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day but there are other goals, the main one being able to shoot comfortably. Earlier on you mentioned your directing partner, is that something that’s quite new? He’s an editor, and I’m the director. Our company is called Space6ix, it’s fairly new. Basically I work with his music group and I do a lot of their videos. They met me through someone who suggested I work with them. The funny story is that, Courtney had actually come across my work prior and said this is the girl we want to work with and I happened to meet them and it was all fate that we all managed to click and it’s just a big family now. They do their music and everything is in house for them. So I do their videos and work with them creatively to make sure everything photo wise is on point. I was doing the videos but I didn’t want to edit, it was just too time consuming. Our relationship is more so chiming in where what should go.We both give each other suggestions on our work because he’ll also be there at the shoots and assists and I will edit with him. What’s been the most exciting project you’ve both worked on? The most exciting, there’s two. We did an advert for a children’s book. The reason I say that was exciting was because for them to set up their business they needed a loan and our video helped them get that loan, so it means our work pushed that and helped that happen.For me the result I was most proud of was our video for Christian Rich. We shot them at their concert when they were down here and that was really fun; so far anyway. You also travel quite a lot, exploring new countries and cultures. Do you find that infusing those cultures or being surrounded by different cultures helps define your work?

Definitely. I think you’ll see when I’m in the country looking at through my Instagram because its so dull. It’s not to say that London is not a good place, it’s just that I’ve been to LA so many times for example and stayed out there for a while and I’ve been to countries like India and Portugal. It’s all places that are full of culture and for me I think that’s where I strive. That’s my forte, the sun is everything for me, working with natural light is the best. I’m also not very technical with my camera, so working with natural light is the best. Especially because we all have jobs working Monday to Friday, I’m a real person, I don’t live off of my photo money and I don’t front that either.Its just nice to get away and do creative things in other countries because that’s when my creativity is at its best. Even my own culture, I’m Indian and that fully co-intwines with what I do. It does come across in your work actually. I did an editorial, Part 1 and Part 2 for Babylon Clothing. Part 1 was shot in India and we had these two kids running around the beach and I just asked them if I could take a picture of them with my model. It meant more to me. I’ve seen pictures on Tumblr for example and they’re very simple, weird stuff in front of a shop or whatever, you see it on Instagram too. I love it but, I’ve tried to do that and I find that I’m better at high fashion or more conceptual shoots than I am doing something in front of a shop. I’m obsessed with the Jaws Harpers Bazaar shoot right now. I’ve not felt that way about a shoot in a very long time. And again it was conceptual, there was so much thought put into it and its beautiful. So when it comes to shoots do you work a lot with set designers or anyone else? No, I do everything by myself.

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