Architects Choice

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ArchitectsChoice £3.75



THE COLLEGE BUILDING CONUNDRUM Architects John Miller and Jonathon Yates talk on the topic of educational buildings




Cover Photo: Addagrip features on page 12

September 2009 That curious hand of doubt is once again pointing its finger at the Prince of Wales, this time that fingers belongs to the newly elected President of RIBA and first woman to be appointed into this position, Ruth Reed. As ever, the topic of power versus design principle has reared its head to re-ignite the debate in the Princes’ planning permission influence. Having continued for some time, it comes as no surprise to hear that the new President of the institute would have an opinion on the subject, especially after the speech Prince Charles made at RIBA back in May, citing flaws in modernist architecture. So what does Ruth Reed have to say on the subject? Reported from the BBC news website after speaking on Radio four’s Front Row, Ruth commented that it was “unfortunate if anybody uses their public position…to exert undue influence on a

EDITORIAL: Editor: Jade Tilley PRODUCTION: Graphic Designer: Kerri Cuthbert SALES: Account Manager: Mark Hickey Sales Manager: Donna Jenkins

democratic process such as planning.” Making reference to the possibility of unfair royal influences placed on planners by the Prince of Wales. And so, the saga continues… In other news, the peaks of one of Australia’s most recognizable landmarks is drawing more attention than usual as The Sydney Opera House attempts to secure funding for a project on the monumental building that will provide much needed renovations to the structure. The multi-faceted building was only conceived in the mid 1950’s by little know Danish architect Jorn Utzon, who was sacked way before the structures completion and was finished by a local architect. Many areas of the building are dilapidated and far overdue for repair, including the cramped orchestra pit. It is the interior, which would receive some much-needed attention, to bring the interior up to the impressive standard of the exterior. Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has sug-

THIS MONTH 4 An architecture news update - all the latest developments by some of our most respected designers


We discuss: Building for education


gested that the money proposed for the site should be spent elsewhere, such as in the healthcare sector, and other Architectural critics and influences have suggested that to maintain its iconic status it must remain as it is. We shall see how the Opera House story unravels. In this issue we have specialised features on external works and landscaping, flooring and lighting, not to mention our monthly dose of architectural opinions coming, this month in the form of architects John Miller and Jonathon Yates. Turn to page 6-7 for their views on building for education.

Jade Tilley, Editor


From laminates to painted gloss flooring, suppliers provide us with an array of concepts

15 WINDOWS AND DOORS Clever innovations

16 GEZE SPOTLIGHT: Q&A 17 PRODUCT INNOVATIONS Top products of the month

ADMINISTRATION: Accounts: Carole Todd Reception: Joanne Cluer Data controller: Rebecca Hubbard

EXTERNAL WORKS 12 AND LANDSCAPING Products for the architectural landscape

Published by onecoms, a trading division of Media One Communications Ltd. Geneva House, Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2UX. Telephone 01733 756555. Copyright 2009, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. All views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.


By Keith Thompson at UK200

Architects Choice 3


News brief... COMPLETED UNDER QUANTUM CONSORTIUM Leicester-based KPW Architects has completed the first project under the four-year Quantum Consortium framework agreement. Peartree Mews at Bulwell Lane in Basford, Nottingham is a £1.5m affordable housing scheme and KPW has worked alongside Derwent Living and Lovell Partnerships on the project, which features traditional Bulwell stone detailing to conform to the natural street scene and has achieved an Eco-Homes rating of ‘Very Good’. The four year Quantum Consortium has an estimated total value of £10m and projects completed in the timeframe will have build values ranging from less than £500,000 to those in excess of £5m.

Hafod Eryri wins 2009 National Eisteddfod of Wales’ Gold Medal for Architecture The Meirion 2009 National Eisteddfod of Wales’ Gold Medal for Architecture has been awarded to the designers of the new visitors’ centre at the summit of Snowdon. Of the 28 projects submitted, Hafod Eryri by Ray Hole Architects of Croydon, took the main award, sponsored by the Design Commission for Wales. According to the selectors, Huw Meredydd Owen and Dafydd Tomos, the art and craft of the architect is to create place by using objects, space and surfaces. The most successful buildings go much further than merely meeting the basic requirements of the users and the brief they have

been given. They create a sense of place that transcends the physical boundaries of the building itself and that enhances the environment, both within and beyond the immediate building” commented Owen and Tomos. Hafod Eryri met all the requirements for the project. “This was a building that had specific technical and practical demands. It has been designed to withstand not only the extreme forces of nature but also people, bearing in mind the thousands of visitors that visit this unique site,” said the selectors. Some aspects reflect the more successful aspects of the modern brutalist architectural tradition. One

could imagine the building rising like a beast from the bowels of the mountain.” Hafod Eryri possesses skillfully designed, delicate, even beautiful features, such as the way the interior is transformed from the exterior, or the way the building reflects the mountain’s features, its summit and the paths that surround it. As the user walks around it, his perception of the building changes. “The success of the final building shows that the landscape of Wales is more than powerful enough to cope with man-made structures designed in a contemporary and confident way.” Entries were invited from architects or groups of archi-

NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR A PLAYGROUND The playground of a small primary school in the west end of Newcastle upon Tyne has won national recognition as the ‘Best External Learning Environment’ at the British Council for School Environment’s Industry Awards 2009. The awards were held as part of National School Environments Week, which generated more than 170 entries across 13 categories. The creativity of the winning design came from Colour: Urban Design Limited (UDL). The judging panel chose Moorside because it made maximum use of the playground’s existing features and transformed these in terms of appearance, function and educational value to create a cutting edge playground of huge significance to the social, physical and creative development of children attending the school, whilst providing excellent value for money.

4 Architects Choice

Image by Ray Wood

Young Architect of the Year 2009 The Architecture Foundation is pleased to announce that it will be hosting an exhibition of the Young Architect of the Year Award (YAYA) shortlist, organised annually by Building Design magazine. Recognising emerging British and Irish practices, the exhibition will take place 2 October - 23 October in the AF’s new project space, itself designed by the YAYA 2007 winner, Carmody

Groarke. This will be the first public event at the space, with a further programme of innovative, critical and experimental exhibitions, installations and events, curated by The Architecture Foundation, to be announced shortly. Sarah Ichioka, Director of The Architecture Foundation, will be joining the jury of internationally renowned architects and critics. Sarah commented; “YAYA, with Building Design’s backing, is an important platform to showcase the UK and Ireland’s most promising new architects, something that The Architecture Foundation has held as

a core aim for the past twenty years. In 2009 this priority is more important than ever, given the downturn in the industry. The award, and the exhibition in the AF’s new Project Space, will allow us to evaluate the key merits, including innovation and resourcefulness, that these emerging practitioners exemplify.” Joining Sarah Ichioka on the jury will be such notable names as Charles Saumarez Smith, Chief Executive of the Royal Academy of Arts, London; Ivan Harbour, Director of Rogers Stirk Harbour Architects; and Simon Conder, Principle, Simon Conder Assoicates, London and Suffolk.

september tects to display buildings whose practical date of completion was in the period 2006 to 2008 inclusive. The Gold Medal for Architecture is given, in conjunction with the Royal Society of Architects in Wales, in memory of the late Dr T Alwyn Lloyd. The aim of this award is to draw attention to the importance of architecture in the nation's culture and to honour architects achieving the highest design standards. The award is given to the architect or architects responsible for the building or group of buildings, completed between 2006 and 2009 and recommended to the Eisteddfod as being of greatest merit.

New Concert Hall for Birmingham on campus

September 2009 24 - 27 SEPTEMBER 100% Design/ 100% Detail EARLS COURT, LONDON By Glenn Howells Architects The go-ahead has been given to build a 450-seat concert hall on the University of Birmingham’s campus. This new facility by Glenn Howells Architects will provide state-of-theart accommodation for teaching and research within the music department, of a kind that will match its international status. The auditorium will be the most flexible performance space at a UK university and suitable for performances from solo voice through electroacoustic music, to a full symphony orchestra. Resources include the Dome rehearsal room, which is large enough to accommodate a symphony orchestra, and new electroacoustic music studios in which the Music Department’s international community of undergraduates and postgraduates can work in cuttingedge facilities. A new suite of early music rooms for the Centre for Early Music Performance and Research will provide properly temperature and humidity controlled homes for

the Department’s large and growing working collection of original and reproduction instruments, ranging in period from the middle ages to the 19th century, and laboratory space for staff and students to experiment in the performance practices of earlier centuries. The new auditorium itself will also feature technologically advanced facilities enabling students and researchers to perform there with BEAST - the Music Department’s internationally renowned 100-channel sound diffusion system. Helen Newman, Associate Director of Glenn Howells Architects, who have designed the new auditorium building says: ‘Developing an understanding of the underlying geometry, rigor and architecture of the existing buildings has been a fascinating process. We are delighted the music department and functions of the auditorium will now enrich the original vision of Chancellor‚s Court as the heart of the University.’

Science park by Pascall + Watson gets BREEAM rated

Image by Aneurin Philips

The winner will be presented at a dinner for more than 800 clients and architects on 5 November 2009. Previous winners have included Hackett Hall McKnight (2008), Carmody Groarke (2007), Nord Architecture (2006), Lynch Architects (2005). The YAYA exhibition will be open to the public from 2 to 23 October, Monday to Friday, 10am - 6p and is held at The Architecture Foundation, Ground Floor East, 136-148 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TU.

diary dates

Open plan offices, community meeting areas and dramatic atrium space are at the heart of a new government-sponsored science park, which has achieved a BREEAM “excellent” rating. Working for a confidential client, Pascall+Watson Architects developed the masterplan and prepared the designs for the two four-storey office blocks that have now completed. Pascall+Watson’s plans create a science park that will eventually house 1,400 scientists and support staff. Around 600 people will occupy the design and research office space provided in the first phase of the development. The project, which occupies a “brownfield” site in a disused industrial area, includes specialist computing and advanced audiovisual facilities. Work spaces have been arranged over four floors of accommodation grouped around an atrium and internal street, which will not only link all phases of the development but will also

create the opportunity for communal activities. Phil Holden, managing director of Pascall+Watson architects, said: “We have developed all aspects of the building fabric and internal spaces in close liaison with the client stakeholders, so that a fully integrated solution could be devised to satisfy complex user needs within a challenging budget.” Mott Macdonald was the structural, civil and M&E engineer on the project.

100% Design is a leading interiors event for the marketplace, attracting major designers and specifiers. The show is divided into four sectors that focus on different areas of design, delivering something for everyone. 100% Design, 100% materials, 100% Detail and 100% futures will all have its visitors coming back for more design inspiration.

27 - 30 SEPTEMBER Decorex ROYAL HOSPITAL, CHELSEA, LONDON Decorex is one of the hottest events of the year and puts true glamour and style into the Royal Hospital grounds. Its appeal over the years has grown to include more than just soft furnishing ideas but for the broader audience including interior architects. An edited selection of fabrics, wallcoverings, furniture, lighting, flooring, accessories and bespoke services is on offer for the four day event.

18 - 21 OCTOBER Interbuild NEC, BIRMINGHAM Interbuild 2009 is featuring two new shows this year - Interbuild Specifier has been created to meet the needs of specifiers, with ground breaking new feature areas such as Sustainability Street. Whilst Interbuild Onsite offers the building trade everything they need for when they go onsite. Interbuild aims to cover every aspect of the construction industry by featuring the leading suppliers with some of the best seminar programs in the industry.

