Primary Newsletter 3

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Primary Newsletter

Together with our community, we can achieve extraordinary things.

Appleton Academy


Once again, we have reached the end of another school term; it's always surprising how quickly the weeks pass. Whilst it has been a short one it has been a busy one with World Book Day and Red Nose Day, sports competitions and visits taking place.

Staff Retirement

This week we have sadly said goodbye to Mrs Wood. Mrs Wood has been a dedicated member of our Early Years team for 18 years. We would like to thank her for all her hard work and support and wish her a happy and healthy retirement.

Thank you all for your continual support. I hope you have a


Good News

In January our kitchen team set a challenge to get an Easter egg for every child in primary. Thanks to their hard work and persistence they have not only achieved this but have some left over to help raise funds for the secondary prom.

Congratulations to Miss Butterfield (Learning and Welfare Mentor) on being awarded the Children’s Speech and Language therapy team’s Communication Star this term.

Miss Butterfield delivers speech and language to a number of children across primary and also trains and supports other staff who are working with children with speech and language needs.


Attendance at Appleton

Improving attendance continues to be a focus in primary. We want every child to have high attendance so they are not missing out on their learning in school.

The “Ultimate” summer attendance challenge!

Challenge1:8th April to 24th May-7 weeks=34 school days

Challenge 2: 3rd June to 19th July- 7 weeks=35 school days

The challenge is in 2 parts on the dates above.

Attend school for a full 5 days to get 1 prize draw entry for £50 shopping vouchers each week.

Attend school for a full 10 days to get 1 prize draw entry for £100 shopping vouchers every fortnight.

100% attendance for the half term and get a prize draw entry for £150 shopping vouchers.

This means that next half term your child can earn:

•7 entries into the £50 prize draw

• 3 entries into the £100 draw

• 6 entries into the £150 draw

• 1 extra entry per week for no lates into the £50 draw!

This is in addition to the weekly attendance rewards in class

You will receive a text message each week to let you know if your child is on track to meet the attendance challenge. Together with our community, we achieve extraordinary things.



The children had a special visitor this half term. They took part in the Bradford Library's Rhyme Challenge where they had to learn a number of nursery rhymes and share each one with the Book Start Bear. The children were wonderful and received a certificate for taking part.

They worked with our artist in residence Chris Mould to look at lots of different types of homes and dwellings across the world and the animal kingdom and learn how to have a go at drawing them.

Early Years enjoyed dressing up and taking part in World Book Day. They did lots of activities linked to the wonderful story of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea!


Year 1

In our History topic this half term, Year 1 have been learning all about toys from the past and how they have changed over time. Each class took part in a 'Toys through time' workshop with local artist and educator, Jeffrey Andrews. They explored old and new toys, how each toy worked and the materials they were made from.

Some of our Year 1 children took part in a multi-skills sporting event. They competed against other schools completing various sporting activities including the hurdles, races and obstacle courses.


Year 2

In Year 2 this half term, pupils have been exploring India. They learnt about a small village called Chembakolli and made comparisons with their own village in Wyke. As part of our India day, pupils designed henna patterns, recreated the Taj Mahal, dressed in Indian clothes and tasted Indian foods.

Year 2 had a fantastic time for World Book Day and created some amazing costumes and story themed hats.


Year 3

This half term, Year 3 have immersed themselves in the fascinating lives of the Ancient Egyptians. We have been learning about customs and role played the gruesome mummification process designing a sarcophagus and death mask.

In Drama the children have been learning a song about the Egyptians and the hard work they would put in when building the pyramids.

The children got creative for World Book Day. Well done to Freya for winning the hat competition on World Book Day!

In RE we have been learning all about parables in the Bible and the lessons that some of the stories teach us.

In science we learnt how electricity flows and used this to construct simple circuits. We used this knowledge in D.T to create an alarm to protect our easter eggs.


