Dinosaurs Against Recession - John Brosio - VICE Italy

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DINOSAURS AGAINST RECESSION Laura Spini, paintings by John Brosio

"Dinosaurs eating CEO" - 2013. Paintings for gentille grant of Arcadia Contemporary, New York. John Brosio paints tornado. He paints people who are portrayed in front of the tornado. He paints women in front of dinosaur skulls, the descent of the UFO in the middle of a pasture, fish heads with cigarettes in their mouths, cephalopods huge enveloping suburban homes. Portrays the provincial America, tiny and inert in front of the inexorable advance of the disaster. Agrees to be identified as a "romantic", has been defined by ' Huffington Post a Corot modern, is collected (among others) by JJ Abrams, Norman Lear, Dave Grohl. The rest of the time, taught in schools and colleges. Of Italian origin, it is not related to Paul (Brosio). He gave us a preview of some paintings and an interview. VICE: What drew you to art, initially? Brosio John: It is manifested in various forms, but my interest in art has always accompanied me.When I was little I always put in the corner because I drew abstract shapes on any flat surface was. I was compulsive. But there have been moments that have marked me. I remember, as a child, I saw The Wizard of Oz on TV, and once finished the film was taken from a tangible feeling of sadness. It was just me, sitting on the couch next to me was asleep a parent, maybe both. My brother and sister had gone to play elsewhere. And I was sitting there, shocked by the experience that I had just experienced. Why did you choose the painting? Ironically, at first aspired to a career in film. Like many kids of my generation, Star Wars I sparked the imagination. I took all around because I liked Star Wars , but it was the film that drew me to the cinema. Years later I worked for Industrial Light and Magic, the post-production company of George Lucas. In the meantime I studied art in college, and my teachers (figures such as Wayne Thiebaud, David Hollowell, Robert Arneson, Roy DeForest, Mike Henderson, Wally Hedrick - of the luminaries in itself, besides being wonderful teachers), I constantly put to the test. I graduated bringing back a huge inner conflict. The irony lies in the fact that, in the end, many of the images and feelings that

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