25 - 26 NOVEMBER Civils EARLS COURT, LONDON Civils is a fantastic civil engineering showcase, which covers all aspects of the industry. From manufacturers and suppliers of plant, tools and specialist services through to market-leading contractors and consultants, Civils is the ideal opportunity to meet with key industry suppliers and your customers under one roof.

To publicise your event, please send details via email to

Architects Choice 5

question time


This month’s question: What should we be doing to ensure educational buildings set the standard for future generations?

Some University and College buildings are suffering at the hands of the recession and its hand of doom in the construction market. Previous plans to develop college buildings and build new status Universities have been put on hold as a result of the government running out of funding for buildings in education. This is one of the negative hits on our economy as, with reduced facilities it allows for less education. Is the importance of the built environment, slipping down the governments list of things ‘to do’? What can be done to create inspirational buildings for education and what are your memories of your faculty buildings? Building university and college campus’ is to be building for the future, so what should we be doing to ensure buildings set the standard for future generations?

6 Architects Choice


Initially this question immediately raises two questions ‘what is fit’ and ‘for what purpose’. Actually, as any architect working in education or healthcare will tell you, it is difficult to predict where these sectors will be in ten years time, perhaps even in five. Therefore ‘fit for purpose’ actually probably means ‘capable of serving many purposes’. So the RIBA mantra from the 60’s, ‘long life, loose fit, low energy’ is still pertinent. One of the few plus points about this recession is it does give time to think about the future. There are lots of things one can tell the government and clients but one fundamental lesson is another old chestnut, ‘if you want good buildings then hire good architects’. Procurement policy has to find better ways of getting good designers and thus measuring quality in a quality / price matrix. At the present time many of the bids I see are actually about process not quality. Here are five ideas to address this – 1. Visit architects buildings 2. Take up references 3. Have architect advisors assist the client 4. Measure fees uniformly 5. Don’t go below a 70/30 split The profession also needs to improve its game. Architects should design for users and not other architects. Historically not that many buildings were ‘wow’ buildings; the majority were, content with being good neighbours. Understanding the right place to be in the hierarchy is fundamental to good urban design. There are only

so many iconic blobs that we need (not many in my view); lets get back to making things elegantly and well. Secondly, the importance of masterplanning, particularly for large educational estates needs more consideration. Institutions should use the time now to plan carefully. Thirdly, refurbishment can be great and this is where organisations like the Carbon Trust are pointing. Substantial refurbishment including innovative natural ventilation has squared the circle and the result is not only more sustainable and cheaper but a terrific workplace and a valuable contribution to the city. Finally, to come full circle, both the much loved Glasgow College of Art and Edinburgh College of Art have served complex needs for demanding users for a century, demonstrating that they are not only ‘fit for purpose’ but truly sustainable.


All sectors have been affected by the recession and the consequential restrictions placed on funding streams. Education project delivery has been curtailed and the current moratorium on public spend in the Further Education Sector has effectively prevented college projects moving forward. Universities and colleges may find that the way forward is to review existing facilities and to look to creative intervention and remodelling of existing buildings rather than major new build. Education has been a vibrant sector of the Construction Industry over recent years with Higher and Further education developments, the Academy Programme, Public

Private Partnership and more recently the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and the Primary Capital Programs have all aimed at raising educational standards and outcomes whilst improving the quality of designs. The real challenge to univeristies and colleges is to continue to deliver excellence in a time when funding for projects is significantly reduced; yet the expectation remains to continually develop and improve the qaulity of educational delivery which inevitabley has requirements for new and improved facilities. The challenge to architects and design teams is to to respond creatively to the new financial constraints assisting our educational clients with startegic reviews of existing campus stock seeking innovative ways to enhance and improve the educational environment through careful intervention, perhaps on a reduced scale whilst still maximsing the benefits to the colleges delivering inovative and stimulating environments. The key to creating educational buildings for the future is to embrace the concept of long life/loose fit Designing buildings to be flexible enough to adapt to future educational needs so that they are fit for purpose. This is a critical aspect of a sustainable and responsible approach to design and one which Government expects. This does not need to result in mundane architectural solutions within college campuses. Architects have always accepted the challenges and constraints of each project whether they be-contextual, timescale or financial. The real creative challenge now will be to adapt, extend and modify facilities to meet current demands for delivery. Advances in ICT with wireless environments offer alter-

question time

“Oxbridge and St Andrews show us how to effortlessly assimilate educational buildings into the urban fabric to the enduring benefit of both town and gown. Campus’ like Sussex and Jubilee in Nottingham demonstrate the value of both masterplanning and first class architects at the top of their game. Jubilee takes very few building types but puts a huge amount of effort into their design, this not only results in great richness but is also very economical. ” John Miller

native formats to assist in this aim. Ultimately this leads to the virtual university which is not a new concept when we consider in the context of The Open University which has successfully evolved remote self-learning with minimal need for collective physical assembly and interaction. Correspondance/distance courses can actually be more interactive today with virtual chat rooms replacing the need for physical lecture, tutorial and seminar space. How does this help architects? It is embodied in the Code of Practice that we perform our craft with due skill, care and diligence and it is in our nature to strive for the ‘inspirational’. Creating inspirational buildings remains at the

Our industry experts provide a compelling insight into the design issues surrounding today’s architecture

heart of architectural design in colleges and practice alike. The current economic climate is another hurdle to be cleared and until an upturn we will have to dig deeper. We all know that value of Good Design – if you are in any doubt CABE, amongst others, have produced a torrent of publications on the subject. ‘Inspirational buildings’ are the result of rigorous analysis of context and a clear understanding of the needs of the user –Form can still follow function so long as the forms are contextural, sustainable and flexible.. Creating truly inspirational buildings in a time of recession is extremely challenging. A modest yet inspirational intervention can be just as rewarding as a major

spend project in more plentiful times, perhaps not fiscally but in a sense of creative satisfaction and achievement. Many funding streams require that a project achieve a BREEAM rating of Excellent, a requirement that can add between 10-12 % to the cost of a development to achieve reduced carbon emissions. This in itself demands greater innovative thinking and design. Those of us lucky enough to be busy with projects of any scale should be striving for the inspirational no matter how big or small.

Our panel of architects are experts in their field and have experience in a vast area of architectural design including; landscape, public sector and private residencies. If you would like to contribute as a panelist email:





John runs Bennetts Associates Edinburgh office. Last year the practice completed the multiaward winning Potterrow Development for the University of Edinburgh. Currently they are designing major buildings for Oxford University and a drama college in London. John is an enabler for Architecture and Design Scotland, a Civic Trust Assessor and carries out design review for Ignite the CABE supported panel in the north east of England.

Jonathan trained at Newcastle University and became a Director of Howarth Litchfield Partnership in 2003. He has 20 years experience working on a range of projects varying in scale and type, with particular focus recently in the Education Sector, Jonathon has recently completed a large High School in Edinburgh and is currently involved in developing a number of Education and Primary Health Care Projects.

Architects Choice 7

industry news

ITW Scoops Green Award ITW, one of Europe's leading manufacturers of fixings, fasteners and drilling systems, has won at the prestigious Gatwick Diamond Business Awards 2009. ITW was awarded with 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle': The Green Award for the Use of Energy and Materials. "We are delighted to have won the Green Award," commented Andy Bell, Quality Manager at ITW Construction Products. "This year we have successfully managed to reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill by 70 per cent. This award highlights the hard work and commitment that has gone into the responsible management of our energy and materials throughout all of our company operations." ITW Construction Products offers the construction industry and allied trades a range of products specifically aimed at the professional user and incorporates both the Spit fixings

Accessorise in Luxury The Jurys luxury 4 star hotel in Great Russell Street, in the west end of London, has installed Hamilton Litestat’s Hartland satin stainless steel wiring accessory range as part of a major refurbishment

and Paslode brands. The Gatwick Diamond Business Award recognises those businesses or people who have shown innovation and inspiration in their work, and have demonstrated a real commitment to the subregion. The award was sponsored by EDF Energy Networks and Crawley Borough Council. For further information telephone 0800 652 9260 or visit

projecty. Satin stainless steel Hartland wiring accessories from Hamilton Lifestat compliment each room. This prestigious hotel is currently being re-branded under the Doyle Collection. The interior has been fully refurbished to offer a fabulous fusion of London design styles with its classic and executive hotel bedrooms, modern restaurant, bar and conference centre. All of the air-conditioned en-suite rooms have been furnished and equipped to a very high standard, including: complimentary high-speed internet access, multichannel TVs and minibars. Hamilton Litestat’s satin stainless steel Hartland plates were specified by the hotel’s design team, which included interior designers The Cunningham McLean Partnership of Glasgow, as they complemented the luxurious finishes within the guest rooms. For further information telephone 01747-860088, e-mail: or visit

Online Access Tile Depot, the tile and stone retailer is taking on the online world of retail with its new userfriendly website with the view to improve its online trading. The new customer-friendly website layout intends to appeal to online shoppers across a broad spectrum, with the new ‘click and reserve’ features for the store collection and Free Sample, it is sure to become a one-stop-shop for trade and consumer tiling needs. The website will also sell bathroom suites at a later date. This will include the Balterley range, which is currently sold in selected Tile depot stores. Customers are also able to track orders and find out delivery times via a link. For further information telephone 08000 740 720.

FUSING TRADITION WITH IMAGINATIVE FEATURES With the Fusion Leisure Centre, Pinelog has demonstrated how it can design a building, which from an external point of view is very traditional but internally incorporates imaginative architectural features. Home Farm Holiday Park's Fusion Leisure Centre is a timber frame building which externally is in total harmony with surrounding architecture. It provides 860m2 of floor space, distributed over two levels, accomodating at ground level a 15m x 13m L-shaped swimming pool, a children's splash pool with water jets,

8 Architects Choice

spa, sauna, steam room, changing facilities, and a reception with a coffee shop and viewing area. The new leisure centre’s exterior walls have been clad with white painted block and render, relieved by red brick piers. It also has a gabled-hipped roof with distinctive red clay tiles. The Fusion Leisure Centre demonstrates how a building can be traditional and combine imaginative architectural features. For further information visit

KSL Project Management Event Marketing Solutions (EMS), in planning their big move to a much larger, more prestigious and purpose built corporate headquarters in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire earlier this year, appointed KSL Surfacing LTD to not only handle the site’s total underground pipe work and cabling ground-works, but also the management, specification detailing and application of its road and pathway surface finishing and lining schemes, crash barriers and site safety architecture. KSL’s project detailing, costs and lead times were all submitted and accepted by EMS on time, however some core building complications, continued to cause site completion date slippages, with KSL eventually being requested by EMS, to start on site, at one weeks notice, all over a major holiday period. KSL’s project management responsibilities across this 5,000sq meter corporate headquarters complex, required it to construct a completely new entrance road, including the high performance surfacing of the company’s enormous lorry and trailer park, which also included the construction of a new concretebased, vehicle washing bay, along with its integral ‘3-stage – Waste Water/ Sludge Interceptor Unit’. For further information telephone 0151 357 1355 or visit

industry news

Efficient use of Heat Pumps S & P Coil Products Limited (SPC) have developed a new RIBA approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) presentation aimed at promoting the efficient use of Heat Pumps with Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems. With the focus on reducing carbon emissions and the importance of energy efficiency heating and cooling, the CPD outlines the combined efficiencies that can be achieved by using various types of heat pumps, linked to the latest radiant conditioning systems. The new RIBA accredited CPD presentation from SPC explores the historical and economic background surrounding the use of Heat pumps in the UK. SPC

have been providing CPD courses for building services engineers and specifiers for over 11 years. The new CPD adds to the three other RIBA accredited CPD presentations available from SPC. For further information telephone 0116 249 0044.

