Amazing Stories Of People Just Like U & Me...

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REAL people

REAL results

Within 5 months, Anne Maynard, has earned more than

$ 98, 453 USD

in Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.

I was Daddy’s girl. No dollies, roller skates or doll houses for me. When Daddy played his toys were drugs, guns and women. So I was fascinated with the boys that were like my daddy, a little dangerous could teach me the game and could love me. I loved the game and it taught me hard hits, hard decisions. I’m royalty in a hustle; all hail the Duchess- the Duchess of Miami.

As my little nephew’s death right before my eyes and being near dead myself when I was shot in the face. The bullet is still there, acting as a constant reminder of the life I lead before and my permanent desire to keep going...”

A women searching for sincere love and her true self. I give an account of my life of being one of the most highly-sought after drug girls on the streets of Miami. Maynard’s story unfolds from a prison cell in a small Texas county after she’s arrested for trafficking 40 Kilograms of pure cocaine. I was a stripper, a come up queen, and the lady of some of Miami’s most notorious drug lords.

HOPE Before Arydss International, my life was literally was going nowhere and that was depressing. After living the life I’ve lived I didn’t know how I going to survive without risking my freedom. But thank God for Stormy Wellington and Nicola Jackson for sharing this life changing opportunity with me. Ardyss has truly changed my life.

The finances that I’ve acquired with Ardyss has a system to live a debt free life and has allowed me to be a more confidant woman just knowing that I can take care of not only my children but other children as well.


The bonus structure and direct sales let me know that I can plan my future and dream big cause with Arydss dreams do come true. And do you want to know how I did so well? First of all I put God first, and then I believe in the products and know they would make people feel better and add to their finances so families can find their way thru these trying times. So at this point in my life I have found purpose.

My success with Ardyss extends and it expands, I have made investments in other areas, today am owner of my own beauty parlor.


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