Fishing-Headquarters Magazine

Page 46


Photograph by Cory Allen

By: Cory Allen

Fishing-Headquarters Contributor


’m not talking set-it-and-forget-it trolling, or flying planer kites. I’m talking stick-in-hand, bottomsmashing, teeth-gnashing,


ring tools of the trade for tickling topography and taking some of the biggest muskies (or bass) on any body of water. Yes, this is definitely an Esox-centric article. But use these little chisels to carve out the stone, and there’s absolutely no telling what will answer the phone. You heard me right....hold the rod when trolling. Have the CLIENTS hold the rod when trolling like this. Why? You mean, besides the fact there’s not a bigger hard-on in musky fishing than having a 50” leviathan try to pull your arm out of its socket faster than a Wookiee who just lost credits in a game of Dejaarik?... Google it. Try control....control. You MUST learn control. (Two Star Wars

December September//January October//February, November, 2014 2013

references+one paragraph=new record) When trolling structure, true structure, the leylines of all fish movement and orientation. Precision is key. Speed, direction, and the ability to orient the lure directly along these underwater highways, be it a drop off, channel edge, or bottom transition are all paramount to success when trolling. Muskies especially WILL suspend, but almost always in direct correlation to the topographical routes. More often than not, they’ll actually be DIRECTLY related to it and the closer you get and the more you tick close to these features, the better off you’ll be. Let’s get to the topic at hand... Photographs by Andrew Ragas the baits. It’s all about the baits.

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