Música para el Cambio

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¡¡¡ Playing for change!!! AGUSTINA GARCÍA My name is Agustina Garcia. I help playing for change in the tour of imagine. Last week we were in Amsterdam Netherlands, singing with Clarence Bekker.

The typical food ate pea soup, beef hash, stew, liver sausage and took Dutch gin, beer Heineken and Amstel.

And desserts: Poffertjes, noodlesdelicious chocolate and cookies filled with caramel

we went to a health-food restaurant:their menu was restaurant breakfast Lunch Dinner Drink

“UMA” Orange organic, full salad bar, milk and yoghurt, fresh fruit salad. Bolhoed and Golden Temple scons, la chiche lorraine water or lemonade

Everything went very good.Lessla chiche lorraineI do not finish. PH: hi momi I am now in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We recently eating asado, ate dessert alfajores with dulce de leche. We are now singing Cheche Alara. Taste the mate and empanada and I like.

I am fine and how are you?

Now in argentina It´s sunny but earlier today IT rained

I´m going to now el obelisco, The neighborhood La Boca and the theater Colon

Tomorrowwe will. Tokio, Japan. We visit the national garden “Shinjuku Gyoen� and Tokio Disney Sea. And we will sing with

Japanese tradition isThe kimono and yukataare the two most important traditional attire of Japanese. for them the tea ceremony is essential, The Japanese garden design is a true masterpiece , trademark in Japanese culture.We all know the Sumo wrestling is a unique type of struggle in the world that was invented by the Japanese, as ceremonious as spectacular PD:We fine, in a month return,but do not feel like. I love you mom a kiss

Hello my name is LEANDRO, my from is Argentina. I went with playing for change. I was visiting India, The Congo, France and South Africa.

Dialoge- present simple. -Hello. Whats your name? -Hi. My name is Pierre Minetti and you? -My name is Leandro Richter. How are you? -Fine fine, and you? -Fine. - Where are you from? -I'm from Argentina and I come accompanied by playing for change. -Hooo I see, and tell me what you like about France? -What I like about France is its food !! It is delicious !! -Jajajajaja -What is the menu for this day? - To this day the menu is a typical food of France and is Foie Grass -Good!!, What is the tourist attraction of France? - The main attraction of France is the famous Eiffel Tower, with a height of 300 meters and a weight of 7300 tons. - Awesome!!.Good Pierre was nice to meet and learn a little more France, see you and thank you for participating in this musical project Playing For Change. - In all, the pleasure was mine.

letter – Future. 1)MAIL. Hello teacher, we are reaching Congo, arriving'll have to look for Junior Kissangwa Mbouta to be a participant in the Playing For Change. When we arrive I sent another email telling you all what happened. Yours Truly: Leandro Richter.


2)MAIL. Hello teacher, and got to the Congo and the TV they said that this day will be very cold as we are in the season of autumn. I recommend that if you see any congo'll bring you much coat. after leaving the station collective I went looking for my good friend Junior Kissangwa Mbouta to expect in the nearest square. When we arrived he was there with his battery ready to play it, we turned, looked good man because we finished playing I promised to take us on a tour by train across the city, since one of the most notable attractions is the landscape that contains this city. good teacher will send a greeting from The Congo. Bye. Yours Truly: Leandro Richter


Interview- Simple Past.

This is an interview that was given 3 days ago by Leandro Richter back to one of the participants sinamuva choir in Umlazi, South Africa. -This on? ... Hello? ... You see? -Yea, yea. -Okey thanks. - Good afternoon, as it is called? - Hello, my name is Estefania, I can help you? - Hello Estefania, look I explain what I'm doing is an interview I give participants a sinamuva choir, I want to know to do before joining this choir. - well ok, what I did before I joined the choir was a widowed mother who cared for his only son, over the years could work in a small company organizing festivals. - Festivals like the World Cup 2010?

- That kind of traditional festivals no, but in this area. - you believe Playing For Change change something in this world about their behavior? -I do not expect to change the world, I'm trying to find that all are valued to make music no matter where we are, what color of skin, religated or culture. - Estefania good thanks for your time and willingness to answer my questions. - It is a pleasure Leandro.

