Minnesota Arabian Fall Festival 2015

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Featured in November 2015 Issue of

34th Annual

Minnesota Arabian

Fall Festival

October 2nd - 4th, 2


by An ne St ratt on

This year, the pe ople at the Minn esota Fall Festiva l demonstrated wh at the show and its club, the Minn Ar abian Horse Br esota eeders Associatio n, alway s have been known for, and that is teamw ork. That goes back to the begin ning of the event’s futur ity ; in 1979-80, when members founded its Medallion Stallion program, they we re competitors for sal es and show ring pr izes, with their own be liefs and pr ior ities— but they got together to create something positive for the bre ed. Thirt y-five yea rs later, it is still go ing strong and is the protot ype for mo st of today ’s other successful futur iti es. That come-togeth er spirit is nurtured by the show ’s socia l scene. MAH B President and Sh ow Manager Greg Brown obser ves th at this year’s camaraderie was increased even mo re because all activi ties that weren’t in the ring were held in the facilit y’s main ba rn. Lounge seating was instal led, food was off ere d, parties were held, and th e place was alway s buzzing with conversation. “The re was a sense th at we are all in this together, ” he say s. “It ’s a sense of community th continues to be a at big part of our sh ow.”

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34th Annual

Minnesota Arabian Fall Festival October 2nd - 4th, 2015 by Anne Stratton

This year, the people at the Minnesota Fall Festival demonstrated what the show and its club, the Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders Association, always have been known for, and that is teamwork. That goes back to the beginning of the event’s futurity; in 1979-80, when members founded its Medallion Stallion program, they were competitors for sales and show ring prizes, with their own beliefs and priorities—but they got together to create something positive for the breed. Thirty-five years later, it is still going strong and is the prototype for most of today’s other successful futurities. That come-together spirit is nurtured by the show’s social scene. MAHB President and Show Manager Greg Brown observes that this year’s camaraderie was increased even more because all activities that weren’t in the ring were held in the facility’s main barn. Lounge seating was installed, food was offered, parties were held, and the place was always buzzing with conversation. “There was a sense that we are all in this together,” he says. “It’s a sense of community that continues to be a big part of our show.”


It was particularly apparent this year when amateur handler Rob Kyker was injured. Kyker, who keeps his horses at Shada, and has been the all-amateur event’s number one handler over the years, was forced to seek medical care. Did he sacrifice his record? Not at all. With two days to go in competition, four friends—Angie Sellman, Indira Van Handel, Adam Rickert and Stuart Vesty— stepped up to show his horses, and they all won their titles (including both yearling auction classes).

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“One of the wonderful things about the horse community that surrounds the Minnesota Fall Fest is that people get along really well,” says Andy Sellman. “When colleagues of mine were in need and requested the services of my wife, we were happy to assist, just as they would have done the same for me in that situation.” Winning at the Fall Festival is no easy task. The show may be for amateurs, but it is distinguished by the quality of its horses and its range of exhibitors, which typically includes not only those who work with professional trainers, but also those who don’t. The belief that everyone will get a fair shake is fueled by more than show committee effort. Many observers note that it is


Exclusive, Exciting, Enduring

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because area horsemen breed good horses and know what their neighbors are breeding. And most know how to prepare a horse properly for the ring. “This show is about ‘I bred this horse, this is my program and this is what I do,’” says Jerland Farms’ Larry Jerome. “And I think there is a general respect for one another.” Debby Cain, officiating at the Fall Fest in 2015 for the second time, agrees. “It’s interesting to adjudicate the decision-making processes of the breeders,” she says, “and how they move forward in their programs. Minnesotans, in my mind, have always had a great respect for their fellow breeders.”