The Automatic Choice Geze has launched a smart new technical guide to help specifiers choose the most appropriate and effective automatic operators, promoting accessibility and best practice. Helping contractors, fabricators and architects make informed choices, the interesting, illustrated automatics guide from GEZE UK provides a detailed overview of the full range. With a double page dedicated to each product, the guide features photographs of a wide range of buildings to show the products in situ, as well as technical drawings to help users select the best product for the job. Information and advice on the types of doors available and detailed product data pages make comparisons between products even easier. The brochure also offers information on a wide range of additional packages and products including the innovative remote monitoring system, iContact.

GEZE Honoured in Top 100 for Innovation GEZE GmbH, parent company to GEZE UK, has secured its place in the Top 100 most innovative small and medium sized enterprises in Germany for the fourth time. Lothar Späth, the former Prime Minister of BadenWuerttemberg and mentor of the competition has awarded the Top 100 seal of approval to GEZE for its new product development, innovative approach to the market and cost saving process improvements. GEZE’s innovations management practices are characterised by flat hierarchies, efficient communication and swift decision-making, as well as the straightforward allocation of resources. The company’s commitment to innovation, which is mirrored at GEZE UK, is clearly shown by GEZE’s substantial time and resource allocation to nurturing and inspiring new ideas. Approximately 10-15 per cent of the engineers’ capacity is set aside for brainstorming, experimenting and trying out new suggestions, outside of the fixed production development plan. GEZE has even succeeded in halving the development time for a new product by using a roadmap system that monitors the large number tasks associated with the innovation process so that each department knows when each activity has to be carried out and completed. For further information telephone 01543 443 000.

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Architects Choice 9

industry news

Architectural Advice Ideal Planning Permissions, an architectural and planning consultancy offering expert advice to developers and private homeowners, celebrates gaining its 30th client in the midst of a global recession. Ideal Planning Permissions Director, Chris Gwilliam, used his architectural and planning expertise to build a diverse and dependable property business following the liquidation of his previous employer in 2008, just one week before his wedding day. One year on, the consultancy has tripled turnover and continues to acquire several new customers, who appreciate the extensive skill set and vast experience offered by the company’s employees. The consultancy is also regularly winning new business, owing to its excellent reputation and commitment to maintaining high standards. The company caters for all planning and design requirements, from small residential extensions and conversions to commercial work and larger housing

Gripple Appointment For her wealth of experience and high regard within the M & E industry, Gripple has appointed its first female manager to the UK industrial sales team. Thirty-five-year old Claire Thompson, who is also the

schemes. Services include architectural and drafting services, planning appeals and development feasibility appraisals. For further information visit

125th staff member to be sourced for the company by its retained recruitment company, Sheffield-based Management Bank Recruitment, will cover the North East and M62 corridor. During ten years as an area sales manager with Mita/Cablofil, and the last three as business development manager for MEP Solutions, part of the A-Belco Group, Claire gained considerable experience promoting innovative mechanical and electrical installation methods opposed to traditional methods. She will now utilise the excellent relationships she has established with M & E contractors at all levels, focusing on the use of Gripple Hangers in the installation of electrical, ventilation and heating systems. Despite the current economic climate Gripple continues to grow its team. For further information on careers at Gripple telephone 0114 2376660 or email

AEG Powertools A vigorous re-branding launches AEG Powertools into 2009, with its new vibrant bold orange colour giving the brand and the range a dynamic new look. The strong new image is being supported by AEG Powertools’ commitment to product development and innovation, and will deliver several new products at launch in September, with more to follow during 2010. New ranges include the Compact 12v range – a range of ergonomically superior tools based around the compact 12v lithium-Ion battery platform and the powerful 18v range – a truly professional offering for today’s tradesman across the 18v platform. Other products include new two kilo SDS plus hammers with extremely low vibration and class leading power, as well as a revamped woodworking portfolio, including a 305mm sliding mitre saw and 2050 watt router. All of the products will be backed with an extended threeyear warranty. The strong new branding will be fur-

ther reflected in communication materials, a modern new catalogue and promotional literature and exciting POS solutions and a complete new merchandising system to enhance in-store presence. For further information visit

10 Architects Choice

Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions the global HR and payroll software and services business announced that it has been selected as the winner of The National Business Awards Growth Strategy of the Year – South of England. Executives from Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions accepted the award at a reception held on 14 July at the London Hilton Park, London. As a winner in the Growth Strategy category plus selected as a finalist in three other categories, Patersons underwent intense scrutiny by a team of preeminent business professionals and presented to a panel of experts prior to the final judging. Karen Paterson, founder and CEO of Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions, said, “We’re honored to be recognised as the South of England’s hottest growth company. Patersons has a passion for technical excellence, value added service and extreme customer service. Winning The National Business Awards Growth Strategy for South of England acknowledges the achievements and future opportunities of our unique Global HR and Payroll Solution.” Company founder and CEO Karen Paterson is acknowledged by her industry as having designed and delivered the world’s first Internet-based global payroll management system. In doing so, she resolved what is potentially the largest problem faced by growing global organisations: the lack of a single contract, single platform payroll system that helps companies pay employees while managing the inherent risks involved in fielding local- and country-level tax and compliance regulations. Today, Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions’ flagship software-as-a-service offering Logon2, which was a finalist for the Business Innovation of the Year Award, features employee and manager self service; a global multi-lingual, multi-currency HR suite; online international payroll processing; expatriate management; performance management; flexible benefits and benefits administration; and a full business intelligence and reporting suite. For further information visit

MAKING THE SOLAR SWITCH Leicester College has installed Kingspan Solar Thermomax vacuum tubes at one of its key campus sites, Freeman’s Park. As part of a dramatic overhaul to upgrade its facilities for students and in keeping with Building Regulations Part L, Freeman’s Park replaced its old gas boilers with 300 Kingspan Solar Thermomax vacuum tubes, which now provide the campus with 70 percent of its hot water needs allyear-round. Each Thermomax high performance system diffuses solar radiation into useful heat by using a

Winner of Business Awards Growth Strategy Accolade

solar collector. This consists of a highly insulated manifold and row of solar tubes, which capture energy quickly, as their vacuum-packed chambers suppress heat loss. Each solar tube has a vacuum inside, which ensures the most effective transfer of energy into heat. It not only provides perfect insulation, it also protects the system from outside influences, allowing thermal solar energy to be captured efficiently and effectively. For further information visit

industry news

J’adore Stannah

Security Excellence Finalist

Stannah’s range of Microlifts has been put to the test again, this time in the French restaurant chain Le Bistro Pierre. The Chain required two 50kg Stannah Microlifts for the speedy transportation of food and other items between two floors of their new eatery in Sheffield. Part of the stylish décor includes floorto-ceiling windows, letting in streams of light. The lifts contain two shelves and have been finished in stainless steel to compliment the interior of the restaurant. The Microlifts were installed within a couple of days and also comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act. For further information telephone 01264 351922 or visit

New Era for R Bennett Construction, Joinery and Maintenance firm R Bennett & Co. Ltd has marked important changes in the company with an open day for its clients. After 38 years as Managing Director of the Dudley-based firm, Tim Wright is stepping aside to allow the appointment of new Joint Managing

Directors, Jennie Wright and Peter Price. Having developed R Bennett into a successful business with a strong reputation as a leading specialist in new build, renovation and maintenance, Tim will now take on the role of Chief Executive Officer and will remain closely involved with the company, with new responsibilities for developing Bennett Joinery, Bennett South and Bennett Eco/Restoration. With a combined experience of 34 years in the day to day running of the business the new Managing Directors are anticipating a smooth transition into their new positions. The appointment of Tim Wright’s daughter, Jennie, continues the family feel of the organization with Tim having taken over from his father, Granville Wright who was the son-in-law of founder Bob Bennett. The open day held at R Bennett headquarters in Constitution Hill was held to give both new and existing customers the chance to meet the two new business leaders.

After winning at the IFSEC 2009 Security Industry Awards and receiving the award for innovation from the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce the new smarti® ELECTRA unit has now been shortlisted as a finalist in the Security Innovation of the year category at the Security Excellence Awards 2009. At the beginning of this year TAB Systems Inc. launched a new biometric unit for access control, time & attendance and building automation called smarti® ELECTRA. The new unit now received its second major international acknowledgement. First in May it won the Access Control Product of the Year award at the IFSEC 2009 Security Industry Awards and now it has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Security Innovation of the year category at the Security Excellence Awards 2009. The ultimate winners of the Security Excellence Awards 2009 will be announced at a high profile awards ceremony to be held at the London Hilton, Park Lane, on the evening of Thursday 22 October. For further information telephone 00386 4598 10 00.

For further information telephone 01384 232131.

Top Energy Company Honeywell, a leading supplier of energy-saving controls and water products to the UK heating, building controls and plumbing industries, was placed at 236 in the table of British Business Superbrands, ahead of all the energy companies. The table of the strongest business-to-business brands was voted by independent experts and over 1,500 professionals from across the UK. The highest placed energy companies, all placed below Honeywell, are npower (249), British Gas Business (253), National Grid (264), and E.ON (266). “In the UK Honeywell is best known as the leading brand for environmental and combustion controls, which contribute greatly to energy and water savings and maintain safe, comfortable environments in homes, buildings and industry,” said Richard Edwards, Director of Environmental and Combustion Controls of Honeywell Controls Systems Ltd.

An Education in Fermacell Dry Lining One of the country’s most imposing university buildings incorporates 12,000 m2 of environmentally friendly Fermacell board. The resplendent and gently curving six storey University Campus Suffolk (UCS) waterfront building – located alongside the Orwell Key – has been designed by architects RMJM. Martin Lardner Burke from RMJM commented: “The

For further information telephone 01344 656 511 or visit

simplicity and flexibility of the Fermacell system allowed us to easily meet and overcome requirements and potential issues on site. The holistic approach and clear communication and support from the Fermacell team was both professional and timely.” Main contractors were Willmott Dixon Construction, with Essex-based BG Contracts sub contractors and installers of the Fermacell boards. For further information visit

Architects Choice 11

external works and landscape

First Class Fire Protection Permanite Engineered Roofing Systems provided the ultimate fire protection on the roof of an old student’s union building at the University of Hertfordshire. As part of the refurbishment programme which commenced in March 2009, the existing roof on Ele House University was ponding and in great need of repair. Permanite were contacted by M&J Flat Roofing Ltd, to refine the roof specification and incorporate a tapered insulation scheme to the flat areas to improve drainage, and achieve Part L 2006 compliance for the whole roof. Permanite’s Ultra prevENt T-O Brown capsheet was specified for the 300m2 flat roof areas, and Armourglass Dual Brown Roofing Shingles were specified for the 200m2 pitched roofs. The roofing shingles were chosen to maintain the original slate effect on the pitched roof areas, but also to improve the durability/waterproofing function of the roof as a whole, with compatible membrane systems to obviate defects at the interface between the flat and pitched roofs. The work also involved re-lining of existing steel gutters and improving the thermal performance of the whole roof. Ultra prevENt features pioneering graphite firewall technology within its layers to provide superior protection against fire spread from outside of the building. For further information visit

Hand Made Brick York handmade brick pavers products are made from local Triassic mudstone clay which is found in abundance in the Vale of York. This clay has been used in the area for centuries. Their equipment includes state of the art computer controlled kilns and the latest handling equipment. However it is the ability to produce 100,000 genuine handmade bricks per week, which sets them apart. The random and rugged appearance catches the light and charms the eye like no other. As well as the traditional Vale of York clay, they can also produce buff burning bricks and pavers from fireclay deposits. For further information visit

