Perspectives Magazine 2015-2016

Page 18

Dear Cosmo, Love Millie Dear Laurie Sandell,

business investments was inconsistent with your depiction of her as a symbol of a strong female.   The trouble I have with “ballsy” is that while the words   First off, I would like to thank you for your contributions “pussy” and “cunt” are insults, the word “ballsy” here is a to Cosmopolitan magazine. Growing up as a sheltered compliment because it is referring to male genitals. I feel Mormon girl in Northern Utah, writers like you have that this is inconsistent with feminist interests because provided me with helpful, direct, honest and interesting to while the word “pussy” suggesting weakness and “cunt” is about sex since I was sixteen. arguable the most offensive word in the English language   From what I understand, my positive experiences with (and as both of those words are referring to female Cosmo (particularly as a young woman) reflect a large part genitals), “ballsy” is used as of what Cosmo strives to do. a compliment in your article. Cosmo’s mission statement I felt that your use of the word “ballsy” in claims that it reaches out to reference to Minaj’s business investments “Ballsy” suggests strength because men have balls. young women to “make their was inconsistent with your depiction of her   As a reader, I felt that your interests and voices heard… as a symbol of a strong female. use of the word “ballsy” [to] open readers’ minds, suggested that positive broaden their perspectives, attributes of boldness, intelligence, and bravery were given and help them to live the full life they deserve.” to Minaj as a compliment, but this compliment that takes a   Because of the fearless manner in which Cosmo female and compares her to a man in order to depict her addresses women’s “interests” and need to heard, I have strength. Of course I understand that the word “ballsy” is always considered Cosmo to be a feminist magazine— one used widely in our culture to do just what I believe your setting out to empower women. article did, but as a very influential writer who affects the   While I can see how your recent interview with female minds of so many women, I hope you’ll take a moment or rapper Nicki Minaj in many ways does just this— you focus two to think about what the use of these words does to on her intelligence, economic savvy, sexual power, and women, even if the effects often go unnoticed. her groundbreaking role as a multi-million dollar female rapper— I wanted to point out one word in your article that made me uncomfortable. Considering your central Sincerely, intentions for this piece about a strong, successful woman, I Millie Tullis felt that your use of the word “ballsy” in reference to Minaj’s


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