As usual, there were plenty of good horses. Cain noted that many she evaluated would be competitive anywhere. “I also would applaud that from my viewpoint, there was more consideration being placed on balance and conformation than just the showy head and neck.” Particularly gratifying, she says, was that while the five judges came from different backgrounds and specialties, there was remarkable agreement on the cards. “It was a pleasure to me that all of us had very similar results, confirming that the system rewards the correct horses.” Overall, there was one horse who stood out in everyone’s mind: Jerland Farms’ Unforgettable J, by MPA Giovanni and out of multiU.S. National Champion RH Triana. She won both the Auction and Medallion Yearling Fillies Championships with perfect scores. “She’s one of the best fillies that I’ve ever bred,” says Larry Jerome candidly. “This was her first outing in the show ring, and now she’ll go back to growing up. She has a big career ahead of her. “It’s a breeder’s dream to win here like that,” he adds. “That’s what this show is all about.”

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The show also included special events. In addition to the traditional Medallion Stallion breeding auction, there was a seminar by AHA’s Debbie Fuentes and a “Trainers Got Talent” competition to raise funds for the Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund. Hoyt Rose and his son, Justin, provided a roping demonstration, Jeff Schall appeared as the shirtless horseman, Nate Soderberg sang (“he sings like an angel,” sighed one listener), and Tom Theisen sang and danced. Theisen was named the winner, and the $17,000 raised was earmarked to help Kyker defray some of his expenses and aftercare costs.


From a facts and figures standpoint, Brown reports that the show’s numbers were down slightly in 2015, probably due to the date conflict with Scottsdale’s Arabian Breeder Finals. “But the number of uses/rides were up over last year,” he says, “and that’s a good sign that people are using their horses.” Which brings up the Minnesota Fall Festival’s role in the industry not only in the production of top horses and talented amateurs, but also as a resource for future professionals. Top halter handlers Ted Carson, Andy Sellman, and Jeff and Jerry Schall, to name few, all got their start as kids at the Fall Festival. Jeff Schall remembers his first year as a professional trainer. At age 18, scrambling to get started, he had two colts he felt could begin making his name. He recruited two amateur handlers (one was his brother, Jerry), and approached the show filled with hope— only to be deflated when he thought his entries underperformed. Before the class was even over, he left the arena. “I thought my dream of having a training center was over,” he relates now with a chuckle. “I went out back and started to cry. And then I heard someone calling, ‘Jeff ! Jeff ! We need you for a picture! Your colts just went champion and reserve!’ So, I had to mop my tears, get over my pity party and be part of the celebration. And the next day, one of the colts won the auction class and something like $40,000. It was a great lesson that you bring your best, show your best, and give your best.” At the Minnesota Fall Festival, the sky’s the limit. n

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Fall Festival Show Results

Results provided by the MAHB Committee.

Auction Yearling Colts/Geldings - Champion: ARTISTRY LD (Stival x Queen Adiamonds), Ex: Rob Kyker, O: Diane and Les Van Dyke; Reserve: DR OCTAVIOUS (Audacious PS x DR Eclipse), Ex: Sarah Brinkman, O: Ann Henriksen Brinkman; Top Five: GAZINOVA AC (PA Gazsi x Miss Staar AC), Ex: Mike Beethe, O: Andrew and Christine Steffens; VICTORY LD (Victorious LD x Rrosealea LD), Ex: Tony Bergren, O: Les Van Dyke; RA SPAAGO (Baahir El Marwan x Felicia Psyche), Ex: Michael Bills, O: Regan and Renae Rohl.

Auction Fillies ATH - Champion: UNFORGETTABLE J (MPA Giovanni x RH Triana), Ex: Indira Van Handel, O: Lawrence Jerome; Reserve: ARIANNA MH (Armando El Aryes x Legacys Treasure), Ex: Mike Beethe, O: Dr. James and Penny Gute; Top Five: TRULI A TREASURE (Trussardi x DA Vincis Starlet ORA), Ex: Jocelyn Hazelwood, O: Dean Meier; SERENITY KM (Ever After NA x PA Falcons Silhouette), Ex: Sarah Brinkman, O: ACL Partnership; BB ANNA MARIA (Apalo x LLC Joyful), Ex/O: Tony Bergren.