Text- Present progressive. I am in India with Rajhesh Vaidhya playing a sitara which is an instrument like a guitar string. This person told me so often about, as anyone who gets up early rises at 6:00 o'clock, is preparing a herbal tea and breakfast with croissants. In the afternoon playing with his son football and going to work at 4:00 o'clock to a factory of paper and when he returns dinner with his family and goes to bed to do the same every day, I also told me that this musical program playing For Change that is very good and it never stops,

Sincerely:Leandro Richter


Hello my name is Abril Corroinca. I am part of Playing for Change, in this we have been traveling to different locations, now we are in Amsterdam, Netherlands with Clarence Bekker, we are eating Bitterballen (Delicious fried cheese balls, perfect with beer.) with Jenever Typical drink Netherlands, is the Dutch gin:

The typical dress is so At the moment the weather is raining here. After lunch we will go to Tokyo Japan, where Yu Hatakeyama touches instrument


A night in Tokyo we go to a club called YELLOW:

The weather tomorrow in Tokyo says Japan will be, will be raining and they will make 20 째. The typical dress of Japan is Tokyo men generally wear suits or trousers uniform jacket with mandarin collar. The tipycal food is sushi and eaten with chopsticks:

The next day we'll go to R. Selvaraj located in Chennai India: I go to Marina Beach is the second longest beach city in the world:

Marina Beach is a natural urban beach in the city of Chennai, India, along the Bay of Bengal, part of the Indian Ocean. The typical food is Bisi Bele Bhath:

And the weather will be rainy. And finally we will go to New York City, USA, where he sings Tamika McCleallan:

Where we will eat brunch and street. The brunch is sort of a combination of breakfast and lunch, so yes, served in very generous portions to start the day with strength. You can start with a fresh orange juice, bagels, milk, cereal, coffee and muffins, as if it were a breakfast, and then more substantial, typical dishes of good food: salmon, , scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and bacon.

And stayed at a hotel called Midtown

The weather will be cloudy or so will be 3 rd. The typical attire is

yogurt, toast, continue with sausages, bacon

My name is Agustina Anzuinelli and I am on music tour Playing For Change. CONVERSATION: cell phone (whatsapp). Riinnggg Riingg - Me: Hello mom! - Mom: Hello daughter! In what city are you? - Me: I am in Nancy, France. - Mom: what are you eating? - Me: I´m eating the typical food of this place, which are chocolate truffles, and take the typical drink is Pastis - Mom: OK. Bye. - ME: Ok. Kisses

INTERVIEW with a singer of Chennai, India, whose name is Venkat.

Me: Hello, what is your name? Venkat: My name is Venkat and what´s your name? Me: My name is Agustina. What do you do for living? Venkat: I play percussion musical instruments Me: That is so cute! Do you like your job? Venkat: Not much but it's the only thing you do

LETTER a Tula of Tel Aviv Israel

Hello Tula! I hope you receive this letter fine and well. I am sending you this letter from Chennai, India. We will travel to Tel Aviv next month to prepare the new song. Will the weather be fine? Will it be very cold? Will you be prepared for when we arrive? Well I hope you answer quickly, because we don’t have long to prepare. Kisses! Agustina.

New Oleands, Louisiana. We went to meet, saw different clothes and ate many typical foods that I loved. We went to a park diversions and scared me a lot in one game



AGUSTINA SUMAVIL Hi! I am Agustina, I am from Argentina, La Pampa. I have sixteen year. I'm with the band Playing for Change with the song don’t worry. So my journey begins… THE CONGO



Waiter: Hi, welcome to the restaurant Agustina’s. Can i take you order? Junior: i'd like a tomato and onions salad with carrots baked, please. Waiter: OK. Would you like a drink with that? Junior: Yes, I'd like drink water. Waiter: Is that all? Junior: No. I also want a dessert, you have to offer now? Waiter: Ice cream, pancakes and fruit salad. Junior: Ok. now I want fruit salad. Waiter: Mmm healthy! Junior: Yes. Ah! I also want bananas, I love that fruit. Waiter: Sure. Junior: Thank you.

Breakfast:  Pancake with soft drink. Lunch:  Fried egg with chips and a can of lemonade. Dinner: 

Pizza and omelett and orange juice.


