AWARE Ink October-December 2013

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AWARE October-December 2013 Volume 7, No. 4


“The Right Services...To the Right People...At the Right Time!”

The Arc Montana Conference Billings event brings together advocates and experts By Jim Tracy “Let’s start labeling jars, not human beings, because we all are equal.” That statement, delivered by Kurt Rutzen in a speech at the first annual conference of The Arc Montana, sums up the theme of the two-day event at the Hilton Garden Inn in Billings. Rutzen, a disability rights advocate and See Conference on page 12

KXLF TV reporter Jamie Leary interviews Celina Cole at the Center for Excellence on the first day of school, Sept. 4. A reporter from ABC-Fox TV in Butte also did a story on the Center’s opening day. Photo by Jim Tracy

See Center for Excellence on page 15

Keynote speaker Isaac Baldry of Miles City, with an assist from his mother, Theresa, uses an iPad and software that augments communication to describe how he has faced challenges and answered naysayers throughout his life. Photo by Star Cleary

AWARE staff eager for move to electronic health records By Jim Tracy By this time next year, electronic health records should feel like the norm for AWARE staff and customers. Whether they work directly with families in a


Note to staff and friends

— Page 2

Medical director named NAMI hero — Page 5

community or provide administrative support services, AWARE staff seem eager to make the transition to digitized records, or EHR. “Most importantly, the administrative portion of every position will be more streamlined, allowing See EHR on page 6 Corporate Congress delegates elected — Page 10

You should know about brain injury — Page 16

Anaconda Recycling installs PV system — Page 18

AWARE initiatives true to unconditional care Dear staff and friends,

I trust our staff implicitly to make all their personcentered decisions in a way that reflects our commitment to unconditional care.

This year marks 25 years since the day I began working as the CEO of AWARE, Incorporated. It’s always tempting for me to reflect on all that has changed since that time, whether those changes have been positive or negative. But this isn’t intended to be a trip down memory lane or hypothetically question just how much the advent of the internet has changed the world we live in. I want to reflect on the consistent support of the people close to us, the communities we live and work in, and the unpredictable ways that the people we serve have influenced the way we serve them. Larry Noonan

to do everything we can to be a part of the fabric of that history. Very soon we’ll head to Fairmont Hot Springs for three of the most important days we’re part of as an organization. Our Corporate Congress process is something you’ve heard me talk about ad nauseam in the past, and you’ll hear it again. We do things differently. That’s something we’re proud of.

The Center for Excellence in Anaconda is, I believe, a good representation of the way that collaboration and measured risk can still work together, even in a community that has been told repeatedly just how enormous the odds are that it can match the economy it had 50 years ago.

There have been plenty of times that we’ve made decisions that haven’t been the most pragmatic. But I also think that the non-traditional decisions we’ve made that have changed lives for the better outweighs any of the times that we realized we had to go back to the drawing board on an idea. Why?

I hope that those of you who haven’t had the chance to check out the new building in person will get a chance to do so at some point in the near future. Beside the fact that the school is one of the most technologically advanced in the state in addition to one of the most therapeutically advanced, we’ve worked to make sure the Center for Excellence takes the community’s personality into account, even building it on the very grounds that once saw the world’s greatest ever production of copper. The history of Anaconda is the history of AWARE. We’ve known and worked with families for the benefit of their loved ones for nearly 40 years now, and we want

Lawrence P. Noonan, CEO Geri L. Wyant, CFO Jeffrey Folsom, COO Mike Schulte, CHO Board of Directors John Haffey, President Al Smith Cheryl Zobenica Ed Amberg Marlene Holayter Russell Carstens Stephen Addington Barbara Andreozzi Jesse Laslovich Editor: Jim Tracy Staff writers: Tim Pray Jacquie Peterson


AWARE Ink is published bimonthly by AWARE, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization at 205 E. Park Ave., Anaconda, MT 59711. Copyright ©2013, AWARE Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher. Please send correspondence to:

Because our non-traditional decisions come from what is ultimately the most organic strategic planning process I’ve either witnessed or been a part of. That’s Corporate Congress, and its continued success is due to the increasing voices of our communities, families, and frontline staff to guide the most community and personcentric decisions we make as an organization.

Art in the making

This will be the final newsletter of 2013. Next year will be a year filled with even more tangible change and progress. Between our use of the “Balanced Scorecard“ system and our transition into an electronic medical records system, we’ll have plenty of opportunities to show our flexibility and patience. Amidst all the coming changes, though, I trust our staff implicitly to make all their person-centered decisions in a way that reflects our commitment to unconditional care. Have a safe and happy holiday season,

Sculptor Fred Boyer has nearly finished the face of the man in this latest version of a worker and his children. The final 1 ¼-scale bronze, when completed and cast, will adorn AWARE’s new school and Center for Excellence on the east side of Anaconda. The miniature, called a maquette, depicts a father as he greets his son and daughter after a long day of work; they eagerly await to open his lunch pail to see the surprises he has left them. In addition to the original bronze for the Center for Excellence, Boyer and AWARE will be casting limited edition ¼-scale bronze sculptures for sale to the public. The sculptures will retail for approximately $4,500. Photo by Jacquie Peterson


Home grown Each year, Troy Miller plants a garden at his home. Troy said that each March he likes to start his plants inside and then move them outside when the Montana weather allows. This year he planted sunflowers, snap dragons, tomatoes and zucchini, which he has already harvested. You can find his garden at the Madison House in Anaconda. Photos by Jacquie Peterson


AWARE medical director named NAMI Hero

issues to help ensure effective care in our communities. • The Genesis House from Stevensville for their amazing efforts helping women reintegrate back into daily life after returning from Montana State Hospital. • Lisa Kenny, N.P., an advanced practice nurse with the Cooperative Health Center in Helena for her compassionate care for the homeless. DR. LANTZ has also been appointed to a diverse panel of six Montanans to study the cause of the state’s suicide epidemic, which mental health professionals have deemed a public health crisis. For the next three years, the panel of professionals, which also includes a pastor, psychologist, sheriff and licensed clinical social worker, will focus on the issue of suicide and make recommendations to the governor to help prevent more deaths. The panel is the first Montana Suicide Review Team. It was created by House Bill 583 and signed into law earlier this year by Gov. Steve Bullock. The panel will meet at least eight times a year, and each member will serve a three-year term.