2. 1. Champion Auction Yearling Colt/Gelding ARTISTRY LD (Stival x Queen Adiamonds), shown by Angela Sellman for Rob Kyker for owners Diane and Les Van Dyke. 2. Champion Auction Filly ATH UNFORGETTABLE J (MPA Giovanni x RH Triana), shown by Indira Van Handel for owner Lawrence Jerome. 3. Champion Yearling Medallion Colt/Gelding ATH STATHAM Z (Stival x Naes Appolonnia), shown by Michael Bills for owners Duke and Renae Mendel.





1. Champion Yearling Medallion Filly ATH UNFORGETTABLE J (MPA Giovanni x RH Triana), shown by Indira Van Handel for Rob Kyker for owner Lawrence Jerome. 2. Champion Two Year Old Colt/Gelding ATH TRULI A PRINCE (Trussardi x Bella Satinata), shown by Tony Bergren for owners Karen Van Anrody and Jeffrey Heinzl. 3. Champion Two Year Old Filly ATH MARTIYAH BC (ZT Marwteyn x Marcaaysa FA), shown by Stuart Vesty for owners John and Brad Mouw.

Yearling Medallion Colts/Geldings ATH - Champion: STATHAM Z (Stival x Naes Appolonnia), Ex: Michael Bills, O: Duke and Renae Mendel; Reserve: LEVANTE (Stival x Aria Jamina), Ex: Mike Beethe, O: Walter Alvarez; Top Five: DR OCTAVIOUS (Audacious PS x DR Eclipse), Ex: Sarah Brinkman, O: Ann Henriksen Brinkman; MOON CHARMER MTR (Sir Marwan CRF x Corrsica), Ex: Whitney Miles, O: Michael Brennan; BIG AMBITION TRJ (Bey Ambition x TR Concerto), Ex: Jonathan Danielson, O: Terra Sano Ventures. Yearling Medallion Fillies ATH - Champion: UNFORGETTABLE J (MPA Giovanni x RH Triana), Ex: Rob Kyker, O: Lawrence Jerome; Reserve: LLC TYRA (Pyro Thyme SA x Matina TRF), Ex: Angela Sellman, O: Clair and Margaret Larson; Top Five: SHES MAGICAL CRF (Sir Marwan CRF x Exotic Angel AB), Ex: Michael Bills, O: Cedar Ridge Farm;

MAAHRINA (Baahir El Marwan x Madamoiselle M), Ex: Stuart Vesty, O: Im On A Boat LLC; TRULI A DIVA (Trussardi x DM Versacianna), Ex: Jocelyn Hazelwood, O: Dean Meier. Two Year Old Colts/Geldings ATH - Champion: TRULI A PRINCE (Trussardi x Bella Satinata), Ex: Tony Bergren, O: Karen Van Anrody and Jeffrey Heinzl; Reserve: RITZ KARLETON J (FS Ritz x Keepsayke), Ex: Mike Beethe, O: Lawrence Jerome; Top Five: HT ELDORADO (Eden C x HT Love Bandyt), Ex: Whitney Miles, O: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Selk; ONCE BF (Marwan Al Magnifficoo x Suite In E Major), Ex/O: J. Bradley Herman; MAJESTY SCA (Ames Charisma x Odysseys Design), Ex: Johathan Danielson, O: Nora Keating Illerbrun. Two Year Old Fillies ATH - Champion: MARTIYAH BC (ZT Marwteyn x Marcaaysa FA), Ex: Stuart Vesty,

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1. Champion 3 & Over Mare Jackpot ATH PSI MARIE LEVAU (DS Major Afire x FF Abigail Bey), shown by Andrea McGowan for owners Dale and Darlene Hempel. 2. 2-Time Champion 3 & Over Gelding ATH and All Ages Jackpot Gelding AOTH LLC FABRIZIO (Baahir El Marwan x RD Fabreanna), shown by owner Stuart Vesty. 3. 2-Time Champion Saddle Seat Pleasure AOTR and Novice Horse HEIRS TO YOU (Afires Heir x O Suzy Q), ridden by owner Natalie Tetrick.

