Arae Vitae, 2011

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{ connect with us }

hope and life for

life the meaning behind the name

hope and life for

We believe that every little detail matters to God, that He desires to be intimately involved in the seemingly insignificant, and that He will provide guidance, creativity, and wisdom when we bring all things before Him. And so, we have taken this “name creating” process very seriously. We spent days meditating on the truths of Scripture, searching for themes of rescue, hope, and restoration. As we dug deep into the father heart of God, we found that He gave the inspiration, creativity and guidance that we were looking for. He led us to a name which, from the latin, literally translates to mean, refuge for life. We were immediately struck by this simple latin phrase. Not only does Jesus see the needs of these vulnerable children, but He actively champions their cause, standing as a strong tower of refuge and safety, hope and life. And because we are after the Father heart of God, we found that this was our desire as well: to offer hope in a hopeless occasion, to be a refuge in a world of darkness, and to bring them to life through the soul redemption of Jesus Christ.

life the mission of arae vitae

Arae Vitae is given to the rescue of orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide. While Arae Vitae will passionately seek to meet each child’s physical needs through the provision of shelter, food, clothing, education, and general life training, Arae Vita’s primary concern is for the hearts and souls of these precious lives. To provide hope and life for the orphan, dwell in the triumph that only comes through the soul-rescue of Jesus Christ, and bring utmost glory to Him is what Arae Vitae is all about.

hope and life for

ORPHAN ADVOCACY conference Lynchburg, Virginia Spring 2012 SIGN UP NOW

send an email to kyle at

( ONE VOICE ) If you want to know the sound of HIS voice, you始re going to have to know the sound of theirs.

more info coming soon!

introductions from: Georgia age: 20


Belgium, Kenya,

Nicaragua, and Ecuador


kyle statham executive

It all started in about 4th grade. I was living in Belgium and the church I attended would make annual trips to an orphanage in rural France. It was during this period of my life that I felt God’s explicit call to defend the weak and the fatherless.

verse(s): Psalm 46:1, Proverbs 16:9

introductions Kyle Stathem serves as the executive director of Arae Vitae. His vision to reach the orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide is a direct overflow of the passion of Jesus Christ. With an unmistakable strength in leadership, a personality that will cheer your heart in minutes, and a captivating vision for rescue, Kyle is a refreshing display of the character of Jesus Christ.

write me! write us!


If you are interested in championing the cause of orphanaed and vulnerable children worldwide, becoming a part of the grassroots effort of Arae Vitae, have inquires about this organization, or are simply wanting to pass along a little hello, we’d love to hear from you.






introductions from: Virginia age: 22

travel: inspired

Russia and Malaysia

the burning beauty and the majestic power of our Lord, the beauty of creation, the patience of God and the undefeatable courage of all those who have fought for the Kingdom in ages past

tim pettman executive


Isaiah 58:12, Psalm 16:6

introductions Tim Pettman serves as the executive assistant of Arae Vitae. His passion to bring hope and life to the orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide is contagious. Though he is a man of great strength, his heart is burdened at the deepest levals for these precious lives. With the fire of God upon his soul, Tim is compelled and ready to venture into the foremost trenches and fight for the triumph that only comes through Jesus Christ.Â

write me!

introductions from: New Jersey age: 21

travel: inspired

Romania and Haiti

the softness of a summer sunrise, the freshness of a new piece of stationary, the joy of being face-to-face with a little orphan kiddo, the beauty of historic Christianity, and the unmatched love of my One Beloved

meggan murkli executive


Isaiah 54: 5, 13

introductions Meggan Murkli serves as the executive assistant of Arae Vitae. She is gripped with a deep love for orphaned and vulnerable children and has won the hearts of many little kiddos through her cheerful and giving spirit. Through His working life and power alone, Meggan longs for nothing more than to bring hope and life to the lost, broken, hurting, and abandoned.

write me!

 the beginning days

stand with us for

As a grassroots effort, we are finding these beginning days especially beautiful. The beginning phases of any organization are often tedious and tiring, but we are learning to cherish these days of deep dependence, wrestling prayer, and quiet expectation. While we are eager for the days ahead, we are equally thrilled about everything that is transpiring now, in this beginning phase of Arae Vitae. We don’t want to miss out on anything that our Jesus intends for these beginning days, so we are keeping our ears attentive and our eyes open, working diligently with joy and praying with unreserved passion. We also want to make sure that we are building a foundation that is worthy of Him. And so, we are taking special care that we walk through this first phase with precision and wisdom. Here is a quick overview of Phase One:

stand with us

phase one

Raising Funds. There are several startup expenses that come with any new organization, and so we are currently looking for individuals to sign up to give a monthly recurring gift. If you feel led to support the work of Arae Vitae on a monthly basis, please contact us at Staff and Volunteers. We are currently establishing a staff and looking for volunteers who will aid us in the work of Arae Vitae. Marketing and Promotion. We are in the process of producing promotional materials, establishing a communication network, and (soon coming!) lauching a website. Connect. We are building and cultivating relationships with individuals and churches who are passionate about reaching the orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide and who will serve as active participants in this grand rescue plan. We would ask that you stand alongside of us in prayer and join us as we embark upon this grand adventure into the fatherly heart of God. He is perfectly faithful!

so it is not the will of my father that

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