AWARE Medical Director Dr. Leonard Lantz has been named a NAMI Hero. NAMI stands for National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI Montana announced its 2013 NAMI Montana Hero Awards at this year’s Conference on Mental Illness. Here’s the write-up from NAMI: “Dr. Leonard Lantz, M.D., a psychiatrist from Helena — for his service as the Medical Director for A.W.A.R.E. Inc. and his work in becoming a powerful advocate for suicide prevention in the state.” Other NAMI Hero Award winners are: • State Representative Ellie Hill (D- Missoula) for her bipartisan leadership and advocacy in improving Montana’s emergency detention standard. • State Representative Ron Ehli (R- Hamilton) — for his strong leadership in a variety of mental illness

Dr. Leonard Lantz, center, receives a NAMI Hero Award from Matt Kuntz (right) head of NAMI Montana, and Gary Mihelish, a long time mental health advocate, along with his wife Sandra. For many years, Mihelish was president of NAMI Montana. He is now a member of the national NAMI Board of Directors. AWARE photo



Continued from page 1 clinicians, child and family specialists, case managers, behavior support coordinators and all others to focus on what really matters, which is each and every family we work with,” said Tabitha Williams, a therapist in AWARE’s Miles City office. “Electronic health records will be helpful in so many ways. From my understanding, it will really expedite the billing process, pulling from notes entered into the system regarding appointments.” She sees other advantages to EHR, often referred to as electronic medical records, or EMR, “This will be efficient in time management, not having to review each week’s billing but to know that as soon as it is entered into the system, there is a billing record for it,” said Williams, who has a master’s degree in social work. A greener approach “Tracking and reviewing supervisees notes and productivity will be more efficient, as well as creating a more green environment in each and every office by cutting out so much paper, ink and wear on machinery, making this a costeffective strategy as well. Being able to track a family with one glance on the EHR will be much easier than the extensive paper trail utilized currently.” Dan MacDonald, program director of the Enterprise Learning Center in Billings, believes that by embracing electronic health records, AWARE “will create unprecedented connectivity within the largest mental health and disability services provider in Montana. “It promotes real-time documentation, which significantly reduces audit losses and simultane-

ously increases the quality of support, supervision and meaningful outcomes for persons served,” said MacDonald, who is also service administrator for children’s developmental disability services in Billings and Bozeman. “EHR will create efficiencies and effectiveness within AWARE, ensuring participants, support staff and Montana taxpayers of AWARE’s diligence to be a responsible steward of public resources.” Less paperwork Said Bob Kimbell, targeted case manager in Missoula, “My colleagues in adult DD case management and I eagerly await the implementation of the electronic health records system. We expect that the reduction in paperwork, and time spent filing and organizing that paperwork, will result in more time spent working with and on behalf of the people we serve.” Service administrator Autumn Kirby in Bozeman is looking forward to improvements in organization, documentation and communication. “This will help us to ensure we are accurately tracking the progress of our clients,” Kirby said. “Our new EHR will also be a portal of sorts to help staff ensure they have access to all the information they need to always do the best at their job. “Assisting and monitoring progress of the people we serve is truly why we all do the work we do. We want to be able to see people succeed and share this success with them.” Kalen Ingram, a service coordinator for children’s DD services in Missoula, anticipates that EHR will be a time saver. “AWARE’s transition to elec6

tronic health records will reduce time spent on non-billable activities such as file documentation,” Ingram said. “In addition, it will make it so that progress notes and other required documents cannot be submitted without hitting certain criteria. Daily data being entered could be viewed and monitored in a more timely manner, allowing for issues within the plan to be addressed sooner with the families.” Business operations manager Leslie York, based in Anaconda, sees benefits from a different angle. “The major benefit I see is being able to share client information across services,” said York, a member of the electronic health records selection committee. “Things like Medicaid ID number, date of birth, and spelling of a name will be consistent without any redundant data entry. Once client eligibility is checked at the beginning of the month, all involved staff will be able to see if there are any concerns. The next benefit is the efficiencies we’ll gain. No one will have to fill out billing intake/discharge forms, because it’ll all just be entered into the system.” Handling exceptions York noted that most insurance claims will be generated automatically by information in the system, so her staff can spend more of their time handling the exceptions instead of the routine. “No one will have to gather the billing information and send it in – we’ll just pull it from the system,” she said. “Chart compliance will be enforced at the point of entry: alerts will warn users if information is missing or out of date. We can virtually eliminate audit losses from missing progress notes, because the billing will be generated

automatically only after the note is entered.” After having a front-row seat for the lead-up, she welcomes the switch. “I’m looking forward to having a great database of information to pull from when people ask for information or reports,” York said. “Right now, I have to pull data from several different places, so it’s not always the most efficient process. I’m excited to see these changes and how they are going to positively affect work flows for so many people.” Ten-month transition Jeremy Nelson, CEO of the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Afia Inc., the company that is helping guide the transition to EHR, spent a day in early November with about 35 AWARE staff members, explaining how electronic health records will be implemented over the next 10 months. The system is expected to “go live” in the fall of 2014. “Up to today, we have been talking about how we could do things,” said Nelson, who helped found Afia Inc. in 2007. “Now we get to start talking about how we will do things.” “Not everything will be ideal!” he added. To make the system works, Afia needs input from staff over the next year. He also emphasized the importance of getting things right on the front end. “Automating bad processes just leads to increased output of bad results,” he said. “This is a big effort with great potential payoffs,” added Jeff Folsom, chief operating officer, “but (it) will only be as successful as our effort in setting it up correctly.

We have a great support team in place that needs all of our help.” Nelson said Afia’s immediate goal is to define staff roles and get a head start on tasks that will be required by Netsmart, the company whose myEvolv software program will be used as AWARE’s EHR. AWARE’s EHR selection committee, with input from users across the organization, awarded Netsmart a contract in October after a lengthy process that started in November 2011. The EHR system is expected to improve efficiency, quality of care and cut costs. But AWARE CEO Larry Noonan sees a bigger purpose for the move. ‘A whole new standard’ “We are adopting electronic health records for all those reasons — to improve quality of care and to memorialize all the work we do — but it really causes us to reach a whole new standard that the highest quality services, hospitals and providers in the country have reached,” Noonan said. “The thing we are most excited about is that this helps us hit a level of quality and service that does not exist in Montana in the human service industry at our level.” He noted that AWARE’s psychiatry program needs to function “at the highest level possible and that program’s needs brings the rest of us along with it.” AWARE’s move to EHR mirrors other efforts, such as CARF reviews, that the company has undertaken to improve quality, Noonan said. “We came away with no recommendations for improvement from the CARF folks in our last review,” he said. “That is indicative of how doing things like being accredited 7

helps raise the quality of what we’re doing. While CARF helped us get to a high level, the medical records effort will help us stay there and continue in our growth to levels and heights that no other organization can match.” Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about electronic medical records and how AWARE will transition to them: What are AWARE’s longterm business goals for EHR? Reduce indirect costs by 10 percent over three years Reduce documentation audit losses by 50 percent in the next three years vs. the average of the previous 10 years Increase net reimbursed services per clinician by 5 percent per year Track the progress of client goals for every reimbursable service provided Ensure that a minimum of 90 percent of direct care reimbursable staff agree that they have the necessary tools and information to provide high quality care Increase client contact by 5 percent What are AWARE’s guiding principles behind the EHR System selection process? Process – Eliminate redundancy throughout the organization to unite the efforts of staff and increase efficiency. Services – Provide an unmatched level of care to meet the individual needs of every client. Staff – Enhance the tools and skills of staff members through new technology and training. Continued on next page