Aquatic Underpass An underpass in Chandlers Ford has used Addagrip’s Addaset resin bound surfacing as part of an aquatic public art scheme for Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council. The subway revival was carried out to encourage the use of public transport in the area and required an adequate drainage system to prevent pooling and water drainage issues that had occurred with previous surfacing. Symbiotics Design Consultancy Ltd (SDCL) was commissioned to design the underpass, working closely with the Thornden School and through the provision of community

12 Architects Choice

workshops to implement the public art and civil works. Surfacing Contractor Cirencester Civil Engineering (CCE) gave technical advice on the surfacing for the underpass and recommended crushed, recycled glass bound with Addaset resin surfacing which was chosen due to the available selection of colour and recycled materials. CCE laid 18mm Atlantic Blue to the main area of pathway and circles of a special mix of Frost and Pacific Blue to mirror the stainless steel bubbles on the walls. For further information telephone 01825 761333, email or visit

external works and landscape

Ultrscape Paving Performs An ever-increasing number of cities and borough councils across the UK are turning to the Ultrascape range of BS7533 compliant mortar paving products. Cardiff, Blackpool and Sheffield are some of the most recent cities and town centre regeneration projects that have benefited from the Ultrascape Mortar Paving System. A most recent success is the brand new high profile development project at MediaCityUK in Manchester. Ultrascape products have been chosen to help construct the 40,000m² of paved areas. Ultrascape Pro-Bed HS fine bedding mortar

will be supplied to the project in bulk silos. Ultrascape Pro-Prime slurry primer, and their innovative Ultrascape Flowpoint flowable rapid setting grout will also both be used throughout the development. Landscape architects, engineers, and contractors alike have specified and applied, with added confidence, the Ultrascape paving system to Urban Streetscape and hard landscape projects throughout the UK and Europe, where strength, durability and style all matter. As a RIBA approved CPD provider, the ‘Paving the Way’ seminar can be delivered on-site or at Instarmac’s training facilities. For further information telephone 01827 871871, email or visit

Sensory Roof Garden A sensory roof garden, especially designed for use by recovering patients at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, has proved to be a massive success both as a major amenity and in helping the sick back to full health. The garden, developed using Diadem components from ICB (International Construction Bureau) Ltd, provides shaded areas and comfortable seating, ideal for patients who want some fresh air and rest outside of the ward environment. As well as the environmental benefits, now installed, the Diadem garden has instantly extended the life of a roof by offering greater protection to the waterproof membrane from thermal shock and the English weather. The roof garden also acts as a highly effective insulator, helping to reduce heating and air conditioning costs. The original existing hospital roof consisted of concrete paving slabs on a bed of asphalt. This was an ideal base for the Diadem Green Roof, which is compatible with every type of waterproof membrane, as it eliminated the need for remedial waterproofing. A root resistant layer however, was still required. A Diadem FLW-400 root barrier was loose laid with 1000mm laps. Whilst the decking was laid on battens directly onto the pavers, areas where vegetation was to be sited were covered by fleeces and drainage boards. Recycled PE gravel boards were used as edge retaining profiles to the extensive areas. For further information telephone 01202 579 208 or visit

Canopy Cool Inside2Outside recently installed a Pocca Canopy at Kader Primary School in Middlesborough. The School has a large playing field attached to the school, however, the use of the open space was previously quite restricted due to unpredictable weather. When the school decided to extend their building, the specification was to provide a teaching and play area that combined both indoor and outdoor qualities, which would not be affected by any unseasonable weather. Inside2Outside were employed to install their Pocca Canopy to meet the brief originally set. A representative of Inside2Outside visited the school to discuss costs and requirements and worked with the School to provide the very best solution for their indoor/outdoor space. For further information telephone 01480 498 297.

Urban Elements Iroko Bench Introducing a contemporary range of seating designed to complement the System 1 range of signage, bins, bollards and lighting. Manufactured to a high specification, the main frame is available in either stainless steel or mild steel finished polyester powder coated with aluminium support legs available with an anodised or painted finish. The aluminium

support legs feature the familiar System 1 design tying in the seating with a complete range of furniture elements. Available with arm rests or without for a minimalist look whilst both ranges feature an anti-skate system. Iroko wood is used for the seating and backrest ensuring high durability and minimal maintenance. For further information telephone 01623 415 900.

Architects Choice 13


Profloor Plus Benefits

Invisible Heating from Danfoss

Coo-Var used a special version of their High Build flooring system, Profloor Plus in their Old Paint Mill, designed to cure exceptionally quickly. This product helps to avoid any down-time. A team of their technical and area representatives had a first-hand demonstration of blasting techniques on the floor, which revealed a very interesting surface, then by applying Coo-Var Profloor Plus themselves. The area had been in use for over 100 years for paint manufacture. The floor was prepared using heavy duty planer to remove the impressive build-up of paint. The area was then abraded using a captive shot blasting system and was then diamond grinded around the periphery, leaving a fresh surface which was then ready for repairing and painting. Coo-Var Repair Mortar was used on small cracks and holes to avoid the paint from pooling. For further information telephone 01482 328 053.

Festival Hall Resurfacing The Royal Festival Hall is part of London’s Southbank Centre complex and is a leading performance venue. BU Interiors were faced with resurfacing one of the hall’s busy service corridors and chose to use sub-floor

preparation products from Ultra Floor’s range of levelling & smoothing compounds and primers. Efficiency was key during this project as the running of such a renowned tourist attraction could not be disrupted due to contractual work. Contractors from BU Interiors worked out of normal hours to secure the successful completion of this project, and their efforts were supported by the high performance of Ultra Floor’s newest self-levelling compound, Level IT SmoothFlow and the brand’s primer – Prime IT N, specifically designed for non-porous substrates. Ultra Floor Level IT SmoothFlow is a single part concrete floor leveller which contains a blend of specially graded fillers, fine cements and polymers for smoothing and levelling uneven internal floors prior to the application of a decorative floor covering. In this application, Level IT SmoothFlow was applied to a quarry-tiled floor prepared with Ultra Floor Prime IT N. For further information telephone 01827 871871 or visit

Concept for Hotels

For further information visit

ege carpets, has developed a new carpet collection; Sense, targeted primarily at the hospitality segment. The collection is based on simple lines and great design. Using the five senses of the human body, the designers behind the creation of the collection have successfully succeeded in creating a collection capturing the peaceful tranquillity of nature while adding style, comfort and expression to the interior. As a completely new feature, a special selection of designs have been specially made for hotel rooms. In the development of the designs, special attention has been paid to the typical sizes and interior design of hotel rooms, thus, allowing the company to offer its clients a unique design expression within a standard collection. ege have created a number of designs contributing to making the floorscape an integral part of the room’s décor. In this way, the collection offers something beyond ‘merely’ carpeting. It contributes to creating a unique and unified whole in the room.

PLAZA SAFE-T-DECOR FLOORING Plaza Safe-T-Decor is an extensive range of textured slip resistant heavy traffic vinyl floorings in traditional and modern studded designs and hi-tech metal chequerplate finishes. Plaza Safe-T-Decor is a homogeneous vinyl flooring and will withstand heavy traffic areas such as schools and colleges, museums and art galleries, public buildings and leisure facilities, buses, coaches, trains and maritime areas, lifts and corridors etc. Key features of Plaza Safe-T-

14 Architects Choice

Decor are: very high Anti-Slip rating (R12); polyurethane reinforced; homogeneous construction; no wax, no polish maintenance and is IMO tested for Maritime useage. Plaza Safe-T-Decor is available in five surface finishes. For further information telephone 01373 864926, email or visit

The DeviMat electric cable mat system is one of today’s easiest and most cost-effective methods of floor warming. Completely unseen in the home, DeviMat is easy and quick to install, totally safe (CE compliant), and easily controllable. DeviMat provides efficient underfloor warming in new or existing buildings. It can be used as the only heating source or as an additional source for creating comfortably warm floors. Providing comfort at floor level where it is best needed, this system minimises dust and air movements. It also allows greater versatility in furnishing placements and interior design by freeing up valuable wall and floor space that conventional radiator systems would otherwise occupy. DeviMat cable matting consists of a thin (3.5 mm) earth-screened heating cable affixed to a self-adhesive open mesh. Installation of DeviMat heating is extremely easy and can be carried out by unskilled workers. Only the final quick electrical connections need to be made by qualified staff. Two types of DeviMat are available – DTIF-100 and DTIF-150. These may be purchased in various lengths from 1m up to 12m to suit the floor area being heated. The width of the mat is 500 mm. DTIF-100 is suitable for timber-based floors, delivering a maximum heating load of 100 W/m2 DTIF150 is intended for concrete-based floors with a maximum heating load of 150 W/m2. For further information telephone 01234 364 621.

windows and doors

Horizontal Sliding Door System To increase functionality, new profiles have been added to the Comar 7Pi Horizontal Sliding Door System from Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems. New profiles and accessories include: a three track slider which allows up to six panes to slide to create greater opening options, another track added to the existing polyamide track option to cater for larger sized panes and a new five point locking system with adjustable mushroom heads adds additional security and operation excellence. The system uses Comar’s Trademark P.i., polyamide insulation, thermal break technology, resulting in U-values as low as 1.7 (W/m2K). Comar have an extensive range of NBS clause information, CAD details, punch tooling and Technical Manuals to quickly allow spec-

Keeping up with Demand Specialist Patio door manufacturer Sliders UK has announced the launch of a new range of class-leading PVC-U bi-folding doors in response to increasing customer demand. The unique de-

ifiers and fabricators alike to take advantage of Comar’s fast-track delivery. For further information telephone 020 8685 9685 or email

sign of Sliders’ bi-fold doors means that both cill and track are incorporated into the threshold, resulting in a reduced frame height for improved aesthetics and a smoother opening and closing operation. In addition, double perimeter weather seals on all sashes deliver improved weather performance, making them draught-free and energyefficient. A variety of finishes are available to complement any style of home including white, woodgrain and a range of solid colours. Aesthetically pleasing and robust, the bi-fold doors combine style with no compromise in security. Sliders’ single and double sash opening options include the cylinderless lock and handle system. Incorporating traditional keys with a modern locking system provides a superior level of security for enhanced protection.

Making a Home at Belvedere House Briton 1100 Series slide arm door closers and Briton 5400 Series cylinder lockcases from Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies have been used at the stunning new Belvedere House office development in Manchester. Designed by AEDAS Architects in consultation with English Heritage, Belvedere House is an innovative new office building in the hub of Manchester‚s business district. Chosen for their clean, stylish lines the Briton 1100.T door closers provide a contemporary look to this prestigious development. Briton products have long been recognised for their reliability and durability and the Briton 1100 series of door closers are no exception. Fully certified to EN 1154, EN 1634 and CE Marked, they carry a ten-year guarantee and have been tested to withstand 500,000 opening cycles. The Briton 5400 Series is a comprehensive range of cylinder mortice lockcases, comprising of deadlock, sashlock, bathroom lock and latch. CE Marked and conforming to DIN 18251 and EN 12209, the locks are suitable for boltthrough furniture and feature a fully comprehensive five-year performance guarantee. For further information telephone 01922 707 400 or email

For further information email or visit

Bespoke Joinery Fire-Bird Intl Ltd specialises in the supply and manufacture of top quality totally bespoke joinery. With savings of up to 40 per cent when compared to Europeanmade products; Far East-sourced joinery is an excellent alternative and has the added benefit of being produced from sustainable timber. A historic building consultant and specialist on the Far East; Fire-Bird Intl Ltd’s UK Director, Christopher Harris, says ‘Unless otherwise specified; all exterior joinery products are made to order using highest quality Accoya - a very high quality modified wood. Accoya is sustainably grown, being sourced from managed plantations and tested as Class 1; Accoya more than matches the most expensive and endangered tropical hardwoods in terms of durability and dimensional stability. In order to provide the best possible finish for the exterior joinery products, Sikkens Rubbol micro-porous exterior paints are shipped directly from Belgium to the Far East.’ Fire-bird Intl Ltd also manufactures ashlar, marble and granite. Everything made is

Pivot Door and Framing System is Ideal Solution New from Schüco is the ADS 50.NI pivot door and framing system, which has been designed as a cost-effective, non-thermally insulated solution for schools, hospitals, offices, retail premises and other commercial buildings. Suitable for both external and internal applications, Schüco ADS 50.NI is available as a single door or a double door with a choice of mid-rail and bottom rail depths. Both versions are robustly constructed using Schüco T-cleat technology with door leaf sizes up to

totally bespoke and architects’ drawings, dimensioned sketches or photographs are turned into construction drawings within the quoted price. For further information telephone 01380 840 225.