O: John and Brad Mouw; Reserve: DV VIXXEN (Brixx IA x Sohphira DVF), Ex: Ashlee Shaw, O: Danielle and Randy Shaw; Top Five: AMES GYPSY MOON (Bey Ambition x Ames Mirage), Ex: Caden Cruise, O: Cedar Ridge Arabians, Inc.; LEGACY OF LACE WLF (Legacys Renoir x Porcelynn WLF), Ex: Rhiannon Sellman, O: Dr. James and Penny Gute; DESERT QUEEN AF (Stival x Aria Jamina), Ex/O: J. Bradley Herman.

Ex/O: Stuart Vesty; Reserve: RA KYMERA (Marwan Al Magnifficoo x Challese LL), Ex: Adam Rickart, O: Charles and Christine Rickart.

3 & Over Mares Jackpot ATH - Champion: PSI MARIE LEVAU (DS Major Afire x FF Abigail Bey), Ex: Andrea McGowan, O: Dale and Darlene Hempel; Reserve: PARIS J (Bellagio J x DA Flirtashahn), Ex: Rob Kyker, O: Koehring LLC. 3 & Over Geldings ATH - Champion: LLC FABRIZIO (Baahir El Marwan x RD Fabreanna),

Saddle Seat Pleasure AOTR - Champion: HEIRS TO YOU (Afires Heir x O Suzy Q), Ex/O: Natalie Tetrick; Reserve: CP SANTA FE EXPRESS (IXL Noble Express x CP Dance Card), Ex/O: Cassandra Stafford; Top Five: FIRE FIGHTER TED (Afire Bey V x Eclypsse), Ex: Zacharia Stransky, O: Daria Stransky and Lawrence Jerome; CREDENCE CA (Noble Way x


Geldings All Ages Jackpot AOTH - Champion: LLC FABRIZIO (Baahir El Marwan x RD Fabreanna), Ex/O: Stuart Vesty; Reserve: RA KYMERA (Marwan Al Magnifficoo x Challese LL), Ex: Adam Rickart, O: Charles and Christine Rickart.

1. Champion Saddle Seat Pleasure Junior Horse ATR BACCHUS BHA (Mamage x MD Chardonnay), ridden by Mikayla Michels for owners Glenn and Kelly Gilbert.


2. Champion Saddle Seat Pleasure 19 & Over AATR MERRY MAGNIFIRE (Afire Bey V x Gidget Bardot), ridden by Elizabeth Moore for owner Emily Moore. 3. 3-Time Champion Saddle Seat Pleasure 18 & Under JTR, Jackpot ATR and Country Pleasure Jackpot ATR A REVELATION BHA (A Temptation x Westela), ridden by Jenna Tekolste for owner Mary Jo Meier.



Glorious Melody), Ex/O: Laura Rodel; NOTORIOUS AFIRE VA (Afire Bey V x LBC Noble Spirit), Ex/O: Mikayla Michels. Saddle Seat Pleasure Junior Horse ATR - Champion: BACCHUS BHA (Mamage x MD Chardonnay), Ex: Morgan Kelly, O: Glenn and Kelly Gilbert; Reserve: HONOROLL TRGR (IXL Noble Express x Helen Hayes X), Ex/O: Emily Pate. Saddle Seat Pleasure 19 & Over AATR - Champion: MERRY MAGNIFIRE (Afire Bey V x Gidget Bardot), Ex: Elizabeth Moore, O: Emily Moore; Reserve: HEIRS TO YOU (Afires Heir x O Suzy Q), Ex/O: Natalie Tetrick; Top Five: CP SANTA FE EXPRESS (IXL Noble Express x CP Dance Card), Ex/O: Cassandra Stafford; FIRE FIGHTER TED (Afire Bey

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1. 2-Time Champion Western Pleasure AOTR and 40 & Over AATR TANGUERAY MCF (Magnum Psyche x ElJomar The Diva), ridden by owner Anique Weber. 2. 2-Time Champion Western Pleasure Junior Horse ATR and Novice Horse ATR SHAQS LEGACY MH (Maserati WR x Legacys Treasure), ridden by owner Roxanne Schall. 3.Champion Western Pleasure 19-39 AATR KHOSMOPOLITAN MD (Khadraj NA x Luck Wood Have It), ridden by Kelly Teigen Talmage for owner David Teigen.