Clients – Continue in the spirit of UCC Principles by offering superior client care and education through user-friendly, highly accessible and coordinated information tailored to patient needs. Partners – Deliver immediate and necessary level of transparency with our partners, providing swift, consistent answers — even to casual questions. Competition – Set the local, regional and national standard for excellence in the industry through the use of state-of-the-art services for those with the highest needs. Regulatory and compliance – Be “audit ready” 24x7x365. Technical – Connect all areas of the organization to offer flexibility and increase functionality. What does an electronic health record include? An EHR typically includes contact information, family history, records of immunization and hospitalization. It may also include other information: visits to health care professionals, allergies, insurance information, conditions or diseases, list of medications and information about surgeries or procedures performed. Where will the records be located? AWARE’s EHR system will be in a self-hosted data center in Missoula, which will be brought online in December. It will provide redundancy, security and efficiency, and it will power all of AWARE’s IT needs. What is Afia and what should AWARE expect from the company? Afia Inc. is a health information technology (IT) consulting

firm based in Ann Arbor, Mich., that works with community health centers, behavioral health organizations, physician groups, primary care, public health and other medical practices to implement IT systems and strategies to create more efficient and effective health care organizations. “We understand that often, deciding on, learning and working with new technologies can be frustrating and intimidating, so we make sure people are taken care of as much as the technology,” the company says on its website. “Because of that, our customers confidently make informed decisions.” Afia is a Swahili term meaning “health.” What is Netsmart? Netsmart, with offices in Kansas, New York, Ohio and Illinois, helps health and human services organizations transform care through “the collaborative, coordinated management and exchange of clinical data across the care spectrum and through effective practice management that improves revenue cycle management.”

According to Netsmart, more than 21,000 client organizations, including 350,000 care providers and more than 40 state systems, use its solutions to help improve the quality of life for millions of people each year. AWARE will use Netsmart’s myEvolv, a web-based “meaningful use certified” EHR system that will integrate and manage client data from intake to discharge. The program was chosen for its ability to support AWARE’s needs and processes. The system implemen8

tation and adoption process will also provide many opportunities to make internal process improvement changes. Meaningful use is the set of standards defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Programs that governs the use of electronic health records and allows eligible providers and hospitals to earn incentive payments by meeting specific criteria. The goal of meaningful use is to promote the spread of electronic health records to improve health care in the United States. The benefits of the meaningful use of EHRs include: Complete and accurate information. With electronic health records, providers have the information they need to provide the best possible care. Providers will know more about their patients and their health history before they walk into the examination room. Better access to information. Electronic health records facilitate greater access to the information providers need to diagnose health problems earlier and improve the health outcomes of their patients. Electronic health records also allow information to be shared more easily among doctors’ offices, hospitals and across health systems, leading to better coordination of care. Patient empowerment. Electronic health records will help empower patients to take a more active role in their health and in the health of their families. Patients can receive electronic copies of their medical records and share their health information securely over the Internet with their families.

What happens next? According to Nelson, AWARE staff will have new ideas because they’ll have an actual system to work with. The system will enable some things that AWARE didn’t consider before. It will also require AWARE staff to be flexible. Afia estimates AWARE will be using the system for five to seven years and probably many more. That means staff must make it a top priority to find time for the project, he said. Every process will be examined before it is implemented to make sure it actually makes sense (external obligations excluded). Processes that don’t make sense will have to change unless it is something AWARE has no control over. Things AWARE has no control over will be double- and triplechecked to make sure the interpretation is correct. How much staff training is required? Afia and Netsmart will create a training plan for both power users and all end-users. They will also develop a schedule and a training environment and construct training, help and new policy documents. The purpose is to ensure that staff have the proper training, documentation and ongoing support to most effectively use the EHR. What resources will be available and how much time will be devoted to training? Trainers These staff will directly train other staff. • 5-10 hours per week during the training definition/materials creation phase

Every process

What tools will be used to support implementation?

will be exam-

Shared Google documents Real-time updates, notifications and collaboration Project task lists with color-coded priorities that can be easily filtered by user, due date, etc. Items of concern and risk, issue tracking Direct escalation path and tracking for resolution Acceptance testing protocols and results

ined before it is implemented to make sure it actually makes sense.

What is the project timeline (with estimated dates)? The project is divided into five phases:

• 25-30 hours per week during the training phase Power users Representatives from each part of the organization who will help with ongoing support. • 3-4 separate 4-hour training sessions during the training phase • 4-5 hours per week during the two months post “go live.” What other activities will take place? AWARE will work with Netsmart administrators and the IT team to: Analyze bandwidth needs Select/purchase new hardware to support staff workflow once the EHR is in place (new workstations, access points, signature pads, scanners, etc.). This will ensure that the organization and staff are set up with a technical environment (datacenter) that will optimize the EHR once it goes live. 9

n n n n n

Project planning Project kickoff Final review and validation Go-live preparation Post go-live

Project planning On-site training on - Nov. 6, 2013 Project kickoff Consultation, review (both remote and onsite) February - June 2014 Final review and validation July and August 2014 Go-live preparation Remote go-live assessment and go-live – September or October 2014 Post go-live Post go-live review – November 2014.

Corporate Congress to convene Dec. 4-6


By Tim Pray ecember 4-6 will see the return of AWARE’s Corporate Congress delegates to Fairmont for three days of discussion, cooperation and debate that will set the organizational agenda for the upcoming year. This interim between the 2012 and 2013 sessions was the first that was guided by an interim committee of Corporate Congress leadership that included Molly Basta, chair of the community delegates, Robert Kimbell, chair of the service delegates, and Molly Gardiner, Trista Burke and Danielle Myers, each chairs of the bi-partisan committees that review the bills during the course of the Congress. The group was formed to develop ideas to improve the process of each delegate, and their first priority was to allow significantly more time in between the election of delegates and the Corporate Congress event itself at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. The committee presented that idea, along with the idea to extend the term of a delegate to three years, to AWARE’s Development Team (AWARE core leadership

group made up of CEO Larry Noonan, CFO Geri Wyant, CHO Mike Schulte, and COO Jeff Folsom) when their suggestions were approved. Almost immediately following the presentation to the Development Team, work began on the 2013 election. And then, here is the roster of 2013 Corporate Congress delegates (* denotes a newly elected delegate): Jessica Cole*, representing the Missoula District Lindsey Graham*, representing Youth Case Management Rowdy Swainston*, representing AWARE’s Behavioral Services Josh Kaplan*, representing the Kalispell District Paul Montey*, representing Children’s DD Services Ashley Paris*, representing Employed Clients Sharati Pia*, representing Administrative Services Haley Rowland*, representing Support Services Chloe Voges*, representing CSCT Services Amanda Voytoski*, representing the Great Falls District 10