1100 mm wide and 2400 mm high and a maximum door leaf weight of 90 kg. For added safety there is an anti-finger trap door jamb option, while optimum security is assured by a 5-ply laminated steel lock bolt and an anti-saw core. Door control is achieved by means of a concealed transom closer or floor spring and architects and designers can choose from a wide range of pad and tubular handles. The Schüco ADS 50.NI door has been designed to accept EN 1125 and EN 179 escape fittings, and glazing and infill panels from 6 mm to 30 mm in thickness. For further information telephone 01908 282111 or visit

Architects Choice 15

Geze Q&A

Reflecting on Geze G

eze talk to Architects Choice magazine about their career so far, their place in the industry and what challenges lie ahead.

Andrew Hall As managing director of GEZE UK, Andrew Hall, heads up the UK operations, delivering consistently strong sales growth throughout the company’s history, combined with many product innovations, the development of the Service Division and creation of strong brand awareness. He is also responsible for the subsidiary in Ireland and established the GEZE Middle East and GEZE South Africa subsidiaries. Andrew previously worked for Unitech plc and spent five years as sales and marketing director for Invensys Climate Controls Ltd. A Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, Andrew is the current President of the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI).

16 Architects Choice

What is GEZE UK’s history? GEZE is a privately owned large German company, which means we are well placed in the current market, to continue to invest in market areas where we believe we can still deliver good growth. Founded in 1863 in Stuttgart, Germany, GEZE grew rapidly through the turn of the century and two world wars with the trading name Gretsch and Co. In 1968 owner Reinhold Vöster passed away, handing on the business to his granddaughter Brigitte Vöster, who still heads up the company today. In 1980, GEZE changed to its current name and in 1988, GEZE UK was established in Chelmsford, Essex. The company moved to purpose-built facilities in Lichfield, Staffordshire in 2003 and two years later opened four new service offices. What is GEZE UK’s design philosophy? At GEZE, we strive to be at the forefront of cutting edge technology and to work closely with international architects to ensure our door systems combine elegance and style with functionality, efficiency and reliability. Our teams are all customer-focused and we’re always looking to refine, improve and to break new ground so we only offer our customers the very best products and service. I’d say that’s the guiding philosophy behind GEZE UK. In fact, GEZE launched 23 new innovations at the BAU exhibition in Germany this year.

What do you always aim to provide your customers with? Simple - honest advice and the best solution possible. Our commitment to innovation means we’re always looking for ways to improve our products, even adapting them to suit particular applications. A great example of this has been the TSA 160 UFO-G. It began life as a powerful electro-hydraulic door operator, which was then adapted to fit beneath the floor, creating an invisible, virtually silent operator, perfect for refurbishments. Our technical team have an incredible knowledge of the standards and compliance issues surrounding all manual and automatic door closing systems, enabling our customers to specify with peace of mind that they have been recommended not just the most aesthetically pleasing product, but also the most effective. What is your biggest architectural project to date? The RIBA Stirling Prize nominated Liverpool One Masterplan, a huge retail and leisure development that positively transformed Liverpool. GEZE UK was chosen to specify and install entrances throughout the whole development, and we supplied more than 50 different automatic doors ranging from swing doors to sliders, curved to telescopic. For many of the grand, ‘statement’ entrances, GEZE UK installed operators that were bolted to glass, enhancing the initial aesthetic impact of the development. For high traffic areas, including the external entrances to John Lewis’ flagship store and Debenhams department store, 18 automatic operators were chosen,

With Andrew Hall, MD while the Hilton Hotel met its needs for disabled access with GEZE’s Slimdrive SD Servo swing doors. What is one of the most challenging contracts you’ve had to work on? The iconic Fort Dunlop building was a challenge. At first it seemed that shedkm's vision for the Fort Dunlop entrance was far too big to ever be made a reality, but we were able to install a circular sliding drum door to the front and rear of the disused factory which met the architects’ vision, the disability requirements and reduced heat loss. It was the largest ever installed in the UK and big enough to accommodate the high traffic demands of the development, whilst also ensuring a fast and reliable escape during an emergency. What are your plans for the future? Do you have any big architectural projects coming up? We’re confident about the future, and are looking forward to our 18th consecutive year of sales growth. We’ll be focusing on further developing and extending our service network and launching more new products. We’re also working with a number of new strategic supply partners including BEA and their 4Safe sensor. With the 2012 Olympics on the horizon, we’re keen to build on our expertise in access for stadiums, having recently completed work on the Arsenal, Wembley and Ascot grounds. ■

product innovations

Surespan Provides Biomass Solutions Leading access hatch manufacturer Surespan Limited is helping to achieve Biomass solutions by manufacturing access hatches used in Biomass plants. One client who has recently benefitted from this is the National Star College in Cheltenham. Surespan designed and manufactured two hatches for the college’s new Biomass plant. Each hatch measures 2800 x 3750mm, can take up to 2.5 kN/ m2 loading and has a simple switch to operate the 24v DC Actuators. Their frames were specially built to incorporate a flashing mechanism which prevents rain water from getting in. They also include a motorised safety grid to protect personnel whilst allowing wood chippings being delivered, to fall through to the storage units below. Security being a requirement, a purpose designed interface control was provided offering security access only for authorised personnel to access the fuel stores and deliver the wood chippings. A smaller maintenance access hatch to the

Biomass store was also provided along with four stainless steel ventilators to ventilate the biomass store pit. Surespan custom manufacture access hatches to fit all biomass plants, which are becoming increasingly popular as people move to more sustainable, environmentally friendly heating alternatives. Wood chip Biomass is a low carbon fuel which is both sustainable and energy efficient. Surespan designs and manufactures access hatches to suit all types of internal and external applications. Ranging from FACTA Class A to F loadings, their hatches are available in standard sizes or can be custom made to suit your needs. They also provide smoke release dampers, roof lights, floor ducting, handrail fittings and a comprehensive range of ladders, which can all be built to order. For further information telephone 01922 711 185, email or visit

Budget Facades by Schuco Quality and reliability at an extremely competitive price persuaded Newport City Council to specify Schüco’s TTC 50 low-rise aluminium façade system for a refurbishment project at Lliswerry High School in Gwent. The contract, which also included the removal of asbestos cladding and the replacement of fascias, involved replacing the windows/curtain walling in the school’s dining room. Rob Mills, Newport’s Education Maintenance Officer, commented: ‘I have used Schüco systems on other jobs and I’ve always been impressed by their quality. The introduction of the TTC 50 system means that even when budgets are

tight, Schüco is easily affordable. I also like the high-level openers, which are on a camstay: they provide good ventilation without compromising security.’ The Schüco TTC 50 system offers a slimline 50 mm face-width and a typical frame 'U' value of 1.64 Wm2/K. It is able to accommodate buildings up to three storeys in height, which makes it ideal for a wide variety of local authority, healthcare and commercial projects. It was installed by Schüco’s fabricator-partner, White Brothers & Speed. For further information telephone 01908 282 111.

A Warming Collaboration A new collaboration between Specflue and Acquisition will have major, unrivalled implications for the industry at large in terms of product quality and installation and support services. At the hub of this exciting venture is a new balanced flue product designed for the new, ultraelegant XFIRE 1200 wall mounted gas fire from Acquisition – probably the most respected brand of its kind – and who approached Specflue as the optimum company for exclusive distributorship and advice for the specialist and crucial flue kit. Acquisition is the name of choice for discerning customers, and their fires are specified for locations as diverse as English Heritage and The White House.

In technical terms, the new balanced flue features a striking design with tight inner connections for superb performance. The low-profile locks and the absence of hems and beads make for a very attractive product to grace any interior. Simply, the outer pipe brings combustion air to the appliance whilst the inner pipe exhausts flue gases to the outside. It is a unitized, coaxial venting system which can be used with aside from fireplaces can be used with direct vent gas or propane stoves and heaters – with choices of component sizes to suit all needs.

For further information visit

Architects Choice 17

product innovations

Electric Strike Shock The Alpro Hardware Division of IEC Limited has announced the release of the new ES9000 series electric strike. Capable of operating under 25kg of pre-load this new strike embodies, easy field selectable fail safe/fail secure interchangability, by use of the mode screw. The strike embodies the latest in technology and features include, multi voltage, 12-24Vdc, full monitoring, quieter latch keeper operation, and mounting tabs fitted as standard. The continuously rated solenoid is back EMF protected and current draw at 12Vdc is 250mA and at 24Vdc 120mA. The strike is fully monitored, with solenoid monitoring at 1 amp NO/NC microswitch and Door/Latch monitoring at 1amp NO/NC microswitch. The strike has a static strength rating of 680kg and has been endurance tested to 200,000 cycles @25kg pre-load (based on EN12209,Grade Y). The strike is suitable for 15mm latch bolts and a 3mm door gap. Keith Parry Alpro's Divisional Manager said "Once again Alpro is at the forefront of new product development, giving the marketplace new products

Bosch Product Launch Denham-Robert Bosch Ltd recently launched the CST/berger product range in the UK. Three launch events were held in Denham, Bradford and St. Neots,

which are both innovative and cost effective and are in line with Alpro's stated aim of quality and service." For further information telephone 01202 676 262.

which were attended by specialist survey hire and sales companies where those in attendance were given the opportunity to get ‘hands on’ with the various instruments. The range of CST/berger products launched includes line lasers, rotation lasers and automatic site levels along with associated accessories. The product range will be further enhanced by additional new products including total stations and theodolites which shall be launched in September to complete the range of CST/berger products available in the UK. CST/berger products shall be available from leading survey specialists nationwide who will also be able to provide full backup service and support. Customers can also contact Bosch directly for any service and repair requirements for existing CST/ berger products that they may have. For further information visit

Blending Old and New - Seamlessly Liquid Plastics offers a range of solutions to help architects and specifiers face the many challenges associated with selecting the appropriate products for refurbishment projects. Selecting a product that can match or exceed the performance of the existing materials is a challenge. Not only does this help reap cost savings when it comes to long term maintenance plans, but it can also help developers meet increasingly stringent modern building regulations. Steve Cookson from Liquid Plastics’ Technical Customer Services Department commented, “For over 40 years our Decothane systems have been specified to mimic the appearance of extremely costly traditional materials such as lead or copper.” Liquid Plastics’ Decothane systems come with 10, 15, 20 or 25 year guarantees and at the end of that period the guarantee can be extended for an extra 10 years with the simple application of an addi-

tional top coat, thus providing a waterproof roof system that requires minimal maintenance at a cost effective price. In addition Decothane is also completely cold applied and can be safely installed whilst a building is in use, keeping disruption to an absolute minimum. For further information telephone 01772 255022 or visit

