VIVE Ardyss - Amazing Stories

Page 77

REAL people

REAL results

Within 5 months, Electra Miller, has earned more than

$ 35,000 USD

in Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.

I was introduced to Ardyss in October 2008 and I must say my life has not been the same since I have become a part of this awesome organization. I simply can’t believe the positive impact Ardyss has made in my life and that of my family. For the past 21 years, I have been a professional hair stylist; as a result, I have always worked very extensive hours to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Due to the nature of my business, I suffer from severe back pain which in turn has caused me to reduce my work load. As you can imagine, my financial well-being was impacted greatly. As you can see, things are much better now. After six month with Ardyss, I have made President and I am feeling great. My income has increased substantially and I am well on my way to financial freedom. More impor-

tantly, I now have the ability to start aggressively saving for my daughter’s future. Ultimately, allowing her to attend the college of her choice. My future goal with Ardyss is to continue to empower men and women with the knowledge associated with gaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I, also, want to educate them on how to obtain wealth. Finally, I want to stress the importance of reaching back and having a positive impact on the lives of other.

Ingresé a Ardyss International, en Octubre de 2008 y mi vida nunca volvió a ser la misma. Por más de 21 años he sido una estilista profesional, he trabajado muy duro y muchas horas extras para mantener un estilo de vida confortable. Debido a que en mi empleo, tenía que estar mucho tiempo de pie, sufría de intensos dolores en la espalda, los cuales a la larga no me permitían trabajar tiempo completo y como resultado mis ingresos se vieron afectados considerablemente. Ahora las cosas han mejorado mucho. Después de 6 meses con Ardyss, ahora tengo el rango de Presidente y me siento excelente. Mis ingresos han aumentando sustancialmente y voy excelente por el camino para obtener mi libertad financiera. Lo más importante es que ahora tengo la capacidad y la habilidad para comenzar a ahorrar para el futuro de mi hija y que ella pueda decidir el tipo de universidad que desea. Mi meta futura con Ardyss es continuar motivando a hombres y mujeres, seguir compartiendo mi conocimiento con ellos, obteniendo y manteniendo un estilo de vida saludable que al mismo tiempo les permita tener estabilidad económica. Finalmente quiero resaltar la importancia de alcanzar y poder tener un impacto positivo en la vida de otros. 75

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