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What Is SEO

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E- Course; Marketing Your Business

Posted on January 14th, 2013 Like

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What Is SEO – Search Engine Opt imizat ion ? SEO Explained Simply Many people are aware of the term of SEO floating around the Internet, but just what does SEO stand for? The simple answer: it stands for search engine optimization. That’s not very helpful though, so let’s look at it more in depth. What we can find just from the name is that SEO is a process to optimize for search engines. Well, we all

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SEO Networks is an internet consulting firm that specials in website design, marketing and management.

know what search engines are, but what does it mean to optimize for them?

Luz Ad riana Villa A. / Fo t e m / C C B Y

Well, SEO is mainly a marketing technique to make a website more visible to search engines. We’re all familiar with what takes place when we search for something on Google or Yahoo! search: the site gives us several pages of results. Did you know that most people only bother clicking on results found on the first page of a search? Sometimes a search can result in 10 or 20 pages of results… and the average user often ignores all those extra pages. Search engine optimization is just a bunch of fancy words… really, what does SEO stand for? SEO means more visitors, more traffic, and if you’ve got a product, more sales. SEO is integral to a good marketing campaign – there’s no two ways around it. So, for people looking to sell something on their web page or even just to attract a bigger audience for their blog or podcast, SEO is very important. The goal is to get a web site to appear on the very first page of any search engine’s results when searching for specific words or phrases. These words or phrases are known as keywords – they’re your best friends when it comes to search engine optimization.

Need a website built from scratch or just need help fixing your existing site? We can help get you up and running on the internet very quickly and affordably. Need help marketing your business or website? Not sure where to start ! Let us help you design a marketing strategy, help you execute it and then manage it for you. We can provide your site with a fast, reliable and secure server, handle your domain name changes and then manage any issues. SEO Networks - Helping You Drive Your Internet Business

There are a number of resources you can find on the web that will teach you how to use keywords. For instance, some tools will tell you how often a certain keyword phrase is searched for, and show you other, similar keywords. These other keywords might allow you to expand the focus of your web page to attract more visitors. You can also use this information to target keywords that are less common on the Internet – which allows you to corner the market. Keywords aren’t the only search engine optimization tool you can use.

Another important aspect of SEO is linking . Search engines basically use links to a website as references, like when an employer calls up past employers to find out how good an applicant is. The more legitimate references or links to a website, the higher that the site will be ranked in the search engines. Creating links between your pages is a great way to enhanceSEO. Keywords and linking is just the tip of the search engine optimization iceberg. There are many more advanced techniques that can be used to bring a site to the top of the search page ranks and keep it there. This is just an introduction, but now you know the answer to the question; what does SEO stand for? What Is SEO ? Learn more about SEO by t aking our E-Course at ht t p://seonet works.bloge.inf o/cat egory/ecourse_market ing/

Recommended Reading What is SEM Seo educat ion Int roduct ion t o t he Market ing E-Course Lesson 1 – What Is Your Unique Selling Proposit ion Lesson 2 – How t o Make More Prof it s wit hout Spending More Money on Advert ising Lesson 3 – Building Your Cust omer Dat abase Seo research

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