KONE’S TOOL FOR ARCHITECTS KONE is offering architects and building planners free online tools to help during the building design phase. The tools - named KONE Quick Traffic, KONE Planulator™ and KONE Escalator Designers - enable architects to browse through various product offerings and find the optimal elevator or escalator solutions needed for their project. With the help of a few rudimentary questions, the KONE Quick Traffic tool can quickly and easily calculate how many elevators a building will need. It can also show

18 Architects Choice

and calculate findings based on a destination or conventional control based-system. The KONE Planulator dimensioning tool allows architects and consultants to quickly access and compare the space required by different elevator systems while the KONE Escalator Designers tool enables customers to plan the escalator or inclined autowalk needs for retail and office buildings as well as hotel and public transportation transit centers. For further information visit

Powerful, engineerfriendly software The full range of Draka fire performance cabling is now incorporated into the ProDesign software package from Amtech, the market leading provider of electrical design and testand-inspection software solutions for building services engineers. The powerful, engineerfriendly software provides total control – from initial concept stage through to commissioning – and is ideal for all types and sizes of domestic and commercial projects. The Draka-enhanced software package enables engineers and contractors to conduct a wide variety of checks to ensure compliance with BS 7671:2008 [Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Seventeenth edition]. It can be used to carry out fast, accurate calculations and produce schematic drawings; reducing design time and cutting out over-engineering. ProDesign software can also be utilised to select and calculate cable sizes, identify volt-drop levels and system impedances, select and set protective devices and produce protection studies. The package allows users to verify that existing installations comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations, and produce a variety of detailed reports. For further information telephone 01332 345 431 or visit

product innovations

Part G Solution Sirrus by Gummers has extended its range of thermostatic blending valves with the introduction of two new models, which are factory set to 46ºC in compliance with the new Part G of the Building Regulations. The new T48 valves are available to fit 15mm and 22mm pipework to deliver safe temperature controlled water and protect the user from scalding. The pre-set temperature of 46ºC makes them compliant – allowing for 2ºC - with the new Part G regulations which require that all baths in new dwellings are installed with a device to limit the temperature to 48ºC, without having to calibrate on-site. Smart engineering also means that the valves will shut off in the event of hot or cold water failure offering peace of mind that even if water pressures or temperatures fluctuate, the temperature at the outlet will remain stable. The 15mm valve is also

The Science of Solar Shading

suitable for installation under a basin or bidet and both comply with BSEN 1111 and BSEN 1287 and with the maximum temperature of 48ºC that is also specified for baths and bidets in the Scottish Building Regulations. For further information telephone 0844 815 3125 or visit

finish and stainless steel fixings, the Levolux system is virtually maintenance free. For further information telephone 0208 863 9111 or visit

Levolux’s innovative Solar Shading solution was a perfect energy saving system for NAPP Pharmaceutical’s new offices in Cambridge Science Park and helps to maintain a cool, comfortable environment for its employees all year round. With Levolux’s 9000 series Fin System in place, the structures benefit from huge reductions in solar heat gain, reducing the need for air-conditioning, which in turn cuts energy costs throughout the year. The Levolux solution incorporated four rows of 400mm wide perforated, fabricated aluminium Aerofoil Fins, individually secured by means of bespoke Levolux curtain walling brackets. With mitred corners, the system enhances the overall aesthetic of the buildings, running around the perimeter of both the first and second floors. With its cool grey powder coated

Stainless Steel Enclosure C-TEC’s latest addition to its popular SigTEL disabled refuge range is a stylish state-of-the-art stainless steel anti-tamper enclosure. Elegantly designed to add a touch of glamour to the interior of any building, the BF359/3 brushed stainless steel enclosure has been specifically manufactured to enhance the appearance and safeguard ECU-8 disabled refuge controllers to ensure that they remain fully operational at all times. The enclosure requires one of two lock kits - the BF359/3CL cam lock kit or the BF359/3SL electromagnetic solenoid kit, the latter of which can be configured using third-party equipment to unlock the enclosure door when the system is active. Charlotte Manley, C-TEC’s Sales Director commented: “Customer demand for this product is such that we have already received a huge amount of advance orders. The enclosure is ideal for prestigious buildings and on sites where vandalism has been reported.” Enclosures are also available for C-TEC’s

Eco-Friendly Fires from CVO Fire CVO Fire has extending its range of energy-efficient flueless fires due to a major growth in demand as people look to reduce their gas bills and CO2 emissions. CVO’s unique style of flueless fires are very popular with both domestic and trade customers from around the world. The fires offer 100 per cent energy-efficiency and reduced gas bills with running costs of around 7p/hour and heat outputs up to 3.5kW. Specialist burner technology means that all of the flueless fires manufactured by CVO do not require a catalytic converter to clean the exhaust gases, which leaves a clean-

Tommy Walsh does Dansand® In June TV’s DIY and building Guru, Tommy Walsh joined forces with Danish company, Dansand® to launch- Tommy Walsh’s Choice Dansand® Joint Filling Sand, a revolutionary new joint sand that prevents weeds from growing in newly laid or renovated block paving, patios and driveways without using environmentally harmful herbicides. The patented formulation contains a growth inhibiting combination of dried silica sand and special minerals that have a naturally high pH value creating desert-like conditions to help prevent weed growth and germination in the sand. Tests undertaken by the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences’ Department of Integrated Pest Management proved that the weed inhibiting additives in Dansand® ensure shoots wither and die. Dansand® is environmentally friendly and harmless to children and animals. It has a long lifespan, is weather resistant and has been tested to withstand up to ten years of permeated rain without reducing its weed inhibiting effect. Dansand® Joint Filling Sand is kiln-dried to make joint filling as easy as possible creating strong, stable and tight joints. To ensure production and environmental costs are kept to a minimum, ninety percent of Dansand® Joint Filling Sand will be quarried in the UK using kiln-dried silica sand and then combined with its patented ‘black box’ formulation to form the finished product. For further information telephone 0845 858 6118 or email

XFP fire alarm control panel and Quantec addressable call controller. For further information telephone 01942 322 744 or visit

burning open flame and emissions approximately 80 per cent below the legal limit. The Range has recently been expanded to include the AZAR with a torch style burner and black glass fascia and the ANGEL RETRO with a Pure White Corian Fascia. All models are CE approved for Natural Gas or LPG/Propane and are available with Remote Control if required. Choose from Wall Hung, Recessed “Built in” or Traditional Fireplace Suites with surround and hearth. For further information telephone 01325 301 020 or email

Architects Choice 19

product innovations A Revolutionary New Concept in Loft Conversions. Simpson Strong-Tie recently announced the launch of a revolutionary new engineered solution called I-Loft – designed to make loft conversions quicker, safer and easier to install. The company believes the new I-Loft system, which does away with the need for installing steels into the roof space, will revolutionise the loft conversion process for the builder and home owner alike, with the finished structure being every bit as robust as the traditional steel girder method and it can be used where steels can be difficult to install – such as the timber frame construction houses – previously a difficult conversion detail. It also has all the added benefits associated with I-bean construction – better soundproofing, lighter weight, longer un-supported span length and easier installation of services. The ILoft joist end support system has a registered system approval from the Local Authority Building Control.

Easy Solar Shading Calculations Newly available from Schüco International is a specialist software package that enables designers to make best use of Schüco ALB solar shading systems by

This National approval will facilitate in the specification of the product in loft conversions. The whole process is quicker and less hazardous for the builder and a lot less disruptive for the homeowner. For further information telephone 01827 255 600 or visit

automatically computing the optimum shading configuration for a particular building and calculating its overall cost. The software, which can be used for both passive and active Schüco ALB systems, is intuitive and simple to navigate. It requires no specialised knowledge of shading technology and one single program covers design, costing, ordering and manufacture (using selfgenerated cutting sheets). Results are location- and orientation-specific and if changes are made, it is extremely simple to re-edit the design to take account of new data. The integral costing module allows designs, including those using bespoke profiles, to be priced quickly and accurately. Schüco believes that an effective solar shading system such as Schüco ALB can contribute significantly to lowering demand for internal air-conditioning, thereby promoting the efficient use of energy and minimising a building’s carbon footprint in line with the company's Energy2 initiative: 'Saving Energy – Generating Energy.' For further information telephone 01908 282 111.

Pin Drop Sound The NEW QuietAir range from Airflow sets new standards for powerful, yet highly efficient ventilation in the home, and with a sound level of just 25 dB(A) you will hardly notice it is running. QuietAir also features energy saving, eco start technology. Elegance and style has not been overlooked with a discreet, unobtrusive, clip on, wipe-clean cover that blends harmoniously with existing decor. The use of a ball bearing motor also extends fan life in excess of 40,000 hours. A key benefit for social housing installations where long term reliability and low level maintenance and whole life costings are an important issue. Another helpful feature is the two speed mode. Air flow rates of 75 m3/hr or 90 m3/hr may be selected at installation enabling the fan to be sized to the required demand particularly in larger washrooms. Furthermore, QuietAir incorporates a new, high efficiency impeller specially designed to work in combination with the aerodynam-

ic flow straighter supplied to provide greater pressure development than equivalent fans. For further information telephone 01494 525 252.

SUPERCUT CONSTRUCTION FEIN presents the new generation of FEIN SuperCut Construction. The powerful system for interior construction and renovation comes with a newly developed transmission featuring the patented QuickIN quick clamping system. It allows accessories to be quickly and conveniently changed or adjusted. The power transmission of the tool holder enables even better work progress than its predecessor. There are five professional sets for the FEIN SuperCut Construction FSC 2.0 Q, each of which includes a specially coordinated range of accessories.

20 Architects Choice

The FEIN SuperCut is designed for tough sawing and cutting applications in industry and manual trades. The 400 watt high-power motor enables the tool, which provides particularly reliable results, to work around 3.5 times faster than any other oscillator on the market. Its extremely durable transmission achieves an impressively good oscillating motion of 2 x 2.0 degrees. An electronic control with tacho generator maintains a constant speed even at high loads. For further information telephone 01327 308730.