V x Eclypsse), Ex: Kelly Steinhaus, O: Daria Stransky and Lawrence Jerome; CREDENCE CA (Noble Way x Glorious Melody), Ex/O: Laura Rodel. Saddle Seat Pleasure 18 & Under JTR - Champion: A REVELATION BHA (A Temptation x Westela), Ex: Jenna Tekolste, O: Mary Jo Meier; Reserve: FIRE FIGHTER TED (Afire Bey V x Eclypsse), Ex: Zacharia Stransky, O: Daria Stransky and Lawrence Jerome; Top Five: CP SANTA FE EXPRESS (IXL Noble Express x CP Dance Card), Ex: Nora Shaffer, O: Cassandra Stafford; HONOROLL TRGR (IXL Noble Express x Helen Hayes X), Ex/O: Emily Pate; NOTORIOUS AFIRE VA (Afire Bey V x LBC Noble Spirit), Ex/O: Mikayla Michels. 332 | A R A BI A N HOR SE T I MES

Saddle Seat Pleasure Novice Horse - Champion: HEIRS TO YOU (Afires Heir x O Suzy Q), Ex/O: Natalie Tetrick; Reserve: HONOROLL TRGR (IXL Noble Express x Helen Hayes X), Ex/O: Emily Pate; Top Five: BACCHUS BHA (Mamage x MD Chardonnay), Ex: Morgan Kelly, O: Glenn and Gelly Gilbert; EXECUTIVE DECISIONN (SF Specs Shocwave x Just On Ice), Ex/O: Roberta Lembke; DONAGAIN DE (Don De Bask x Bolsoya Kaja SH), Ex: Tarah Pyka, O: Katja Wiedrich. Saddle Seat Jackpot ATR - Champion: A REVELATION BHA (A Temptation x Westela), Ex: Jenna Tekolste, O: Mary Jo Meier; Reserve: B SHARP CA (Noble Way x Glorious Melody), Ex: Katie Mahler, O: Jill Odegard.

Country Pleasure Jackpot ATR - Champion: A REVELATION BHA (A Temptation x Westela), Ex: Jenna Tekolste, O: Mary Jo Meier; Reserve: HEIRS TO YOU (Afires Heir x O Suzy Q), Ex/O: Natalie Tetrick; Top Five: CREDENCE CA (Noble Way x Glorious Melody), Ex/O: Laura Rodel; FIRE FIGHTER TED (Afire Bey V x Eclypsse), Ex: Kelly Steinhaus, O: Daria Stransky and Lawrence Jerome; NOTORIOUS AFIRE VA (Afire Bey V x LBC Noble Spirit), Ex/O: Mikayla Michels. Western Pleasure AOTR - Champion: TANGUERAY MCF (Magnum Psyche x ElJomar The Diva), Ex/O: Anique Weber; Reserve: INTENSITY DHA (NYN Hisani x Bea Doll), Ex/O: David Teigen; Top Five: BEYONET WS (Sir Fames HBV x HK Najmenette), Ex/O: Laura Koch; CHANCELLOR CA (Proximus CA x Enchanted Glory CA), Ex: Jane Halvorson, Conway Arabians, Inc.; HEZA FIRE WALKER (Hesa Zee x Fire Musc), Ex/O: Eleanor Hamilton.

Treasure), Ex/O: Roxanne Schall; Reserve: KHALOGNE (Khadraj NA x Porcelain J), Ex: Joe Frizzell, O: Corine Gudgeon; Top Five: BEYONET WS (Sir Fames HBV x HK Najmenette), Ex/O: Laura Koch; OFW JONAS ( Justify x OFW Dark Rose), Ex/O: Peggy Sheldon; INTENSITY DHA (NYN Hisani x Bea Doll), Ex/O: Kelly Teigen Talmage. Western Pleasure 40 & Over AATR - Champion: TANGUERAY MCF (Magnum Psyche x ElJomar The Diva), Ex/O: Anique Weber; Reserve: OFW JONAS ( Justify x OFW Dark Rose), Ex/O: Peggy Sheldon; 2.