INT ERVIEW WIT H TONZIN AND HIS FAMILY Hello Tonzin, which is the most important festival of india? When done? One day in special? What are we celebrating? Their clothing is? What activities are performed? How is the weather?

Hello Agus, first the main protagonists of the celebrations are the elephants. Each year, the city of Jaipur celebrates this festival in March. Celebrating the joy They are dressed in many colors, wear necklaces and delicate rugs. Activities such as parades, races and polo matches are made The climate is hot and when it rains is an area of high humidity.


TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION Mami: Hi daughter. Agus: Hello mami. Mami: How are you? Agus: Perfect. Mami: What did you do? Agus: I went to the cinema, amusement park and went to camp with friends of Nepal. Mami: That great. Agus: Yeah yeah, but we had a problema.

Mami: What happened? Agus: A friend is injured leg Mami: Uh horrible Agus: Yes Mami: Did you stay there during the nigth? Agus: Yes mather Mami: How did you return home? Agus: By train. Mami: Ok, Greetings !!


In my future I will go to Amsterdam I will know their food, people, hotels, customs, I going some sports there, holding my seventeenth birthday. I will travel with my boyfriend and my family, we will walk a lot and meet new landscapes. Also I'm going to visit the band Playing for Change will be one of the best bands.

Hi, my name is Magalí Suarez. I travel with “Music for change”. I am a member, will visit Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tokyo, Japan. Chennai, India. Tamale, Ghana.

hello brother !! How are you? I mean right now I'm walking the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with John, he is our guide. Everything is fantastic !! Today the weather is very hot very good, we are very happy to be



Hello! My name is Martina. I’m from is Argentina, I’m with the band Playing For Change the song is Imagine, We visited is Tokio, Japón Hello Mum! I’m in Tokio. This place it’s beautiful. I’m eating Sushi, and I’m drinking water. I’m thinking to visit the Imperial Palace. Caroline is sitting in front of me. She’s eating Chankonabe and drinking apple juice. We are talking about the video. We feeling that this project it’s great. I hope you stay good! See you soon! Lot of kisses!

Ps: This is the Chankonabe, it’s delicious!

Me: Hi sister, How are you? Sister: Hello! I’m fine and you? Me: Fine. I am in Rio de Janeiro. What were you doing yesterday? Sister: Beautiful. How is the weather like there? Nothing, I finished studying for my exams. Me: The weather is very hot. Sister: Do they celebrate something there? I mean festivals, carnavals, etc. Me: Yes, they have a beautiful carnaval! It celebrate in February on March and people wear colourful costumes and dance samba. Sister: Very good! I continue study. Kiss Me: Okay. Bye

DEAR DIARY: Tomorrow I will travel by plane to Los Angeles. I will eat California Roll and I will trink ice tea. I won’t eat tacos. I will visited west Hollywood, China Toun and beach. I will go to dance with friends. On Monday I’ll go to A lake for play drum for the video. I’m so happy

Today I wake up at eight o’clock and then I brush my teeth. After that, I have breakfast; I have a shower and then I go out the hotel because I was in India! I have to go to a lot of places, like Taj Mahal and a lot of beautiful parks and museums.

Don’t Worry I am on music tour playing for change, I am MILAGROS. I am in France. The food typical is truffles and wine is the drinks typical.

The morning en France is unstable.

Conversation. (Cel Phone) - Hello mom - Hi daughter, will you do? - Morning I will travel to New Orleans, Louisiana! - ¿Really? ¡What emotion! - Yes! We will a carnival! - ¿Really? - Really! Is the Carnival Latino - Yes! Congratulations - Thank you mom - Of nothing - I go - Ok, bye! - Bye, kisses –

Dear Diary.

DearDiary: Trip to Israel, we produce the video con Tula that is a woman that help for change. Morning will travel the Congo. Congratulations for me.

Dear Sandra: I am on music tour playing for change. Is fabulous, I went to Nancy France, Congo, New Orleans, Lousiana and Israel. Morning will travel, I do not want, I am tired. I hope to walk well. Kisses Milagros Moreno.

