5 dimensions 10 juin 2009

Page 17

He follows the path drawn in his environment. Until the time comes when the machine tells him : turn right into the first shop, borrow an object, move it to another shop, cross twenty times a pedestrian passage, sit down, watch, listen, slow down, etc. Or, out of a control button on the left, comes out an audio file that tells you of fullness ans emptyness, heralding a sexual vision of the street, a lunar point of descent towards the unconscious. Assisted by his micro-electret and his machine of machine, our player increases his reality with a layer of filters that are meant to divert his immediate environment, recreating new dimensions in his perception. Extension, meaning: prothesis, multi-organic body, reproducing the machine in a synthetic body, missing or opening the passage into a new materiality of space. Writing the real, amplifying lines of signs, some of them, the wanderer moves while watching his own breath. His white control lever directing his way like the invisible sword of a modern gladiator fighting some sonic ghosts, sign dragons, electromagnetic monsters... Fantasy of paranoid machines, corporality of desiring machines, does he conform to the word given, or dictated? Confronting the order, he switches once more and waits for an instruction corresponding to his desire, his craving... to face the cobblestone and to clash with shop windows, beyond passe r s-b y a n d w a l l s, e xtra sensory, extension or extortion of the senses?

composantes: eeepc wiimote usb stick usb bluetooth microphone casque d’Êcoute Gnu/Linux OS puredata la veste NOTEK

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