How to Cut Costs in Your Clinic with Wholesale Pharmaceuticals

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How to Cut Costs in Your Clinic with Wholesale Pharmaceuticals

It is no secret that prescription drugs cost quite a bit of money, with some drugs costing as much as $3,000 per dose for the consumer. Fortunately, clinics have the option of purchasing pharmaceuticals at wholesale value. There are a number of reputable pharmaceutical distributors that offer a wide variety of products that include capsules, liquids, tablets, vaccines, creams, injectables and ointments. These products can be delivered directly to your clinic and will alleviate operational costs. Saving more in your clinic can be done through wholesale pharmaceutical distributors. Who you choose to work with depends on the type of drugs that are required. Brand name drugs can be found through other countries in order to reduce costs. Some drugs can cost 80% less when they are purchased in another country. It is best to find reputable international pharmaceutical wholesale distributors in order to make a safe purchase. These distributors should also be able to handle customs and other important details. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, otherwise known as NABP, started a program known as the Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributor, or VAWD. Through the program, the NABP is able to monitor the drugs entering the U.S and stop the import of counterfeit drugs. It is a key member in wholesale pharmaceuticals due to its unique operation. According to VAWD’s website, those that have received accreditation have experienced “a rigorous review of their operating policies and procedures, license verification, survey of facility and operations, background checks and screening through the NABP Clearinghouse.� In order to receive accreditation, pharmaceutical suppliers have to display the correct approach to purchasing, storing, handling, shipping, management and other details of business. This ensures that drugs that are accredited through VAWD have not been tampered with, are of the highest quality and standard and that every process before arriving at your clinic has been handled in the best manner possible. It basically allows clinics and pharmacies to know that the supplier is both legal and thorough.

A way of saving costs is to purchase special offers from resources such as Target, Walmart or other superstores. It is possible to get much cheaper options for month long supplies and the price reduces the longer the supplies are needed. You can speak with the supplier at anyone of these stores and find out if they have a distribution program where you can make purchases through their supplier, if you have not been able to find it in the ways mentioned above. While there are many resources for buying pharmaceuticals online, one must always be careful because of the scams out there that could put patients at risk. Make sure the resource you are using is reputable and don’t be afraid to ask questions to fully understand the company’s processes and policies. For more information visit

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