Student Focus Why Should You Choose Canada |

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Student Focus Why Should You Choose Canada

In today’s world, students have their pick of a wide variety of countries and institutions to pursue their studies. However for over 640,000 international students, Canada is the premier destination. With its mix of world-class education, safe and affordable lifestyle and richly multicultural environment, find out why Canada remains a top pick for many international students. World-Class Education Many students choose to study abroad to expand their horizons and gain new experiences, but attaining a high quality education remains paramount. Canada is home to some of the best universities in the world, including five schools ranked in the top 100 in 2021’s World University Rankings. The Canadian university and college network is vastly varied, offering students their choice of large, medium and small institutions. An added benefit for international students is that Canadian degrees and diplomas are internationally recognized and accepted. Although Canadian school’s have a great reputation for their quality of research institutes, where they rank fourth in the world, Canadian

institutions offer no shortage of top choices for social sciences, arts, the trades and more. This wealth of choice makes it easy to see why Canada’s international student population has tripled in 10 years!

High Quality of Life Canada is renowned for not only for its high quality education but also for its high quality of life. Canada routinely ranks in the top nations for quality of life and is currently ranked number 1 for fifth year in a row. These rankings factor in different variables such as affordability, potential for employment and diversity. Canada is a vastly multicultural society, allowing students from all backgrounds to feel welcome and familiar in their new surroundings. This translates to newcomers being able to find a wide variety of familiar and new activities! In fact, the QS World University rankings, major Canadian student cities such as Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal all ranked within the top 50 in the world! Canada is also one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. Home to 4 distinct seasons, an extensive network of National and Provincial parks, and countless lakes and forests, Canada offers an array of majestic landscapes and climates. From the temperate rainforests of British Columbia to the ancient hillsides of Newfoundland, students will marvel at the scenic beauty of Canada. Employment Opportunities

Canadian degrees and diplomas are internationally recognized and accepted, leading to much broader employment opportunities wherever they decide to settle. However, what makes Canada unique is that it offers students the opportunity to work in Canada while studying. Full-time students enrolled in diploma, degree or certificate programs of at least 6 months in length are eligible to work 20 hours per week, without needing to obtain a work permit. This allows students to be able to work on or off campus, allowing greater flexibility in managing their work-life balance.

Pathway to Immigration When students complete their post-secondary education in Canada, the Canadian government offers the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). The PGWP allows eligible students to work and remain in Canada for a period of up to three years. The PGWP, which students must apply for within 180 days of graduation, is an open work permit. This means that graduates will be allowed to work for any employer, without a pending job offer, unlike work permit requirements of other countries. The PGWP was designed to create a pathway for highly-skilled international graduates to gain permanent residency in Canada, making it a consistent top pick for students today. The Aplicar Advantage Applying for post-secondary education can be a daunting task for just about anyone but with Aplicar, we help students save hours of research and stress. In just five minutes and one profile, students can apply for as many programs as they want. Aplicar’s career survey,

a first in the industry, compiles an academic profile that best suits students’ career goals and personalities. From there, students will find the programs and schools that are the perfect fit for them. Aplicar’s student-centric approach will become immediately apparent as students receive non-stop support all the way through the eight simple steps to starting the program of their dreams. This is the Aplicar Advantage. As another 400,000+ international students picked Canada as their country of choice in 2019 alone, it’s easy to see why. Very few countries offer the benefits Canada does: opportunities, quality of life, a welcoming culture and most importantly, a remarkable quality of education. Canada will remain a top education destination for years to come. Considering Canada as your destination? Let us help you get you started today!


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