These newly elected delegates will join your service and/or community’s returning delegates, who are: Julia Allison, representing Youth Residential Services Molly Basta, representing the Bozeman District Trista Burke, representing Successful Starts Katelyn Crummett, representing the Butte/Dillon District Sharon Dallolio, representing Adult Mental Health Services Amanda Davis, representing the Billings District Karen Dyal, representing Adult DD Residential Services Molly Gardiner, representing the Helena District Maria Hansen, representing Early Head Start Services Robert Kimbell, representing Targeted Case Management Melanie Maki, representing the Anaconda District Keriann Orrino, representing Adult DD Work Services Aimee Roberson, representing Employed Clients Tabitha Williams, representing the Eastern Montana District Carol Wind, representing AWARE’s Transportation Services

The outcomes of these delegates’ work will be known on Friday morning, when the delegates wrap up the session by presenting their polished measures to AWARE’s Board of Directors. Remember, any employee is encouraged, regardless of the time of year, to get in touch with their delegate to discuss issues that matter to the service or area. If you’re unsure of the best way to get in touch with your delegate, contact your supervisor. The delegates have spent an additional month this year to ensure that the bills brought to the congress are more dynamic and more accurately reflect the wants and needs of the community, the staff, and most importantly, the people we serve. Have a great session, delegates!

Above, AWARE Board members Marlene Holayter (left), Barb Andreozzi and Cheryl Zobenica, and delegate Katelyn Crummet of Dillon (legs crossed), representing the Butte-Dillon District, listen attentively on the closing day of Corporate Congress 2012. At left, delegate Aimee Roberson of Anaconda, representing employed clients, explains her bill to the board while Tabitha Williams of Miles City, representing the Eastern District, looks on. Photos by Jim Tracy



Run Athlete Ambassador. Continued from He was awarded page 1 the Executive Counmember of the cil International national Arc board Athlete Award for of directors, told his work in 2012. He the gathering about provided keynotes at his own life’s the Montana Counchallenges and cil for Exceptional how — and why Children and South — he speaks up for Dakota’s Dare to people with disDream conferences. abilities. He was featured in Though he has the 2012 spring edicerebral palsy and tion of Apostrophe has had to overmagazine. In 2004, come obstacles, he received the Yes I Rutzen said he is a Can award. Isaac is rich man, thanks to a local sports enthuthe support of fam- Samantha Jo Oie, left, provided sign language interpretation at The Arc Montana Conference. She posed for this shot with Dee Dee Eberle, director of chapter organizing and siast and is often “at ily and friends. advocacy for The Arc in Washington, D.C. Photo by Star Cleary the game,” whatever That message the sport. vocacy for The Arc; and Dr. Tessie reprised a speech Eberle has worked in the nonRose Bailey, a professor of special he made before the Minnesota profit arena for more than 15 years education at MSU-Billings. Legislature in 2011, which was and as an advocate for more than Using slides, an iPad and softreplayed via You Tube for the Bill30 years. Her first and most imporware that augments communicaings audience. tion for people who have difficulty tant advocacy role is being a sister ‘They get tired’ to Jeff, an adult with developmenspeaking or cannot speak at all, “I learned early in my life with Baldry described how he has faced tal disabilities and mental health cerebral palsy I would never be a challenges and answered naysayers issues. Her professional background rich man,” he said. “I would never throughout his life. is with disability, aging and sobe rich. Never, ever in my life Today, the 2010 graduate of cial service communities. She has before I die. But I learned that rich Custer County High, is a selfis more than that. I have a family employed public speaker, focusing worked as a community organizer/ trainer in more than 14 states and that loves me. And no money can on technology and issues affecting developed advocacy training modovertake that. I’ve got friends who youth. ules for advocates at the beginner, love me, so, so very much that no Global Messenger intermediate and advanced levels. money can ever touch that. I got a Bailey, who spoke about the Baldry attended the Montana family that will do anything for me. importance of transitioning from Youth Leadership Project in 2008 And no money can touch that. But school to adult pursuits, earned a and works in Eastern Montana for what about the people who don’t Ph.D. in special education from Montana Youth Leadership Forum. have family around, who passed Since 2008, he’s been a member of the University of Utah. She colaway or who can’t do it anymore? laborated on numerous technical the Rural Institute consumer adviThey get tired.” assistance resources, including sory council and has presented on Besides Rutzen, speakers intransitioning from high school to multiple webinars. He is a Special cluded self-advocate Isaac Baldry to post-secondary education and Olympics Global Messenger and a of Miles City; Dee Dee Eberle, diemployment. rector of chapter organizing and ad- Montana Law Enforcement Torch 12

She has conducted more than 150 national and local presentations and trainings and is published in various research areas, including Implications of Transition Planning for Severe Disabilities: Recreation and Leisure and Special Education Law Update IX-XII. According to Mary Caferro, coordinator of the fledgling chapter of The Arc in Montana, the conference accomplished all of the goals she and other organizers set for themselves. One goal was to provide meaningful information to people who have an intellectual or developmental disability, their family members and their supporters, Caferro said. A chance to network Another goal, she said, was to provide a platform to launch new efforts on issues affecting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. And a third goal was to

let participants network with one another. “It accomplished those goals, in my mind,” Caferro said. “And, according to the feedback I’ve received, it accomplished those goals for the people who attended. It was a fabulous conference.” Underlying all those goals, the conference presented an opportunity to launch The Arc Montana and assess support for having a chapter here, she said. “There is lots of support,” she said. “We now have a well-energized group of people, and they’re ready to engage.” Caferro, who represents Senate District 40 in the Montana Legislature, said AWARE, as The Arc Montana affiliate, wanted to assure the conference included people with disabilities as much as possible. “It was really important to make sure people who have direct experi-

ence with the issues were front and center,” Caferro said. “I really like The Arc being all about people who actually have direct experience with a disability.” With that in mind, she said, organizers made every effort to include people with disabilities, from speakers, to vendors, to artists who exhibited their work, to panelists, to break-out session presenters. “Everywhere you looked it was about and by and for people with disabilities,” Caferro said. Building capacity Her task going forward, she said, will be to use the conference to bring more people into The Arc. “I think of that as building capacity,” she said. “You build capacity by sharing leadership.The organizing of next year’s conference will be a leadership development effort.” Continued on next page

Michelle Bishop (left), Ashley Paris and Don Ellingson posed for a shot during the conference. Bishop and Ellingson are AWARE employees. Paris receives services from AWARE. Photo by Star Cleary


