4 minute read


Shelly Kunishige’s Amazing Transformation By: Melanie Martin

During a time when many of us packed on the pounds during COVID 19, Shelly Kunishige took it off.


Inspired by her amazing transformation, I asked her how she did it. Shelly didn’t let the pandemic stop her from her fitness goals.

Maybe this will inspire you to get moving too.

What does your exercise regimen look like?

My goal each week is to do 150 minutes of cardio and 3 strength training sessions. When I started in January my first goal was to do one workout video from YouTube a day to see what I liked doing.

I really liked the 10 minute beginner routine on the Jump Rope Dudes channel so I stuck with jumping rope for cardio.

I alternate between that and getting on the exercise bike my husband bought me a few Christmases ago. For strength training I started off working on my form for push ups and squats.

Right now I’m doing this full body routine (although I’m usually too impatient to do the full warm up).

What type of nutrition plan or diet did you follow to lose the weight? I started off doing intermittent fasting and keto. I found myself getting a little obsessive about it and I missed eating with my family so I switched to logging my food intake on My Fitness Pal and targeting 1500 calories a day.

Now I eat pretty much anything but am mindful of portion size.”

How do you juggle, work, family and self-care?

I get up early to work out and I meal prep on the weekends. Now that my daughters are home all the time I try to get them moving. We set up some rings off our pull up bar and encourage them to hang from them for a few minutes per day.

For work/life balance I have a journal with my work and personal goals for the week.

Right now my personal goal is to read with my kids every day. The Sora app from my older daughter’s school is great for finding new books.”

Do you have any recommendations to those wanting to start a fitness journey to better health? Besides checking with their physician before starting, any tips for us?

As you say, check with your doctor. My tip is to find something you like doing every day. Life is too short to do stuff that makes you miserable.


Social Media Cybersecurity - How to Protect Yourself on the Web By: Darren Cantrill

Now more than ever, people are spending an increasing amount of time on the Internet both at home and at work.

The need to check your social media accounts can put you and your employer at risk. How? For every picture you post and every status you update, you are sharing information about yourself with the world.

Take these simple steps to connect with confidence and safely navigate the social world.

According to Techjury.net, an average user spends 2 hours and 24 minutes per day on social media in 2020 with Facebook being the most popular.

Since social media has become so popular, here are a few tips you can use to protect yourself.

1. If you connect it, protect it: Today we can connect by computer, smartphone, gaming device, tablet devices, almost every electronic device we own can connect to the Internet.

The best defense against viruses and malware is to update to the latest security software, web browser and operating systems. Sign up for automatic updates and protect all your devices with antivirus software.

2. Don’t post anything private and remember there is no “delete” button: Random details can be used to target you online and in the real world. Keep your private information “private” and disable location services that allow anyone to see where you are (or aren’t).

Nothing says “rob me now” than posting pictures of yourself in a movie theater where a potential thief will know you’ll be gone for a few hours. Share with care!

3. Report suspicious or harassing activity: Work with your social media platform to report and possibly block harassing users. Report an incident if you have been a victim of cybercrime.

4. Update your privacy settings: Set the privacy and security settings to your comfort level for information sharing.

Disable geotagging (allows anyone to see where you are) to keep your location private, says a news report from NBC news.

There are many articles on the Internet that can help you navigate through the security settings of your social media programs to help you with mitigating your exposure.

Take some of that 2.5 hours and inform yourself on how to protect your presence on the Internet or one day we might be reading about you.