2023-2024 DCTE Operational Guide

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Arkansas Department of Education Division of Career and Technical Education

2023- 2024 CTE Operational Guide Updated 8/14/23

Table of Contents Welcome

DCTE Staff Directory

Section 1: CTE Policy & Procedures Section 2: Career Pathways Section 3: Work-Based Learning Section 4: Industry Recognized Credentials Section 5: Career Coach Program Section 6: Jobs for Arkansas Graduates (JAG) Section 7: Early Career Awareness Section 8: Student Leadership Center Section 9: Perkins & Accountability Section 10: Technical Permits & Licensure Appendix

July 1, 2023


Director's Welcome July 1, 2023

Arkansas CTE Educators, Counselors & Administrators: The 2023-2024 school year has arrived and we are ready to continue the work of ensuring that ALL students are college and career ready. The Arkansas Department of Education: Division of Career and Technical Education is pleased to provide the division's operational guide to serve as a one-stop shop for all of your career and technical education information. Within the operational guide, you will find 10 sections that provide the information needed to implement and maintain career and technical education programs in the K-12 school system. This guide in addition to the division website serve as your primary resource for information regarding career and technical education. Section 1: CTE Policies and Procedures Section 2: Career Pathways Section 3: Work-Based Learning Section 4: Industry-Recognized Credentials Section 5: Career Coach Program Section 6: Jobs for Arkansas Graduations (JAG) Section 7: Early Career Awareness Section 8: Student Leadership Center Section 9: Perkins & Accountability Section 10: Technical Permits & Licensure The Division of Career and Technical Education (DCTE) is here for you and your students. Our goal is to be a service and resource for career and technical educators across the state of Arkansas. Please feel free, at any time, to reach out to our office, or me, with questions, concerns, or ideas. Our number one goal at DCTE is to meet the needs of our students in the state of Arkansas! Sincerely,

Ross White, Ed. S. Division of Career and Technical Education Director

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DCTE Staff Directory Leadership

Ross White Director

Adam Musto Director: Computer Science

Tim Johnston Assistant Director: Pathways

Dr. Sonja Wright-McMurray Assistant Director: Operations

Perkins & Accountability

Dr. Lydia McDonald Perkins Coordinator

Yolanda Anzora Perkins Advisor

Leah Elmore Perkins Advisor

Mike Bell MOA Coordinator


Sunni Teale Coordinator

Renee Sheppard Admin Specialist

Ebony Everett Analyst

Pathway Coordinators

Shelsi Barber-Carter JAG Coordinator

Mary Beck

Bart Draper

Career Ready Pathways Coordinator

Student Leadership Center Coordinator

ESC Regional Specialist: Arch Ford & Southeast

Patrick Sawatsky

Gordon Eichelberger Pathways Coordinator ESC Regional Specialist: Guy Fenter & OUR

Jessica Thomas

Becky McCormick

Danny Muilenburg

Pathways Coordinator

Post Secondary & State Institutions Coordinator

Business and Industry Coordinator

Early Career Exposure Coordinator

ESC Regional Specialist: Northcentral, Northeast, & Pulaski County

ESC Regional Specialist: Crowley's Ridge & Wilbur Mills

ESC Regional Specialist: Dawson, DeQueen/Mena, & Southcentral

ESC Regional Specialist: Arkansas River, Great Rivers, Southwest & Northwest

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DCTE Staff Directory Pathway Advisors

Jason Binz

Kaylon Brown

Matt Burns

Allison Carter


Career Coach

Health Sciences & Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security


Missy Martin Career Coach

Samantha McCullah AFNR

Keith McKnight

Jeff Parks

Transportation, Distribution & Government & Public Logistics Admin, Manufacturing

Bethany Leonard Education & Training, Hospitality & Tourism, & Human Services

Janice Robinson JAG

Morgan Ruff Business Management & Administration, Finance, & Marketing

Computer Science Specialists

Jim Furniss

John Hart

Tammy Glass

Alex Moeller

Zack Spink

Stacy Reynolds

Shared Services

Pat Becker Audit Coordinator

Tina LaFountaine Procurement

Elaine Powell Accountant

Ashley Kincannon

Administrative Assistants

Valerie Brown Director's Office

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Sherry Cerutti Career Pathways

Cheryl Powell Perkins/Accountability


Section 1: CTE Policies & Procedures

The Policies and Procedures serve as the rules for the Division of Career and Technical Education and CTE programs. Click the image above to access CTE Policies and Procedures.

