCELED ADS. Deadline: Noon, one business day before publication.

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Housesitting Music Lessons

The economy is still hiring, you just need to stand out a bit more! Professional resume/ cover-letter writing services. for a free consultation email: poletopoleconsulting@gmail.com. $150

awesome Brand New 5bdrm, 2Bath houses $2775/ monthavailable January 2012. Washer/ Dryer, A/C, balconies, walk‑in clos‑ ets, alarm system, pets welcome plus more. http://www.Universi‑ tyRentalinfo.com No Security De‑ posit (o.a.c.) Call 747‑9331

small house water paid fire‑ place pets ok $375 ALSO 2bd/ 2bd house 1800sqft washer dryer $749 REDI 520‑623‑5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com

release psyChologiCal skills/ anxiety blocks using certi‑ fied non‑invasive therapeutic method, brian spotting. Turning points therapy. Helen Svob LAMFT 520‑247‑4961






Resumes Services Clerical Services General Tutoring Services

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Great 2br, 2ba in beautiful area north of campus at Ventana Canyon. 15‑20 minute drive to uA. $785/mo. Call (520)5712647 Equal housing Opportunity.


➤ ➤ ➤ ➤


6Bedroom 5Bath– a must see! Great two story floor plan with garage at Mabel and Cherry. Open living room, separate dining area, large bedrooms & closets, fenced yard and lots of storage. Call Chantel 520.245.5604

BraNd New high‑eNd bou‑ tique house, just finished, 3bd, 2ba, beautiful kitchen, stainless steel appliances, w/d, a/c. Great for UofA students. Must see $1900. 222 E. Elm. 520‑885‑5292 520‑841‑2871






City/State:_____________________ Zip: _____________ Phone_____________________

3Br/ 2Ba house 1578sqft 2317 N Los Altos (1mi from UofA) Appli‑ ances, fenced yard. $990/mo Avail‑ able November 15. May swap for property near Barry University in Miami. Call for application 602‑ 568‑9806.



3Bd 2Ba $1300 beautiful home 5blocks from UofA. Fireplace, D/W, W/D, porch, carport, AC, vol‑ leyball court, tile floors, alarm sys‑ tem. DMT Properties. Call Ilene 520‑240‑6487.

3Bd/ 2Ba a/C saltillo tile pets ok $950 ALSO 4bd/ 3bd house dual cooling 6month lease $1600 REDI 520‑623‑5710 or log on to www.azredirentals.com


__________ __________

2Br 2Ba house. AC & cooler, fireplace, 1600sqft, English gar‑ den, $749. Cottage studio w/fire‑ place, private, $395. Grant & 1st. 323‑1542

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spaNish tutoriNg avail‑ aBle. Are you having problems learning Spanish? I can help you. Call 520‑620‑1476

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