Sustainable Living Guide 2015

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sustain and save being green on a budget


The biggest myth around sustainability is “I can’t afford it.” Take a minute to set personal goals of living more sustainably and you’ll save money, too.

sustainability audit

Do a sustainability audit. Ask yourself: How can I reduce my consumption? How far do I drive every day? How much gas do I use? How often do I print unnecessarily? How often do I eat out? How long are my showers? testimonials

Check out and learn from these savings testimonials from fellow Appalachian students’ personal sustainability audits. “I cut fuel consumption in half (saving over $200 per month) by setting specific goals related to driving less — walking to campus, taking the AppalCart, carpooling when I could.” “I gave up eating out so often! By trying to eat at home more, I saved at least $20 per week.“ “I unplugged my appliances and electronics when I wasn’t using them, insulated my windows and lowered the thermostat. My electricity use dropped fifty percent.” I’m a huge coffee drinker. I saved almost $0.80 per cup (about $50 per month) by using refillable filter cups for my Keurig. And I decreased my trash! A month’s worth of used K-cup packs can fill up one kitchen-sized trash bag!”

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