Water Project Toolkit

Page 154








Social Principles Development of BASIC SERVICES projects may disrupt traditional user rights to water and land. Therefore examine:

 Ensure that traditional rights are taken into

Will the project encourage new settlement of people and animals around water points?

Will traditional water sellers or other workers lose their livelihood?

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 Ensure separation of human and livestock water points

Development of BASIC SERVICES can require significant changes in social and cultural norms and habits, especially with regard to sanitation. Therefore examine: Have social customs and attitudes to water storage and protection, domestic hygiene and existing methods of human waste disposal, been explored? Will the introduction of alternative methods, such as pit latrines and regular hand-washing, require significant changes in social habits and behaviours?

Will greater accessibility to water affect water collection, storage and usage habits?

out during identification or by other BASIC SERVICES projects. Consider a study to document cultural norms, attitudes and behaviours concerning water, hygiene and sanitation. Make sure that the results of social studies, particularly regarding sanitation, are fully incorporated into the project design. Make sure water quality and health issues (including public and environmental health) are included in the social studies.

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Improved BASIC SERVICES schemes can also lead to increased inequalities between different social groups. Therefore examine:

Will poorer communities or minority groups derive equal benefits from the project as compared with wealthier groups?

How will those whose traditional or already established occupations depend on water or waste disposal be affected?

What is the likelihood of an increase in small enterprises leading to an increase in demand?

Are the linkages between HIV/AIDS and water, sanitation and hygiene considered?

Is there a consistent set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation.

stakeholders and ensure the project is formulated to target the underserved as a priority. Identify minority groups influenced by the project and verify that they will have access to services and participation in their management. Ensure that traditional water sellers and waste disposal workers are included as stakeholders; examine the likely impact of the project on their livelihoods. Include an estimate of the increase in small enterprise water users in calculating likely demand for services. Ensure that HIV/AIDS issues are considered in the project. Identify the required set of indicators for monitoring and evaluation and ensure their availability.

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 Discuss alternative strategies with


 Review the results of social studies carried



Are traditional water and land use rights likely to affect project viability?


account and if they affect project viability redesign the project, especially issues related to land ownership and tenure. Quantify the likely environmental pressures of settlement around water points and consider the effectiveness of existing laws to control settlement. Initiate consultation with those adversely affected and investigate whether compensation should be paid.

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