For more information, please contact: Ross White, DCTE Director Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682- 4801 Email: ross.white@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 2: Career Pathways

Career and Technical Education Pathways include a full program of study, work-based learning, credentialing, and alignment with postsecondary training. Click the image to see all pathways offered in Arkansas.

For more information, please contact: Tim Johnston, DCTE Assistant Director of Pathways Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-683-1705 Email: tim.johnston@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 3: Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning (WBL) are activities that collaboratively engage employers and schools in providing structured learning experiences for students. WBL has two options: 1) Non-Credit: courses are embedded with activities. 2) Credit: courses provide students with structured work-based learning experiences for course credit. Click the image to download the manual and learn more about each program.

For more information, please contact: Mary Beck, DCTE Career Ready Pathways Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-4834 Email: mary.beck@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 4: Industry-Recognized Credentials

Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRC) are available to students through their CTE Pathways. These credentials are vetted certifications identifying student skills and readiness for work upon completing the Pathway. Click the image to learn more about IRC.

For more information, please contact: Tim Johnston, DCTE Assistant Director of Pathways Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-683-1705 Email: tim.johnston@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 5: Career Coach Program

The Arkansas Career Coach program is designed to motivate and support Arkansas students achieve their goals as it relates to college and career planning through intensive hands-on programs and services. College and Career Coaches work with students in the 5th12th grade. Click the image to visit the Career Coach Manual.

For more information, please contact: Mary Beck, DCTE Career Ready Pathways Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-4834 Email: mary.beck@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 6: Jobs for Arkansas Graduates (JAG)

Jobs for Arkansas Graduates (JAG) provides support to at-risk youth to encourage them to achieve high school graduation. Along with academic support, JAG also provides work-based learning experiences that lead students to further education and training. Arkansas's JAG program is the state affiliate of the national organization Jobs for America's Graduates.

For more information, please contact: Shelsi Barber-Carter JAG Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-5056 Email: shelsi.carter@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 7: Early Career Awareness

Early Career Awareness is essential for students to be career pathway ready. CTE offers a robust set of middle-level courses in grades 5-8. Click the image to learn more about course offerings designed for career exploration

For more information, please contact: Jessica Thomas, DCTE Early Career Exposure Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-1143 Email: jessica.thomas@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 8: Student Leadership Center

State Advisor: Becky McCormick

23-24 CTSO Planner

State Adviser: Morgan Ruff 23-24 CTSO Planner

State Adviser: Bethany Leonard

State Advisor: Jessica Thomas

23-24 CTSO Planner

State Advisor: Gordon Eichelberger

State Advisor: Matt Burns

State Advisor: Keith McKnight

23-24 CTSO Planner

23-24 CTSO Planner

23-24 CTSO Planner

State Advisor: Allison Carter

23-24 CTSO Planner

The Student Leadership Center serves the eight Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). For more information, please contact: Bart Draper, DCTE Student Leadership Center Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-1705 Email: bart.draper@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 9: Perkins & Accountability

The Perkins & Accountability Office oversees all Perkins guidance from the United State Department of Education. The office approves all Perkins Expenses, CLNA Applications, and Methods of Administration monitoring. This office also oversees the accountability of CTE programs from Perkins Performance reports to financial monitoring. All grants awarded by DCTE originate in this office. Click the image above to see the Perkins and Accountability Manual. For more information, please contact: Dr. Lydia McDonald DCTE Perkins & Accountability Coordinator Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-1616 Email: lydia.mcdonald@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 10: Technical Permits & Licensure

Professionals looking to enter the teaching profession in their trade field may be eligible for a technical permit. Click the image above to review the guidelines and content areas available for a technical permit.

For more information, please contact: Ebony Everett Communications Analyst Three Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-1271 Email: ebony.everett@ade.arkansas.gov

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Section 1

CTE Policies and Procedures

Section 3

WBL Manual Career Readiness Continuum

Section 5

Career Coach Manual

Section 7

Early Career Awareness

Section 9

Perkins Manual Grant Timelines

Section 2

CTE Career Pathway Charts Promotional Career Cards Pathway Check Sheets Pathway Advisor Contact ALL Minimum Equipment List ALL Safety Checklists

Section 4

DCTE Industry-Recognized Credentials

Section 6

JAG Manual

Section 8 CTSO Event Calendars SOLA

Section 10

Technical Permits Information

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