The SPHINX | Spring 1959 | Volume 44 | Number 1 195904401

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General Secretary for a period of nine months; the undergraduate award — silver trophy, was presented to Theta Chapter, Chicago, Illinois, and accepted by Brother Paul King, president of that chapter. Constitutional Amendments: The only constitutional change was the creation of the office of Presidentelect, who will serve as a member of the Executive Council, and who would take office at the end of the term of the incumbent, that is, during the first year after he has been voted on, he would take office at the end of the second year term of the President. Election continues to be by mail ballot. Nominees will be SIDNEY A. JONES, JR., of Chicago, and WILLIAM HALE, of Atlanta, Georgia. Insurance Plan: The Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Brother William M. Alexander, Chairman, presented a Group Insurance plan, under the guidance of Brother Ernest N. Morial, chairman of the Committee on Implementation to Secure Housing. Chapters will be given an opportunity to know more about this plan shortly. Would you mind paying $10 per year, for a thousand dollars worth of insurance? Let's have BIRTHDAY PARTIES. The General Secretary's office is requesting the dates of birth of All Alpha Phi Alpha men. Undergraduate Activity: Aside from social activities, the undergraduates played an important part of the 44th General Convention. At the 5th business session, the undergraduate speaker was Brother John W. McDonald; at the Banquet, the undergraduate speaker was Brother Leroy Colquitt, President of Psi Chapter—both speakers presented their subjects well, calling for the strengthening of relationships between graduate and undergraduate groups within the body. Jewels: We have only three living Jewels. Two were physically unable to attend the Convention, leaving our beloved Jewel Brother Henry Arthur Callis to represent them. Jewel Callis gave the Fraternal address, which was a masterpiece, and will be reprinted in this issue of "The Sphinx." Brother Thurgood Marshall, in his innate manner, delivered the principal address at the Public Meeting. Banquet: Brother O. Wilson Winters FEBRUARY, 1959

DAUGHTERS WERE ALSO PRESENT!!! Brother Sidney Jones was the joy of the convention with his two charming daughters, one a student at the University of Illinois and the other a graduate of Fisk University. They were caught by Sphinx photographer Heini Crawford admiring the award Brother Jones received during the Convention Banquet.

acted as Toastmaster at the Banquet. Brother Belford V. Lawson delivered the principal address, in which he urged Alpha Phi Alpha to concern itself with the quality of its membership, rather than quantity; stating further that fraternities, in general, must justify their existence by responsible and progressive participation in the world of today. Brother Charles H. Wesley, our Historian, installed the newly elected officers. Donation: Brother William E. Shortridge, of Birmingham, Alabama. at one of the business sessions, made a plea for "The Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights" and at the Banquet, a check in the sum of one thousand dollars was presented to him for this organization, comprising voluntary contributions secured at the Convention. Time and Place of Conventions: 45th General Convention, December, 1959, Cincinnati, Ohio; 46th General

Convention, December, 1960, Washington, D.C.; 47th General Convention, December, 1961, Louisville, Kentucky. It was suggested that the 48th, 49th and 50th General Conventions be held in December of 1962, 1963 and 1964 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, St. Louis, Missouri, and Richmond, Virginia. Newest Life Members in Alpha Phi Alpha: Joseph K. Petway, Nathaniel Colton, Oran W. Conley, Dr. R. Earl Bland, Clarence B. Kimbrough, Harry S. Blackstone, Jr., Frederick W. Black, Jr., Dr. William H. Benson. History of Alpha Phi Alpha: The New Edition of the "History of Alpha Phi Alpha" is now available to any Alpha man, upon receipt of $6.00 per volume sent with order to the office of the General Secretary. Minutes: The Minutes of the 44th General Convention will be mailed to each chapter within 60 to 90 days following the Convention. continued on page 10


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