Western Pleasure Junior Horse ATR - Champion: SHAQS LEGACY MH (Maserati WR x Legacys 1.


1. 2-Time Champion Western Pleasure 18 & Under JTR and Jackpot 14 & Under JTR HEZA FIRE WALKER (Hesa Zee x Fire Musc), ridden by Madison Rose for owner Eleanor Hamilton. 2. Champion Western Pleasure Jackpot ATR SARATOGA BF (Sir Fames HBV x A Current Affair), ridden by owner Anissa Weber. 3. Champion Western Pleasure Jackpot 14-18 JTR THE ETERNEGIZER (Eternety x CP Azsahib), ridden by Lexi LeFever for owner Teresa Silva.

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1. 2-Time Champion Hunter Pleasure AOTR and 40 & Over AATR TYMES TO TREASURE (Baske Afire x Tymeless Treasure), ridden by owner Sandra Kay Feuling. 2. Champion Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse ATR ENRIQUE C (Eden C x Chanel C), ridden by owner Roxanne Schall. 3. 2-Time Champion Hunter Pleasure 19-39 AATR and Jackpot ATR PROXIMUS CA (Afire Bey V x DA Triffire), ridden by Rachel Schieffelbein for owner Conway Arabians, Inc.


Top Five: KHOSMOPOLITAN MD (Khadraj NA x Luck Wood Have It), Ex/O: David Teigen; HEZA FIRE WALKER (Hesa Zee x Fire Musc), Ex/O: Eleanor Hamilton; KHALOGNE J (Khadraj NA x Porcelain J), Ex: Joe Frizzell, O: Corinne Gudgeon. Western Pleasure 19-39 AATR - Champion: KHOSMOPOLITAN MD (Khadraj NA x Luck Wood Have It), Ex: Kelly Teigen Talmage, O: David Teigen; Reserve: CHANCELLOR CA (Proximus CA x Enchanted Glory CA), Ex: Liz Steffes, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.; Top Five: RAVELLO GF (Maranello x Gemeo Nite Minuet), Ex: Kaitlyn Frenchick, O: Lynda Frenchick; TCHAIKOVSKY TL (MPA Giovanni x WC Tsassi Rose), Ex: Katherine Carlson, O: Robin Mrozinski; DA VILLE B (Da Vinci FM x MS Teaa), Ex: Marni Britton, O: Katherine Peet.

Western Pleasure 18 & Under JTR - Champion: HEZA FIRE WALKER (Hesa Zee x Fire Musc), Ex: Madison Rose, O: Eleanor Hamilton; Reserve: MAGNETIC PERSONALITY (Magnum Psyche x Alada Panache), Ex: Emelia Farago, O: Jacqueline Levendusky; Top Five: HOME TOWN ROMEO (Eternety x Starberry Fame), Ex: Lexi LeFever, O: Teresa Silva; PSYCHE ME UP (Magnum Psyche x Mondria WCA), Ex: Ellie Tvedt, O: Gracie Dougherty; LENNEXX WLF (Magnum Psyche x Elexis SRA), Ex: Paige Nolte, O: Holly Connaker.

Western Pleasure Jackpot ATR - Champion: SARATOGA BF (Sir Fames HBV x A Current Affair), Ex/O: Anissa Weber; Reserve: KHOSMOPOLITAN MD (Khadraj NA x Luck Wood Have It), Ex/O: David Teigen.