The conference also featured two break-out sessions with these presenters: Theresa Fears, MSW, of The Arc Spokane - Theresa has worked on sexual abuse prevention for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities for 13 years. She created the Partnership 4 Safety program at The Arc of Spokane. P4S is the only comprehensive sexual abuse prevention program for people with I/DD in Washington. Theresa is passionate about prevention and is a vocal advocate of prevention education for children, teens and adults with I/DD. She is experienced in case management and is a long-term care ombudsman. Melissa Clark and Sister Johnelle Howanach of Great Falls have created a thriving business baking natural doggie biscuits, which they have aptly named “Lissies’s Luv Yums.” Melissa was born two months premature on Nov. 5, 1976, weighing about three pounds. Lissie’s Luv Yums Her doctor made a note on her medical records in February 1977: “This patient was a markedly premature child. Mother was an alcoholic, drank a lot. This may have something to do with the child’s present condition.” Melissa’s aim is steadfast: “My mission in life is to educate all people about FAS,” she says. “I want to give hope to people like me and help them achieve their dreams.” Self-advocate Sierra Lode of Helena. Lode learned to use augmentative/alternative communication at three, enabling her to be competitive in the educational setting despite quadriplegia and inability to communicate verbally.

Billings artist Justin Johnson poses with Mr. Peanut at the entrance to the ballroom at The Arc Montana Conference Oct. 17-18 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Johnson created the Mr. Peanut scultpure and was among eight “vendors” with displays at the conference. Photo by Jim Tracy

Through her sheer tenacity, she achieved an associate of arts degree in 2012 from the University of Montana College of Technology. Sierra is an advocate for youth with disabilities, serving on the University of Montana Rural Institute consumer advisory council. She was a delegate at the first Montana Youth Leadership Forum in 2000 and continued to support the forum as a volunteer for the next 10 years. Lode was appointed to the National Youth Leadership Network in 2002 in Washington, D.C., and to the National Youth 14

Leadership Network Advanced Institute in 2005. Emerging Leader Sierra was awarded the 2005 Emerging Leader Award from the Montana Center on Disabilities at Montana State University. The conference concluded with a civic engagement panel discussion. Besides Rutzen and Eberle, panelists included Shyla Patera of the North Central Independent Living Center. Patera is an independent Living specialist for North Central Independent Living Services, a

disability advocacy agency that serves North Central Montana. She has been a citizen advocate on behalf of North Central Independent Living Services since 2005. Before that, she worked as a special education paraprofessional for Great Falls public schools. Sabrina Wisher is a single mom of four amazing kids, including Mikayla. She grew up in the Flathead Valley working at the family owned business, Wishers Auto Recycling. Sabrina’s greatest accomplishment is being an advocate for her Mikayla. Doctors told Sabrina that Mikayla would live only to age one.

Tracy Remmick (left) and Lily Hatch of Creative Magnetic Artists of Billings, affiliated with Residential Support Services, staffed an exhibit at the conference, where they sold colorful magnetic bracelets and necklaces. Photo by Star Cleary

Miracles & Blessings Today Mikayla is 22 years old. Sabrina recently started a foundation in honor of Mikayla. Mikayla’s Miracles & Blessings helps families get the equipment needed to give their child a quality life. Mikayla was diagnosed with Aicardi Syndrome and is nonverbal, nonambulatory, tube fed and completely dependent on her family or caregiver. Without saying one word in 22 years, Mikayla has touched thousands of lives. Wisher presented a $250 check to The Arc Montana from Mikayla’s foundation. Other conference sponsors included:

AWARE Inc. Benefis Health System Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana Browning, Kaleczyc, Berry & Hoven P.C. Crowley Fleck Attorneys PLLP Deloitte Jim Edwards Todd and Susan Garrison Robert and Karleen Hanson Helena Industries Richard and Katrina Miltenberger Mission Mountain Enterprises Montana Association of Community Disability Services Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence 15

Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities Montana Human Rights Network Mountain West Benefits North Central Independent Living Center Reach Inc. Residential Support Services Mark and Elaine Taylor St. Peter’s Hospital St. Vincent Healthcare In February 2012, AWARE Inc. became a state chapter of The Arc, marking the first time in over a decade that the national organization had a statewide presence in Montana.

You should know about traumatic brain injury By Chad Bushman AWARE Training Coordinator


raumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when sudden trauma causes brain damage. Such trauma could result from a bump, blow or jolt to the head or an object penetrating the skull disrupting normal brain function. Brain trauma occurs as an isolated injury or along with other injuries, and approximately 1.4 million people sustains a TBI in the United States each year. Returning veterans diagnosed with TBI have received recent national attention. For AWARE, Chad Bushman frontline caregivers either currently or could potentially care for a client suffering from trauma resulting in a TBI. Therefore, to help educate employees, training focused on TBI will soon be the latest addition to AWARE University. It was developed in response to multiple employee requests to learn more about brain trauma. The TBI training consists of two modules. The first is a general overview providing basic information aimed at defining TBI and eliminating misperceptions. The second is much more thorough and provides in-depth information about TBI, impairments and strategies for effective care. TBI

can occur from a seemingly harmless bump on the head to an object penetrating the skull and damaging the brain. With a full spectrum of possible TBI causes, there are three associated severity levels: Mild, moderate and severe. Cognitive deterioration A mild injury is classified as a change in mental status at the time of injury, such as a concussion. Moderate TBI includes possible loss of consciousness lasting for minutes to hours with confusion lasting for days or weeks. Impairments can be temporary or permanent. A serious injury could leave the victim unconscious for days, weeks or months and the impairments are permanent. Furthermore, the new training addition identifies possible cognitive and behavioral impairments. Cognitive deterioration includes: inability to initiate, organize or complete tasks, as well as impact to short- and long-term memory. Behavioral debilitation consists of, but not limited to, verbal / physical aggression, mood swings or impulsivity. This training highlights the impact of brain trauma on adults, as well as children. A notable example of the deadly effects of TBI involved actress Natasha Richardson. She bumped her head after a fall on a beginner ski slope, refused medical attention from responding paramedics and was pronounced dead two days later. Additionally, TBI allegedly attributed to the suicide of NFL linebacker, Junior Seau. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, TBI is the leading cause of death and disability among chil16

dren. Furthermore, approximately 470,000 TBIs occur each year and account for over 90 percent of emergency room visits in children 0-14 years old. TBI is often accompanied with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Post injury research involving TBI and PTSD victims revealed approximately 35 percent expressed feelings of hopelessness, 23 percent expressed suicidal ideation and 18 percent attempted suicide. In February 2013, the Veterans Administration reported that military veterans are being lost to suicide at a rate of 22 per day. This is a conservative estimate and some research suggests up to 5,500 diagnosed veterans are taking their own life each year. Be knowledgeable With the high TBI occurrence rate, it is important to be knowledgeable on the topic, as well as armed with strategies for proper and effective care. Therefore, the TBI training module was designed to educate employees on different aspects of brain trauma. After viewing the training module, employees are encouraged to direct additional questions to supervisors or members of the clinical team. What I learned from Rockefeller that’s off-the-hook important is: You need to know exactly where you stand in a business at all times. Measure everything, because everything that is measured and watched improves. — Bob Parsons (Go Daddy founder)

