Some Facts You Should Know About Causes for Dry Eye Treatment

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Understand the reason behind getting a Dry Eye Treatment In the human body every organ has a different use, and hence each of them is equally important. Eyes are essential organs for our well-being, as they allow us to see the world we live in. Owing to their sensitive nature and importance, it is important to take special care of them. Unfortunately, due to the polluted world we live in, a lot of complications have begun regarding the eye, which poses a serious threat. One of the common eye problems is dry eye, and with time, more people have started to research about it. Also known as kerato conjunctivitis sicca, dry eye is a condition when the tear duct and gland are not able to produce moisture ultimately causing inflammation. Dry Eye Treatment is now necessary before it becomes something serious.

Symptoms of this issue:  Stinging or burning in the eyes  Gritty or scratchy feeling, as if something is in the eye  Mucus accumulation  Irritated or red eyes  Pain while using contact lenses  Irritation when the eye is exposed to smoke  Excessive tears in the eye


What are the Causes: One thing to keep in mind is that people generate fewer tears with an increase in age. The reason behind this is the change in hormones which takes place in the different stages of life. Although both the genders can become victims of dry eye, the condition is prevalent in women who require dry eye treatment the most. Dry eye is common especially in women who have progressed through menopause. Following are the popular causes of dry eye: 1.Some illnesses, for example, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. 2.Swelling or the redness of the eyes 3.Ectropion and entropion 4.Staying in the wind, smoke or dry weather for long periods 5.Looking at a computer screen for a long time 6.Use of contact lenses for more than the prescribed duration 7.A refractive eye surgery 8.Intake of medicines like sleeping pills, antibiotics, beta blockers, diuretics, etc. Treatment techniques: The first step and a major one is to consult the right doctor. The ophthalmologist will consider the right medication, which needs to be done for the right duration. Any mistake during the intake of the medicine can be harmful, which is why special care is required. The most common method is to add tears. These artificial tears will serve their purpose and improve the condition. The blockage of tear ducts can also be done, if required, to preserve the valuable tears. Practices, like massaging the tears, warm compresses, and using the right eyelid cleaners, will be very beneficial. The best route will be contacting A+ Optometry to prevent the condition, which will assist in avoiding dry eye treatment. Hair dryers can contribute towards the onset of the condition, so their use must be prevented. Glasses which can wrap around can help in staying healthy during dry weather. Research has shown that adding omega-3 fatty acids can also help in preventing the issue and keeping the eyes safe and sound.


Contact Us: URL: Business Name: A Plus Optometry Business Email: Contact No: 388130505 Address: Shop 26, 204-206 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood North, VIC, 3134

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