Wall Hung Boilers Transform Hamworthy’s Milborne wall hung condensing boilers have improved. To ensure they stay at the forefront of modern technology and customer demand, Hamworthy has made improvements to the range. Milborne boilers offer a simple, compact and powerful solution for wall hung boiler applications and are available in 38kW, 50kW, 76kW and 100kW models. The new and improved range of options ensures that ease of installation and optimum performance are guaranteed. New factory-made primary circuit kits are available with a choice of low loss header with single or twin head pump options, offering greater flexibility to installers. The kit takes care of all the hydraulic requirements for the primary system and guarantees correct flow across each boiler module at all times. The low loss header is now available in two sizes for connection to the secondary circuits. There is a single circuit header, which has a pair of (flow & return) connections (2 port), or alternatively, a three circuit header which has three pairs of connections (6 port). In-built system controls for up to three secondary circuits operating at three different temperatures and with three different pumps means hot water circuits can be used for a calorifier for domestic hot water, higher temperature circuits for radiators and fan coil units and low temperature circuits for underfloor heating. The Milborne’s flue system has also been upgraded. For further information telephone 0845 450 2865.

product innovations

Flying the Flag

Innovative Boiler

Yorkshire Copper Tube, is introducing a new tape design which will proudly feature the Union Jack. Although an important part of the KME Group, one of Europe’s largest producer of copper plumbing tubes, the vast majority of Yorkshire’s range is manufactured at its factory in Kirkby, Liverpool. To emphasise this fact, all Yorkex and Kuterlon tube manufactured in the UK will in future be wrapped in branded tape featuring the Union Jack. Jack Wallace, Yorkshire Copper Tube’s UK Sales Director, said: “We have a long history in Kirkby and our factory has been manufacturing copper tube since 1950. The best way to be sure that the tube is made in the UK is to ensure the tape around the tube carries both the Yorkex or Kuterlon brands and the Union Jack.” For further information visit

Hand Made to Perfection Keymer’s Traditional hand made clay tiles are supplied in three distinct shades – Wealden Red, Antique and Elizabethan – the prestigious Traditional tile range ensures the client’s exact vision is met. They provide an unrivalled appearance,

whether used individually for a sleek uniformed look, or mixed to produce the ideal colour blend to suit the project. They can be seen upon a huge range of projects, lending a subtle beauty to each one. To produce the distinguished look – recognised throughout the UK and overseas – the production of these clay tiles is 100 per cent hand made, giving every single tile personal attention. This means each tile is individual and produced using techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. Approved by BSI British Standards and accredited to EN ISO 9002, the highest official standard in quality, Keymer’s Traditional hand made clay tiles are hand tested to ensure all tiles meet with the company’s demanding level of quality. To compliment any roof adorned by Keymer’s Traditional clay tiles, a range of Traditional hips, ridges and valleys are also available, as well as a full scope of ornamental tiles made to order.

The Thermaflow TH12/330U – is an innovative electric combination boiler that provides all the heat and hot water needed for a four bedroomed home can handle; at a fraction of the cost of other heating options. The Thermaflow range consists of sixteen stainless steel unvented high efficiency electric combination boilers designed to provide central heating and hot water in a single, energy-efficient package. According to Thermal Innovations, the boilers achieve 99 per cent efficiency, thanks to their unvented design and the imaginative use of a compact, brazed heat exchanger from Alfa Laval to rapidly heat cold water when hot water is being drawn off, thus minimising heat loss. The Thermaflow TH12/330U is the largest model in the range. With a capacity of 330 litres, it runs 10 radiators and two towel rails as well as providing lashings of hot water for bathing, washing and still has plenty of power to spare. The integration of a stainless steel internal pre-heat heat exchanger along with the Alfa Laval brazed plate heat exchanger provides mains pressure hot water at high flow rates, providing up to three power showers simultaneously without the need for a booster pump. For further information visit

For further information telephone 01444 232 931 or visit

Super-Insulated Facade Two of Schüco's most popular façade systems, FW50+ and FW60+, are now available in super-insulated (.SI) versions delivering extremely low Uf values that will enable architects and specifiers to exceed existing insulation regulations and deliver buildings designed for a future in which emissions standards will be even tougher than those of today. This important development utilises innovative isolator technology to improve insulation in the area between the inner structural profile and the outer pressure plate and cover cap. Anticipating government demands for ever-greater levels of insulation to combat carbon emissions, both systems can accommodate double or triple glazing up to a maximum thickness of 64 mm. As an example of what the Schüco .SI façades can achieve, Uf values for the FW50+.SI range from a typical 1.27 W/m²K with a 28 mm double-glazed unit, down to 0.73 W/m²K with a 64 mm triple-

Legendary Names in Hardwear Boots ‘Kodiak’ is now being introduced into the UK under the ‘Dickies’ banner, via Dickies (UK) Limited, the specialist workwear company. Stepping forward as one of the first Kodiak range products to be made available is the ‘Basswood’ lightweight, lace-up boot featuring a waterproof membrane and Nubuck leather upper, breathable mesh lining and 200G Thinsulate insulation. Built-in safety benefits include an oil resistant rubber outsole, compression moulded, lightweight EVA mid sole, and a steel toe and plate to standard CE EN ISO 20345. Following in the ‘Basswoods’ footsteps

glazed unit, including screw influence, a factor often overlooked in thermal calculations. For further information telephone 01908 282 111.

come both the ‘Cutlass’ and ‘Spartan’ boots with the addition of the revolutionary TPU Monolith shank stabilizer system for increased support and stability. With Kodiak’s advanced ‘Evolution of Fit’ technology, the footwear styles have in common, steel, aluminium or composite toe caps with either steel or composite, puncture-resistant midsole plates; rubber toe guards, nylon webbing lacing with rust-proof metal eyelets, PK mesh breathable lining and oil resistant rubber outer soles. For further information visit

Architects Choice 21

product innovations

The Stannah Bug Housed in a Grade 1 listed historic building at Liverpool’s Albert Dock, the BugWorld Experience has made a very natural selection in a Stannah Midilift SL to help visitors with compromised mobility discover the venue’s creepy-crawly attractions. This 2-stop vertical platform lift improves access for everyone in this £3.8 million refurbishment. From buggy-pushers to wheelchair-users, it helps the public to participate fully in all its interactive challenges, games and simulated natural environments. Braver visitors can also touch some of the creatures and even tuck in to insectivorous ‘delicacies’ from around the world. Ideal for improving access to public buildings, the Midilift SL features easy-to-use, constant-pressure buttons and joystick, slip-resistant floor and sensitive safety edge that will stop the lift automatically should an obstacle impede it. Finished in matt grey to complement the décor, the lift operates within its own structure-supported enclosure and fullyglazed shaft, with a ramp to ease entry and exit to the

Space Air Aids Local Hospice For over 30 years, the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham, Surrey, has been providing Specialist Palliative

rear of the ground floor. Importantly, the lift helps premises’ owners meet the requirements of the DDA. For further information telephone 01264 339090, or visit

Care to adults facing the end of their life and to those who love and care for them. Guildford based air conditioning and heat pump specialists, Space Air recently offered assistance when approached regarding a need for improved environmental conditions in the Hospice’s main Therapy Suite and Conference Rooms. Space Air selected and supplied a range of top quality, high efficiency, Daikin Heat Pump and heat recovery ventilation equipment, designed to ensure that optimum year round comfort conditions could be maintained, regardless of occupancy levels. In addition to agreeing a specially discounted price for the equipment supplied, Space Air, on behalf of the Hospice, recruited support from local air conditioning installation contractors – Green Tech Environmental, who generously offered to carry out all the work at a greatly reduced rate. For further information telephone 01483 504 883 or visit

C-tec Installation A host of C-TEC’s UK-manufactured life-safety products are now safeguarding Hawksyard Priory, a magnificent nursing home tucked away in the heart of Staffordshire. Last year the home underwent further renovation, which involved enlisting the services of top electrical installation company, Solid State. Specialist engineers from the BAFE SP203 accredited Lancashire-based company replaced the old fire alarm with an innovative C-TEC. XFP analogue addressable fire alarm system featuring over 200 Hochiki devices. The new wing of the building has 12 sounder modules, driven by one of C-TEC’s revolutionary EN54-4 compliant 24V 3A power supplies. According to Laurence McKeown of Solid State, who managed the entire project, the fact that the power supply complied with the standards was vital. One of C-TEC’s highly versatile Quantec addressable call systems has also been installed to ensure the safety and security of residents. Each room

is fitted with two addressable call points to enable patients to call for assistance when required. For further information telephone 01942 322744 or visit

CLEVER WATER CONSUMPTION RANGE Twyford Bathrooms has created a range of water saving bathroom products in light of the recent revision of the Building Regulations Part G on water usage. Twyford Bathrooms hopes to be able to help developers meet their targets with this new range. The Flushwise dual flush WC collection is part of the new range and claims that it has the UK’s lowest flushing WC’s with an effective flush of three litres. Water consumption is not only limited to the toilet, the bath also uses a great deal of water, with

22 Architects Choice

a typical bath holding around 200litres of water. With Part G in mind, Twyford has developed a signature bath that will hold only up to 140 litres. Furthermore, the Aquations range by Twyford, is a collection of low flow brassware, incorporating a flow restricting double click technology, helping to contribute to Part G of the building regulations. For further information visit

Drying Hands the Green Way Vortex, is a unique patented spinning air technology dryer delivering low cost, fast, quieter drying. The regenerative heating technique replaces the conventional heating elements & uses minimum energy consumption; saving money as well as reducing the impact on the environment and producing the industry’s lowest heat emissions. Not only will this reduce your electricity bill, increasing over-all carbon efficiency; the Vortex is the lowest carbon foot-print dryer in its class. Benefits include; 950 Watts only (Lowest carbon footprint); compelling cost savings (40%-80%); longer lasting (10x Life) five year warranty; 97 per cent cost savings against paper towels; antibacterial coating and more hygienic; rapid Drying (10 – 15 seconds); quieter Operation and two patents Granted, 1 pending. For further information telephone 0207 847 4091 or visit

product innovations

Xcite Exceptional Hinge Design Bemis introduces the latest model in their range of ultra-hygienic seats, which has all the benefits of easy cleaning, combined with minimal effort. The Xcite (6600XC) is a sleek model that has a unique hinge, eliminating any visible hardware and any concerns about cleaning. The smooth clean lines of the seat combine with the antibacterial properties that have been assured by Duraguard Hygienic Plus protection and on top of all of this, the seat is incredibly easy to install. The seat has added stability as the hinge makes a continuous connection and is also designed in a contemporary style, backed up by outstanding strength and durability. Xcite is the latest in the moulded-wood American Innova line and is impermeable to water and guaranteed against splitting

Art Providing BluePrint Inclusivity An innovative concept for creating and exhibiting art equally accessed by disabled and non-disabled people has taken inclusivity to new levels, even to the detail of toileting. The Art House, a unique project based in

and cracking. Bemis uses 100 per cent recycled wood which is certified by Smartwood Rediscovered cm. For further information telephone 0800 783 3687 or visit

Wakefield has opened its doors to provide 12 studios for resident artists, two studios for short term let, a three-bedroomed flat for visiting artists, community studio, quiet room, meetings rooms and offices. Key features of the facilities are extra-wide corridors, an innovative ‘guide rail’ to help visually impaired people navigate the building, and a Changing Places facility including Clos-o-Mat ‘wash and dry’ toilet. Total Hygiene’s Clos-o-Mat Palma toilet looks like a modern WC, but includes integral douche and drier. Pressure on the flush pad triggers the flushing, and, if pressure is maintained, the douching and drying. Thus is can be used as a traditional toilet, or without the need to ‘wipe clean’, if manual dexterity, mobility or balance are compromised, whilst optimising hygiene and independence. It is the only unit of its kind to carry WRAS approval, enabling legal connection to the mains water supply.

Performa T555 The innovative Performa T555 heralds the arrival of the next generation of dual-control thermostatic bath and shower mixers from Pegler Yorkshire. The T555’s thermostatic, anti-scald performance has been designed and developed to eliminate any possibility of scalding by mixing hot and cold water at a safe, pre-set temperature (with a pre-set temperature of a maximum 46°C), while delivering excellent flow rates and works even where pressure is low. The latest innovation over the previous L555 is the ability to turn off the water supply in seconds at the body of the tap, simply by using the dedicated isolation key. Other popular features include dual thermostatic technology to give precise flow and temperature control and the easy to use handles with clear, bold markings makes the T555 perfect for people with special needs to use. The great strength of the T555 is its built in versatility, allowing it to be used in social housing, public utilities, commercial and domestic properties and a whole variety of other markets and applications. As well as being safe and versatile, the T555 also makes sound economic sense. For further information visit

For further information telephone 0161 969 1199, 0800 374 076 or email

Ideos Trensetter

For further information telephone 01536 400 004 or email

Designed in conjunction with the School of Architecture in Germany (PBSA) Ideos is a trendsetting heating product with striking visual effect. A clear design statement, the geometrical symmetry is irresistible and guaranteed to catch the eye of many discerning designers and clients. The integrated thermostatic valve as illustrated is pure design perfection. Ideos is available in two widths and a selection of heights providing a perfect solution to any heating and space requirement; it is available in the full range of Kermi fashion colours including the latest metallic finishes all of which can be co-ordinated with Kermi Shower Enclosure profiles for a fully integrated design. The star shaped geometry harmonizes perfectly with modern bathroom design and is certain to fit perfectly in any sophisticated bathroom display. A star is born.