Hands-on training

AWARE’s payroll team gives lessons during administration training in Anaconda in October. Front Lisa Huber; back from left, Alison Nolan and Dereck Allick. Photo by Jacquie Peterson

Apostrophe magazine named MarCom gold winner MarCom entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers. The competition has grown to perhaps the largest of its kind in the world. A look at the winners shows a range in size from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies. MarCom Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The international organization consists of several thousand creative professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and sets standards for excellence. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry. Winners were selected from over 200 categories in seven forms of media and communication effortsmarketing, publications, marketing/promotion, public service/pro bono, creativity and electronic/interactive.

DALLAS, TX — Apostrophe Magazine and its publisher, AWARE Inc. of Anaconda, have been named Gold Winners in two categories by MarCom Awards. The 2013 international MarCom awards competition recognizes outstanding creative achievement by marketing and communication professionals. There were more than 6,500 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries in the 2013 competition. Apostrophe won gold in both the non-profit magazine and print magazine design categories for its Fall 2013 issue featuring Friendship Theatre of Federal Way, Wash., on the cover. The magazine received an honroable mention for its website: 17

AWARE Recyling is turning energy from the sun into electricity with the installation of a 3.12 kW photovoltaic system. On Oct. 10, Jeff Wonsgtrom and his wife, Sarah Anderson, installed the system on the roof of the 12,000-square-foot facility on the east edge of Anaconda. Photos by Jim Tracy

Solar energy system makes AWARE recycling ‘a little greener’ By Jim Tracy AWARE Recycling is now a little greener. On Oct. 10, Thirsty Lake Solar of Bozeman installed a 3.12 kW solar electric system on the AWARE recycling facility on the east edge of Anaconda. AWARE flipped the switch on the system on Nov. 13. The installation was funded through a Universal Systems Benefits grant from NorthWestern Energy.

Jeff Wongstrom, owner of Thirsty Lake Solar, says the project gives the Anaconda community a chance to learn about renewable energy while satisfying a small part of the recycling facility’s electricity needs. It will produce 300 kwh (kilowatt hours) of energy a month. Any energy savings that result from the net-metered photovoltaic system will be channeled back into the 12,000-square-foot facility, said Wongstrom, a licensed electrician and certified PV installer. 18

He explained that a net-metered system is one in which solar panels or other renewable energy generators are connected to a publicutility power grid — NorthWestern Energy in this case — and surplus power is transferred onto the grid, allowing customers to offset the cost of power drawn from the utility. An educational display will be installed at the site to bring awareness of solar energy to the staff and customers of the recycling facil-

ity and HOPE Collectibles & Antique store. The recycling center — the largest in southwest Montana — processes paper, plastics and metal. It is staffed largely by adults with developmental disabilities who take an active role in operating the plant.

Universal System Benefits Program The Universal System Benefits Program originated in the Montana Legislature’s restructuring of the state’s energy industry. The legislature agreed that a funding mechanism would be required to continue the operation of programs that provide funding for low-income energy assistance and weatherization programs, energy-efficiency activities, and development of small-scale renewable energy resources. The Legislature established Sarah Anderson and Jeff Wongstrom, a husband-and-wife-team, installed a solar electric system at the Universal System Benefits AWARE’s Anaconda recycling plant on Oct. 10. The net-metered system went live on Nov. 13. (USB) Program to provide for In addition, those funds support contributed to energy efficiency these needs and programs in a low-income energy assistance and and low-income energy assistance deregulated power market. programs for many years. The typirenewable energy projects. Under state law, all electric This regulated charge is listed cal NorthWestern Energy residenand natural-gas utilities are reas “USBC” on your NorthWestern tial customer pays an average of $1 quired to collect USB funds from per month in electric USB charges. Energy billing statement Norththeir customers to fund energyWestern Energy customers have efficiency programs and activities.

Great autism websites

Here are autism websites parents, providers and supporters should have in their bookmarks. The nation’s source for resources and information on community-based solutions for individuals with autism, other developmental disabilities, and their families. A national initiative of The Arc. Social and language skills with scientifically proven video modeling techniques. Free autism symptom list, plus communication games, fun social skills and feelings products. Services, training and resources for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. Fact sheet on neurological disorders including autism and asperger’s. 19

NEWS BRIEFS Makeup company, Sephora, recalls ‘Celebutard’ lipstick JULIE WOLFE []

A lipstick shade called ‘Celebutard’ caught one mom’s eye, and she’s done everything she can to get the Sephora makeup company to recall the shade from its product line. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” mother Emily Norman told 11Alive’s Julie Wolfe. According to the Nov. 6 article at, the lipstick is part of a Kat Von D product line sold at Sephora. Katherine von Drachenberg is a model and tattoo artist known for her role in the TLC reality show LA Ink. “I could not believe that a successful company in 2013 would use such a derogatory and mocking name for their lipstick,” Norman said. “It’s more than that to millions of families with children that are trying to stop the use of a word that is so offensive.” 11Alive reports that Norman vowed to do everything she could to stop the sale of Celebutard lipstick, spreading the word through social media. She wasn’t alone. Criticism of Sephora’s name choice spread quickly though the internet, fueled mostly by parents like Norman. Glee star Lauren Potter (Becky), who has Down syndrome, sent a tweet calling the lipstick name “not cool.” Sephora spokesman Stefanie Goodsell sent 11Alive this statement: “It has come to our attention that the name of one shade of lipstick we carry has caused offense to some of our clients and others. We are deeply sorry for that, and we have ceased sale of that shade both in our stores and online.” You can read more at

Teen with Down syndrome brings brings upbeat attitude to squad BOB ROGERS [Billings Gazette]

The tryouts were closed to everyone, parents included. “She had done dance forever, and so we thought

Compiled by Jacquie Peterson she’d do dance,” said Kristy Schnetter. “But she didn’t want to do that. She wanted to be a cheerleader.” Aspyn Schnetter, 15 and a freshman at Senior High in Billings, Mont., finished at Lewis and Clark Middle School in May. She decided she to try out for the high school’s cheer squad, according to Billings Gazette reporter Rob Rogers, Oct. 21 article. For her mom, Kristy, it was a little concerning. But not necessarily surprising. It was just one more example of her daughter’s indomitable enthusiasm and life-loving drive. Aspyn has Down syndrome. Rogers reported that Kristy knew the experience would be fraught with peril. She wanted to be in that tryout for no other reason than to at least show support for her daughter. “I was really nervous,” Kristy said. Roger also interviewed Baylee Larson, who coaches the team’s JV squad. She was in the tryouts and remembers well when Aspyn came in. “She went through the whole tryout process,” she said. “All the girls loved her. She brought something extra to those two days of tryouts.” The squad was limited on the number of students they could bring on, but the whole team knew they had to find a place for Aspyn. “She blew me away,” said head coach Vicki Criswell. Read the complete story at

