Wanted Distributors, Distributorship Opportunities, Wholesale Dealership, Distribution Busines

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Appoint Distributors Boost your Business to next Level

Growing SME Brands

Why We Need Distributors ? 1 - Broaden Retail Sales :- The process of finding and selling to retail customers can get expensive. The costs of advertising and maintaining retail locations can become very costly for a manufacturer. When a manufacturer uses distribution, it becomes the responsibility of the distributors to find retail outlets for products. 2 - Market Expansion :-When a manufacturer decides to sell to a new geographical market, a distributor can offer an established retail network instantly. 3 - Customer Service :-The manufacturer would only deal with the distributors, while the distributors would deal directly with retail outlets and their customers. 4 - fastest Supply :- Distributors know all the locations of stores, supermarkets and other such outlets and also know the fastest way to reach them. 5 - Understanding of the market :- Distributors know who to reach, where best to take your product and how to get prospective buyers interested.

Benefit of Having Distributors ? Distribution channels :- You need not even have a physical presence in these territories, but your product can reach the people there. By taking your product through a variety of convenience store distribution channels and reaching it to even remote locations, you are able to make it a household name and in turn, turn in larger sales volumes. Sales and marketing :- Distributors are champion sellers. Their main job is to keep convenience stores and others like a customer facing centers stocked with quality goods, so they will really sell the idea behind your product to the stores, that, backed by their assurance of delivery and their years of built up reputation alone can kick start your product’s sales in the area.

Why AppointDistributors.com ? AppointDistributors.com is India’s largest Distributors portal which provides an efficient and trusted Business platform. We are providing Interested Distributors profiles to SMEs & known brands from all over the India. AppointDistributors.com an initiative of BIZZPRIDE INDIA PVT.LTD. AppointDistributors.com is helping to companies for distributors network in such trending categories

Benefits & Features We will assign one dedicated Key Account Manager who will take care your profile . Our dedicated account person will give you verified 6-8 interested People prospects over the conference call & Email. We will create awareness also of your brand by sending E-mailer and by help of Facebook, Google Seo, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. We will give you login Credential of your relevant business category where you can connect with interested become distributors.

How Appointdistributors.com Work?


conference call with prospect

Account Manager Assigned

build a prospect client

Welcome call / Verification call

working on inquiries

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