The Arctic herald #3 (7) 2013

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Besides its main mission to clear the territory of the island of scrap metal, the volunteers saved the life of the master of the island. During the regular inspection of the camp on August 8, 2013, the expedition members encountered a wounded polar bear cub on the shore just a hundred meters from the camp. The beary could not move on its own, so the decision was made to take it to the camp. The volunteers created comfortable conditions for the bear cub in the camp. They transformed an old abandoned building into a house for it. The expedition members reported the find to the Department of International and Ex­ ternal Economic Relations of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. According to the Ros­ prirod­nazor’s decision, the bear cub was tran­s­ ferred to the Perm Zoo. The third group of volunteers had to perform the most important mission – to deliver the collected scrap metal onto the barge. By now, 3 hectares of M. Popov meteoro­ logical station area has been cleaned and about 100 tons of scrap metal collected, which is delivered by barge to Labytnangi and transferred for recycling. The proceeds were transferred to the Charity Children Fund YAMINE. In spite of the fact that a lot of cleaning of the island has already been done, a large, diligent, and labor-intensive work is ahead. The Bely Island is located in the Kara Sea and separated from the Yamal Peninsula by the Malygin Strait. It is part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. The island covers 1,900 km², its height is up to 12 m. Its surface is covered with tundra vegetation. There are many lakes on the island. The northern and eastern shores are low and sandy; the western and southern shores have occasional cliffs up to 6 m high. Several sites sacred for indigenous peoples of the North are located there, one of the major of them is associated with the name of Ser Iri, the keeper of Yamal. Let us recall that in the years of the Soviet Union the active industrial development in the Arctic caused the rapid development of meteorological efforts since it was necessary to make year-round meteorological observation to ensure the passage of vessels along the Northern Sea Route. In Yamal, ten stations were estab­ lished, including M. Popov polar station on the Bely Island, which started its work in 1933. The network of northern stations was established by Результаты проведенных работ экодесанта: а – было, б – стало Results of the environmental task force’s work: a – before, b – now

№ 3(7)/2013


острова» – белых медведей. Почти весь второй сезон девять взрослых особей находились недалеко от основного лагеря, но их присутствие не мешало работе экодесанта. Кроме выполнения основной миссии – очистки острова от металлолома – волонтерам удалось спасти жизнь одному из «хозяев острова». При очередном осмотре территории лагеря 8 августа 2013 г. участники экспедиции обнаружили на берегу метрах в ста от лагеря раненого белого медвежонка. Мишка не мог передвигаться самостоятельно, поэтому было принято решение забрать его на базу. Волонтеры создали в лагере для медвежонка комфортные условия, оборудовав под вольер старое заброшенное здание. Члены экспедиции сообщили о находке в департамент международных и внешнеэкономических связей Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа. По решению Росприродназора медвежонок передан в пермский зоопарк. Третьей группе волонтеров досталась самая ответственная миссия – погрузить собранный металлолом на баржу. На сегодняшний день очищено три гектара территории метеостанции им. М. Попова, собрано порядка 100 тонн металлолома, который на барже доставлен в г. Лабытнанги и сдан на переработку. Вырученные средства перечислены в благотворительный детский фонд «ЯМИНЕ». Несмотря на то что многое по очистке острова уже сделано, предстоит большая, кропотливая и трудоемкая работа. а


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