Song: War/No more trouble Introduction Hello my name is Ramiro from Argentina, I like to explore new places and cultures and am a member of "Playing For Change" Simple Past – Conversation

Ghana – Food and drink -Hello Rocky! how was your experience? - It was great! - I'm glad, Did you like the food? - Of course, it was wonderful. the cooked rice was amazing, and the banku was incredible

Banku - Ghanaian fish and meat with spicy sauce - Did you like the drinks? - Oh, yes, they were very good drinks, the akpeteshie, the asaana, but my favorite was palm wine Palm wine - It is a kind of millet wine (similar to beer)

Israel – Events Hi David Broza, How are you? I found out that you participated in the tour of "War / No more trouble" and I would like to tell me about the main events of his country for an article on "Playing for Change" 15 Oct 2014 atte:Ramiro Eyheramonho Hi Ramiro Eyheramonho good, It would be an honor to cooperate once again with "playing for change" we dance in the day the Simjat Torá, in honor of the completion of reading torah Once the cycle has ended, we don't wasted days and started a new cycle of reading the torah Simchat Torah day is a day of happiness and dansa, comes from the Jewish religion 17 Oct 2014 atte: David Broza is celebrated on October 17

Congo – Weather 12:34 Message Ramiro: Hello Jason how are you? what are you doing? 12:42Message Jason: Hello Ramiro! Very good, I'm shooting a scene for "war / No more trouble", the weather it's sunny and hot 12:46Message Ramiro: Great! lucky with the weather Landscape Congo

Ireland – Proyect “War/No more trouble -Hello Bono -Hello! -What are you going to do with this song? - I will be the voice of the song, I'll going sing - where are you going to travel? - we're going with the team, to Ireland is a beautiful country -Great, I wish you luck to you and your team, bye -Thanks! Bye

Landscape Ireland

XIOMARA We toured the city, went to several places, we visited the Eiffel Tower, it's beautiful!! and saw electric cars, more ecological. When we returned, we saw a street artist, Manu Chao; we proposed filming while singing One Love.

Yesterday started our trip with Playing for Change record is One Love. We flew to Paris, it's beautiful, for lunch, we were very hungry, ate a cheese scrumptious, and then a pizza with a typical drink was delicious.

Song let's and we went board, was "Orangina", it

Today we are in Israel, the day is beautiful, It’s sunny. We have breakfast in a Café, with Tula, a singer. We ask: eggs, cups of coffee with milk, bowls of fruit salad and glasses of juice. Everything is very rich. We speak all the time, she is very nice. We are recording the voice of Tula and the view is beautiful. I am happy !!

Routine Tula: First, she wakes up and gets up at eight o´clock. She has a big breakfast usually and has a shower. Then, she goes to work. She is shop assistant in a shopping center a nine o´clock to half past one. Then she goes home and has lunch with her friend usually. Later, she some days going to the square to sing sometimes receives money. After, she returns home by bus. Then, she has dinner and watches TV, Then she go to sleep.

We are going to Kathmandu Nepal. We are stain in The Dwarika’s Hotel, near to the airport. At the Hotel are having a breakfast.

Hello mum, we are going to the restaurant Hi! dougther, you havinig eat something healthy menu. Yeas mum, don´t worry, I´m caring… After the dinner, we are going to Dashan festival Ok. Ahah, I´m reading about this festival it’s very different from our celebration They are coming to my, bye Love you

We are coming to the festival, people are wearing colorful dress, like red or fuchsia, come through the streets and everything that we are surprised, are now commemorating the defeat of Durga. I’m trying to take a picture but is falling all. Finally, I am taking the picture.

Tomorrow 30th September we will be in Congo, lunch at the Congo Palace Hotel. Then, we on to record with Marmans Kenkonsenki.

Interview Marmans Kenkonsenki: -Hello, you order tomorrow? -Tomorrow, nothing -Ok, then you can sing One Love to Play for change? - Yes, of course - I have questions for you - Ok - You've got a show next week? - Yes, I am - Great, When? -On Saturday, at half past eight. - Where will? -I don’t know

Hello, my name is Naila Diaz and am part of that travels the country , this group is called music for a change and my function in the group is to sing what happens in each place .