Western Pleasure Novice Horse ATR - Champion: SHAQS LEGACY MH (Maserati WR x Legacys Treasure), Ex/O: Roxanne Schall; Reserve: KLALOGNE J (Khadraj NA x Porcelain J), Ex: Joe Frizzell, O: Corinne Gudgeon; Top Five: RAVELLO GF (Maranello x Gemeo Nite Minuet), Ex: Kaitlyn Frenchick, O: Lynda Frenchick; BRITTANY CA (Noble Way x Magatos Way), Ex/O: Katherine Carlson; CHANDLER LD (Stival x Queen Adiamonds), Ex/O: Leann Peuse.

Western Jackpot 14 & Under JTR - Champion: HEZA FIRE WALKER (Hesa Zee x Fire Musc), Ex: Madison Rose, O: Eleanor Hamilton; Reserve: PSYCHE ME UP (Magnum Psyche x Mondria

Western Pleasure Jackpot 14-18 JTR - Champion: THE ETERNEGIZER (Eternety x CP Azsahib), Ex: Lexi LeFever, O: Teresa Silva; Reserve: STAR ATTRACTION JKA (Odyssey SC x Star Ghazin JKA), Ex: Paige Nolte, O: Jeff and Ashley Thistle.



1. Champion Hunter Pleasure 18 & Under JTR HISTORYINTHEMAKIN BMH (SF Sir Real x KA Healani SRA), ridden by owner Brianna Burnham. 2. Champion Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse ATR MAASAI PVF (Maserati WR x Alora Gold NBW), ridden by Roxanne Schall for owners Donald and Ann Benson.

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1. 2.

1. Champion Hunter Pleasure Jackpot 14-18 JTR TAMAR CARTIER ( Justafire DGL x Alsace), ridden by owner Claire Coulter. 2. Champion Hunter Pleasure Jackpot 14 & Under JTR TYMES TO TREASURE (Baske Afire x Tymeless Treasure), ridden by Madison Rose for owners Sandra and Brian Feuling.

WCA), Ex: Ellie Tvedt, O: Gracie Dougherty; Top Five: TCHAIKOVSKY TL (MPA Giovanni x WC Tsassi Rose), Ex: Ambor Mrozinski, O: Robin Morzinski. Hunter Pleasure AOTR - Champion: TYMES TO TREASURE (Baske Afire x Tymeless Treasure), Ex/O: Sandra Kay Feuling; Reserve: VA THOMAS CROWNE (Sir Fames HBV x Champaine N Roses), Ex/O: Cassandra Stafford; Top Five: ODYSSEH ALITA JA (Odyssey SC x Lolita Lane), Ex/O: Marni Britton; ATLANTIS SC (Odyssey SC x Carismreta), Ex/O: Christine Rickart; PR ARAGORN (Brass x Casina Bey SRA), Ex/O: Ashley Poeschel. Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse ATR - Champion: ENRIQUE C (Eden C x Chanel C), Ex/O: Roxanne Schall; Reserve: FINAALI ( Jullyen El Jamaal x Tymeless Treasure), Ex/O: Sandra Kay Feuling; Top Five: JJ REVELATION (SF Veraz x Allie Chat), Ex: Michael Van Handel, O: Jill Lochner; SPYDER TRF (DA Valentino x SR Cozette), Ex: Anique Weber, O: Tangle Ridge Farm; DSD ESTRELLITA (Georgio AF x Dsdstarattraction), Ex: Andrea McGowan, O: Debra Duick. 336 | A R A BI A N HOR SE T I MES

Hunter Pleasure 40 & Over AATR - Champion: TYMES TO TREASURE (Baske Afire x Tymeless Treasure), Ex/O: Sandra Kay Feuling; Reserve: MAASAI PVF (Maserati WR x Alora Gold NBW ), Ex: Roxanne Schall, O: Donald and Ann Benson; Top Five: PROXIMUS CA (Afire Bey V x DA Triffire), Ex: Lori Conway, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.; VA THOMAS CROWNE (Sir Fames HBV x Champaine N Roses), Ex: Anique Weber, O: Cassandra Stafford; SUCCESSOR AAL (Odyssey SC x TF Psyches Angel), Ex: Anissa Weber, O: David and Debbie Treadwell. Hunter Pleasure 19-39 AATR - Champion: PROXIMUS CA (Afire Bey V x DA Triffire), Ex: Rachel Schieffelbein, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.; Reserve: PEARL CA (IXL Noble Express x Magatos Way), Ex/O: Mary Grace Nelson; Top Five: VA THOMAS CROWNE (Sir Fames HBV x Champaine N Roses), Ex: Krista Hixson, O: Cassandra Stafford; SUCCESSOR AAL (Odyssey SC x TF Psyches Angel), Ex: Kim Waters, O: David and Debbie Treadwell; ATLANTIS SC (Odyssey SC x Carismreta), Ex: Chelsea Reiter, O: Charles and Christine Rickart.

