The SPHINX | Winter 1977 | Volume 63 | Number 1 197706301

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BROTHER WEISS RETIRES On Friday, January 14, 1977, the many friends of Brother LEVEN C. WEISS, General Treasurer of Alpha Phi Alpha, gathered at the St. Regis Hotel in Detroit, Michigan to pay tribute to the many contributions he has made to the community, civic affairs, his Fraternity . . . and to honor his retirement from the Internal Revenue Service. A former Appellate Officer with 28 years of service, Brother Weiss entered private law practice with Mr. William Reinhart (also a former IRS official) on February 1,1977. Brother Weiss, Treasurer of the Detroit Branch NAACP, board member of Peoples Community Service of Detroit, member of the Budget Allocation Committee of United Community Services, and staff member of Lewis Business College, has also served as President, Treasurer, and Board Member of Gamma Lambda Chapter in Detroit. Jeanette, devoted and beloved wife of Brother Weiss for 23 years, shared in the many words of appreciation, kindness, and affection spoken by representatives of various groups. The honoree expressed his appreciation of the understanding, support and cooperation shown by her over the years. In attendance were the mother of Brother Weiss, Mrs. Eleanor Weiss; his sisteYs, Mrs. Catherine Routt and husband Robert F., and Mrs. Dorothy Somerville and husband Albert (a member of Gamma Lambda); and, his brother, Mr. Herbert Weiss and wife Vera. Brother William Ezell, Past President of Gamma Lambda, served as Toastmaster for the evening and the invocation and benediction was offered by Brother William C. Ardrey, Pastor of St. Paul's AMEZ Church. A number of out-of-town Alpha brothers were on hand, including General President James R. Williams, Past General President Dr. Walter Washington, and former Eastern Vice President W. Decker Clarke. Brother Williams brought greetings on behalf of Alpha Phi Alpha and cited Brother Weiss for his long and faithful service as Treasurer — adding that he in his role brings an element of stability to the organization. Brother Weiss had the honor of being the recipient of the first Presidential Award granted by Brother Williams in his role as General President. Brother Ivan L. Cotman, President of Gamma Lambda, presented a plaque and citation from the Detroit Chapter for the honoree's continuous support over the past 25 years in the roles of member, past President, Treasurer and Executive Board member. In appreciation of his contributions in civic affairs, The Office of the Governor, State of Michigan, State Legislature, Wayne County Board of Commissioners, Detroit City Council, and the Mayor of Detroit made presentations to Brother Weiss. Representing Governor William G. Milliken, Brother Roy L. Williams, Executive Assistant for Community Affairs, brought greetings. A Proclamation from Detroit Mayor Coleman Young (declaring Brother Weiss an Honored Citizen) was presented by Mr. Joseph Morgan, Deputy Director — Detroit Zoological Park, while the Detroit City Council Resolution was read by Brother Augustus Calloway, Jr., former member of the Board of Governors of Wayne State University. The State Legislature Resolution was presented 16

on behalf of Representative George Cushingberry and Brother Arthur M. Carter, member of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners, also read a tribute to Brother Weiss from that body. Brother Damon Keith, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court — Eastern Michigan and a boyhood friend of Brother Weiss, recalled some early experiences with the honoree. The jurist explained how Weiss had earlier won respect and admiration by a tough neighborhood gang (although a "good guy") by "shellacking" the then gang leader, Brother Keith. Later on they became close friends and Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Keith also introduced U.S. Representative Charles Diggs, senior Congressman from Michigan and the senior Black Congressman in the U.S. Representative Diggs, in his remarks, stated that Brother Weiss' retirement party was his third is as many days — the first two being the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The Detroit Branch NAACP, represented by its President Brother Lawrence Washington, gave a plaque paying tribute to Brother Weiss for his service and indicated that Weiss was just recently elected to serve another two-year term as Treasurer of the Branch. Mrs. Phyllis Ponders, Dean and Board Chairman of Lewis Business College of Detroit, noted the honoree's long years of service to that institution (in the roles of staff and Board Director) and presented an award on behalf of the students and staff, while Mrs. Sylvia Barnes, Board member of Peoples Community Service of Detroit,

presented an award of appreciation from that organization. In response to the many heartfelt words of tribute and appreciation bestowed on him, Brother Weiss thanked his friends and recounted the progress in civil rights within the Internal Revenue Service since his hiring as its first Black IRS agent in 1948. Having earned degrees in both accounting and law, he rose through the ranks during the tenure of his employment to become an Appellate Officer. Brother James Cox was Chairman of the tribute committee, assisted by Brothers Clifford W. Kelley, Ivan L Cotman, Jesse F. Goodwin, Oscar Sessions, Charles L. Wells, Ronald Mumphrey, Harvey Procter, Barton Morris, John W. Hurse, Ramon Scruggs, and Nathaniel Holloway. Other members included Mrs. Rebbie Myrick, Arty. David I. Kaufman, Mrs. Lilliam Benbow (Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.), Mr. Larry Doss (President, New Detroit, Inc.), Mr. Clarence M. King (Assistant to the District Director - IRS), Mrs. Betty Cain Lackey (NAACP), Ms. Dauphine Walker (Community College), Mrs. Edith Gamble and others. The Sphinx/February 1977

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