Vector basic training a systematic creative process for building precision vector artwork

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Vector Build Methods

Figure 6.14  Use the Ellipse tool (L) to create all of the circle shapes you’ll need to form your art.

Figure 6.15  The Ellipse tool (L) and the Pathfinder panel (ShiftCommand-F9 or Shift-Control-F9) can be simple, but powerful, vector building tools. I used only those two tools to create this art.

2. Pathfinder Panel (Shift-Command-F9 or Shift-Control-F9): Select the two circles that make up the shape of the palm leaf design and click the Intersect button in the Pathfinder panel (highlighted in red in Figure 6.15). This will create a new shape that is formed by the area where the two original circles overlap. To form the other four circular shapes that make up the stem and the notches of the leaf, select any two shapes and click the Minus Front button (highlighted in green) in the Pathfinder panel to form the shapes you’ll need to punch out of the base shape (Figure 6.15). (See chapter 2 for more information on Pathfinder functions.)


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