Hunter Pleasure 18 & Under JTR - Champion: HISTORYINTHEMAKIN BMH (SF Sir Real x KA Healani SRA), Ex/O: Brianna Burnham; Reserve: ATLANTIS SC (Odyssey SC x Carismreta), Ex: Mikenna Laventure, O: Charles and Christine Rickart; Top Five: TAMAR CARTIER ( Justafire DGL x Alsace), Ex/O: Claire Coulter; PR ARAGORN (Brass x Casina Bey SRA), Ex: Alexa Tiziani, O: Travis, Nadine and Ashley Poeschel; SUCCESSOR AAL (Odyssey SC x TF Psyches Angel), Ex: Katie Treadwell, O: David and Debbie Treadwell.

MAHB High Point Youth- Jenna Tekolste Amateur- Roxanne Schall

MAHB Hall Of Fame IXL Noble Express

Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse ATR - Champion: MAASAI PVF (Maserati WR x Alora Gold NBW ), Ex: Roxanne Schall, O: Donald and Ann Benson; Reserve: FINAALI ( Jullyen El Jamaal x Tymeless Treasure), Ex/O: Sandra Kay Feuling; Top Five: JJ REVELATION (SF Veraz x Allie Chat), Ex: Michael Van Handel, O: Jill Lochner; FABIAN TRF (Eden C x RD Fabreanna), Ex/O: Cassandra Stafford; FYRE AWAY CA (Noble Way x Amberr Fyre), Ex/O: Kelly Teigen Talmage. Hunter Pleasure Jackpot ATR - Champion: PROXIMUS CA (Afire Bey V x DA Triffire), Ex: Rachel Schieffelbein, O: Conway Arabians, Inc.; Reserve: PEARL CA (IXL Noble Express x Magatos Way), Ex/O: Mary Grace Nelson. Hunter Pleasure Jackpot 14-18 JTR - Champion: TAMAR CARTIER ( Justafire DGL x Alsace), Ex/O: Claire Coulter; Reserve: HISTORYINTHEMAKIN BMH (SF Sir Real x KA Healani SRA), Ex/O: Brianna Burnham; Top Five: TUSCAN SUN CCF (MCA Prince Marwan x CCF Toskanna), Ex: Katie Mahler, O: Jill Odegard; THE ETERNEGIZER (Eternety x CP Azsahib), Ex: Lexi LeFever, O: Teresa Silva; MACHISMO MS (Maranello x RV Cover Girl), Ex: Rylee Choate, O: Martha and Katherine Swendsen.

*Jullyen El Jamaal

Hunter Pleasure Jackpot 14 & Under JTR - Champion: TYMES TO TREASURE (Baske Afire x Tymeless Treasure), Ex: Madison Rose, O: Sandra and Brian Feuling; Reserve: SUCCESSOR AAL (Odyssey SC x TF Psyches Angel), Ex: Katie Treadwell, O: David and Debbie Treadwell; Top Five: TUSCAN SUN CCF (MCA Prince Marwan x CCF Toskanna), Ex: Gloriana ONeil, O: Jill Odegard; PRUSSIAN SUNDANCE CFT (Sundance Kid V x Prussia DSA), Ex: Alexa Tiziani, O: Lori Corbin and Ashley Corbin-Reedy. n

Volume 46, No. 6 | 337

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