Dogs proving effective for kids with autism BRIANNA WIPF [Great Falls Tribune]

A child with autism, Cara Pomeroy is nonverbal and tends to run away without hesitation. She has no fear of cars in the street, getting lost or tumbling down the steep cliff at her grandparents’ home. Because Cara is nonverbal, she also cannot call for help or respond when others are calling for her. According to Great Falls Tribune writer Briana Wipf, instead, she uses sign language and puts sentences together using an iPad app. The Great Falls Tribune article says that her parents, Sharon and Master Sgt. Travis Pomeroy, hope to get a service dog specifically trained for children with autism to help Cara. They’re looking to quickly raise the $13,000 they will need to help cover the training costs. 20

Feds expand coverage for mental health services

The dog will be trained by an Xenia, Ohio, organization called 4 Paws for Ability, which specializes in training dogs to meet the specific needs of the people they will serve. Wipf ‘s interview with Whitney Hitt, community and media relations director for 4 Paws for Ability, reveals that training service dogs for people with autism is a relatively new phenomenon. Wipf also spoke to Dr. Anne Perkins who is the director of the anthrozoology program and professor of psychology at Carroll College in Helena. Perkins points out that while service dogs are more traditionally used for people with physical disabilities, there is evidence that animals offer a benefit for people with mental or emotional disabilities as well. Read the complete story at

MICHELLE DIAMENT [Disability Scoop]

Health insurers must cover mental health services at the same level as physical ailments under new federal rules, according to Michelle Diament of Disability Scoop. The Nov. 11 Disability Scoop article says that the Obama administration released final regulations requiring that most insurance plans offer an equivalent level of coverage for mental health as they do for medical and surgical needs. Traditionally, individuals in need of mental health services have incurred higher out-of-pocket costs and often face limits on the number of doctor visits or days spent at an in-patient facility. The Disability Scoop article says that under the new rules, however, co-payments, deductibles and limits on the number of visits to mental health providers cannot differ significantly from those imposed for more traditional medical treatments. “This final rule breaks down barriers that stand in the way of treatment and recovery services for millions of Americans,” said U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius who indicated that the changes will make treatment “more affordable and accessible.”

Foundation steps in to replace Whitefish woman’s stolen bike HEIDI DESCH [Whitefish Pilot]

A small smile spread across Jordan Bludworth’s face as a shiny cherry-red bike was wheeled toward her. “It’s your new bike,” her mom, Corinne Bludworth, told her. Jordan’s smile grew bigger as she sat looking at the three-wheeled cycle. According to Heidi Desch of the Whitefish Pilot, just a half an hour before, Jordan had stepped into Remedies Day Spa in downtown Whitefish. Jordan, who has Down syndrome, thought she was coming to help her mom, a manager at the spa. What Jordan was met with last Thursday evening was a chorus of friends and family shouting, “Surprise!” The party was a way to cheer up Jordan. The 22-year-old hit a rough patch after her bike was stolen. Corinne spread the word through Facebook and friends joined in the search for the bike. But about two weeks after it went missing, no one had found the bike and police said they were closing the case. Corinne had planned to purchase a new bike for Jordan, but Sabrina Wisher stepped in and said Mikayla’s Miracles and Blessings Foundation would like to purchase the bike. Wisher wheeled the brand new bike into the shop. Jordan sat on the bike seat and quietly said, “I love my bike.”

Rules on NYC disaster plans for disabled may have far reach ROBERT LEWIS []

A year after Superstorm Sandy stranded many New Yorkers without power for days, a federal judge ruled that New York City’s emergency plans violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, Robert Lewis of NPR reports. According to Lewis, those shortcomings, the judge found, leave almost 900,000 residents in danger, and many say the ruling could have implications for local governments across the country. The NPR article states that U.S. District Court Judge Jesse Furman ruled against New York. He praised the city for the effort it puts into emergency preparedness, but wrote that its plans are inadequate to ensure that people with disabilities are able to evacuate. He also found that shelters are inaccessible. To read the complete article, go to


Borrow a Book The library is in the media room on the second floor of administration building in Anaconda. See the list of available titles, new titles are bold: A Guide to Collaboration for IEP Teams – Nicholas R.M. Martin American Samurai – William Lareau Ask and Tell: Self-Advocacy and Disclosure for People on the Autism Spectrum – Various Autism Spectrum Disorders – Richard L. Simpson Bake a Difference – Family Favorites Cookbook Baseball Bouillabaisse and the Best of Class: How to Increase Your Personal Power, Energize Your Team and Astonish Your Customers – Darby Checketts Boards That Make a Difference – John Carver Books of Adam – The Blunder Years (2) – Adam Ellis Buddy’s Shadow – Shirley Becker Certain Proof, A question of worth – A Feature Documentary by Footpath Pictures, Inc. Changing the Course of Autism – Bryan Jepson, M.D. with Jane Johnson Competitive Advantage – Michael E. Porter Competitive Strategy – Michael E. Porter Confessions of a Professional Hospital Patient – Michael A. Weiss Cookie – Linda Kneeland Count Us In – Jason Kingsley & Mitchell Levitz Creating a Habitat for Humanity – Jonathan T.M. Reckford Cultural Reciprocity in Special Education – Maya Kalyanpur and Beth Harry Demystifying Transition Assessment – Colleen A Thomas and Ronald Tamura Dictionary of Developmental Disabilities Terminology – Pasquale J. Accardo & Barbara Y. Whitman et al. Dirt – Susan Senator Disabling Professions – Ivan Illich et al. Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits – Ilona Bray Energize Your Team and Astonish Your Customers – Darby Checketts Essential Manager’s Manual – Robert Heller & Tim Hindle Everything is Normal Until Proven Otherwise: A Book About Wraparound Services – Karl W. Dennis & Ira S. Lourie Fast Forward – James Champy & Nitin Nohria Fear of Falling – Barbara Ehrenreich Feed All My Sheep: A guide and curriculum for adults with developmental disabilities – Doris C. Clark First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently – Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman

