Pix2pix review and alternatives

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Pix2Pix Review and alternatives Pix2Pix is a website where you can use their simple drawing tools, line and eraser, to draw an outline of a portrait or a scribble and it renders it into a realistic drawing. You can get pretty amazing results depending on the sketch. Dutch Public Broadcaster NPO is behind this artificial intelligence system. There are different version of Pix2Pix out there. Each version is trained on a specific image. For example, The human face Pix2Pix version, was fed thousands of images of a reporter, Lara Rense, and it uses those as the knowledge base to map out an image. The results are a blend of horrificly-interesting to hilarious images. It wasn't that good with cartoon characters, those mostly turn out distorted and demented creatures, but real human heads turn out really well. Pictures of some results (cartoon and real person) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkDEhQznN18 The fact that it renders out real colours, different lighting settings and even the fabric texture from a mere scribble is what makes it so very cool and astonishing. Unfortunately, the human version is no more, but you can most definitely try out other versions like the cat doodle edge2cats, shoe doodle edge2shoes, handbag doodle edge2handbags and building doodle facades, have fun. Link to use above tools: https://affinelayer.com/pixsrv/index.html If this one doesn't do it for you, here are five Pix2Pix alternatives that you can try. Oh and a heads up, the clear button is fatal. Once you press it, your sketch will be lost and there is no 'Undo-ing' it. Video clip ref time 10:22

Drawing Cartoon 2 If you are a stick men fan, then you will have a great time playing around with this one. You can create your characters from scratch or use some of the pre-loaded set of different stick men characters, meme faces, a wide range of various backgrounds and much more. It's not a simple click and drag tool. It really gives you a lot of control over the orientation and different angels on your characters. Picture of stick man with angle points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdM7PwdthPk Time: 2:52

or https://www.google.com.pk/search? q=drawing+cartoons+2&rlz=1C1AVFA_enPK757PK757&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqh rn3l-HYAhWFvY8KHeoDBP4Q_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=637#imgrc=8-dIYYyJNNUC2M: You can also create videos and add audio to them, which is where this tool really shines. You won't know it till you try it. Go on and create a mini cartoon clip and have a blast. Available on: Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.zalivka.animation2&utm_source=ph&ref=producthunt Google AutoDraw AutoDraw is a machine learning web-based tool to help you draw. In a nutshell, this tool makes pretty accurate guesses and shows us suggestions of related images of what we draw. Picture of a drawing with highlighted suggestions on top https://www.google.com.pk/search? q=Google+autodraw&rlz=1C1AVFA_enPK757PK757&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGwK HImOHYAhXGO48KHfRVAowQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=637#imgdii=kzcxjLKDVBlFIM:&imgrc=bFaYpO4z pvS9NM: It is based on the same technology as QuickDraw. Before you go all critical on the analysis, know this first that this is an experimental tool by Google. There are two main tools to draw with, a simple pencil tool named 'draw' and the AI-powered 'Auto draw' tool. The auto draw tool is what you wanna use if you wish to test out the machine learning capabilities. As always, Google loves taking in inputs, there is an added option for users to submit their designs to Google, any doodle artists out there? Available on: Android | Web https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AutoDraw.AutoDrawGoogle&hl=en https://www.autodraw.com/ Dot 2 Dot Dot 2 Dot is a puzzle game with a drawing touch. There are 1000s of dots and you connect them by the numbering and create cool images. Choose from different categories like animals, famous places, sports, famous art pieces, people and much more and connect away.

It's a good game for a relaxing stress-free time and especially if you want to draw but aren't any good at sketching. You can share your finished images on Facebook and Instagram and even download them on your phone. It has simpler puzzle version for kids as well, so no one is left out from the Dot 2 Dot experience. Picture of drawing Adult version https://www.google.com.pk/search? rlz=1C1AVFA_enPK757PK757&biw=1366&bih=637&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=4mdgWpbCNYrTvgTIj4q4BA&q= Dot+2+dot&oq=Dot+2+dot&gs_l=psy-ab.3...62766.64206.0.64562.

Available on: iOS | Android https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dot-2-dot-connect-the-dots/id1227734600?mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.two.bros.games.dot.to.dot&hl=en Drawissimo A very cool drawing app for kids. This falls more in the teaching kids how to draw category. It's a basic trace and draw app with colouring. It has two main options for that. One, Kids can draw by tracing on the character with their finger on the screen of the phone. Two, (and my favourite), Kids can draw with the camera. You place your phone on top of some cup or any object that elevates the phone from the drawing surface. Place it so that you can clearly see the paper you are drawing on through the camera. Then match or 'TRACE' whatever you see on the screen onto the paper. 2-3 Pictures of camera drawing that make it clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BcTuaXW2do Sounds more complicated than it actually is but It's pretty addictive. Available on: Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aku.drawissimo&hl=en Doodly

This one is from 'hand sketches tool on whiteboard' app family. What you do with this is, create your own whiteboard or black-board animations. You render out video format files of the sketches you make in here. It has a pre-built library of animations, scenes, characters and even sound, which are further divided into various categories as well. You can use the pre-built props or create your own, add your own fonts or sounds. It has a very easy to understand user interface. At the bottom, you will find 'the classic' video editing timeline with sound controls which makes it easier to manipulate the animations. In process animation pictures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTgR0hOhLK8 There is a side panel with 'live view' option, so you can see how your sketch pans out while you draw. The best feature, that's missing in other similar sketch tools, is the reveal path tool. By default, if you use a character, the hand will just scribble it while drawing. With this tool, you can trace out the prop edges and lines and have the hand draw it like you normally would. It feels more natural. 2 Pictures for reveal path tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTgR0hOhLK8 Of course, you can control the speed and delay duration of the animations. A very simple tool with great features. Available for Windows and Mac: Website https://www.doodly.com/

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