What is the best way to get rid of wasp nests?

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Apex Pest Control started in 2016 by

Remember that safety is the most important element to consider when deciding how to get rid of a wasp nest on your property. Professional skill and safety equipment are the easiest ways to remove a wasp nest without being stung or causing property damage.

Tony Johnson who is a pest controller with over 30yrs

It is possible to remove a wasp nest on your own, though it is not recommended. It’s best to avoid DIY wasp nest removal because it’s fraught with dangers, and

Apex Pest Control

experience. Now Tony specialises as a pest control specialist and is NPTA signed up. Based in Sheffield and serving the surrounding locations Apex pest control works 7 days a week. Apex believes in quality and service to customers. They keep rates affordable and preserve top quality bug control. Call Apex pest control today! For instance, if you needed rat and mice control, wasp nest removal or insect control for pigeons or birds. Apex would send you a pest controller who specialises in that location, so you always get the very best pest control service. Apex pest control operates in close collaborations with regional organisations, house owners and land management to get clients the very best fast, quality and budgetfriendly insect control in Sheffield.

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the average homeowner isn’t aware of the procedures and precautions to take. If you stumble upon a wasp’s nest, don’t take any chances. Trying to destroy the nest or use other methods may backfire, leaving you susceptible to attack. image Apex Pest Control understands where to look for nests as well as how to use the appropriate safety equipment and treatments. We can also assist you in sealing any entry points that were used by wasps to gain access to your property and prevent them from returning. Apex Pest Control can help you with wasp control. What is the best way to get rid of wasps?

The easiest way to get rid of a wasp nest is to contact a pest control professional. Although it appears to be a simple activity, a pest control specialist is adequately educated to safely and effectively handle and remove wasp nests for the following reasons: Exterminators have access to personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as respiratory protection equipment (RPE). This protects them from wasp stings completely, ensuring their safety when dismantling a wasp nest. Working in confined spaces: Professional pest control technicians are trained and certified to work in confined locations such as your attic. This procedure can be used to securely remove a wasp nest from a property. A specialist in wasps knows everything there is to know about their behaviour and instincts, as well as how to spot the indicators of a wasp sting allergic reaction. Wasp exterminators have access to a variety of pest control methods that the general public does not, and they are professionally trained to use them. These products have an established track record of eradicating wasp nests and are more effective than any DIY product on the market. How to Remove a Wasp Nest 1. Approach the nest carefully and cautiously at night.

2. Carefully cover the wasp nest with a garbage bag.

3. Remove the wasp nest from the tree or wall it is attached to and seal the waste bag 4. Dispose of the waste bag in an exterior garbage can with a tight-fitting lid, preferably away from the house. If at all feasible, it’s a good idea to have a full can of pest control on hand to spray on the nest before removing it. It’s important to remember that if the wasp nest is difficult to reach, such as beneath your gutters or high in a tree, you shouldn’t try to remove it yourself



because it could cause major harm. Furthermore, you should not attempt DIY


wasp nest removal if you are allergic to wasp stings or fear you are!




What can you do to keep wasp nests at bay?


The following steps can help you prevent wasps from making a nest in your home or garden:



Regularly inspect the property to verify that all gaps and potential entry points are sealed; If you have fly screens installed on your windows and doors, wasps will not be able to enter your property. Set up wasp traps all over your yard. These are available at your local home improvement store or on the internet. An empty bottle, water, and sugar can also be used to make one at home. Do you need help removing a wasp nest from your home or garden? Now is the time to contact Apex Pest Control. DATE: 11.30.21 TIME: 09:05 AM

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