Lucia diary:

The Sunday I travelled to Tokyo to see my friend. Yesterday, she played an instrument for a music video. On Monday she showed me the place.She made me taste Shabu-Shabu and drink Sake Vine. it was strange but delicious at the same time and drink coca-cola!Then we went to some neighborhoodslikeHamura, Akishima, Akiruno and Tama in underrground. They was amazing! The weather here it's wonderful! But the day that I travell it was raining and the sky didn't look good. Yesterday we went to a beautiful place to record where Yu played her instrument.She's so amazing! The video was very emotional. I cryied!All the people who made the video, did it to promote the peace and the music education for the children. They were so generous. I love when they do these charities.

Tokyo japan. Future  E: Hi! How are you? James: Hello!I'm fine! And you?  E: Oh!Really exciting! I can't wait to see your video! James: Yeah!We will start to work in two days. the video will have music, beautiful places and musicians very talents!  E: Will the video have animals? James: I don't know. Maybe will have birds or other animal that be peaceful.  E: Will you sing? James: Oh no, no! I will play the drums only!  E: In wich place they will film your part? James: Maybe they will film my part in a lake.LA have a many beautiful lakes!I think that the lake  E: Yes, I agree. Have you think what will you eat or drink tomorrow? James: No, I won't. Man!I'm very disorganized!I don't know if I will eat a California-styles pizza or a California Rol or if will drink Ice Tea or Coke.  E: How do you think that will be the weather tomorrow? James: I think that it will be cloudy. I'm watched TV last night and the weather report say this.  E: Why all these people will do this video? James: Because we are seek to promote peace and the musical children education.  E: Wich song will you use? James: Imagine! The best song ever in the world!  E: I agree. Will you use a suit? James: No, I won't! I will hate everyone if I have use a suit! (laughs)  E: Okay, okay. How will do all of this?

James: I don't know. I will play the drums only!But this is a big production, i don't know how these people can do it! But I know that these video will be amazing!  E: Can you tell us places for people to visit LA? James: The best places they should visit will be Disneyland, the Universal Studio, the Downtown, Chinatown, West Hollywood, Venice Beach. LA have a lot of wonderful places to visit!  E: What do you think that this video will do in people? James: I think it will create awareness in people. They will want to help the organization and colaborate with they.  E: Thank you for talk with us! We will wait very anxious for watch the video. James: Thank you!We hope you like it and we know you will donate to the cause.Goodbye people! Los Angeles,USA.( simple past) Rio de Janeiro-Brasil

new york (simple present )

Hello!! My name is VALENTINA MONTERO MILANO. I travel by plane with music for change. I’m member. I film the Imagine tour. I visit Argentina, Netherlands, Brazil, Japan, USA, India, Nigeria, Nepal, Mali, Ghana and South Africa.

Hi! My name is Andrea and I’m from is Argentina, I’m with the band Playing for Change the song War No More Trouble.

Friday, 31 October Hi Mum! Israel is very fantastic, I visit in the museum there are works for many years and food is very rich. We were two days. Tomorrow, go to Jerusalén with David. Then, continue to travel with the band .



Ireland is very nice, there are many clover peace, they told us at there are a lot. Today

he went to explore

he city and found it was Saint Patrick's Day, we were playing music with the band and Irish. Then, we met a band of

musicians and went to dinner. Yesterday when we arrived, we were told about the climate of the day and the clothes

hey were wearing them.

Congo Andre - Hi Jason!

Jason - Hello Andre

Andre - Where are we going to go tomorrow?

Jason -Tomorrow, we will go to visit the city. Andre -Are fun but going to teach animals that exist? Jason - Yeeeah! Andre -This well see you then.

South Africa: They are six in the morning and Pablo we are watching TV and eating breakfast. He is doing some toast and I’m doing milk. Also this my family but they are playing cards. (Conversation with my grandmother by phone) Yo .- Hey grandmother! Grandmother: Hi Andre! Yo .- Whay are you doing? Grandmother .- I’m playing cards with your brother. Yo .- And the grandfather is with you? Grandmother- No, this is playing football. Yo .- OH! Because I need to make me a job. Bye grandmother. Kisses.

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