Outdoor Fitness Equipment for Schools: A Buyer’s Guide - ArihantPlay

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Outdoor Fitness Equipment for Schools: A Buyer’s Guide

The ongoing pandemic has made everyone realize the importance of fitness and health. This has also led to many schools focusing on improving fitness for their pupils once they reopen. This is where outdoor fitness equipment comes in. They are extremely effective in engaging kids and making PT sessions more fun and interactive. Another benefit is that kids have the opportunity to work out in fresh air, under sunshine, which in itself brings forth a host of health benefits. Let us now look at some vital points to consider when purchasing outdoor exercise equipment. Purchasing Right Outdoor Fitness Equipment When searching for fitness equipment, you may come across a wide range and it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to opt for. It’s best to opt for outdoor fitness equipment that you can find in community playgrounds, leisure facilities, and local parks. There are many reasons for this:  

Kids will be familiar with these types of outdoor fitness equipment as they would have come across them in their community playgrounds. The familiarity can encourage them to exercise and be active.

Such types of equipment are built for optimum durability and offer a good guarantee.

The final thing to consider is the reputation of the brand that is offering you the equipment. It’s best to go with a reputed brand that specializes in outdoor play equipment. At ArihantPLAY, we have over 35+ years of experience in the outdoor play equipment industry. We are committed to helping our customers make the best decision for outdoor play and fitness equipment. Listed below are some fitness equipment options from our inventory:     

Double Lat Pull Pro Leg stretch Hips Twister Double Circular Forearm Twirl Double Abs board

Who Is Going to Be Using the Open Gym Equipment? When investing in outdoor fitness equipment, you must consider the age group of kids that will use it. Exercise equipment is available for almost every age level. However, if you are purchasing equipment for kids that are smaller than 4 ft 59 inches, then opt for equipment with low height and rails. Also, keep in mind that most types of fitness equipment are designed for older kids. Prioritize Cardio Exercise When implementing outdoor fitness equipment in your school’s curriculum, ensure that the focus is on cardio. The reason being cardio exercises can help improve the fitness levels of kids and get the blood pumping in the body. This can aid in keeping the weight levels maintained and prevent health issues as kids grow up. Also, incorporating cardio workouts at a young age can help to build strength and improve body posture and coordination. Due to these reasons, cardio fitness equipment should be considered a priority. At ArihantPLAY, we feature multiple high-quality outdoor cardio equipment like Cycle, Aerial Stroller, Ovate Stepper, and Walker. Keep in mind that some types of cardio equipment are appropriate for older kids and adults, allowing parents, teachers, and the community to get involved. Do I Need Surfacing Around The Outdoor Exercise Equipment? Surfacing underneath the fitness equipment is an important aspect to consider. You can opt for rubber flooring as it is designed to be slip-resistant and can easily adapt to the movements. It provides cushioning and can reduce the chances of injuries. It can also

lower footstep sounds. What’s more, rubber flooring is durable, UV-resistant, can be easily installed, and maintain its performance for many years to come. At ArihantPLAY, we have a wide range of outdoor exercise equipment for schools. If you are searching for more equipment options or have any queries, we will be more than happy to advise and support you. Please feel free to connect with us and, our experts will get back to you at the earliest.

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