VOLA 1968 - Iconic and water-saving The VOLA HV1 was designed in 1968 for the National Bank of Denmark by the Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen. Today more than 40 years later it is still chosen by young architects for their new buildings. The design is Iconic, and the taps are produced from the best quality material, as a result they lasts for generations. This is sustainable design and in line with the aspirations to be discussed by government representatives from 170 countries at the UN

Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. The shortage of drinking water tops the list of environmental problems, which need to be resolved. The responsibility for water and the need for a bathroom as a place for recuperation and relaxation should not contradict one another. Conscious water consumption is an absolute necessity in our modern world, but comfort and usability in both bathrooms and kitchens is just as important. With VOLA you can have both. The many different valve options offered by VOLA enable the specifier to select the configuration most suitable for the purpose. For further information telephone 020 7580 7722.

Architects Choice 23

products: lighting

Compliant Downlight Cooper Lighting has expanded its range of Axent LED downlights with the introduction of a new model that delivers energy savings of over 54 per cent when used in place of a 1 x 32W or 2 x 18W compact fluorescent luminaire. Known as the RXD2, the new downlight consumes only 16W and achieves an efficacy of up to 59 lumens per circuit watt, which easily exceeds the Building Regulations requirement of 45 lumens per circuit watt for commercial lighting (Part L2) as well as the lower requirement of 40 lumens per circuit watt for residential lighting (Part L1). The RXD2 is based on an innovative multi-chip LED light source. Unlike conventional high-output LEDs, this technology incorporates multiple LEDs in a single package, giving increased light output in a smaller space and a wider spread of light. Effective thermal management is provided by proven pure-water heat-pipe cooling technology, which transfers heat away from the back of the LED source to the cooling fins.

Safer Street Lighting The London Borough of Barnet has been put under increasing pressure from the government to meet energy saving targets. To ease transition, the Government Office for London has provided extra

For further information telephone 01302 303 200 or visit

Public Finance Initiative (PFI) funds for street lighting schemes to improve safety and reduce crime. Barnet submitted a request for funding to replace more than 17,500 streetlights and 3,779 columns and commenced researching suitable products. WRTL were invited to demonstrate Stela, a next generation luminaire that provides a white light capable of reducing CO2 emissions by up to 65 per cent compared to traditional solutions and provides high energy savings without the need to dim or switch off during the night. Stela is manufactured using a large proportion of recycled materials, especially steel and aluminium, and has a 100,000 hour service life with a six year cleaning cycle and virtually no other maintenance requirements. For further information telephone 0121 521 1234 email or visit

Walk of Light Based in their popular FASERFIX® SUPER KS 100 channels, Hauraton have integrated a 12 volt, LED lighting system into all the gratings offered in the KS range. The system provides aesthetic illumination at ground level for public areas such as leisure facilities, piazzas, courtyards and walkways. The system can reduce the requirement for general street lighting and can even be used to provide safe guide paths in crowded places. Easily installed, the LED elements come pre-assembled into the gratings and are securely connected together with watertight plugs. Tim Connolly, Sales Director at Hauraton explains, “Even the frequency and duration of the colour display can be set remotely for the whole channel run. The LEDs can be set to any colour from the RGB (Red Green Blue) spectrum allowing endless coloured effects for the urban landscape designer to exploit”. For further information telephone 01582 501 399 or visit

EYE CATCHING LUMINAIRES A major extension to St David’s shopping centre in Cardiff has included the use of iColor Flex SLX LED luminaires from Philips Lighting in an illuminated wall running the length of the escalators linking the refurbished centre with the new St David’s 2 development to the South. Supplied by Value Added Reseller Architainment, the LEDs provide the centre’s operators with the opportunity to create a range of scenes, as well as animated displays. Architainment worked closely with the design team in building

24 Architects Choice

mock-up panels to determine the optimum resolution. In total, 135 iColor Flex SLX luminaires have been installed behind an opaque glass screen on the escalator. Each luminaire comprises 50 tri-colour RGB, individually addressable LED nodes spaced 100mm apart, providing a high level of flexibility. It is linked to a Pharos LPC40 control system. For further information telephone 0845 601 1283 or email

The Next Generation of Street Lighting As a responsible lighting manufacturer, Kingfisher take their environmental implications seriously and actively encourage sustainable lighting solutions. With this in mind Kingfisher are pleased to announce the launch of LED-in, a purpose designed LED lantern for street and general amenity applications. Available with five LED arrangements (36 LED, 54 LED, 72 LED, 90 LED and 108 LED), LED-in utilises the Osram Golden Dragon LED. Offering a practical level of light output with a lamp lumen range of 3235lm to 9706lm with a colour temperature of 6000° K and an estimated 60,000 hours @ LM 80%, Ta=25°C). Each LED light source is positioned within an individual mirrored reflector housing for precise optical control and minimal glare. The first generation of reflector design available is a dedicated street lighting distribution ideally suited to the lighting of footpaths, cycle-ways, residential street lighting and general amenity lighting with a mounting height range of 4m to 8m. Incorporating high specification components including military specification drivers and solid state control, LED-in is a totally sealed unit providing ingress protection to IP66. For further information telephone 01623 415 900.

products: kitchens

Revolutionary Recycled Surface Cosentino has announced the launch of ECO® by Cosentino, a revolutionary new decorative recycled surface material composed of 75 per cent recycled materials. The launch of ECO® by Cosentino sets an unprecedented standard for the green building and sustainable design industries. This innovative new product caters to the environmentally conscious and design-oriented architect, designer and consumer. Extremely durable and available in an array of stunning colours and finishes, the applications and uses for ECO® by Cosentino are endless and

include interior cladding, flooring and work surfaces. ECO® by Cosentino is composed of 75 per cent post-industrial and post-consumer recycled raw material. By reusing these recycled materials, Cosentino is “upcycling” products that have reached the end of their lifecycle – meaning that they cannot be incorporated in to any other industrial product and would otherwise collect in landfill sites. The production of ECO® by Cosentino is expected to re-use the equivalent of 65 million glass bottles, over 2 million square metres of bathroom mirrors and over 50,000 discarded ceramic tiles of every year. For further information visit

The New Wave Elica, the specialist manufacturer of cooker hoods is cooking up a storm in the kitchen market with the release of the Wave. The creators of Wave have worked out a beautiful balance between form, function and ultimate style to deliver this product to the market, combining the two main purposes of the new design; light and air quality. Elica uses their ‘Evolution system’ so that Wave purifies the air and includes a highly practical set of grease filters that have the advantage of being washed in a dishwasher. This is further supplemented by a set of long-life odour filters, which can also be washed and re-inserted into the hood, saving time and money. The lighting system used in Wave, guarantee’s the user safety when in use and creates a fantastic ambience from the steel canopy, around the room. The Wave comes with a remote control in-keeping with the style, so that the hood can be operated from anywhere around the room. For further information telephone 01252 351 111 or visit

Built-in Success in the Kitchen Kupperbusch has brought the market the EEB 9800.5 MX multifunction, maxi oven. The German appliance manufacturer has developed a built-in oven with a generous 90cm width and 78litre capacity oven. The design is available in stainless steel and boasts some user-friendly func-

Black Stream Magic Black Stream is the latest design from D R Cooker Hoods. With consideration for the style conscious consumer, Black Stream, an extraction unit, is a sultry, sculptured design from part of the ‘Elica’ collection. Hand made from Venetian glass, it blends art and function stylishly and makes a glamorous statement in any kitchen. Black Stream also compliments the current ‘black’ trend in kitchen appliances, so can be integrated within many existing kitchens. The

tions such as back-lit sensor-touch controls, direct programme selection and optional telescopic glide-out shelves. The award-winning oven also includes an impressive 13 baking and roasting programmes, 10 heat settings and the okotherm oven catalytic converter, which helps to prevent the unpleasant cooking fumes penetrate the kitchen area. For further information telephone 01235 821 288 or visit

Black Stream sits perfectly in open-plan style spaces and is controlled by a touch sensitive and illuminated magic wand or alternatively, by a remote control handset. Following on from the Elica ‘Evolution’ system, the unit combines three speeds plus a boost mode. For further information telephone 01252 351 111 or visit

Architects Choice 25

the last word

The last


I’m a Contractor - What Rights do I have By Keith Thompson for Payment?

Keith Thompson is a Partner at Vanderpump & Sykes Solicitors and Chairman of UK200 Property & Construction Group

26 Architects Choice

The importance of quick payment has led to The Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (the Act) which has been enacted together with the Scheme for Construction Contracts (the Scheme), which address some of the perceived anomalies and abuses inherent in the way the law affected payments in the construction industry. The Act and the Scheme apply only to construction contracts. The provisions do not apply to a construction contract with a residential occupier relating to a dwelling.


hen a contractor agrees to carry out works, failure to make provision for interim payments means he has to complete the whole of the work before entitlement to payment. The Act changes this for construction contracts which have a period in excess of 45 days. If the contract has no provision then the Scheme implies provisions for payment by instalments, valuation of instalments and giving notice as to what is payable. Of course major forms of building contract have detailed procedures for valuation, interim payments and the issue of interim certificates. Many in the construction industry believe that a payment certificate is as good as cash. This has never been true. The courts will not enforce a payment certificate when there is a defence to that payment which normally takes the form of a set-off or abatement. When the employer has a right to set-off it is now necessary to serve a withholding notice specifying the amount of the set-off and grounds upon which it is based before the payment is

due. Abatement will almost certainly relate to defective works which, more usually, will be taken into account in the valuation of the works prior to the issue of the payments certificate. The Act introduces one very useful power for contractors who have not been paid. If a sum due has not been paid in full, or no effective withholding notice has been served, the contractor may suspend the works if 7 days notice of suspension has been given. If work is suspended lawfully the date for completion of the works is extended. Probably the most fundamental change which the Act and the Scheme have brought about is in the introduction of adjudication. Adjudication is a dispute resolution process for the construction industry which has been described by one judge as "… a summary and at times blunt instrument for resolution of disputes…" Adjudication is a mandatory procedure by which any party to a construction contract can have any dispute determined, including the right to be paid. It is quicker and more cost effective than arbitration or litigation. Adjudication is now widely used, particularly in relation to payment claims. The Act only applies where the construction contract is in writing. To gain protection, make sure the agreement with your employer is clearly evidenced in writing. Adjudication has reduced the risk of abuse by employers raising spurious setoffs to deny early payment. A vigilant contractor should now have less chance of suffering abuse of process and crippling constriction of cash flow. ■

UK200Group is an association of separate and independently owned and managed accountancy firms and lawyer firms. UK200Group does not provide client services and it does not accept responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of its members. Likewise, the members of UK200Group are separate and independent legal entities, and as such each has no responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of other members. Keith Thompson was articled in Local Government and spent many years working in numerous Local Authority Legal Departments. He left Local Government to join a private practice as the Assistant Chief Legal Officer of a large District Council.


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