Year 4

Year 4 have been learning, exploring and comparing their local ecosystem to the Amazon Rainforest.

They have explored Judy Woods and learn about the food web and food chains that exist with the woods​. Both classes braved the cold and wet weather to explore the physical and man-made features of the woods.

Both classes have measured, cut and then created their own bird boxes. They demonstrated fantastic health and safety attitudes as they handled saws and glue guns!

Y4 classes invited their parents in to see their class assemblies. They showcased their learning brilliantly through performance and song.


Year 5

Year 5 have been making prints onto calico bags this half term! They used oilbased paint to create their design for a new fair trade logo.

They explored the journey of planning, designing and creating their prints. Using string, cardboard and polystyrene, they practised block printing until they were happy with their design. Often, the simplest design is the most effective!

5DF have been enjoying learning new styles of swimming and 5JM have been honing their teamwork skills in Outdoor Education and have just started biking!

This half term included World Book Day and all the children had a chance to dress up as their favourite book character! They took part in a 'guess the teacher' competition as well as a visit from the fantastic author, Saviour Pirotta.


Year 6

Year 6 have visited Solenis this half term. We have had great fun learning about filtering different materials (sand, wood and soil).

We’ve been very busy in our English lessons where we have written 'Twisted Tales' and a 'Guide to Looking After a Miptor'.

We have worked with Matt Wainwright –the author of our Year 6 book 'Out of the Smoke'.


British Science Week

Year 2 were learning about the life cycle of the frog and the metamorphic changes.

Year 5 have been researching and designing a sustainable and productive farm that links with fair trade and perimeter and percentage in maths.

Year 4 were exploring biodegradable plastic and how this would be better for the environment and help to protect ecosystems.

As 22nd March was World Water Day, Y6 investigated ways to solve water leaks and created inventions to solve water shortage during their trip to Solenis.


World Book Day

Our children had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day.

We had a very entertaining visit from Saviour Pirotta. Saviour is an author and playwright; writing mainly children's historical fiction. His storytelling was hilarious and the children had a great time him.


Artist In Residence – Chris Mould

Chris had a fun time drawing and discussing different dwellings with both our Early Years children and our Monday art club. There were some great results. Parents and children also enjoyed their 'Draw with Chris' session. Thank you to everyone who attended.


Bookstart Bear and the Rhyme Challenge

Our Early Years children have taken part in the Rhyme Challenge in partnership with Bradford Libraries.

Bookstart Bear visited our children in Wyke Library to present them with their certificates.

Parental Involvement

My name is Emily Chesterman and I am the Parental Involvement Officer at Appleton Academy. My role is to strengthen the partnership between school and home and show that your involvement is valued. It is important to have regular contact with school and be involved in your child's education as much as possible.

Toy Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported the toy sale and your kind donations. We have managed to raise £ 45.00.

Wonky Donkey Session for Reception/Year 1 -Tuesday 23 April at 2.15pm

Listen to Mrs Parr read Wonky Donkey and then there will be a lovely craft activity to follow which you can do as a family. A link has been sent via text message to register your interest.

Family craft sessions

Over the summer term, I will be holding small craft sessions where you will be invited in as a family. This include activities such as glass painting, bracelet design, scratch art, drawing and more. Light refreshments will be provided during the sessions.

Free courses

Supporting your primary child with Numeracy, Literacy and Reading

This course runs twice per week for 3 weeks and are looking to have it based at Appleton Academy and run by a tutor from Realise Training. Look out for the sign-up form via text message to register your interest.

Useful information

Makin Dixon Family Law Solicitor- Free advice drop in – TFD Centre, Holmewood BD4 9BU every Thursday 10am-12pm

Free housing advice – 0808 800 444

Reevy Hill Children's Centre – Primary age drop in – First Monday of every month 9.30-11.00

School nursing team, SEN team and dental team. For advice and support for children age 5-19 years, please call the Duty Team on 01274 221 203

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