Gesundheit! – Patch Adams Getting the Most Out of IEPs – Colleen A. Thoma and Paul Wehman Group Homes for People with Intellectual Disabilities – Tim Clement & Christine Bigby Health Matters for People with Developmental Disabilities – Beth Marks, Jasmina Sisirak and Tamar Heller Health Matters: The Exercise and Nutrition Health Education Curriculum – Beth Marks, Jasmina Sisirak & Tamar Heller High School Transition that Works! – Maryellen Daston, J. Erin Riehle, Susie Rutkowski House Calls – Patch Adams How Can I Help? A Friend’s and Relative’s Guide to Supporting the Family with Autism – Ann Palmer How About a Hug – Nan Holcomb Imponderables: The Solution to the Mysteries of Everyday Life – David Feldman Ink in the Wheels: Stores to Make Love Roll – S. Barton and Megan M Cutter IQ of 63 So What – Ben D. Anderson It’s Time – Judith Mammay Job Success for Persons with Developmental Disabilities – David B. Wiegan Just Like Other Daughters – Colleen Faulkner Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success – Masaaki Imai Launching into Adulthood – Donald Lollar Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun – Wess Roberts Life Beyond the Classroom, Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities – Paul Wehman Life is a Gift – Jenny Miller Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities – Cary Griffin and David Hammis Managing at the Speed of Change – Daryl R. Conner Managing Quality – Jacqueline M. Katz & Eleanor Green Managing the Nonprofit Organization – Peter F. Drucker Me, Hailey! – Sheri Plucker Montana Center on Disabilities: Focusing on Abilities – Sue Hart Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults – Sylvie Naar-King and Mariann Suarez My Holly, A story of a Brother’s Understanding and Acceptance – Julie Leavitt Wolfe Not Home: A documentary about kids living in nursing facilities – A film by Narcel G. Reedus Nursing Care for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – Cecily L. Betz and Wendy M. Nehring Occupy Special Education – Dylan M Rafaty On Competition – Michael E. Porter Opening Doors, Opening Lives – Jennifer Greening Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine – John Abramson, M.D. Peer Buddy Programs for Successful Secondary School Inclusion – Carolyn Hughes and Erik Carter Preparing Students with Disabilities for College Success – Stan F. Shaw Joseph W. Madaus and Lyman L. Dukes III Preventing Litigation in Special Education Workbook – Dr. Jacque Phillips, Esq. and Randy Chapman, Esq. Prozac Backlash – Josheph Glenmullen, M.D. Raymond’s Room: Ending the Segregation of People with Disabilities – Dale Dileo Responding to Children Under Stress – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Rise Above – Ralph W. Braum Road Map to Holland – Jennifer Graf Groneberg


Ryan’s Victory – Judith Mammay Safely Home: A Profile of a Futures Planning Group – Betty Atherton and Julie Shaw Cole Self-Determination and Transition Planning – Karrie A Shogren Self-Directed Work Team – Jack D. Orsburn, Linda Moran, Ed Musselwhite and John H. Zenger Seven Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences – Thomas Armstrong Shackleton’s Way – Margot Morell & Stephanie Capparell Steps to Independence: Teaching Everyday Skills to Children with Special Needs – Bruce L. Baker, Alan J. Brightman, Jan B. Blacher, Stephen P. Hinshaw, Louis J. Heifetz and Diane M. Murphy Streetwise: Managing a Nonprofit – Riddle with Drenth Successful Team Building – Thomas L. Quick Teaching Transition Skills in Inclusive Schools – Teresa Grossi Cassandra M Cole Teaming Up – Paul & Sarah Edwards Teams at the Top – Jon R. Katzenbach The Shape of the Eye – George Estreich The Story of Intellectual Disability – Michael L Wehmeyer The Three Keys to Empowerment – Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos and Alan Randolph The 80/20 Principle – Richard Koch The American Who Taught the Japanese about Quality – Rafael Aquayo The Art of the Start – Guy Kawasaki The Centerless Corporation – Bruce A. Pasternack and Albert J. Viscio The China Study – T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II The Deming Management Method – Mary Walton The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law, Second Edition – Randy Chapman, Esq. The Individualized Corporation – Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett

The Job Developer’s Handbook: Practical Tactics for Customized Employment – Cary Griffin, David Hammis and Tammara Geary The Leader’s Handbook – Peter R. Scholtes The Leadership Challenge – James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner The Long Way to Simple: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – Stephen J. Neafey The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual – Steven M. Bragg The Paraprofessional’s Guide to the Inclusive Classroom – Mary Beth Doyle The Power of Open-Book Management – John P. Schuster, Jill Carpenter and M Patricia Kane The Special Needs Planning Guide, How to Prepare for Every Stage of Your Child’s Life – John W. Nadworny and Cynthia R. Haddad The State of the States: in Developmental Disabilities – David Braddock, Richard E. Hemp and Mary C. Rizzolo The Story of a Beautiful Girl – Rachel Simon The Strategy Focused Organization – Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton The Team Building Tool Kit – Deborah Harrington-Mackin The Vest Pocket CFO – Shim Siegel The Whole-Brain Child – Daniel J Siegel, MD, and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD The Wisdom of Teams – Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith Think College – Meg Grigal and Debra Hart Very Young Children with Special Needs – Vikki F. Howard, We Cry Out – Susan Dahl, John DeFrain and John S. Compbell What the CEO Wants You to Know – Ram Charan Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? – Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones 2008 State Autism Profiles – Autism Society of America

The Story of Intellectual Disability

including exclusive photos from the editor’s private collection of cultural artifacts, this informal history is a must-read for anyone devoted to improving the lives of people with intellectual disability. Top disability experts explore: Early ideas about the causes of intellectual disability; Evolution of the concept of intellectual disability; The role of religion in the ancient world’s understanding of disability; Changing approaches to education and intervention; The rise and fall of the institution system; Depictions of intellectual disability in film, literature and art; State-sanctioned sterilization programs in the twentieth century; The self-advocacy movement; The emergence and impact of parent associations, support groups, and training programs; How and why terminology changed throughout the years.

An Evolution of Meaning, Understanding, and Public Perception Michael L. Wehmeyer Brookes Publishing (2013)

Accessible, engaging and filled with contributions by the country’s most celebrated disability experts, this fascinating volume skillfully captures how intellectual disability has been understood from prehistoric times to present. Readers will discover how different societies have responded to people with disability throughout history, how life has changed for people with intellectual disability and their families over the centuries and how key historical figures and events sparked social change and shaped our modern understanding of intellectual disability. Enhanced with remarkable images and illustrations,



AWARE, Incorporated

205 East Park Avenue Anaconda, Montana 59711 1-800-432-6145

Printed on recycled paper

‘To the Colors’ Student Jordan Joyce assists Anaconda American Legion Post 21 Color Guard members Paul Bebo and Nick Nardacci raise the flag Nov. 11 in honor of Veterans Day at the AWARE Center for Excellence. Anaconda High School trumpet player Sage Ewan played “To the Colors” as the flag went up. Photo by Jacquie Peterson



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