Al Manakh - excerpts (3/3) Gulf Survey

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Education Diplomacy The US conquest of educational markets in The Gulf is peaceful. Until 2001, the flow of students from developing countries to the US was rising by about 3.5% every year. But since 9/11, this rate has steadily declined, the fi rst time in over thirty years. Foreign applications to American graduate schools fell by 10% due to increased security controls, the difficulty of obtaining a visa, and the image of America for the rest of the world, especially in the Middle East.1 Countries preparing for a future without oil or natural gas revenues need universities. Having previously imported skilled labor, Gulf Cities now want to nationalize their workforce, especially in anticipation of the rising Arab youth population. This demographic explosion will be either a grave crisis or an innovation boon. Handling centuries-old academic institutions like software platforms, Gulf Cities see no reason not to replicate and modify for the demographic shift. Gulf-builders speak of importing ‘brand-name’ universities, as educational institutions remain the one American product still able to make societal and financial headway without any resistance in the Middle East. Normally, the Gulf City supports the partnership by offering to pay for all buildings, overhead, and staff salaries. As one report states, tuitions ‘go straight into the universities’ coffers back home.’2 Branch campuses – often with the gated security of embassies – will not likely mean a mixing of students internationally (Kuwait’s new campus, however, will separate the sexes). Part of the draw for Middle Easterners is to acquire an American education without the Western societal contract, and for women – who make up at least 65% of The Gulf’s students – this means they can acquire an education while remaining close to home. – AMO 1. 2. Science, April 7, 2006

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